public override bool Draw() { var rect = new SharpDX.Rectangle((int)MainMenu.Position.X + 160, (int)MainMenu.Position.Y + 95 + 50, 750, 380); if (MainMenu.IsVisible && IsVisible && rect.IsInside(Position)) { _colorPickerSprite.Draw(new Vector2(Position.X + 522, Position.Y - 34)); _colorOverlaySprite.Color = SelectedColor; _colorOverlaySprite.Draw(new Vector2(Position.X + 522 + 1, Position.Y - 34 + 1)); return(true); } return(false); }
public override void Draw() { try { var ia = 0; var ie = 0; var lefty = Camera.ScreenPosition.Y + HealthTracker["LY"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; var leftx = (Camera.ScreenPosition.X + HealthTracker["LX"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue) * 10; var righty = Camera.ScreenPosition.Y + HealthTracker["RY"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; var rightx = (Camera.ScreenPosition.X + 10 + HealthTracker["RX"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue) * 10; foreach (var hero in EntityManager.Heroes.AllHeroes.Where(a => (a.IsAlly && HealthTracker["ally"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) || (a.IsEnemy && HealthTracker["enemy"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue))) { var spell1 = hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner1); var spell2 = hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner2); var i = hero.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos ? ia : ie; var righthud = new Vector2(rightx, (righty + i) * 10); var lefthud = new Vector2(leftx, (lefty + i) * 10); var hero1 = hero; if (hero.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos) { RightEmpty.Draw(righthud); Health(hero, new Vector2(rightx + 17, ((righty + i) * 10) + 79)); Mana(hero, new Vector2(rightx + 17, ((righty + i) * 10) + 90)); foreach (var sprite in ChampionSprites) { if (hero.IsDead || !hero.IsHPBarRendered) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name + "Dead")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 11, ((righty + i) * 10) + 4)); if (hero.IsDead) { if (DeathTimers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == hero.Name).Value - Game.Time > 0) { var time = (int)(DeathTimers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == hero.Name).Value - Game.Time); DeathText.Position = new Vector2(rightx + 30, ((righty + i) * 10) + 22); DeathText.TextValue = time.ToString(); DeathText.Draw(); } } } } else { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name)) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 13, ((righty + i) * 10) + 6)); } } } foreach (var sprite in SummonersSprites) { if (sprite.Key.Contains(hero1.Name + 1)) { if (spell1.Timer() > 0) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 1 + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 80, ((righty + i) * 10) + 5)); CDText.Position = new Vector2(rightx + 84, ((righty + i) * 10) + 15); CDText.TextValue = spell1.CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 1 + "R")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 82, ((righty + i) * 10) + 7)); } } if (sprite.Key.Contains(hero1.Name + 2)) { if (spell2.Timer() > 0) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 2 + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 79, ((righty + i) * 10) + 39)); CDText.Position = new Vector2(rightx + 84, ((righty + i) * 10) + 50); CDText.TextValue = spell2.CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 2 + "R")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx + 82, ((righty + i) * 10) + 40)); } } } foreach (var sprite in UltSprites) { if (hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).Timer() > 0 || !hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).IsLearned) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx, ((righty + i) * 10) + 1)); if (hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).IsLearned) { CDText.Position = new Vector2(rightx + 4, ((righty + i) * 10) + 10); CDText.TextValue = hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name)) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(rightx, ((righty + i) * 10) + 1)); } } RightHUD.Draw(righthud); hudText.Position = new Vector2(rightx + 20, ((righty + i) * 10) + 45); hudText.TextValue = hero.Level.ToString(); hudText.Draw(); ia += HealthTracker["space"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; } else { LeftEmpty.Draw(lefthud); Health(hero, new Vector2(leftx + 9, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 79)); Mana(hero, new Vector2(leftx + 9, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 90)); foreach (var sprite in ChampionSprites) { if (hero.IsDead || !hero.IsHPBarRendered) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name + "Dead")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 40, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 4)); if (hero.IsDead) { if (DeathTimers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == hero.Name).Value - Game.Time > 0) { var time = (int)(DeathTimers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == hero.Name).Value - Game.Time); DeathText.Position = new Vector2(leftx + 60, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 25); DeathText.TextValue = time.ToString(); DeathText.Draw(); } } } } else { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name)) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 43, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 6)); } } } foreach (var sprite in SummonersSprites) { if (sprite.Key.Contains(hero1.Name + 1)) { if (spell1.Timer() > 0) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 1 + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 5, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 5)); CDText.Position = new Vector2(leftx + 10, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 15); CDText.TextValue = spell1.CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 1 + "R")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 6, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 6)); } } if (sprite.Key.Contains(hero1.Name + 2)) { if (spell2.Timer() > 0) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 2 + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 5, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 38)); CDText.Position = new Vector2(leftx + 10, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 48); CDText.TextValue = spell2.CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name + 2 + "R")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 6, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 40)); } } } foreach (var sprite in UltSprites) { if (hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).Timer() > 0 || !hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).IsLearned) { if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero.Name + "NR")) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 86, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 1)); if (hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).IsLearned) { CDText.Position = new Vector2(leftx + 91, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 10); CDText.TextValue = hero.SlotToSpell(SpellSlot.R).CoolDown(); CDText.Draw(); } } } else if (sprite.Key.Equals(hero1.Name)) { sprite.Value.Draw(new Vector2(leftx + 86, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 1)); } } LeftHUD.Draw(lefthud); hudText.Position = new Vector2(leftx + 80, ((lefty + i) * 10) + 45); hudText.TextValue = hero.Level.ToString(); hudText.Draw(); ie += HealthTracker["space"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue; } } /* * var AX = HealthTracker["AX"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue * 10; * var AY = HealthTracker["AY"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue * 10; * var EX = HealthTracker["EX"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue * 10; * var EY = HealthTracker["EY"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue * 10; * float iq = 0; * const float ic = 0; * var objpos = new Vector2(); * var objmini = new Vector2(); * * foreach ( * var obj in * ObjectsManager.AllObjects.OrderBy(o => o.Distance(ObjectsManager.Fturret)) * .Where(obj => obj.Team(HealthTracker["team"].Cast<ComboBox>().CurrentValue) && HealthTracker[obj.Type.ToString()].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue && obj.Health() > 0)) * { * objpos = obj.Position.WorldToScreen(); * objmini = obj.Position.WorldToMinimap(); * * // World Drawings * WorldText.TextValue = obj.Health(HealthTracker.DrawPercent("World")).ToString(); * WorldText.Position = new Vector2(objpos.X - 20 + iq, objpos.Y - 80); * WorldText.Draw(); * * // MiniMap Drawings * MinimapText.TextValue = obj.Health(HealthTracker.DrawPercent("Minimap")).ToString(); * MinimapText.Position = new Vector2(objmini.X - iq, objmini.Y - iq); * MinimapText.Draw(); * iq += 0.2f; * } * /* * Team.TextValue = "Enemy"; * Team.Position = new Vector2(Camera.ScreenPosition.X + EX, Camera.ScreenPosition.Y + EY + ic - 20f); * Team.Draw(); * * Team.TextValue = "Ally"; * Team.Position = new Vector2(Camera.ScreenPosition.X + AX, Camera.ScreenPosition.Y + AY - 20f); * Team.Draw(); */ } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Logger.Error("Please report this to Definitely not Kappa."); Common.Logger.Error("There was an issue while trying to Draw in Trackers.Handler."); Common.Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
