public static bool CheckFileExists(string FileName, string FolderID, string ContLanguage,string TaxonomyID) { ContentAPI cApi = new ContentAPI(); cApi.ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(ContLanguage); Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData assetDat = new Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData(); Int64 taxID = -1; Int64.TryParse(TaxonomyID, out taxID); assetDat = cApi.EkContentRef.GetAssetDataBasedOnFileName(Path.GetFileName(FileName), Convert.ToInt64(FolderID), taxID); if ((assetDat != null)&& assetDat.ID != "" && assetDat.Name != "") { return true; } else { return false; } }
public static string CheckFileExists(string FileName, string FolderID, string ContLanguage, string taxonomyID) { ContentAPI cApi = new ContentAPI(); string cStatus = string.Empty; cApi.ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(ContLanguage); Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData assetDat = new Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData(); assetDat = cApi.EkContentRef.GetAssetDataBasedOnFileName(Path.GetFileName(FileName.Replace("'", "_")), Convert.ToInt64(FolderID), Convert.ToInt64(taxonomyID)); if (assetDat != null && assetDat.ID != "" && assetDat.Name != "") { ContentStateData myContentStateData = new ContentStateData(); myContentStateData = cApi.GetContentState(Convert.ToInt64(assetDat.ID)); cStatus = myContentStateData.Status; if (cStatus == "O") { //Set Property variable that identify the user by whom the content is checked out if (myContentStateData.CurrentUserId == cApi.UserId) cStatus = "A"; } return cStatus; } else return ""; }
protected void uploadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileName = string.Empty; HttpPostedFile fileUpld = ekFileUpload.PostedFile; string hasValidExtension = ""; List<string> AllowedFileTypes = new List<string>(); AllowedFileTypes.AddRange(DocumentManagerData.Instance.FileTypes.ToString().Split(','.ToString().ToCharArray())); if (fileUpld.ContentLength > 0) { Ektron.Cms.UserAPI uAPI = new UserAPI(); _fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileUpld.FileName); //hasValidExtension = (string) (AllowedFileTypes.Find(new Predicate<string>(new System.EventHandler(CheckExtension)))); hasValidExtension = AllowedFileTypes.Find(new Predicate<string>(CheckExtension)); if ((hasValidExtension != null)&& hasValidExtension != "") { //If Image Gallery, Should check if the file type is an image file type if ((Request.QueryString["prop"] != null)&& Request.QueryString["prop"].ToLower() == "image") { if (! Ektron.Cms.Common.EkFunctions.IsImage(_fileExtension)) { ltrStatus.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("msg invalid file upload images only"); setInvalid(); return; } } fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileUpld.FileName); int fileLength = fileUpld.ContentLength; byte[] fileData = new byte[fileLength - 1+ 1]; string file = Convert.ToString(fileUpld.InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, fileLength)); if (fileData.Length > 0) { System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(fileData); m_refContApi.RequestInformationRef.UserId = uAPI.UserId; m_refContApi.ContentLanguage = _contentLanguage; Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData asstData = new Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData(); Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content cContent = new Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content(); asstData = m_refContApi.EkContentRef.GetAssetDataBasedOnFileName(fileName, _folderID, _taxonomyID); if ((asstData != null)&& asstData.ID != "" && asstData.Name != "") { Ektron.Cms.AssetUpdateData astData = new AssetUpdateData(); TaxonomyBaseData[] taxonomyCatArray = null; _contentID = Convert.ToInt64(asstData.ID); ContentData cData = cContent.GetContent(_contentID, Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); astData.FileName = fileName; astData.FolderId = _folderID; astData.ContentId = cData.Id; astData.Teaser = cData.Teaser; astData.Comment = cData.Comment; astData.Title = cData.Title; astData.GoLive = cData.GoLive; astData.TaxonomyTreeIds = this._taxonomyID.ToString(); //Assigning the categories taxonomyCatArray = m_refContApi.ReadAllAssignedCategory(_contentID); if ((taxonomyCatArray != null)&& taxonomyCatArray.Length > 0) { foreach (TaxonomyBaseData tBaseData in taxonomyCatArray) { if (astData.TaxonomyTreeIds == "") { astData.TaxonomyTreeIds = tBaseData.TaxonomyId.ToString(); } else { astData.TaxonomyTreeIds += (string) ("," + tBaseData.TaxonomyId.ToString()); } } } //Assigning the metadatas if ((cData.MetaData != null)&& cData.MetaData.Length > 0) { astData.MetaData = new Ektron.Cms.AssetUpdateMetaData[cData.MetaData.Length - 1 + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= cData.MetaData.Length - 1; i++) { astData.MetaData[i] = new AssetUpdateMetaData(); astData.MetaData[i].TypeId = cData.MetaData[i].TypeId; astData.MetaData[i].ContentId = cData.Id; astData.MetaData[i].Text = cData.MetaData[i].Text; } } astData.EndDate = cData.EndDate; astData.EndDateAction = (Ektron.Cms.Common.EkEnumeration.CMSEndDateAction) (Enum.Parse(typeof(Ektron.Cms.Common.EkEnumeration.CMSEndDateAction), cData.EndDateAction.ToString(), true)); //Updating the Content bool isUpdated = m_refContApi.EditAsset(stream, astData); } else { Ektron.Cms.AssetUpdateData astData = new AssetUpdateData(); astData.FileName = fileName; astData.FolderId = _folderID; astData.