コード例 #1
		public virtual void TestMultiply(TableFactor factor1, TableFactor factor2)
			TableFactor result = factor1.Multiply((TableFactor)factor2);
			foreach (int[] assignment in result)
				double factor1Value = factor1.GetAssignmentValue(SubsetAssignment(assignment, result, (TableFactor)factor1));
				double factor2Value = factor2.GetAssignmentValue(SubsetAssignment(assignment, result, (TableFactor)factor2));
				NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.GetAssignmentValue(assignment), 1.0e-5, factor1Value * factor2Value);
			// Check for no duplication
			for (int i = 0; i < result.neighborIndices.Length; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < result.neighborIndices.Length; j++)
					if (i == j)
					Assert.AssertNotEquals(result.neighborIndices[i], result.neighborIndices[j]);
コード例 #2
        public virtual void CheckMAPAgainstBruteForce(GraphicalModel model, ConcatVector weights, CliqueTree inference)
            int[] map = inference.CalculateMAP();
            ICollection <TableFactor> tableFactors = model.factors.Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToSet());
            // this is the super slow but obviously correct way to get global marginals
            TableFactor bruteForce = null;

            foreach (TableFactor factor in tableFactors)
                if (bruteForce == null)
                    bruteForce = factor;
                    bruteForce = bruteForce.Multiply(factor);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((bruteForce != null));
            // observe out all variables that have been registered
            TableFactor observed = bruteForce;

            foreach (int n in bruteForce.neighborIndices)
                if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n).Contains(CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue))
                    int value = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n)[CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue]);
                    if (observed.neighborIndices.Length > 1)
                        observed = observed.Observe(n, value);
                        // If we've observed everything, then just quit
            bruteForce = observed;
            int largestVariableNum = 0;

            foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f in model.factors)
                foreach (int i in f.neigborIndices)
                    if (i > largestVariableNum)
                        largestVariableNum = i;
            // this is presented in true order, where 0 corresponds to var 0
            int[] mapValueAssignment = new int[largestVariableNum + 1];
            // this is kept in the order that the factor presents to us
            int[] highestValueAssignment = new int[bruteForce.neighborIndices.Length];
            foreach (int[] assignment in bruteForce)
                if (bruteForce.GetAssignmentValue(assignment) > bruteForce.GetAssignmentValue(highestValueAssignment))
                    highestValueAssignment = assignment;
                    for (int i = 0; i < assignment.Length; i++)
                        mapValueAssignment[bruteForce.neighborIndices[i]] = assignment[i];
            int[] forcedAssignments = new int[largestVariableNum + 1];
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < mapValueAssignment.Length; i_1++)
                if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(i_1).Contains(CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue))
                    mapValueAssignment[i_1] = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(i_1)[CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue]);
                    forcedAssignments[i_1]  = mapValueAssignment[i_1];
            if (!Arrays.Equals(mapValueAssignment, map))
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Relevant variables: " + Arrays.ToString(bruteForce.neighborIndices));
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Var Sizes: " + Arrays.ToString(bruteForce.GetDimensions()));
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("MAP: " + Arrays.ToString(map));
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Brute force map: " + Arrays.ToString(mapValueAssignment));
                System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Forced assignments: " + Arrays.ToString(forcedAssignments));
            foreach (int i_2 in bruteForce.neighborIndices)
                // Only check defined variables
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(mapValueAssignment[i_2], map[i_2]);
コード例 #3
        private void CheckMarginalsAgainstBruteForce(GraphicalModel model, ConcatVector weights, CliqueTree inference)
            CliqueTree.MarginalResult result       = inference.CalculateMarginals();
            double[][] marginals                   = result.marginals;
            ICollection <TableFactor> tableFactors = model.factors.Stream().Map(null).Collect(Collectors.ToSet());