public void Draw(Vector2 pos) { Sprite.Draw(pos); }
private static void Mana(AIHeroClient hero, Vector2 vector2) { MP.Scale = new Vector2(1 * (hero.ManaPercent / 100), 1); MP.Draw(vector2); }
private static void Health(AIHeroClient hero, Vector2 vector2) { HP.Scale = new Vector2(1 * (hero.HealthPercent / 100), 1); HP.Draw(vector2); }
private void DrawSprite(Vector2 pos) { img.Draw(pos); }
public void onDraw(EventArgs args) { var hudSpace = 0; foreach (var hero in InfoLoader.ChampionInfoList.Where(x => !x.Hero.IsDead)) { if (Show2DHud.CurrentValue && hero.Hero.IsEnemy) { Sprite sprite8 = hero.HudSprite; if (!hero.Hero.IsHPBarRendered) { sprite8.Color = Color.DimGray; } else { sprite8.Color = Color.White; } Vector2 vector45 = new Vector2(HudX.CurrentValue + hudSpace, HudY.CurrentValue); sprite8.Scale = new Vector2(0.33f, 0.33f); sprite8.Draw(vector45 + new Vector2(-10, 14.5f)); Vector2 vector46 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 9f, vector45.Y + 64f); Vector2 vector47 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 8f + 33f + 3f, vector45.Y + 64f); EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering.Line.DrawLine(Color.DarkGoldenrod, 18f, vector46, vector47); Vector2 vector48 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 8f, vector45.Y + 64f); Vector2 vector49 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 8f + 33f + 2f, vector45.Y + 64f); EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering.Line.DrawLine(Color.Black, 16f, vector48, vector49); Color color2 = Color.LimeGreen; if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 30f) { color2 = Color.OrangeRed; } else if (hero.Hero.HealthPercent < 50f) { color2 = Color.DarkOrange; } Vector2 vector50 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 7f, vector45.Y + 60f); Vector2 vector51 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 7f + 33f * hero.Hero.HealthPercent * 0.01f, vector45.Y + 60f); EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering.Line.DrawLine(color2, 7f, vector50, vector51); Vector2 vector52 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 7f, vector45.Y + 68f); Vector2 vector53 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 7f + 33f * hero.Hero.ManaPercent * 0.01f, vector45.Y + 68f); EloBuddy.SDK.Rendering.Line.DrawLine(Color.DodgerBlue, 5f, vector52, vector53); var spell4 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[3]; var spellDataInst = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[4]; var spellDataInst2 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[5]; if (spell4 != null) { float num49 = spell4.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; Vector2 vector54 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 2f, vector45.Y - 30f); Vector2 vector55 = new Vector2(vector45.X + 9f, vector45.Y - 20f); Sprite sprite9 = GetSummonerIcon("r"); sprite9.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f); if (hero.Hero.Level < 6) { sprite9.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite9.Draw(vector54); } else if (num49 < 0f) { sprite9.Color = Color.White; sprite9.Draw(vector54); } else { sprite9.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite9.Draw(vector54); DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num49), Color.White, vector55); } } if (spellDataInst != null) { float num50 = spellDataInst.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; Vector2 vector56 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 13f, vector45.Y - 10f); Vector2 vector57 = new Vector2(vector45.X - 1f, vector45.Y + 2f); Sprite sprite10 = GetSummonerIcon(spellDataInst.Name); sprite10.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f); if (num50 < 0f) { sprite10.Color = Color.White; sprite10.Draw(vector56); } else { sprite10.