コード例 #1
        public void Detail_ShouldHave_SellingPrice()
            var detail = new HenDepreciationDetail { HouseId = Guid.NewGuid(), InitialPrice = 10, SellingPrice = -20, Depreciation = 10 };
            var errors = detail.Validate();

            Assert.True(errors.Any(e => e.Message == "HenDepreciationDetail_InvalidSellingPrice"));
コード例 #2
        public void Detail_ShouldHave_HouseId()
            var detail = new HenDepreciationDetail {InitialPrice = 10, SellingPrice = 20, Depreciation = 10};
            var errors = detail.Validate();

            Assert.True(errors.Any(e => e.Message == "HenDepreciationDetail_RequireHouseId"));
コード例 #3
        public HenDepreciation GetInitialValues(DateTime date)
            var depreciation = new HenDepreciation{Date = date.Date};

            string totalFeedQuery = @"SELECT SUM(ConsumableUsageDetail.Count * COnsumableUsageDetail.UnitPrice)
            FROM ConsumableUsageDetail JOIN ConsumableUsage ON  ConsumableUsageDetail.UsageId = ConsumableUsage.Id
            JOIN Consumable ON ConsumableUsagedetail.ConsumableId = Consumable.Id WHERE  ConsumableUsageDetail.HouseId=@houseId AND ConsumableUsage.Date=@date
            AND Consumable.Type=0";

            string retailQuantityQuery =
                @"SELECT RetailQuantity FROM EggProductionDetail JOIN EggProduction ON EggProductionDetail.ProductionId = EggProduction.Id
            WHERE EggProductionDetail.HouseId=@houseId AND EggProduction.Date=@date";

            using (var db = factory.OpenDbConnection())
                var houses = db.Select<HenHouse>(h => h.Active).OrderBy(h => h.Name).ToList();

                foreach (var house in houses)
                    var detail = new HenDepreciationDetail();
                    detail.HouseId = house.Id;

                    var hens = db.Where<Hen>(new{HouseId = house.Id, Active=true}).ToList();
                    var cost = hens.Sum(h => h.Count * h.Cost);

                    detail.InitialPrice = cost;

                    if (house.ProductiveAge > 0)
                         int totalFeed = 0;

                        var command = db.CreateCommand();
                        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                        command.CommandText = totalFeedQuery;
                        command.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@houseId", MySqlDbType.Guid) { Value = house.Id });
                        command.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@date", MySqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = date });

                        object result = command.ExecuteScalar();

                        if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                            totalFeed = Convert.ToInt32(result);

                        if (totalFeed > 0 )
                            command = db.CreateCommand();
                            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                            command.CommandText = retailQuantityQuery;
                            command.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@houseId", MySqlDbType.Guid) { Value = house.Id });
                            command.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("@date", MySqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = date });

                            result = command.ExecuteScalar();

                            decimal retailQuantity = 0;

                            if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                                retailQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(result);

                            if (retailQuantity > 0)

                                detail.Depreciation = totalFeed/retailQuantity/house.ProductiveAge;
                        detail.SellingPrice = 0;


            return depreciation;