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((tableFactors.Count == model.factors.Count));
            // this is the super slow but obviously correct way to get global marginals
            TableFactor bruteForce = null;

            foreach (TableFactor factor in tableFactors)
                if (bruteForce == null)
                    bruteForce = factor;
                    bruteForce = bruteForce.Multiply(factor);
            if (bruteForce != null)
                // observe out all variables that have been registered
                TableFactor observed = bruteForce;
                for (int i = 0; i < bruteForce.neighborIndices.Length; i++)
                    int n = bruteForce.neighborIndices[i];
                    if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n).Contains(CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue))
                        int value = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n)[CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue]);
                        // Check that the marginals reflect the observation
                        for (int j = 0; j < marginals[n].Length; j++)
                            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(marginals[n][j], 1.0e-9, j == value ? 1.0 : 0.0);
                        if (observed.neighborIndices.Length > 1)
                            observed = observed.Observe(n, value);
                            // If we've observed everything, then just quit
                bruteForce = observed;
                // Spot check each of the marginals in the brute force calculation
                double[][] bruteMarginals = bruteForce.GetSummedMarginals();
                int        index          = 0;
                foreach (int i_1 in bruteForce.neighborIndices)
                    bool     isEqual = true;
                    double[] brute   = bruteMarginals[index];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((brute != null));
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((marginals[i_1] != null));
                    for (int j = 0; j < brute.Length; j++)
                        if (double.IsNaN(brute[j]))
                            isEqual = false;
                        if (Math.Abs(brute[j] - marginals[i_1][j]) > 3.0e-2)
                            isEqual = false;
                    if (!isEqual)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Arrays not equal! Variable " + i_1);
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\tGold: " + Arrays.ToString(brute));
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\tResult: " + Arrays.ToString(marginals[i_1]));
                    Assert.AssertArrayEquals(marginals[i_1], 3.0e-2, brute);
                // Spot check the partition function
                double goldPartitionFunction = bruteForce.ValueSum();
                // Correct to within 3%
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.partitionFunction, goldPartitionFunction * 3.0e-2, goldPartitionFunction);
                // Check the joint marginals
                foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f in model.factors)
                    TableFactor bruteForceJointMarginal = bruteForce;
                    foreach (int n in bruteForce.neighborIndices)
                        foreach (int i_2 in f.neigborIndices)
                            if (i_2 == n)
                                goto outer_continue;
                        if (bruteForceJointMarginal.neighborIndices.Length > 1)
                            bruteForceJointMarginal = bruteForceJointMarginal.SumOut(n);
                            int[] fixedAssignment = new int[f.neigborIndices.Length];
                            for (int i_3 = 0; i_3 < fixedAssignment.Length; i_3++)
                                fixedAssignment[i_3] = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(f.neigborIndices[i_3])[CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue]);
                            foreach (int[] assn in result.jointMarginals[f])
                                if (Arrays.Equals(assn, fixedAssignment))
                                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assn), 1.0e-7, 1.0);
                                    if (result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assn) != 0)
                                        TableFactor j = result.jointMarginals[f];
                                        foreach (int[] assignment in j)
                                            System.Console.Error.WriteLine(Arrays.ToString(assignment) + ": " + j.GetAssignmentValue(assignment));
                                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assn), 1.0e-7, 0.0);
                            goto marginals_continue;
                    outer_break :;
                    // Find the correspondence between the brute force joint marginal, which may be missing variables
                    // because they were observed out of the table, and the output joint marginals, which are always an exact