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); astData.LanguageId = _contentLanguage; astData.TaxonomyTreeIds = this._taxonomyID.ToString(); _contentID = m_refContApi.AddAsset(stream, astData); } jsMetaUrl.Text = ""; if (m_refContApi.EkContentRef.DoesFolderRequireMetadataOrTaxonomy(_folderID, _contentLanguage)) { var _taxString = string.Empty; if (this._taxonomyID != -1) { _taxString = (string) ("&taxonomyId=" + this._taxonomyID); } jsMetaUrl.Text = m_refContApi.AppPath + "DMSMetadata.aspx?contentId=" + _contentID + "&idString=" + _contentID + "&folderId=" + _folderID + _taxString + "&close=true&EkTB_iframe=true&height=550&width=650&modal=true&refreshCaller=true"; } isFileUploadComplete.Value = "true"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "closeThickBox", "uploadClick();", true); } } else { ltrStatus.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("msg invalid file upload"); setInvalid(); } } else { ltrStatus.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl upload file"); setInvalid(); } }
protected void uploadFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileName = string.Empty; HttpPostedFile fileUpld = ekFileUpload.PostedFile; string hasValidExtension = ""; List<string> AllowedFileTypes = new List<string>(); bool createOverwriteThumbnail = false; bool isImageAsset = false; ContentData cData; long _checkTaxID = -1; AllowedFileTypes.AddRange(DocumentManagerData.Instance.FileTypes.ToString().Split(',')); if (fileUpld.ContentLength > 0) { Ektron.Cms.UserAPI uAPI = new UserAPI(); _fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileUpld.FileName); //If its an image asset then create/overwrite the thumbnail isImageAsset = Ektron.Cms.Common.EkFunctions.IsImage(_fileExtension); if (isImageAsset && !isMetadataOrTaxonomyRequired) createOverwriteThumbnail = true; hasValidExtension = AllowedFileTypes.Find(new Predicate<string>(delegate(string t) { return t.ToLower().Replace(" ", "") == ("*" + _fileExtension.ToLower()); })); if (hasValidExtension != null && hasValidExtension != "") { //If Image Gallery, Should check if the file type is an image file type if (Request.QueryString["isimage"] != null && Request.QueryString["isimage"] != "" && Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["isimage"]) == 1) { if (!isImageAsset) { _bTrue = false; ltrStatus.Text = _messageHelper.GetMessage("msg invalid file upload images only"); setInvalid(); } } fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileUpld.FileName); if (fileName.IndexOf("&") > -1 || fileName.IndexOf("+") > -1 || fileName.IndexOf("%") > -1) { _bTrue = false; ltrStatus.Text = _messageHelper.GetMessage("msg cannot add file with add and plus"); setInvalid(); } if (_bTrue) { int fileLength = fileUpld.ContentLength; byte[] fileData = new byte[fileLength]; string file = Convert.ToString(fileUpld.InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, fileLength)); if (fileData.Length > 0) { System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(fileData); if (isImageAsset) { if (!EkFunctions.isImageStreamValid(stream)) { stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); setInvalid(); ltrStatus.Text = "The image is corrupted or not in correct format."; return; } stream.Position = 0; } contentAPI.RequestInformationRef.UserId = uAPI.UserId; contentAPI.ContentLanguage = _contentLanguage; Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData asstData = new Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData(); Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content cContent = new Ektron.Cms.API.Content.Content(); if (_isImageGallery) _checkTaxID = Convert.ToInt64(_taxonomyIdList); asstData = contentAPI.EkContentRef.GetAssetDataBasedOnFileName(fileName.Replace("'", "_"), _folderID, _checkTaxID); if ((asstData != null && asstData.ID != "" && asstData.Name != "") || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["AssetID"])) { Ektron.Cms.AssetUpdateData astData = new AssetUpdateData(); TaxonomyBaseData[] taxonomyCatArray = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["AssetID"])) _contentID = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["AssetID"]); else _contentID = Convert.ToInt64(asstData.ID); cData = cContent.GetContent(_contentID, Ektron.Cms.ContentAPI.ContentResultType.Published); astData.FileName = fileName; astData.FolderId = _folderID; astData.ContentId = cData.Id; astData.Teaser = cData.Teaser; astData.Comment = cData.Comment; astData.Title = cData.Title; astData.GoLive = cData.GoLive; //Assigning the categories taxonomyCatArray = contentAPI.ReadAllAssignedCategory(_contentID); if (taxonomyCatArray != null && taxonomyCatArray.Length > 0) { foreach (TaxonomyBaseData tBaseData in taxonomyCatArray) { if (astData.TaxonomyTreeIds == "") astData.TaxonomyTreeIds = tBaseData.TaxonomyId.ToString(); else astData.TaxonomyTreeIds += "," + tBaseData.TaxonomyId.ToString(); } } //Assigning the metadata if (cData.MetaData != null && cData.MetaData.Length > 0) { astData.MetaData = new AssetUpdateMetaData[cData.MetaData.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < cData.MetaData.Length - 1; i++) { astData.MetaData[i] = new AssetUpdateMetaData(); astData.MetaData[i].TypeId = cData.MetaData[i].TypeId; astData.MetaData[i].ContentId = cData.Id; astData.MetaData[i].Text = cData.MetaData[i].Text; } } astData.EndDate = cData.EndDate; astData.EndDateAction = (Ektron.Cms.Common.EkEnumeration.CMSEndDateAction)cData.EndDateAction; //Updating the Content bool isUpdated = contentAPI.EditAsset(stream, astData); //Creating the thumbnail, as service takes a while to generate and we see a broken Image in that time. if (!isUpdated && createOverwriteThumbnail) { cData = contentAPI.ShowContentById(cData.Id, contentAPI.CmsPreview, !contentAPI.CmsPreview); if (cData.Status.ToLower() == "a") CreateThumbNailIfOneDoesntExist(GetPath(cData), 125, true); } } else { Ektron.Cms.AssetUpdateData astData = new AssetUpdateData(); astData.FileName = fileName; astData.FolderId = _folderID; astData.TaxonomyTreeIds = _taxonomyIdList; astData.Teaser = FillImageGalleryDescription(); astData.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); astData.LanguageId = _contentLanguage; _contentID = contentAPI.AddAsset(stream, astData); //----------------searchable--------------------- IsContentSearchableSection(_contentID); //----------------searchableEnd------------------ //Creating the thumbnail, as service takes a while to generate and we see a broken Image in that time. if (_contentID > 0 && createOverwriteThumbnail) { cData = contentAPI.ShowContentById(_contentID, contentAPI.CmsPreview, !contentAPI.CmsPreview); if (cData.Status.ToLower() == "a") CreateThumbNailIfOneDoesntExist(GetPath(cData), 125, false); } } jsMetaUrl.Text = ""; if (isMetadataOrTaxonomyRequired || (isUrlAliasRequired && !EkFunctions.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(fileName)))) { //put item into check-in state: contentAPI.EkContentRef.CheckContentOutv2_0(_contentID); contentAPI.EkContentRef.CheckIn(_contentID, ""); string _taxString = string.Empty; if (_taxonomyIdList != "") _taxString = "&taxonomyId=" + _taxonomyIdList; jsMetaUrl.Text = contentAPI.AppPath + "DMSMetadata.aspx?contentId=" + _contentID + "&idString=" + _contentID + "&folderId=" + _folderID + _taxString + "&close=true&EkTB_iframe=true&height=550&width=650&modal=true&refreshCaller=true"; ; } isFileUploadComplete.Value = "true"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "closeThickBox", "uploadClick();", true); } } } else { setInvalid(); ltrStatus.Text = _messageHelper.GetMessage("msg invalid file upload"); } } else { setInvalid(); ltrStatus.Text = _messageHelper.GetMessage("lbl upload file"); } }
private void Page_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { bool fileChanged = true; string assetId; List<AssetFileData> assetIdFileNameList = null; List<AssetFileData> tempAssetIdFileNameList = new List<AssetFileData>(); m_refContent = AppUI.EkContentRef; if (Request.Form["type"] != null) { actionType = (string)(Request.Form["type"].Trim().ToLower()); } if (Request.Form["requireMetaTaxonomy"] != null) { isCallerDmsDragDropCtl = true; } m_refContApi = new ContentAPI(); m_refMsg = m_refContApi.EkMsgRef; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["content_language"])) { ContentLanguage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["content_language"]); if (ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGES_UNDEFINED || ContentLanguage == Ektron.Cms.Common.EkConstants.ALL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES) { ContentLanguage = AppUI.DefaultContentLanguage; } AppUI.