public void DisplayInfo() { Employee.ColorSet(); Console.BackgroundColor = Employee.backgroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = Employee.fontColor; Console.WriteLine("Company Name: " + companyName); Console.WriteLine("Company Addres: " + companyAddress); Console.WriteLine("Company Employee No: " + numberOfEmployee); Console.WriteLine("Company Domain: " + domainOfCompany); Console.ResetColor(); }
public void CompanyMangement() { List <Company> CompanyList = new List <Company>(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("**************************************"); Console.WriteLine("------------------Menu----------------"); Console.WriteLine("**************************************"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #1: ADD COMPANY DETAILS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #2: VIEW COMPANY DETAILS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #3: CHANGE SCREEN SETTINGS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #4: RETURN TO MAIN MENU"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #5: EXIT"); try { switch (Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("How many company details you want to add"); int numberOfEmployee = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfEmployee; i++) { Company newCompany = new Company(); newCompany.AcceptInfo(); CompanyList.Add(newCompany); } break; case 2: if (CompanyList.Capacity >= 1) { int companystatus = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter company name"); string searchCompany = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var company in CompanyList) { if (searchCompany == company.SearchDetails()) { company.DisplayInfo(); companystatus = 1; } if (companystatus == (int)Checkcompany.companyPresent) { break; } } if (companystatus == (int)Checkcompany.companyAbsent) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("Company does not exist"); Console.ResetColor(); } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("No company details available"); Console.ResetColor(); } break; case 3: Employee.ColorSet(); break; case 4: return; case 5: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("There is no option"); break; } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); } } }
public void ClientMangement() { List <ClientInfo> ClientList = new List <ClientInfo>(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("**************************************"); Console.WriteLine("------------------Menu----------------"); Console.WriteLine("**************************************"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #1: ADD CLIENT DETAILS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #2: VIEW CLIENT DETAILS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #3: CHANGE SCREEN SETTINGS"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #4: RETURN TO MAIN MENU"); Console.WriteLine("OPTION #5: EXIT"); try { switch (Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("How many client details you want to add"); int numberOfClient = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfClient; i++) { ClientInfo newClient = new ClientInfo(); ClientList.Add(newClient); } break; case 2: if (ClientList.Capacity >= 1) { int clientstatus = 0; Console.WriteLine("Enter client name"); string searchClient = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var client in ClientList) { if (searchClient == client.SearchDetails()) { client.DisplayInfo(); clientstatus = 1; } if (clientstatus == (int)CheckClient.clientPresent) { break; } } if (clientstatus == (int)CheckClient.clientAbsent) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("Client does not exist"); Console.ResetColor(); } } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("No client details available"); Console.ResetColor(); } break; case 3: Employee.ColorSet(); break; case 4: return; case 5: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("There is no option"); break; } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); } } }