                    // match for the original factor
                    int[] backPointers  = new int[f.neigborIndices.Length];
                    int[] observedValue = new int[f.neigborIndices.Length];
                    for (int i_4 = 0; i_4 < backPointers.Length; i_4++)
                        if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(f.neigborIndices[i_4]).Contains(CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue))
                            observedValue[i_4] = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(f.neigborIndices[i_4])[CliqueTree.VariableObservedValue]);
                            backPointers[i_4]  = -1;
                            observedValue[i_4] = -1;
                            backPointers[i_4]  = -1;
                            for (int j = 0; j < bruteForceJointMarginal.neighborIndices.Length; j++)
                                if (bruteForceJointMarginal.neighborIndices[j] == f.neigborIndices[i_4])
                                    backPointers[i_4] = j;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((backPointers[i_4] != -1));
                    double sum = bruteForceJointMarginal.ValueSum();
                    if (sum == 0.0)
                        sum = 1;
                    foreach (int[] assignment_1 in result.jointMarginals[f])
                        int[] bruteForceMarginalAssignment = new int[bruteForceJointMarginal.neighborIndices.Length];
                        for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < assignment_1.Length; i_2++)
                            if (backPointers[i_2] != -1)
                                bruteForceMarginalAssignment[backPointers[i_2]] = assignment_1[i_2];
                                // Make sure all assignments that don't square with observations get 0 weight
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((observedValue[i_2] != -1));
                                if (assignment_1[i_2] != observedValue[i_2])
                                    if (result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assignment_1) != 0)
                                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Joint marginals: " + Arrays.ToString(result.jointMarginals[f].neighborIndices));
                                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Assignment: " + Arrays.ToString(assignment_1));
                                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Observed Value: " + Arrays.ToString(observedValue));
                                        foreach (int[] assn in result.jointMarginals[f])
                                            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("\t" + Arrays.ToString(assn) + ":" + result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assn));
                                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assignment_1), 1.0e-7, 0.0);
                                    goto outer_continue;
                        NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(result.jointMarginals[f].GetAssignmentValue(assignment_1), 1.0e-3, bruteForceJointMarginal.GetAssignmentValue(bruteForceMarginalAssignment) / sum);
                    outer_break :;
                marginals_break :;
                foreach (double[] marginal in marginals)
                    foreach (double d in marginal)
                        NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d, 3.0e-2, 1.0 / marginal.Length);
コード例 #4
        // OPTIMIZATION:
        // cache the last list of factors, and the last set of messages passed, in case we can recycle some
        /// <summary>Does tree shaped message passing.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Does tree shaped message passing. The algorithm calls for first passing down to the leaves, then passing back up
        /// to the root.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="marginalize">the method for marginalization, controls MAP or marginals</param>
        /// <returns>the marginal messages</returns>
        private CliqueTree.MarginalResult MessagePassing(CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod marginalize, bool includeJointMarginalsAndPartition)
            // Using the behavior of brute force factor multiplication as ground truth, the desired
            // outcome of marginal calculation with an impossible factor is a uniform probability dist.,
            // since we have a resulting factor of all 0s. That is of course assuming that normalizing
            // all 0s gives you uniform, which is not real math, but that's a useful tolerance to include, so we do.
            bool impossibleObservationMade = false;
            // Message passing will look at fully observed cliques as non-entities, but their
            // log-likelihood (the log-likelihood of the single observed value) is still relevant for the
            // partition function.
            double partitionFunction = 1.0;

