コード例 #1
        private void makeAttendance()
            conn = new conDB();
            int count = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(AtID) from Attendance where Date = '" + datetime + "' ");


            if (count == 0)
                int x = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(EmpID) from Employee where MarkedStatus='on' ");
                SqlDataReader dr = conn.dataReader("select EmpID from Employee where MarkedStatus='on' ");

                for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
                    while (dr.Read())
                        IDvalues = dr[0].ToString();
                        conn = new conDB();
                        conn.executeQry("INSERT INTO Attendance (Date,EmpID) VALUES ('" + datetime + "','" + IDvalues + "') ");

コード例 #2
        public EmpDetAtt()

            tbl = new Table(5, Next, Previous, pnltbl, true, 1, 4);
            tbl.setTblRowsImage(r1, r2, r3, r4, r5);
            tbl.setQuery1("select EmpID,Photo,EmpNIC,EmpfName+' '+EmplName as FullName,Position from Employee where MarkedStatus='on' ORDER BY EmpID ASC");
            tbl.setQuery2("select count(*) from Employee where MarkedStatus='on' ");
            // tbl.setCBoxs(c1, c2);
            tbl.setPath(@"C:\Users\House MoNaRa\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\EmployeeM\EmployeeM\Images\");
            tbl.tblTheamSetter(Color.FromArgb(38, 95, 141), Color.FromArgb(47, 50, 67), Color.FromArgb(89, 89, 89, 89), Color.FromArgb(169, 171, 183));

            days = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(*) from tempAtt where Month='" + datetime.Month + "' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' group by Date ");
            SqlDataReader dr = conn.dataReader("select EmpID from tempAtt group by EmpID ");

            for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                while (dr.Read())
                    IDvalues = dr[0].ToString();

                    totaldays = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(*) from tempAtt where Month='" + datetime.Month + "' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' group by Date ");
                    present   = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(EmpID) from tempAtt where EmpID='" + IDvalues + "' and Month='" + datetime.Month + "' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' and AttendanceStatus='Present' group by EmpID");
                    absent    = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(EmpID) from tempAtt where EmpID='" + IDvalues + "' and Month='" + datetime.Month + "' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' and AttendanceStatus='Absent' group by EmpID");
                    //MessageBox.Show(totaldays.ToString() + '=' + present.ToString() + '+' + absent.ToString());
                    monpreavg = (present / (double)totaldays) * 100;

                    //conn.executeQry("INSERT INTO Attendance (Date,EmpID) VALUES ('" + datetime + "','" + IDvalues + "') ");

            fulldays = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select COUNT(*) from tempAtt group by EmpID ");
            SqlDataReader sdr = conn.dataReader("select EmpID from tempAtt group by EmpID ");

            for (int i = 0; i < fulldays; i++)
                while (sdr.Read())
                    FullIDvalues = sdr[0].ToString();

                    fulltotaldays = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(*) from tempAtt where Year='" + datetime.Year + "' group by Year,EmpID ");
                    fullpresent   = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(EmpID) from tempAtt where EmpID='" + FullIDvalues + "' and AttendanceStatus='Present' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' group by Year,EmpID ");
                    fullabsent    = (int)conn.dataReaderScalar("select count(EmpID) from tempAtt where EmpID='" + FullIDvalues + "' and AttendanceStatus='Absent' and Year='" + datetime.Year + "' group by Year,EmpID ");
                    //MessageBox.Show(fulltotaldays.ToString() + '=' + fullpresent.ToString() + '+' + fullabsent.ToString());
                    yrpreavg = (fullpresent / (double)fulltotaldays) * 100;

                    //conn.executeQry("INSERT INTO Attendance (Date,EmpID) VALUES ('" + datetime + "','" + IDvalues + "') ");