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite10.Draw(vector56); DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num50), Color.White, vector57); } } if (spellDataInst2 != null) { float num51 = spellDataInst2.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; Vector2 vector58 = new Vector2(vector45.X + 9f, vector45.Y - 10f); Vector2 vector59 = new Vector2(vector45.X + 22f, vector45.Y + 2f); Sprite sprite11 = GetSummonerIcon(spellDataInst2.Name); sprite11.Scale = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.35f); if (num51 < 0f) { sprite11.Color = Color.White; sprite11.Draw(vector58); } else { sprite11.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite11.Draw(vector58); DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num51), Color.White, vector59); } } hudSpace += 45; } if (Show3DHud.CurrentValue) { var vector6 = hero.Hero.HPBarPosition + new Vector2(-8f, -11f); var spell = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Q); var spell2 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.W); var spell3 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.E); var spell4 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.R); var spellDataInst = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[4]; var spellDataInst2 = hero.Hero.Spellbook.Spells[5]; if (hero.Hero.IsHPBarRendered && hero.Hero.Position.IsOnScreen() && ((ShowTeam3D.CurrentValue && (hero.Hero.IsAlly && !hero.Hero.IsMe)) || (ShowEnemies3D.CurrentValue && hero.Hero.IsEnemy) || (ShowSelf3D.CurrentValue && hero.Hero.IsMe))) { if (hero.Hero.IsAlly) { vector6 += new Vector2(1f, -2f); } if (hero.Hero.IsMe) { vector6 += new Vector2(25f, 0f); } Line.DrawLine(Color.DimGray, 9f, vector6 + new Vector2(7f, 34f), vector6 + new Vector2(115f, 34f)); Line.DrawLine(Color.Black, 7f, vector6 + new Vector2(8f, 34f), vector6 + new Vector2(113f, 34f)); float num11 = spell.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; float num12 = spell2.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; float num13 = spell3.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; float num14 = spell4.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; float num15 = (spell4.SData.CooldownTime > 15f) ? spell4.SData.CooldownTime : 90f; float num16 = Math.Max(Math.Min(num11 / spell.SData.CooldownTime, 1f), 0f); float num17 = Math.Max(Math.Min(num12 / spell2.SData.CooldownTime, 1f), 0f); float num18 = Math.Max(Math.Min(num13 / spell3.SData.CooldownTime, 1f), 0f); float num19 = Math.Max(Math.Min(num14 / num15, 1f), 0f); if (spell.Level > 0) { Vector2 vector7 = vector6 + new Vector2(9f, 34f); Line.DrawLine(num16 > 0f ? Color.Orange : Color.YellowGreen, 5f, vector7, vector6 + new Vector2(33f - 24f * num16, 34f)); if (num16 > 0f) { DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num11 + 1f), Color.White, vector7 + new Vector2(14f, 11f)); } } if (spell2.Level > 0) { Vector2 vector8 = vector6 + new Vector2(35f, 34f); Line.DrawLine(num17 > 0f ? Color.Orange : Color.YellowGreen, 5f, vector8, vector6 + new Vector2(59f - 24f * num17, 34f)); if (num17 > 0f) { DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num12 + 1f), Color.White, vector8 + new Vector2(14f, 11f)); } } if (spell3.Level > 0) { Vector2 vector9 = vector6 + new Vector2(61f, 34f); Line.DrawLine((num18 > 0f) ? Color.Orange : Color.YellowGreen, 5f, vector9, vector6 + new Vector2(85f - 24f * num18, 34f)); if (num18 > 0f) { DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num13 + 1f), Color.White, vector9 + new Vector2(14f, 11f)); } } if (spell4.Level > 0) { Vector2 vector10 = vector6 + new Vector2(87f, 34f); Line.DrawLine((num19 > 0f) ? Color.Orange : Color.YellowGreen, 5f, vector10, vector6 + new Vector2(112f - 24f * num19, 34f)); if (num19 > 0f) { DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num14 + 1f), Color.White, vector10 + new Vector2(14f, 11f)); } } if (spellDataInst != null) { Sprite sprite = GetSummonerIconSquare(spellDataInst.Name); Vector2 vector11 = new Vector2(-50f, 14f); if (hero.Hero.IsMe) { vector11 = new Vector2(117f, 14f); } Vector2 vector12 = vector6 + vector11; float num20 = spellDataInst.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; if (num20 < 0f) { sprite.Color = Color.White; sprite.Draw(vector12); } else { sprite.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite.Draw(vector12); DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num20), Color.White, vector12 + new Vector2(13f, 13f)); } } if (spellDataInst2 != null) { Sprite sprite2 = GetSummonerIconSquare(spellDataInst2.Name); Vector2 vector13 = new Vector2(-22f, 14f); if (hero.Hero.IsMe) { vector13 = new Vector2(145f, 14f); } Vector2 vector14 = vector6 + vector13; float num21 = spellDataInst2.CooldownExpires - Game.Time; if (num21 < 0f) { sprite2.Color = Color.White; sprite2.Draw(vector14); } else { sprite2.Color = Color.DimGray; sprite2.Draw(vector14); DrawFontTextScreen(HudCd, MakeNiceNumber(num21), Color.White, vector14 + new Vector2(13f, 13f)); } } } } } }