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; m_refContApi.ContentLanguage = ContentLanguage; } if (actionType.ToLower() == "add" && (Request.QueryString["SelTaxonomyId"] != null) && Request.QueryString["SelTaxonomyId"] != "") { TaxonomySelectId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["SelTaxonomyId"]); } userId = Convert.ToInt64(Ektron.Cms.CommonApi.GetEcmCookie()["user_id"]); loginToken = Convert.ToInt32(Ektron.Cms.CommonApi.GetEcmCookie()["unique_id"]); if ((Request.Form["taxonomyselectedtree"] != null) && Request.Form["taxonomyselectedtree"].ToString().Length > 1) { jsTaxonomyIdReloadFrame.Text = Request.Form["taxonomyselectedtree"].ToString(); if (Request.Form["taxonomyselectedtree"].ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray()) != null) { jsTaxonomyId.Text = (Request.Form["taxonomyselectedtree"].ToString().Split(",".ToCharArray()))[0]; } } if (Request.Form["editaction"] == "cancel") { Session.Remove(Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"); if ((actionType != "add") && (Request.Form["content_id"] != "" && Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["content_id"]) > 0)) { string status = m_refContApi.GetContentStatusById(Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["content_id"])); if (status.ToLower() == "o") //28710 - if asset is a office file status = "A" on saving in word { m_refContent.UndoCheckOutv2_0(Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["content_id"])); } if (Request.Form["FromEE"] == "true" || Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { if (Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { Response.Redirect("close.aspx?reload=true", false); return; } else { Response.Redirect("close.aspx", false); return; } } else { Response.Redirect((string)("content.aspx?id=" + Request.Form["content_id"] + "&action=viewstaged&LangType=" + m_refContApi.ContentLanguage), false); return; } } else { if (Request.Form["FromEE"] == "true" || Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { if (Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { Response.Redirect("close.aspx?reload=true", false); return; } else { Response.Redirect("close.aspx", false); return; } } else { Response.Redirect((string)("content.aspx?id=" + Request.Form["content_folder"] + "&action=ViewContentByCategory&LangType=" + m_refContApi.ContentLanguage), false); return; } } } int i; for (i = 0; i <= m_AssetInfoKeys.Length - 1; i++) { asset_info.Add(m_AssetInfoKeys[i], ""); } if (actionType != "multiple,add") { if ((Request.Form["asset_assetid"] != null) && (Request.Form["asset_assetid"].Length > 1)) { assetId = Request.Form["asset_assetid"]; } else { assetId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } Response.Expires = -1; Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-store"); string ErrDescription = ""; string filename; if (Request.Files["fileupload"] != null) { fileChanged = true; filename = Request.Files["fileupload"].FileName; string[] DMSFileTypes = DocumentManagerData.Instance.FileTypes.Replace("*","").Split(','); bool IsFileTypeAllowed = false; if (DMSFileTypes != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { if (Array.FindIndex(DMSFileTypes, x => x.ToString().Trim().ToLower() == filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(".")).ToLower()) >= 0) { IsFileTypeAllowed = true; } } if (actionType == "add") { Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData astData = new Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.AssetData(); astData = m_refContent.GetAssetDataBasedOnFileName(Path.GetFileName(filename), Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["content_folder"]), -1); if (astData != null && astData.ID != "" && astData.Name != "") { ErrDescription = "A content with title: " + astData.Name + " and ID: " + astData.ID + " already exists with the file name: " + Path.GetFileName(filename) + ". Please use a different filename."; Response.Redirect((string)("reterror.aspx?info=" + ErrDescription), false); return; } } if (filename.Trim() == "") { fileChanged = false; filename = (string)(Request.Form["oldfilename"].ToString()); } else { if (!IsFileTypeAllowed) { EkException.LogException(String.Format("Attempt at uploading unallowed file type occurred from user id: {0}", this.userId)); ErrDescription = "The file has not been uploaded. Please see administrator."; Response.Redirect("reterror.aspx?info=" + ErrDescription, false); return; } try { string docFilePath = DocumentManagerData.Instance.WebSharePath; if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(docFilePath)) { docFilePath = Ektron.ASM.AssetConfig.Utilities.UrlHelper.GetAppPhysicalPath() + docFilePath; } string destFileName = docFilePath + Path.GetFileName(filename) + assetId; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(Request.Files["fileupload"].InputStream)) { byte[] buf; using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(destFileName, FileMode.Create))) { buf = br.ReadBytes(bufSize); if (EkFunctions.