コード例 #1
        private bool Update(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE routes_expeditions SET name=@name, start=@start, end=@end, Status=@stat WHERE id=@id"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@id", Id);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@name", Name);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@start", StartDate);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@end", EndDate);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@stat", (Deleted ? 1 : 0) + (EDSM ? 2 : 0));
                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM route_systems WHERE routeid=@routeid"))
                    cmd2.AddParameterWithValue("@routeid", Id);
                    SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd2);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO route_systems (routeid, systemname) VALUES (@routeid, @name)"))
                    cmd2.AddParameter("@routeid", DbType.String);
                    cmd2.AddParameter("@name", DbType.String);

                    foreach (var sysname in Systems)
                        cmd2.Parameters["@routeid"].Value = Id;
                        cmd2.Parameters["@name"].Value    = sysname;
                        SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd2);

コード例 #2
        private bool Add(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Insert into routes_expeditions (name, start, end, Status) values (@name, @start, @end, @stat)"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@name", Name);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@start", StartDate);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@end", EndDate);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@stat", (Deleted ? 1 : 0) + (EDSM ? 2 : 0));

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("Select Max(id) as id from routes_expeditions"))
                    Id = (long)SQLiteDBClass.SQLScalar(cn, cmd2);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("INSERT INTO route_systems (routeid, systemname) VALUES (@routeid, @name)"))
                    cmd2.AddParameter("@routeid", DbType.String);
                    cmd2.AddParameter("@name", DbType.String);

                    foreach (var sysname in Systems)
                        cmd2.Parameters["@routeid"].Value = Id;
                        cmd2.Parameters["@name"].Value    = sysname;
                        SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd2);

コード例 #3
 private bool Delete(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
     using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM Bookmarks WHERE id = @id"))
         cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@id", id);
         SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);
コード例 #4
 public static void ClearEDSMID()
     using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
         using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("UPDATE SystemNote SET EdsmId=0"))
             SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);
コード例 #5
        private bool Delete(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("DELETE FROM SystemNote WHERE id = @id"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@id", id);
                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                globalSystemNotes.RemoveAll(x => x.id == id);     // remove from list any containing id.
コード例 #6
        private bool Add(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Insert into wanted_systems (systemname) values (@systemname)"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@systemname", system);
                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("Select Max(id) as id from wanted_systems"))
                    id = (long)SQLiteDBClass.SQLScalar(cn, cmd2);
コード例 #7
        public bool Update(SQLiteConnectionUser cn, DbTransaction tn = null)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Update TravelLogUnit set Name=@Name, Type=@type, size=@size, Path=@Path, CommanderID=@CommanderID  where ID=@id", tn))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@ID", id);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Name", Name);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Type", type);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@size", Size);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Path", Path);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@CommanderID", CommanderId);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

コード例 #8
        private bool Update(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Update SystemNote set Name=@Name, Time=@Time, Note=@Note, Journalid=@journalid, EdsmId=@EdsmId  where ID=@id"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@ID", id);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Name", SystemName);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Note", Note);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Time", Time);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@journalid", Journalid);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@EdsmId", EdsmId);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                Dirty = false;

コード例 #9
        private bool Update(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Update Bookmarks set StarName=@sname, x = @xp, y = @yp, z = @zp, Time=@time, Heading = @head, Note=@note, PlanetMarks=@pmarks  where ID=@id"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@ID", id);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@sname", StarName);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xp", x);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yp", y);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zp", z);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@time", Time);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@head", Heading);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@note", Note);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@pmarks", PlanetaryMarks?.ToJsonString());

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

コード例 #10
        private bool Add(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Insert into TravelLogUnit (Name, type, size, Path, CommanderID) values (@name, @type, @size, @Path, @CommanderID)"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@name", Name);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@type", type);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@size", Size);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@Path", Path);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@CommanderID", CommanderId);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("Select Max(id) as id from TravelLogUnit"))
                    id = (long)SQLiteDBClass.SQLScalar(cn, cmd2);

コード例 #11
        private bool Update(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Update Bookmarks set StarName=@sname, x = @xp, y = @yp, z = @zp, Time=@time, Heading = @head, Note=@note  where ID=@id"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@ID", id);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@sname", StarName);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xp", x);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yp", y);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zp", z);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@time", Time);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@head", Heading);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@note", Note);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                bookmarks.RemoveAll(x => x.id == id);     // remove from list any containing id.

