コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new shard, or gets an existing empty shard (i.e. a shard that has no mappings).
        /// The reason why an empty shard might exist is that it was created and initialized but we
        /// failed to create a mapping to it.
        /// </summary>
        private static Shard CreateOrGetEmptyShard(RangeShardMap <int> shardMap)
            // Get an empty shard if one already exists, otherwise create a new one
            Shard shard = FindEmptyShard(shardMap);

            if (shard == null)
                // No empty shard exists, so create one

                // Choose the shard name
                string databaseName = string.Format(ShardNameFormat, shardMap.GetShards().Count());

                // Only create the database if it doesn't already exist. It might already exist if
                // we tried to create it previously but hit a transient fault.
                if (!SqlDatabaseUtils.DatabaseExists(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName))
                    SqlDatabaseUtils.CreateDatabase(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName);

                // Create schema and populate reference data on that database
                // The initialize script must be idempotent, in case it was already run on this database
                // and we failed to add it to the shard map previously
                    Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName, InitializeShardScriptFile);

                // Add it to the shard map
                ShardLocation shardLocation = new ShardLocation(Configuration.ShardMapManagerServerName, databaseName);
                shard = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetShard(shardMap, shardLocation);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a shard map manager, creates a shard map, and creates a shard
        /// with a mapping for the full range of 32-bit integers.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateShardMapManagerAndShard()
            if (MultiShardConfiguration.objShardMapManager != null)
                ConsoleUtils.WriteWarning("Shard Map Manager already exists");

            // Create shard map manager database
            if (!SqlDatabaseUtils.ExistsDatabase(MultiShardConfiguration.ShardMapManagerServerName, MultiShardConfiguration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName))
                SqlDatabaseUtils.CreateDatabase(MultiShardConfiguration.ShardMapManagerServerName, MultiShardConfiguration.ShardMapManagerDatabaseName);

            // Create shard map manager
            string shardMapManagerConnectionString = MultiShardConfiguration.GetConnectionString();

            MultiShardConfiguration.objShardMapManager = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetShardMapManager(shardMapManagerConnectionString);

            // Create shard map
            RangeShardMap <int> shardMap = ShardManagementUtils.CreateOrGetRangeShardMap <int>(
                MultiShardConfiguration.objShardMapManager, MultiShardConfiguration.ShardMapName);

            // Create schema info so that the split-merge service can be used to move data in sharded tables
            // and reference tables.

            // If there are no shards, add two shards: one for [0,100) and one for [100,+inf)
            if (!shardMap.GetShards().Any())
                CreateShardSample.CreateShard(shardMap, new Range <int>(0, 100));
                CreateShardSample.CreateShard(shardMap, new Range <int>(100, 200));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ExecuteMultiShardQuery method to get the database records using MultiShardConnection,
        /// MultiShardCommand,multiShardDataReader class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shardMap"></param>
        /// <param name="credentialsConnectionString"></param>
        public static void ExecuteMultiShardQuery(RangeShardMap <int> shardMap)
            // Get the Shards from Shard Map manager
            MultiShardConfiguration.Shards = shardMap.GetShards();
            TestParameterValue testParameterValue
                = new TestParameterValue(
                      "MultiShard", "ExecMultiShard", "SelectAll_DR",
                      "SqlDbWithMultiShard" + "%"
                      + "individual" + "%"
                      + "-",
                      new MyUserInfo("MultiShard", "MultiShard"));

            // 分離レベルの設定
            DbEnum.IsolationLevelEnum iso = DbEnum.IsolationLevelEnum.NoTransaction;

            // B層を生成
            LayerB myBusiness = new LayerB();

            // 業務処理を実行
            TestReturnValue testReturnValue =
                    (BaseParameterValue)testParameterValue, iso);

            string strErrorMsg = "";

            if (testReturnValue.ErrorFlag == true)
                // 結果(業務続行可能なエラー)
                strErrorMsg  = "ErrorMessageID:" + testReturnValue.ErrorMessageID + "\r\n";
                strErrorMsg += "ErrorMessage:" + testReturnValue.ErrorMessage + "\r\n";
                strErrorMsg += "ErrorInfo:" + testReturnValue.ErrorInfo + "\r\n";

                Console.WriteLine("Inserted failed for Error message : {0}", strErrorMsg);
                //Converts Return value object to dataTable data to display the data in screen
                DataTable dtTable = (DataTable)testReturnValue.Obj;

                int rows = 0;

                // Get the column names
                TableFormatter formatter = new TableFormatter(ShardManagementUtils.GetColumnNames(dtTable).ToArray());

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtTable.Rows)
                    // Extract just database name from the $ShardLocation pseudocolumn to make the output formater cleaner.
                    // Note that the $ShardLocation pseudocolumn is always the last column
                    int shardLocationOrdinal = dr.ItemArray.Length - 1;
                    dr.ItemArray[shardLocationOrdinal] = ShardManagementUtils.ExtractDatabaseName(dr.ItemArray[shardLocationOrdinal].ToString());

                    // Add values to output formatter

                Console.WriteLine("({0} rows returned)", rows);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Main program loop.
        /// </summary>
        private static void MenuLoop()
            // Get the shard map manager, if it already exists.
            // It is recommended that you keep only one shard map manager instance in
            // memory per AppDomain so that the mapping cache is not duplicated.
            MultiShardConfiguration.objShardMapManager = ShardManagementUtils.TryGetShardMapManager();

            // Loop until the user chose "Exit".
            bool continueLoop;



                continueLoop = GetMenuChoiceAndExecute();
            }while (continueLoop);