protected void ibtnMonk_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class Monk = new Class("5"); SetToolTips(Monk.PossibleSpecs); ibtnDruid.ToolTip = Monk.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(Monk.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
// All buttons named ibtnName create an instance of the class Class, get the tooltips from the database, adds the - // selection to the instance of Build, adds it in the session and as last point triggers the method for rebuilding- // the page with the new changes made ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void ibtnDeathKnight_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class DeathKnight = new Class("1"); SetToolTips(DeathKnight.PossibleSpecs); ibtnDeathKnight.ToolTip = DeathKnight.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(DeathKnight.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
protected void ibtnHunter_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class Hunter = new Class("3"); SetToolTips(Hunter.PossibleSpecs); ibtnDruid.ToolTip = Hunter.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(Hunter.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
protected void ibtnPaladin_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class Paladin = new Class("6"); SetToolTips(Paladin.PossibleSpecs); ibtnDruid.ToolTip = Paladin.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(Paladin.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
protected void ibtnWarrior_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class Warrior = new Class("11"); SetToolTips(Warrior.PossibleSpecs); ibtnWarrior.ToolTip = Warrior.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(Warrior.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
protected void ibtnRogue_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { Class Rogue = new Class("8"); SetToolTips(Rogue.PossibleSpecs); ibtnDruid.ToolTip = Rogue.Tooltip; myBuild.AddClass(Rogue.Name); Session.Add("Build", myBuild.UpdateBuild()); FillPage(); }
// A method that gets the Specialization tooltips of the given class and returns them to a List<string> ------------------- public List<string> GetToolTips(Class Class) { Open(); string sql = "SELECT TOOLTIP FROM SPECIALIZATION WHERE CLASSNAME = " + Class.Name; OleDbCommand Command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection); List<string> mytooltips = new List<string>(); try { OleDbDataReader Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { mytooltips.Add(Convert.ToString(Reader["TOOLTIP"])); } } catch { } Close(); return mytooltips; }
// A method that gets the Class Tooltip of given Class and returns it as a string ------------------------------------- public string GetToolTip(Class Class) { Open(); string sql = "SELECT TOOLTIP FROM CLASS WHERE CLASSNAME = " + Class.Name; OleDbCommand Command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection); string Tooltip = ""; try { OleDbDataReader Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { Tooltip = Reader["TOOLTIP"].ToString(); } } catch { } return Tooltip; }
// A method that gets the 3 tooltips of the specialization of the given class and returns it as a string[] ------------- public string[] GetSpecialization(Class Class) { Open(); string name = Class.Name; string sql = "SELECT TOOLTIP FROM SPECIALIZATION WHERE CLASSNAME = " + name; OleDbCommand Command = new OleDbCommand(sql, connection); string[] mySpecs = new string[3]; try { OleDbDataReader Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { if (mySpecs[0] == null) { mySpecs[0] = (Convert.ToString(Reader["TOOLTIP"])); } else if (mySpecs[1] == null) { mySpecs[1] = (Convert.ToString(Reader["TOOLTIP"])); } else if (mySpecs[2] == null) { mySpecs[2] = (Convert.ToString(Reader["TOOLTIP"])); } } } catch { } Close(); return mySpecs; }