            if (includeJointMarginalsAndPartition)
                foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f in model.factors)
                    foreach (int n in f.neigborIndices)
                        if (!model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n).Contains(VariableObservedValue))
                            goto outer_continue;
                    int[] assignment = new int[f.neigborIndices.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < f.neigborIndices.Length; i++)
                        assignment[i] = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(f.neigborIndices[i])[VariableObservedValue]);
                    double assignmentValue = f.featuresTable.GetAssignmentValue(assignment).Get().DotProduct(weights);
                    if (double.IsInfinite(assignmentValue))
                        impossibleObservationMade = true;
                        partitionFunction *= Math.Exp(assignmentValue);
                outer_break :;
            // Create the cliques by multiplying out table factors
            // TODO:OPT This could be made more efficient by observing first, then dot product
            IList <TableFactor> cliquesList = new List <TableFactor>();
            IDictionary <int, GraphicalModel.Factor> cliqueToFactor = new Dictionary <int, GraphicalModel.Factor>();
            int numFactorsCached = 0;

            foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f_1 in model.factors)
                bool allObserved = true;
                int  maxVar      = 0;
                foreach (int n in f_1.neigborIndices)
                    if (!model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n).Contains(VariableObservedValue))
                        allObserved = false;
                    if (n > maxVar)
                        maxVar = n;
                if (allObserved)
                TableFactor clique = null;
                // Retrieve cache if exists and none of the observations have changed
                if (cachedFactors.Contains(f_1))
                    CliqueTree.CachedFactorWithObservations obs = cachedFactors[f_1];
                    bool allConsistent = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < f_1.neigborIndices.Length; i++)
                        int n_1 = f_1.neigborIndices[i];
                        if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n_1).Contains(VariableObservedValue) && (obs.observations[i] == -1 || System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n_1)[VariableObservedValue]) != obs.observations[i]))
                            allConsistent = false;
                        // NOTE: This disqualifies lots of stuff for some reason...
                        if (!model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n_1).Contains(VariableObservedValue) && (obs.observations[i] != -1))
                            allConsistent = false;
                    if (allConsistent)
                        clique = obs.cachedFactor;
                        if (obs.impossibleObservation)
                            impossibleObservationMade = true;
                // Otherwise make a new cache
                if (clique == null)
                    int[] observations = new int[f_1.neigborIndices.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < observations.Length; i++)
                        IDictionary <string, string> metadata = model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(f_1.neigborIndices[i]);
                        if (metadata.Contains(VariableObservedValue))
                            int value = System.Convert.ToInt32(metadata[VariableObservedValue]);
                            observations[i] = value;
                            observations[i] = -1;
                    clique = new TableFactor(weights, f_1, observations);
                    CliqueTree.CachedFactorWithObservations cache = new CliqueTree.CachedFactorWithObservations();
                    cache.cachedFactor = clique;
                    cache.observations = observations;
                    // Check for an impossible observation
                    bool nonZeroValue = false;
                    foreach (int[] assignment in clique)
                        if (clique.GetAssignmentValue(assignment) > 0)
                            nonZeroValue = true;
                    if (!nonZeroValue)
                        impossibleObservationMade   = true;
                        cache.impossibleObservation = true;
                    cachedFactors[f_1] = cache;
                cliqueToFactor[cliquesList.Count] = f_1;
            TableFactor[] cliques = Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(cliquesList, new TableFactor[cliquesList.Count]);
            // If we made any impossible observations, we can just return a uniform distribution for all the variables that
            // weren't observed, since that's the semantically correct thing to do (our 'probability' is broken at this
            // point).
            if (impossibleObservationMade)
                int maxVar = 0;
                foreach (TableFactor c in cliques)
                    foreach (int i in c.neighborIndices)
                        if (i > maxVar)
                            maxVar = i;
                double[][] result = new double[maxVar + 1][];
                foreach (TableFactor c_1 in cliques)
                    for (int i = 0; i < c_1.neighborIndices.Length; i++)
                        result[c_1.neighborIndices[i]] = new double[c_1.GetDimensions()[i]];
                        for (int j = 0; j < result[c_1.neighborIndices[i]].Length; j++)
                            result[c_1.neighborIndices[i]][j] = 1.0 / result[c_1.neighborIndices[i]].Length;
                // Create a bunch of uniform joint marginals, constrained by observations, and fill up the joint marginals
                // with them
                IDictionary <GraphicalModel.Factor, TableFactor> jointMarginals = new IdentityHashMap <GraphicalModel.Factor, TableFactor>();
                if (includeJointMarginalsAndPartition)
                    foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f in model.factors)
                        TableFactor uniformZero = new TableFactor(f_1.neigborIndices, f_1.featuresTable.GetDimensions());
                        foreach (int[] assignment in uniformZero)
                            uniformZero.SetAssignmentValue(assignment, 0.0);
                        jointMarginals[f_1] = uniformZero;
                return(new CliqueTree.MarginalResult(result, 1.0, jointMarginals));
            // Find the largest contained variable, so that we can size arrays appropriately
            int maxVar_1 = 0;

            foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor fac in model.factors)
                foreach (int i in fac.neigborIndices)
                    if (i > maxVar_1)
                        maxVar_1 = i;
            // Indexed by (start-clique, end-clique), this array will remain mostly null in most graphs
            TableFactor[][] messages = new TableFactor[cliques.Length][];
            // OPTIMIZATION:
            // check if we've only added one factor since the last time we ran marginal inference. If that's the case, we
            // can use the new factor as the root, all the messages passed in from the leaves will not have changed. That
            // means we can cut message passing computation in half.
            bool[][] backwardPassedMessages           = new bool[cliques.Length][];
            int      forceRootForCachedMessagePassing = -1;

            int[] cachedCliquesBackPointers = null;
            if (CacheMessages && (numFactorsCached == cliques.Length - 1) && (numFactorsCached > 0))
                cachedCliquesBackPointers = new int[cliques.Length];
                // Sometimes we'll have cached versions of the factors, but they're from inference steps a long time ago, so we
                // don't get consistent backpointers to our cache of factors. This is a flag to indicate if this happens.
                bool backPointersConsistent = true;
                // Calculate the correspondence between the old cliques list and the new cliques list
                for (int i = 0; i < cliques.Length; i++)
                    cachedCliquesBackPointers[i] = -1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < cachedCliqueList.Length; j++)
                        if (cliques[i] == cachedCliqueList[j])
                            cachedCliquesBackPointers[i] = j;
                    if (cachedCliquesBackPointers[i] == -1)
                        if (forceRootForCachedMessagePassing != -1)
                            backPointersConsistent = false;
                        forceRootForCachedMessagePassing = i;
                if (!backPointersConsistent)
                    forceRootForCachedMessagePassing = -1;
            // Create the data structures to hold the tree pattern
            bool[] visited    = new bool[cliques.Length];
            int    numVisited = 0;

            int[] visitedOrder = new int[cliques.Length];
            int[] parent       = new int[cliques.Length];
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < parent.Length; i_1++)
                parent[i_1] = -1;
            // Figure out which cliques are connected to which trees. This is important for calculating the partition
            // function later, since each tree will converge to its own partition function by multiplication, and we will
            // need to multiply the partition function of each of the trees to get the global one.
            int[] trees = new int[cliques.Length];
            // Forward pass, record a BFS forest pattern that we can use for message passing
            int treeIndex = -1;

