private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args) { if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed) { return; } try { if (Sprite.IsDisposed) { return; } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolnexus") { foreach (Lolnexus.Infoloading infoloading in Lolnexus.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; Text.DrawText( null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolskill") { foreach (LolSkill.Infoloading infoloading in LolSkill.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; Text.DrawText( null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "opgg") { foreach (OPGGLIVE.Info info in OPGGLIVE.Ranks) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = info.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; Text.DrawText( null, info.Ranking, startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(@"/ff can't draw sprites: " + e); } }
public static void OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (!Misc.Config.Item("enabledrawings").GetValue<bool>()) { return; } foreach (Info info in Ranks) { // System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Laptop\Desktop\" + info.Name + ".txt", info.Ranking); if ((!info.herohandle.IsDead) && (info.herohandle.IsVisible)) { // var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(info.herohandle.Position); var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = info.herohandle }; int Xee = (int)indicator.Position.X + 90; int Yee = (int)indicator.Position.Y + 5; var font = new Font("Calibri", 13.5F); if (Misc.Config.Item("enabledebug").GetValue<bool>()) { // Console.WriteLine("Drawing: " + info.Name); Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 60, Color.Yellow, info.Ranking); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue<bool>()) { if (info.kdaratio.Contains("KDA")) //checking if its valid { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.kdaratio, font) / 2), Yee - 50, info.kdaratiocolor, info.kdaratio); Yee = Yee - 20; } } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablewinratio").GetValue<bool>()) { if (info.winratio.Contains("Win Ratio")) //checking if its valid { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.winratio, font) / 2), Yee - 50, info.winratiocolor, info.winratio); Yee = Yee - 20; } } // Drawing.DrawText(wts.X, wts.Y, Color.Brown, "x"); // Unneccesary at the moment if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue<bool>()) { if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("not found") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue<bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, info.Ranking); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("unknown") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue<bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth("Unknown)", font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, "Unknown"); } if (info.Ranking.Contains("Unranked (L-30)") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue<bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth("Unranked (L-30)", font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, "Unranked (L-30)"); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("error") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue<bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Red, info.Ranking); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Equals("unranked")) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.White, "Unranked"); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("bronze") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("silver") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("gold") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("platinum") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("diamond") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("master") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("challenger")) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking + " (" + info.lpamount + ")", font) / 2), Yee - 50, rankincolor(info.Ranking), info.Ranking + " (" + info.lpamount + ")"); } //else { Game.PrintChat } } } } }
public static void OnDraw(EventArgs args) { if (!Misc.Config.Item("enabledrawings").GetValue <bool>()) { return; } foreach (Info info in Ranks) { // System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Laptop\Desktop\" + info.Name + ".txt", info.Ranking); if ((!info.herohandle.IsDead) && (info.herohandle.IsVisible)) { // var wts = Drawing.WorldToScreen(info.herohandle.Position); var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = info.herohandle }; int Xee = (int)indicator.Position.X + 90; int Yee = (int)indicator.Position.Y + 5; var font = new Font("Calibri", 13.5F); if (Misc.Config.Item("enabledebug").GetValue <bool>()) { // Console.WriteLine("Drawing: " + info.Name); Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 60, Color.Yellow, info.Ranking); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue <bool>()) { if (info.kdaratio.Contains("KDA")) //checking if its valid { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.kdaratio, font) / 2), Yee - 50, info.kdaratiocolor, info.kdaratio); Yee = Yee - 20; } } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablewinratio").GetValue <bool>()) { if (info.winratio.Contains("Win Ratio")) //checking if its valid { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.winratio, font) / 2), Yee - 50, info.winratiocolor, info.winratio); Yee = Yee - 20; } } // Drawing.DrawText(wts.X, wts.Y, Color.Brown, "x"); // Unneccesary at the moment if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue <bool>()) { if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("not found") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue <bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, info.Ranking); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("unknown") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue <bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth("Unknown)", font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, "Unknown"); } if (info.Ranking.Contains("Unranked (L-30)") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue <bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth("Unranked (L-30)", font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Yellow, "Unranked (L-30)"); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("error") && Misc.Config.Item("showunknown").GetValue <bool>()) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.Red, info.Ranking); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Equals("unranked")) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking, font) / 2), Yee - 50, Color.White, "Unranked"); } if (info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("bronze") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("silver") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("gold") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("platinum") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("diamond") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("master") || info.Ranking.ToLower().Contains("challenger")) { Drawing.DrawText(Xee - (TextWidth(info.Ranking + " (" + info.lpamount + ")", font) / 2), Yee - 50, rankincolor(info.Ranking), info.Ranking + " (" + info.lpamount + ")"); } //else { Game.PrintChat } } } } }
private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args) { if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed || Game.Mode != GameMode.Running) { return; } try { if (Sprite.IsDisposed) { return; } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolnexus") { foreach (Lolnexus.Infoloading infoloading in Lolnexus.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue <bool>()) { Text.DrawText(null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue <bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "KDA: " + infoloading.kda, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 15, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolskill") { foreach (LolSkill.Infoloading infoloading in LolSkill.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; Text.DrawText( null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "opgg") { foreach (OPGGLIVE.Info info in OPGGLIVE.Ranks) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = info.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 70; if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue <bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, info.Ranking, startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 5, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablewinratio").GetValue <bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "Ranked: " + info.rankedwinrate + " (" + info.rankedwins + " wins)", startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 20, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue <bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "Champ: " + info.champwinrate + " (" + info.kda + " KDA)", startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 35, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(@"Error drawing text overheads " + e); } }
private static void Drawing_OnEndScene(EventArgs args) { if (Drawing.Direct3DDevice == null || Drawing.Direct3DDevice.IsDisposed || Game.Mode != GameMode.Running) { return; } try { if (Sprite.IsDisposed) { return; } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolnexus") { foreach (Lolnexus.Infoloading infoloading in Lolnexus.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue<bool>()) { Text.DrawText(null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue<bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "KDA: " + infoloading.kda, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 15, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "lolskill") { foreach (LolSkill.Infoloading infoloading in LolSkill.Ranksloading.ToList()) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = infoloading.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 60; Text.DrawText( null, infoloading.soloqrank, startX + (15 - infoloading.soloqrank.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 6, Misc.ColorRank(infoloading.soloqrank)); } } if (Misc.getsetwebsite() == "opgg") { foreach (OPGGLIVE.Info info in OPGGLIVE.Ranks) { var indicator = new Misc.HpBarIndicator { Unit = info.herohandle }; X = (int)indicator.Position.X; Y = (int)indicator.Position.Y; var startX = X + 50; var startY = Y - 70; if (Misc.Config.Item("enablerank").GetValue<bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, info.Ranking, startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 5, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablewinratio").GetValue<bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "Ranked: " + info.rankedwinrate + " (" + info.rankedwins + " wins)", startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 20, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } if (Misc.Config.Item("enablekdaratio").GetValue<bool>()) { Text.DrawText( null, "Champ: " + info.champwinrate + " (" + info.kda + " KDA)", startX + (15 - info.Ranking.Length * 4) / 2, startY + 35, Misc.ColorRank(info.Ranking)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(@"Error drawing text overheads " + e); } }