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(filename))) { System.IO.Stream streamTmp=new System.IO.MemoryStream(buf); if (!EkFunctions.isImageStreamValid(streamTmp)) { streamTmp.Flush(); streamTmp.Close(); throw new Exception("The image is corrupted or not in correct format."); } streamTmp.Flush(); streamTmp.Close(); } int index = 0; while (buf.Length > 0) { binaryWriter.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); index += buf.Length; buf = br.ReadBytes(bufSize); } binaryWriter.Flush(); binaryWriter.Close(); } br.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } else { filename = (string)(Request.Form["filename"].ToString()); fileChanged = false; } ProcessPage(filename, assetId, fileChanged, null); } else { bool isOfc2010 = false; if (Request.Cookies[DMSCookieName] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Cookies[DMSCookieName].Value)) { if (Request.Cookies[DMSCookieName].Value == "2010") { isOfc2010 = true; } } if (isOfc2010) { ProcessUploadOffice2010(); } else { #region originalupload if (Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"] != null) { assetIdFileNameList = (List<AssetFileData>)Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"]; Session.Remove(Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"); } //If coming from photo/image gallery, do not upload any files if a single invalid file is found if ((Request.Form["isImage"] != null) && Request.Form["isImage"].ToString() == "1") { List<string> allFilesList = null; if (Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "AllPostedFiles"] != null) { allFilesList = (List<string>)Session[userId + loginToken + "AllPostedFiles"]; Session.Remove(Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "AllPostedFiles"); } string invalidFilesMsg = ""; if (allFilesList != null) { for (int index = 0; index <= allFilesList.Count - 1; index++) { if (!EkFunctions.IsImage(Path.GetExtension(System.Convert.ToString(allFilesList[index])))) { invalidFilesMsg = System.Convert.ToString(allFilesList[index]); this.jsInvalidFiles.Text = "Only images can be uploaded here, invalid file type found: " + invalidFilesMsg.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\'", "\\\'") + "\\nNo images have been uploaded."; this.uxAlertInvalidFileType.Visible = true; this.uxCloseThickBox.Visible = true; return; } } } } if (assetIdFileNameList != null && assetIdFileNameList.Count > 0) { for (int index = 0; index <= assetIdFileNameList.Count - 1; index++) { if (assetIdFileNameList[index].FileName.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '&', '%', '+' }) > -1) { this.jsInvalidFiles.Text = "Some files with &,+ or % could not be uploaded"; this.uxAlertInvalidFileType.Visible = true; } else { tempAssetIdFileNameList.Add(assetIdFileNameList[index]); } } assetIdFileNameList = tempAssetIdFileNameList; } fileChanged = true; if ((assetIdFileNameList != null) && assetIdFileNameList.Count > 0) { ProcessPage("", "", true, assetIdFileNameList); } else { //if any files were rejected if (Request.Form["FromEE"] == "true" || Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { if (Request.QueryString["close"] == "true") { Response.Redirect("close.aspx?reload=true", false); } else { Response.Redirect("close.aspx", false); } } else { if (isCallerDmsDragDropCtl == true) { if ((Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"] != null) && Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"].ToString() != "") { this.jsInvalidFiles.Text = m_refMsg.GetMessage("lbl error message for multiupload") + " " + Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"].ToString().Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\'", "\\\'"); this.jsInvalidFiles.Text += "\\n" + m_refMsg.GetMessage("js:cannot add file with add and plus"); this.uxAlertInvalidFileType.Visible = true; Session.Remove(Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"); this.uxCloseThickBox.Visible = true; } else { Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery + ((Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery.IndexOf("showtab") > -1) ? "" : "&showtab=multiple"), false); } } else { if ((Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"] == null) || Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "RejectedFiles"].ToString() == "") { if ((Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"] == null) || Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "Attachments"].ToString() == "") { if (Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "NoFilesToUpload"] == null) { Session.Add(Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "NoFilesToUpload", "NoFilesToUpload"); } else { Session[Convert.ToString(userId) + Convert.ToString(loginToken) + "NoFilesToUpload"] = "NoFilesToUpload"; } } } Response.Redirect((string)("content.aspx?id=" + Request.Form["content_folder"] + "&action=ViewContentByCategory&LangType=" + ContentLanguage), false); } } } #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString()); } }