            bool[] seenVariable = new bool[maxVar_1 + 1];
            while (numVisited < cliques.Length)
                // Pick the largest connected graph remaining as the root for message passing
                int root = -1;
                // OPTIMIZATION: if there's a forced root for message passing (a node that we just added) then make it the
                // root
                if (CacheMessages && forceRootForCachedMessagePassing != -1 && !visited[forceRootForCachedMessagePassing])
                    root = forceRootForCachedMessagePassing;
                    for (int i = 0; i_1 < cliques.Length; i_1++)
                        if (!visited[i_1] && (root == -1 || cliques[i_1].neighborIndices.Length > cliques[root].neighborIndices.Length))
                            root = i_1;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((root != -1));
                IQueue <int> toVisit = new ArrayDeque <int>();
                bool[] toVisitArray = new bool[cliques.Length];
                toVisitArray[root] = true;
                while (toVisit.Count > 0)
                    int cursor = toVisit.Poll();
                    // toVisitArray[cursor] = false;
                    trees[cursor] = treeIndex;
                    if (visited[cursor])
                        log.Info("Visited contains: " + cursor);
                        log.Info("Visited: " + Arrays.ToString(visited));
                        log.Info("To visit: " + toVisit);
                    visited[cursor]          = true;
                    visitedOrder[numVisited] = cursor;
                    foreach (int i in cliques[cursor].neighborIndices)
                        seenVariable[i_1] = true;
                    for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < cliques.Length; i_2++)
                        if (i_2 == cursor)
                        if (i_2 == parent[cursor])
                        if (DomainsOverlap(cliques[cursor], cliques[i_2]))
                            // Make sure that for every variable that we've already seen somewhere in the graph, if it's
                            // in the child, it's in the parent. Otherwise we'll break the property of continuous
                            // transmission of information about variables through messages.
                            foreach (int child in cliques[i_2].neighborIndices)
                                if (seenVariable[child])
                                    foreach (int j in cliques[cursor].neighborIndices)
                                        if (j == child)
                                            goto childNeighborLoop_continue;
                                    // If we get here it means that this clique is not good as a child, since we can't pass
                                    // it all the information it needs from other elements of the tree
                                    goto childLoop_continue;
                            childNeighborLoop_break :;
                            if (parent[i_2] == -1 && !visited[i_2])
                                if (!toVisitArray[i_2])
                                    toVisitArray[i_2] = true;
                                    foreach (int j in cliques[i_2].neighborIndices)
                                        seenVariable[j] = true;
                                parent[i_2] = cursor;
                        childLoop_continue :;
                    childLoop_break :;
                // No cycles in the tree
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((parent[root] == -1));
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((numVisited == cliques.Length));
            // Backward pass, run the visited list in reverse
            for (int i_3 = numVisited - 1; i_3 >= 0; i_3--)
                int cursor = visitedOrder[i_3];
                if (parent[cursor] == -1)
                backwardPassedMessages[cursor][parent[cursor]] = true;
                // OPTIMIZATION:
                // if these conditions are met we can avoid calculating the message, and instead retrieve from the cache,
                // since they should be the same
                if (CacheMessages && forceRootForCachedMessagePassing != -1 && cachedCliquesBackPointers[cursor] != -1 && cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor]] != -1 && cachedMessages[cachedCliquesBackPointers[cursor]][cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ]]] != null && cachedBackwardPassedMessages[cachedCliquesBackPointers[cursor]][cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor]]])
                    messages[cursor][parent[cursor]] = cachedMessages[cachedCliquesBackPointers[cursor]][cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor]]];
                    // Calculate the message to the clique's parent, given all incoming messages so far
                    TableFactor message = cliques[cursor];
                    for (int k = 0; k < cliques.Length; k++)
                        if (k == parent[cursor])
                        if (messages[k][cursor] != null)
                            message = message.Multiply(messages[k][cursor]);
                    messages[cursor][parent[cursor]] = MarginalizeMessage(message, cliques[parent[cursor]].neighborIndices, marginalize);
                    // Invalidate any cached outgoing messages
                    if (CacheMessages && forceRootForCachedMessagePassing != -1 && cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor]] != -1)
                        for (int k_1 = 0; k_1 < cachedCliqueList.Length; k_1++)
                            cachedMessages[cachedCliquesBackPointers[parent[cursor]]][k_1] = null;
            // Forward pass, run the visited list forward
            for (int i_4 = 0; i_4 < numVisited; i_4++)
                int cursor = visitedOrder[i_4];
                for (int j = 0; j < cliques.Length; j++)
                    if (parent[j] != cursor)
                    TableFactor message = cliques[cursor];
                    for (int k = 0; k < cliques.Length; k++)
                        if (k == j)
                        if (messages[k][cursor] != null)
                            message = message.Multiply(messages[k][cursor]);
                    messages[cursor][j] = MarginalizeMessage(message, cliques[j].neighborIndices, marginalize);
            // OPTIMIZATION:
            // cache the messages, and the current list of cliques
            cachedCliqueList             = cliques;
            cachedMessages               = messages;
            cachedBackwardPassedMessages = backwardPassedMessages;
            // Calculate final marginals for each variable
            double[][] marginals = new double[maxVar_1 + 1][];
            // Include observed variables as deterministic
            foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor fac_1 in model.factors)
                for (int i = 0; i_4 < fac_1.neigborIndices.Length; i_4++)
                    int n = fac_1.neigborIndices[i_4];
                    if (model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n).Contains(VariableObservedValue))
                        double[] deterministic = new double[fac_1.featuresTable.GetDimensions()[i_4]];
                        int      assignment    = System.Convert.ToInt32(model.GetVariableMetaDataByReference(n)[VariableObservedValue]);
                        if (assignment > deterministic.Length)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Variable " + n + ": Can't have as assignment (" + assignment + ") that is out of bounds for dimension size (" + deterministic.Length + ")");
                        deterministic[assignment] = 1.0;
                        marginals[n] = deterministic;
            IDictionary <GraphicalModel.Factor, TableFactor> jointMarginals_1 = new IdentityHashMap <GraphicalModel.Factor, TableFactor>();

