protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { if (flashInitialized == false) { // Check to see if the camera is available on the device. if (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary)) { // Use standard camera on back of device. _videoCamera = new VideoCamera(); // Event is fired when the video camera object has been initialized. _videoCamera.Initialized += VideoCamera_Initialized; // Add the photo camera to the video source _videoCameraVisualizer = new VideoCameraVisualizer(); _videoCameraVisualizer.SetSource(_videoCamera); } flashInitialized = true; } if (settings.Contains("myInfo")) { iceText.Text = settings["myInfo"].ToString(); } else { settings.Add("myInfo", "IMPORTANT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY INFORMATION: PLEASE CHANGE"); } }