コード例 #12
        private bool Add(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Insert into Bookmarks (StarName, x, y, z, Time, Heading, Note) values (@sname, @xp, @yp, @zp, @time, @head, @note)"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@sname", StarName);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@xp", x);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@yp", y);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@zp", z);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@time", Time);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@head", Heading);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@note", Note);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("Select Max(id) as id from Bookmarks"))
                    id = (long)SQLiteDBClass.SQLScalar(cn, cmd2);

コード例 #13
        private bool AddToDbAndGlobal(SQLiteConnectionUser cn)
            using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("Insert into SystemNote (Name, Time, Note, journalid, edsmid) values (@name, @time, @note, @journalid, @edsmid)"))
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@name", SystemName);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@time", Time);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@note", Note);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@journalid", Journalid);
                cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@edsmid", EdsmId);

                SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(cn, cmd);

                using (DbCommand cmd2 = cn.CreateCommand("Select Max(id) as id from SystemNote"))
                    id = (long)SQLiteDBClass.SQLScalar(cn, cmd2);


                Dirty = false;

コード例 #14
        public static void TranferVisitedSystemstoJournalTable()        // DONE purposely without using any VisitedSystem code.. so we can blow it away later.
            List <Object[]> ehl = new List <Object[]>();
            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> > dists = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, double> >(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            List <DB.TravelLogUnit> tlus = DB.TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => t.type == 1).ToList();

            using (SQLiteConnectionOld conn = new SQLiteConnectionOld())
                //                                                0      1      2
                using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT NameA, NameB, Dist FROM Distances WHERE Status >= 1"))    // any distance pairs okay
                    using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        while (reader.Read())
                            object[] vals = new object[3];

                            string namea = (string)vals[0];
                            string nameb = (string)vals[1];
                            double dist  = (double)vals[2];

                            if (!dists.ContainsKey(namea))
                                dists[namea] = new Dictionary <string, double>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                            dists[namea][nameb] = dist;

                            if (!dists.ContainsKey(nameb))
                                dists[nameb] = new Dictionary <string, double>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                            dists[nameb][namea] = dist;

                int olddbver = SQLiteConnectionOld.GetSettingInt("DBVer", 1);

                if (olddbver < 7) // 2.5.2
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Database too old - unable to migrate travel log");

                string query;

                if (olddbver < 8) // 2.5.6
                    query = "Select Name,Time,Unit,Commander,edsm_sync, -65536 AS Map_colour, NULL AS X, NULL AS Y, NULL AS Z, NULL as id_edsm_assigned From VisitedSystems Order By Time";
                else if (olddbver < 14) // 3.2.1
                    query = "Select Name,Time,Unit,Commander,edsm_sync,Map_colour, NULL AS X, NULL AS Y, NULL AS Z, NULL as id_edsm_assigned From VisitedSystems Order By Time";
                else if (olddbver < 18) // 4.0.2
                    query = "Select Name,Time,Unit,Commander,edsm_sync,Map_colour,X,Y,Z, NULL AS id_edsm_assigned From VisitedSystems Order By Time";
                    //              0    1    2    3         4         5          6 7 8 9
                    query = "Select Name,Time,Unit,Commander,edsm_sync,Map_colour,X,Y,Z,id_edsm_assigned From VisitedSystems Order By Time";

                using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(query))
                    using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        string prev = "";

                        while (reader.Read())
                            Object[] array = new Object[17];
                            reader.GetValues(array);           // love this call.

                            string tluname = (string)array[2]; // 2 is in terms of its name.. look it up

                            if (tluname.StartsWith("EDSM-"))   // Don't migrate the entries that were synced from EDSM
                            {                                  // We can sync them from EDSM later.

                            DB.TravelLogUnit tlu = tlus.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(tluname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                            array[15] = (tlu != null) ? (long)tlu.id : 0;      // even if we don't find it, tlu may be screwed up, still want to import

                            array[16] = null;
                            if (prev.Length > 0 && dists.ContainsKey((string)array[0]))
                                Dictionary <string, double> _dists = dists[(string)array[0]];
                                if (_dists.ContainsKey(prev))
                                    array[16] = _dists[prev];

                            prev = (string)array[0];

            using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    foreach (Object[] array in ehl)
                        using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(
                                   "Insert into JournalEntries (TravelLogId,CommanderId,EventTypeId,EventType,EventTime,EventData,EdsmId,Synced) " +
                                   "values (@tli,@cid,@eti,@et,@etime,@edata,@edsmid,@synced)", txn))
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@tli", (long)array[15]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@cid", (long)array[3]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@eti", JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@et", "FSDJump");

                            JObject  je        = new JObject();
                            DateTime eventtime = DateTime.SpecifyKind((DateTime)array[1], DateTimeKind.Local).ToUniversalTime();

                            je["timestamp"]  = eventtime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'");
                            je["event"]      = "FSDJump";
                            je["StarSystem"] = ((string)array[0]);

                            if (System.DBNull.Value != array[6] && System.DBNull.Value != array[7] && System.DBNull.Value != array[8])
                                je["StarPos"] = new JArray()
                                    array[6], array[7], array[8]

                            if (array[16] != null)
                                je["JumpDist"] = (double)array[16];

                            je["EDDMapColor"] = ((long)array[5]);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@etime", eventtime);
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@edata", je.ToString());    // order number - look at the dbcommand above

                            long edsmid = 0;
                            if (System.DBNull.Value != array[9])
                                edsmid = (long)array[9];

                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@edsmid", edsmid);    // order number - look at the dbcommand above
                            cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@synced", ((bool)array[4] == true) ? 1 : 0);

                            SQLiteDBClass.SQLNonQueryText(conn, cmd);