            if (marginalize == CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Sum && includeJointMarginalsAndPartition)
                bool[]   partitionIncludesTrees = new bool[treeIndex + 1];
                double[] treePartitionFunctions = new double[treeIndex + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i_4 < cliques.Length; i_4++)
                    TableFactor convergedClique = cliques[i_4];
                    for (int j = 0; j < cliques.Length; j++)
                        if (i_4 == j)
                        if (messages[j][i_4] == null)
                        convergedClique = convergedClique.Multiply(messages[j][i_4]);
                    // Calculate the partition function when we're calculating marginals
                    // We need one contribution per tree in our forest graph
                    if (!partitionIncludesTrees[trees[i_4]])
                        partitionIncludesTrees[trees[i_4]] = true;
                        treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]] = convergedClique.ValueSum();
                        partitionFunction *= treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]];
                        // This is all just an elaborate assert
                        // Check that our partition function is the same as the trees we're attached to, or with %.1, for numerical reasons.
                        // Sometimes the partition function will explode in value, which can make a non-%-based assert worthless here
                        if (AssertsEnabled() && !TableFactor.UseExpApprox)
                            double valueSum = convergedClique.ValueSum();
                            if (double.IsFinite(valueSum) && double.IsFinite(treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]]))
                                if (Math.Abs(treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]] - valueSum) >= 1.0e-3 * treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]])
                                    log.Info("Different partition functions for tree " + trees[i_4] + ": ");
                                    log.Info("Pre-existing for tree: " + treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]]);
                                    log.Info("This clique for tree: " + valueSum);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Math.Abs(treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]] - valueSum) < 1.0e-3 * treePartitionFunctions[trees[i_4]]));
                    // Calculate the factor this clique corresponds to, and put in an entry for joint marginals
                    GraphicalModel.Factor f = cliqueToFactor[i_4];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((f_1 != null));
                    if (!jointMarginals_1.Contains(f_1))
                        int[] observedAssignments = GetObservedAssignments(f_1);
                        // Collect back pointers and check if this factor matches the clique we're using
                        int[] backPointers = new int[observedAssignments.Length];
                        int   cursor       = 0;
                        for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < observedAssignments.Length; j_1++)
                            if (observedAssignments[j_1] == -1)
                                backPointers[j_1] = cursor;
                                // This is not strictly necessary but will trigger array OOB exception if things go wrong, so is nice
                                backPointers[j_1] = -1;
                        double      sum           = convergedClique.ValueSum();
                        TableFactor jointMarginal = new TableFactor(f_1.neigborIndices, f_1.featuresTable.GetDimensions());
                        // OPTIMIZATION:
                        // Rather than use the standard iterator, which creates lots of int[] arrays on the heap, which need to be GC'd,
                        // we use the fast version that just mutates one array. Since this is read once for us here, this is ideal.
                        IEnumerator <int[]> fastPassByReferenceIterator = convergedClique.FastPassByReferenceIterator();
                        int[] assignment = fastPassByReferenceIterator.Current;
                        while (true)
                            if (backPointers.Length == assignment.Length)
                                jointMarginal.SetAssignmentValue(assignment, convergedClique.GetAssignmentValue(assignment) / sum);
                                int[] jointAssignment = new int[backPointers.Length];
                                for (int j_2 = 0; j_2 < jointAssignment.Length; j_2++)
                                    if (observedAssignments[j_2] != -1)
                                        jointAssignment[j_2] = observedAssignments[j_2];
                                        jointAssignment[j_2] = assignment[backPointers[j_2]];
                                jointMarginal.SetAssignmentValue(jointAssignment, convergedClique.GetAssignmentValue(assignment) / sum);
                            // Set the assignment arrays correctly
                            if (fastPassByReferenceIterator.MoveNext())
                        jointMarginals_1[f_1] = jointMarginal;
                    bool anyNull = false;
                    for (int j_3 = 0; j_3 < convergedClique.neighborIndices.Length; j_3++)
                        int k = convergedClique.neighborIndices[j_3];
                        if (marginals[k] == null)
                            anyNull = true;
                    if (anyNull)
                        double[][] cliqueMarginals = null;
                        switch (marginalize)
                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Sum:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetSummedMarginals();

