public bool sendAudio(Song song) { return(true); }
private async Task Bot_MessageReceived(SocketMessage message) { var m = message as SocketUserMessage; if (m == null || m.Author.Id == 207432805406343168) { return; } if (message.Content.ToString().IndexOf(":") >= 0) { Console.WriteLine("{0} said: {1}", message.Author.Username, message.Content.ToString()); string[] words = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\\Users\\thoma\\Documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\EmoticonBot\\EmoticonBot\\configs\\commands.txt"); //help command displays help information for users, the information is read from the file commands.txt which is stored in the config folder for the bot if (message.Content.ToString().ToLower().Contains(":halp")) { string help = "```Commands(Start all commands with ':'. Example-> :kappa):\n"; int counter = 0; foreach (string word in words) { counter++; help += word.Substring(1, word.IndexOf(" ") - 1) + ", "; if (counter % 4 == 0) { help += "\n"; } }//end of for loop help = help.Remove(help.Length - 2, 1); help = help.Insert(help.Length - 1, ".```"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(150); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(help); Console.WriteLine("help called"); }//end halp //coinflip command, calls coinflip and returns the filepath to either a heads or a tails. The image is then sent to discord else if (message.Content.ToString().ToLower().Contains(":coinflip")) { string image = coinFlip(); await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(image); } //summon command, calls the summon function which makes the bot join the voice channel of the person who called it. Also sets _vClient equal to the return IAudioClient from the join function else if (message.Content.ToString().ToLower().Contains(":summon")) { summon(message); } //end summon //play command, will determine if user is trying to play a local file(sound bites etc.), a youtube link, and more types of media will be added later(soundcloud?) // else if (message.Content.ToString().ToLower().Contains(":play")) { try { if (ac == null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Please type :summon before attempting to play a song"); return; } string linkOrName = message.Content.ToString().Substring(message.Content.ToString().IndexOf(" ") + 1); string rootPath = "C:\\Users\\thoma\\Documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\EmoticonBot\\EmoticonBot\\audio\\"; if (message.Content.IndexOf(" ") > -1) { if (RemoteFileExists(linkOrName)) { if (linkOrName.ToLower().Contains("youtube")) { Song song = downloadSong(linkOrName); //mp4ToMp3(song.filename + ".mp4", song.filename + ".mp3"); if ( != " ") { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format("Now Playing: {0}" + "\n",; songs.addToQueue(song, message); if (songs.isPlaying == false) { songs.isPlaying = true; System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(() => musicPlayer(songs)); thread.Name = "Song player"; thread.Start(); } } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```An error occured while trying to play the requested song```"); } } } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```Invalid link!```"); } } } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```An error occured while trying to play/download your file. Either it could not be found or it was invalid```"); } } //9gag link changer, a 9gag link has been detected so the link will be converted to a stripped down version depending on the type of media. If the media type is gif then it will straight send a gif rather than a link else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains("")) { string msg = message.Content; string basePath = ""; string final = " "; string rest = msg.Substring(msg.IndexOf("gag/") + 4); //parsing link to find appropiate base link if (rest.IndexOf("?") >= 0) { rest = rest.Substring(0, rest.IndexOf("?")); } //media type is gif if (RemoteFileExists(basePath + rest + "_460sa.gif")) { final = basePath + rest + "_460sa.gif"; } //media type is mp4 else if (RemoteFileExists(basePath + rest + "_460sv.mp4")) { final = basePath + rest + "_460sv.mp4"; } //media type is webm else if (RemoteFileExists(basePath + rest + "_460svwm.webm")) { final = basePath + rest + "_460svwm.webm"; } //media type is jpg dont do anything else if (RemoteFileExists(basePath + rest + "_700b.jpg")) { ; } ///as long as the file wasnt a jpg, send the new link/ or gif if (final != " ") { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("9gag link detected, better link or gif here:"); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(final); } }//end 9gag //pokemon command, this command calls on the pokeapi and grabs information about the request pokemon also saves the image of that pokemon else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":pokemon")) { try { string pokeName = message.Content.ToLower().Substring(message.Content.ToLower().IndexOf(" ") + 1); Pokemans pokeTemp = new Pokemans(); pokeTemp = Pokemans.getPokeInfo(pokeName); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); string imagePath = string.Format("C:\\Users\\thoma\\Documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\EmoticonBot\\EmoticonBot\\pokemon\\{0}.png",; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(imagePath)) { webClient.DownloadFile(pokeTemp.image, imagePath); } else { Console.WriteLine("image already exists in cache"); } string lmessage = string.Format("```Name: {0}\nSpeed: {1}\nSpecial defense: {2}\nSpecial attack: {3}\nDefense: {4}\nAttack: {5}\nHP: {6}\nAbility 1: {7}\n",, pokeTemp.stats[0], pokeTemp.stats[1], pokeTemp.stats[2], pokeTemp.stats[3], pokeTemp.stats[4], pokeTemp.stats[5], pokeTemp.abilities[0]); if (pokeTemp.abilities[1] != " ") { lmessage += "Ability 2: " + pokeTemp.abilities[1] + "\n"; } if (pokeTemp.abilities[2] != " ") { lmessage += "Ability 3: " + pokeTemp.abilities[2] + "\n"; } lmessage += "Type: " + pokeTemp.types[0] + "\n"; if (pokeTemp.types[1] != " ") { lmessage += "Sub-type: " + pokeTemp.types[1] + "\n"; } lmessage += "```"; await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(imagePath); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(125); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(lmessage); }//end try (Pokemon error check) catch { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Couldn't find pokemon in the database!"); Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find pokemon in the database!"); } //end catch (Pokemon error check) } //end pokemon command //weather command, calls the weather function and sends information about the weather in the requseted location else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":weather")) { string location = message.Content.ToLower(); weather(location, message); }//end weather command //cards command, does a bunch of stuff with a deck of cards. Uses an online card api for the info api: else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":cards")) { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); Card cardDrawn = new Card(); //Console.WriteLine("this is a test"); WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); string deckId = ""; string rootPath = "C:\\Users\\thoma\\Documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\EmoticonBot\\EmoticonBot\\cards\\"; string jsonData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(rootPath + "deck.txt"); XmlDocument deck = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(jsonData, "root"); string drawName = message.Author.Username; if (!Game.isGameRunning) { deckId = deck.SelectSingleNode("/root/deck_id").InnerText; jsonData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(rootPath + "deck.txt"); webClient.DownloadFile("", (rootPath + "deck.txt")); } if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains("draw")) { Console.WriteLine(deckId); if (!Game.isGameRunning) { cardDrawn = deckDraw(message, " ", drawName); } else { cardDrawn = deckDraw(message, Game.deckId, drawName); } await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(cardDrawn.imagePath); Console.WriteLine(cardDrawn.valueS); } else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains("new") && !Game.isGameRunning) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("A new game of cards has been started, to participate in the game type :draw, to end the game type :cards quit"); Game.isGameRunning = true; Game.deckId = deckId; Console.WriteLine(deckId); } else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains("quit") && Game.isGameRunning) { Game.isGameRunning = false; if (Game.currentLeader != null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Format("game has been ended by: {0}, the winner was: {1} with a {2} of {3}", message.Author.Username, Game.currentLeader, Game.currentHighCard.cardVal.ToLower(), Game.currentHighCard.suit.ToLower())); } Game.deckId = ""; Game.currentHigh = 0; Game.currentHighCard = cardDrawn; Game.currentLeader = ""; } }//end card game //turns my wemo on or off, only can be called by me else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":wemo")) { if (message.Author.Id == 140268276415594496) { Console.WriteLine("Calling wemo"); wemo(message.Content.ToLower()); } }//end wemo command //purge command, deletes the requested amount of messages else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":purge")) { //purgeMessages(message); } else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":sort")) { Potter p = harrypotter(); if (p != null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(p.Message); await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(p.Image); } } else if (message.Content.ToLower().Contains(":screenshot")) { string link = message.Content; if (!(link.IndexOf(' ') > 0)) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Failed to find inspect link from message make sure message format is :screenshot inspectlinkhere"); } link = link.Substring(link.IndexOf(' ')); string id = link.Substring(link.IndexOf("%") + 1); string status = String.Empty; string final = String.Format("{0}", id); string html = getEntry(final); long fid = 0; if (html.Contains("screen_age")) { secReq re = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <secReq>(html); status = getEntry(String.Format("{0}", re.result.screen_id)); fid = re.result.screen_id; } else { req3 re2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <req3>(html); status = getEntry(String.Format("{0}", re2.result.screen_id)); fid = re2.result.screen_id; } Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(status); Console.WriteLine(html); Csitem request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Csitem>(status); if (request.result.image_url == null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid link"); return; } while (status.Contains("place_in_queue")) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format("Waiting to get screenshot, you are number {0} in queue, checking again in 5 seconds", status.Substring(status.IndexOf("place_in_queue") + 16, 1))); Thread.Sleep(5001); status = getEntry(String.Format("{0}", fid)); } request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Csitem>(status); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(request.result.image_url); } else { try { string lmessage = message.Content.ToLower(); string temp = ""; string tempF = ""; int index = 0; int indexSpace = 0; bool status = true; while (status) { string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\\Users\\thoma\Documents\\visual studio 2015\\Projects\\EmoticonBot\\EmoticonBot\\configs\\commands.txt"); index = lmessage.IndexOf(":"); Console.WriteLine(index); if (index >= 0) { lmessage = lmessage.Substring(index + 1); //Console.WriteLine(message); indexSpace = lmessage.IndexOf(" "); if (indexSpace >= 0) { temp = lmessage.Substring(0, indexSpace); // Console.WriteLine("displaying temp: {0}", temp); } else { temp = lmessage; status = false; } foreach (string line in lines) { tempF = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(" ") - 1); if (temp == tempF) { string ifile = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(" ") + 1); //image file name is pulled from config.txt Console.WriteLine(temp); await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(ifile); //send file specified from config.txt } }//end of for loop status = false; lines = null; } else { status = false; continue; } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("shit dont have no colon, no worries");//string parsing dun messed up, who knows what the problem could be } } } //end of author check } //end of Bot_MessageReceived