public static void OnEndScene() { if (!Init.Menu["showrecalls"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue&& !BaseUltUnits.Any()) { return; } { Drawing.DrawLine(X, Y, X + Length, Y, Height, ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#080d0a")); } if (BaseUltUnits.Any()) { Warning.Draw(new Vector2(Player.HPBarPosition.X + 40, Player.HPBarPosition.Y - 40)); Underline.Draw(new Vector2(X - 50, Y + 30)); } foreach (var recall in Recalls.OrderBy(h => h.Started)) { if ((recall.Unit.IsAlly && !Init.Menu["showallies"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue) || (recall.Unit.IsAlly && !Init.Menu["showenemies"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue)) { continue; } var recallDuration = recall.Duration; if (recall.Status == RecallStatus.Active) { var isBaseUlt = BaseUltUnits.Any(h => h.Unit.NetworkId == recall.Unit.NetworkId); var percent = GetRecallPercent(recall); var colorIndicator = isBaseUlt ? Color.OrangeRed : (recall.Unit.IsAlly ? Color.DeepSkyBlue : Color.DarkViolet); var colorText = isBaseUlt ? Color.OrangeRed : (recall.Unit.IsAlly ? Color.DeepSkyBlue : Color.PaleVioletRed); var colorBar = isBaseUlt ? Color.Red : (recall.Unit.IsAlly ? Color.DodgerBlue : Color.MediumVioletRed); Bar.Color = colorBar; Bar.Rectangle = new SharpDX.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(260 * percent), 22); Bar.Draw(new Vector2(X, Y + 4)); Drawing.DrawLine( (int)(percent * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5) + 4, Y - (float)(Height * 0.5), (int)(percent * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5) + 4, Y + (float)(Height * 0.5) + recall.TextPos * 20, LineThickness, colorIndicator); Text.Color = colorText; Text.TextValue = "(" + (int)(percent * 100) + "%) " + recall.Unit.ChampionName; Text.Position = new Vector2((int)(percent * Length) + X - LineThickness, Y + (int)(Height * 0.5 + 20 + LineThickness) + recall.TextPos * 20); Text.Draw(); } if (recall.Status == RecallStatus.Abort || recall.Status == RecallStatus.Finished) { const int fadeoutTime = 0; var colorIndicator = recall.Status == RecallStatus.Abort ? Color.OrangeRed : Color.GreenYellow; var colorText = recall.Status == RecallStatus.Abort ? Color.Orange : Color.GreenYellow; var colorBar = recall.Status == RecallStatus.Abort ? Color.Yellow : Color.LawnGreen; var fadeOutPercent = (recall.Ended + fadeoutTime - Game.Time) / fadeoutTime; if (recall.Ended + fadeoutTime > Game.Time) { var timeUsed = recall.Ended - recall.Started; var percent = timeUsed > recallDuration ? 1 : timeUsed / recallDuration; Bar.Color = colorBar; Bar.Rectangle = new SharpDX.Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(260 * percent), 22); Bar.Draw(new Vector2(X, Y + 4)); Drawing.DrawLine( (int)(percent * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5) + 4, Y - (float)(Height * 0.5), (int)(percent * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5) + 4, Y + (float)(Height * 0.5), LineThickness, Color.FromArgb((int)(254 * fadeOutPercent), colorIndicator)); Text.Color = colorText; Text.TextValue = recall.Unit.ChampionName; Text.Position = new Vector2((int)(percent * Length) + X - LineThickness, Y + (int)(Height * 0.5 + 20 + LineThickness) + recall.TextPos * 20); Text.Draw(); } else { recall.Status = RecallStatus.Inactive; recall.TextPos = 0; } } } foreach (var unit in BaseUltUnits) { var duration = Recalls.Find(h => h.Unit.NetworkId == unit.Unit.NetworkId).Duration; var barPos = (unit.FireTime - Recalls.Find(h => unit.Unit.NetworkId == h.Unit.NetworkId).Started) / duration; Drawing.DrawLine( (int)(barPos * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5), Y - (float)(Height * 0.5 + LineThickness), (int)(barPos * Length) + X - (float)(LineThickness * 0.5), Y + (float)(Height * 0.5 + LineThickness), LineThickness, Color.Lime); } Hud.Draw(new Vector2(X - 8, Y - 5)); }