コード例 #1
ファイル: AutoTestVarious.cs プロジェクト: Delaley/emgucv
      public void TestStereoSGBMCorrespondence()
         Image<Gray, Byte> left = EmguAssert.LoadImage<Gray, byte>("aloeL.jpg");
         Image<Gray, Byte> right = EmguAssert.LoadImage<Gray, byte>("aloeR.jpg");
         Size size = left.Size;

         Image<Gray, Int16> disparity = new Image<Gray, Int16>(size);

         StereoSGBM bm = new StereoSGBM(10, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, StereoSGBM.Mode.SGBM);
         Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
         bm.Compute(left, right, disparity);

         EmguAssert.WriteLine(String.Format("Time used: {0} milliseconds", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));

         Matrix<double> q = new Matrix<double>(4, 4);
         Image<Gray, Int16> disparityScaled = disparity * (-16);
         MCvPoint3D32f[] points = PointCollection.ReprojectImageTo3D(disparityScaled.Mat, q);

         float min = (float) 1.0e10, max = 0;
         foreach (MCvPoint3D32f p in points)
            if (p.Z < min)
               min = p.Z;
            else if (p.Z > max)
               max = p.Z;
         EmguAssert.WriteLine(String.Format("Min : {0}\r\nMax : {1}", min, max));

コード例 #2
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: cross6180/Research
        private void GetDisparityMap()
            minDisparity = TBminDisparity.Value;        //Minimum possible disparity value. Normally, it is zero but sometimes rectification algorithms can shift images, so this parameter needs to be adjusted accordingly.
                                                        //Default is zero, should be set to a negative value, if negative disparities are possible (depends on the angle between the cameras views and the distance of the measured object to the cameras).
            numDisparities = TBnumDisparities.Value;    //Maximum disparity minus minimum disparity. The value is always greater than zero. In the current implementation, this parameter must be divisible by 16.
            SADWindowSize = TBSADWindowSize.Value;      //(= blockSize) Matched block size. It must be an odd number >=1 . Normally, it should be somewhere in the 3..11 range. Use 0 for default.
            P1 = TBp1.Value;                            //The first parameter controlling the disparity smoothness. It is the penalty on the disparity change by plus or minus 1 between neighbor pixels.
                                                        //Reasonably good value is 8*number_of_image_channels*SADWindowSize*SADWindowSize. Use 0 for default
            P2 = TBp2.Value;                            //The second parameter controlling the disparity smoothness. It is the penalty on the disparity change by more than 1 between neighbor pixels.
                                                        //The algorithm requires p2 > p1. Reasonably good value is 32*number_of_image_channels*SADWindowSize*SADWindowSize. Use 0 for default
            disp12MaxDiff = TBdisp12MaxDiff.Value;      //Maximum allowed difference (in integer pixel units) in the left-right disparity check. Set it to a non-positive value to disable the check.
            preFilterCap = TBpreFilterCap.Value;        //Truncation value for the prefiltered image pixels. The algorithm first computes x-derivative at each pixel and clips its value by [-preFilterCap, preFilterCap] interval.
                                                        //The result values are passed to the Birchfield-Tomasi pixel cost function.
            uniquenessRatio = TBuniquenessRatio.Value;  //Margin in percentage by which the best (minimum) computed cost function value should “win” the second best value to consider the found match correct.
                                                        //Normally, a value within the 5-15 range is good enough.
            speckleWindowSize = TBspeckleWindowSize.Value;   //Maximum size of smooth disparity regions to consider their noise speckles and invalidate. Set it to 0 to disable speckle filtering. Otherwise, set it somewhere in the 50-200 range
            speckleRange = TBspeckleRange.Value;        //Maximum disparity variation within each connected component. If you do speckle filtering, set the parameter to a positive value,
                                                        //it will be implicitly multiplied by 16. Normally, 1 or 2 is good enough.
            StereoSGBM.Mode mode = StereoSGBM.Mode.SGBM;
                                                        //mode (Optional) : Set it to HH to run the full-scale two-pass dynamic programming algorithm. It will consume O(W*H*numDisparities) bytes,
                                                        //which is large for 640x480 stereo and huge for HD-size pictures. By default, it is set to false.

            StereoSGBM sgbm = new StereoSGBM(minDisparity, numDisparities, SADWindowSize, P1, P2, disp12MaxDiff, preFilterCap, uniquenessRatio, speckleWindowSize, speckleRange, mode);
            //Computes disparity map for the specified stereo pair
            sgbm.Compute(imageLeft, imageRight, disparity);
            //Since Disparity will be either CV_16S or CV_32F, it needs to be compressed and normalized to CV_8U
            CvInvoke.Normalize(disparity, disp8, 0, 255, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.NormType.MinMax, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U);