public void TestFinder() { List<string> paths = new Finder().FindInstallationPaths(); foreach (string path in paths) { Console.WriteLine(path); } Assert.AreEqual("on the way to 12 and a half thousand", VoiceAttackPlugin.humanize(12345)); }
private void netLogObtainClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List<string> processPaths = new Finder().GetPathFromProcess(); if (processPaths.Count != 0) { netLogPathTextBox.Text = processPaths[0] + @"\Logs"; updateNetLogConfiguration(); } else { netLogText.Text = @"Unfortuantely we were unable to locate your product directory. Please type in the location of the 'Logs' directory in your 'elite-dangerous-64' directory. Possible locations include:"; List<string> paths = new Finder().FindInstallationPaths(); if (paths.Count == 0) { paths.Add(Finder.DefProductsPath + @"\elite-dangerous-64"); paths.Add(Finder.DefLauncherPath + @"\elite-dangerous-64"); paths.Add(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\\SteamApps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64"); } foreach (string path in paths) { netLogText.Text += "\r\n\r\n" + path + @"\Logs"; } netLogText.Text += "\r\n\r\nWhichever directory you select should contain a number of 'debugLog' files."; } }