                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Max:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetMaxedMarginals();
                        for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < convergedClique.neighborIndices.Length; j_1++)
                            int k = convergedClique.neighborIndices[j_1];
                            if (marginals[k] == null)
                                marginals[k] = cliqueMarginals[j_1];
                // If we don't care about joint marginals, we can be careful about not calculating more cliques than we need to,
                // by explicitly sorting by which cliques are most profitable to calculate over. In this way we can avoid, in
                // the case of a chain CRF, calculating almost half the joint factors.
                // First do a pass where we only calculate all-null neighbors
                for (int i = 0; i_4 < cliques.Length; i_4++)
                    bool allNull = true;
                    foreach (int k in cliques[i_4].neighborIndices)
                        if (marginals[k] != null)
                            allNull = false;
                    if (allNull)
                        TableFactor convergedClique = cliques[i_4];
                        for (int j = 0; j < cliques.Length; j++)
                            if (i_4 == j)
                            if (messages[j][i_4] == null)
                            convergedClique = convergedClique.Multiply(messages[j][i_4]);
                        double[][] cliqueMarginals = null;
                        switch (marginalize)
                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Sum:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetSummedMarginals();

                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Max:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetMaxedMarginals();
                        for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < convergedClique.neighborIndices.Length; j_1++)
                            int k_1 = convergedClique.neighborIndices[j_1];
                            if (marginals[k_1] == null)
                                marginals[k_1] = cliqueMarginals[j_1];
                // Now we calculate any remaining cliques with any non-null variables
                for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < cliques.Length; i_2++)
                    bool anyNull = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < cliques[i_2].neighborIndices.Length; j++)
                        int k = cliques[i_2].neighborIndices[j];
                        if (marginals[k] == null)
                            anyNull = true;
                    if (anyNull)
                        TableFactor convergedClique = cliques[i_2];
                        for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < cliques.Length; j_1++)
                            if (i_2 == j_1)
                            if (messages[j_1][i_2] == null)
                            convergedClique = convergedClique.Multiply(messages[j_1][i_2]);
                        double[][] cliqueMarginals = null;
                        switch (marginalize)
                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Sum:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetSummedMarginals();

                        case CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Max:
                            cliqueMarginals = convergedClique.GetMaxedMarginals();
                        for (int j_2 = 0; j_2 < convergedClique.neighborIndices.Length; j_2++)
                            int k = convergedClique.neighborIndices[j_2];
                            if (marginals[k] == null)
                                marginals[k] = cliqueMarginals[j_2];
            // Add any factors to the joint marginal map that were fully observed and so didn't get cliques
            if (marginalize == CliqueTree.MarginalizationMethod.Sum && includeJointMarginalsAndPartition)
                foreach (GraphicalModel.Factor f in model.factors)
                    if (!jointMarginals_1.Contains(f_1))
                        // This implies that every variable in the factor is observed. If that's the case, we need to construct
                        // a one hot TableFactor representing the deterministic distribution.
                        TableFactor deterministicJointMarginal = new TableFactor(f_1.neigborIndices, f_1.featuresTable.GetDimensions());
                        int[]       observedAssignment         = GetObservedAssignments(f_1);
                        foreach (int i in observedAssignment)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((i_4 != -1));
                        deterministicJointMarginal.SetAssignmentValue(observedAssignment, 1.0);
                        jointMarginals_1[f_1] = deterministicJointMarginal;
            return(new CliqueTree.MarginalResult(marginals, partitionFunction, jointMarginals_1));