// Edit employee details, now accepts an employee parameter private void EditEmployeeDetails() { // Locating the selected employee in the list box and editing it ClsEmployeeDetails lcEmplyeeDetails = (ClsEmployeeDetails)LstEmployees.SelectedItem; // If employee is not empty we edit it if (lcEmplyeeDetails != null && lcEmplyeeDetails.ViewEdit()) { // Call update display method UpdateDisplay(); } }
// Create employee method private void CreateEmployee() { // We create a new employee by calling the factory method NewEmployee in ClsEmployeeDetails and stroing it in the local variable lcEmployeeDetails ClsEmployeeDetails lcEmployeeDetails = ClsEmployeeDetails.NewEmployee(CboEmployeeType.SelectedIndex); // If the user didn't cancel if (lcEmployeeDetails != null && lcEmployeeDetails.ViewEdit()) { // Add the new employee details to the list box, as we are adding to a dictionary we need to put the key in ClsEmployeeList.EmployeeList.Add(lcEmployeeDetails.ID, lcEmployeeDetails); // Then we update the display to show the new employee in teh list box UpdateDisplay(); } }