/// <summary>Print the key and rank only, not the rest.</summary> /// <remarks>Print the key and rank only, not the rest.</remarks> public virtual void PrintKey(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { ConsoleSurrogate.Write(" "); } ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("key: " + key + " " + rank); }
/// <summary>Get the next reassembly rule.</summary> /// <remarks>Get the next reassembly rule.</remarks> public virtual string NextRule() { if (reasemb.Count == 0) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("No reassembly rule."); return(null); } return((string)reasemb[currReasmb]); }
/// <summary>Print a word list on one line.</summary> /// <remarks>Print a word list on one line.</remarks> public virtual void Print(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { string s = (string)this [i]; ConsoleSurrogate.Write(s + " "); } ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary>Print out the decomp rule.</summary> /// <remarks>Print out the decomp rule.</remarks> public virtual void Print(int indent) { string m = mem ? "true" : "false"; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { ConsoleSurrogate.Write(" "); } ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("decomp: " + pattern + " " + m); reasemb.Print(indent + 2); }
/// <summary>Print the reassembly list.</summary> /// <remarks>Print the reassembly list.</remarks> public virtual void Print(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++) { ConsoleSurrogate.Write(" "); } string s = (string)this[i]; ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("reasemb: " + s); } }
/// <summary>Prnt the synonym lists.</summary> /// <remarks>Prnt the synonym lists.</remarks> public virtual void Print(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++) { ConsoleSurrogate.Write(" "); } ConsoleSurrogate.Write("synon: "); WordList w = (WordList)this[i]; w.Print(indent); } }
/// <summary>Assembly a reply from a decomp rule and the input.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Assembly a reply from a decomp rule and the input. If the reassembly rule /// is goto, return null and give the gotoKey to use. Otherwise return the /// response. /// </remarks> private string Assemble(Decomp d, string[] reply, Key gotoKey) { string[] lines = new string[3]; d.StepRule(); string rule = d.NextRule(); if (EString.Match(rule, "goto *", lines)) { // goto rule -- set gotoKey and return false. gotoKey.Copy(keys.GetKey(lines[0])); if (gotoKey.GetKey() != null) { return(null); } ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Goto rule did not match key: " + lines[0]); return(null); } string work = string.Empty; while (EString.Match(rule, "* (#)*", lines)) { // reassembly rule with number substitution rule = lines[2]; // there might be more int n = 0; try { n = int.Parse(lines[1]) - 1; } catch (FormatException) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Number is wrong in reassembly rule " + lines[1]); } if (n < 0 || n >= reply.Length) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Substitution number is bad " + lines[1]); return(null); } reply[n] = post.Translate(reply[n]); work += lines[0] + " " + reply[n]; } work += rule; if (d.Mem()) { mem.Save(work); return(null); } return(work); }
/// <summary> /// Decomposition match, /// If decomp has no synonyms, do a regular match. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Decomposition match, /// If decomp has no synonyms, do a regular match. /// Otherwise, try all synonyms. /// </remarks> internal virtual bool MatchDecomp(string str, string pat, string[] lines) { if (!EString.Match(pat, "*@* *", lines)) { // no synonyms in decomp pattern return(EString.Match(str, pat, lines)); } // Decomp pattern has synonym -- isolate the synonym string first = lines[0]; string synWord = lines[1]; string theRest = " " + lines[2]; // Look up the synonym WordList syn = Find(synWord); if (syn == null) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Could not fnd syn list for " + synWord); return(false); } // Try each synonym individually for (int i = 0; i < syn.Count; i++) { // Make a modified pattern pat = first + (string)syn[i] + theRest; if (EString.Match(str, pat, lines)) { int n = EString.Count(first, '*'); // Make room for the synonym in the match list. for (int j = lines.Length - 2; j >= n; j--) { lines[j + 1] = lines[j]; } // The synonym goes in the match list. lines[n] = (string)syn[i]; return(true); } } return(false); }
private int ReadScript(ILineSource linesource) { try { while (true) { string s; s = linesource.ReadLine(); if (s == null) { break; } Collect(s); } } catch (Exception) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("There was a problem reading the script file."); ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Tried " + linesource.ToString()); return(1); } return(0); }
/// <summary>Process a line of script input.</summary> /// <remarks>Process a line of script input.</remarks> private void Collect(string s) { string[] lines = new string[4]; if (EString.Match(s, "*reasmb: *", lines)) { if (lastReasemb == null) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Error: no last reasemb"); return; } lastReasemb.Add(lines[1]); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*decomp: *", lines)) { if (lastDecomp == null) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Error: no last decomp"); return; } lastReasemb = new ReasembList(); string temp = lines[1]; if (EString.Match(temp, "$ *", lines)) { lastDecomp.Add(lines[0], true, lastReasemb); } else { lastDecomp.Add(temp, false, lastReasemb); } } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*key: * #*", lines)) { lastDecomp = new DecompList(); lastReasemb = null; int n = 0; if (lines[2].Length != 0) { try { n = int.Parse(lines[2]); } catch (FormatException) { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Number is wrong in key: " + lines[2]); } } keys.Add(lines[1], n, lastDecomp); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*key: *", lines)) { lastDecomp = new DecompList(); lastReasemb = null; keys.Add(lines[1], 0, lastDecomp); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*synon: * *", lines)) { WordList words = new WordList(); words.Add(lines[1]); s = lines[2]; while (EString.Match(s, "* *", lines)) { words.Add(lines[0]); s = lines[1]; } words.Add(s); syns.Add(words); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*pre: * *", lines)) { pre.Add(lines[1], lines[2]); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*post: * *", lines)) { post.Add(lines[1], lines[2]); } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*initial: *", lines)) { initial = lines[1]; } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*final: *", lines)) { finl = lines[1]; } else { if (EString.Match(s, "*quit: *", lines)) { quit.Add(" " + lines[1] + " "); } else { ConsoleSurrogate.WriteLine("Unrecognized input: " + s); } } } } } } } } } } }