public SettingsWindow() { InitializeComponent(); try { //EditorMode mode = (EditorMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(EditorMode), ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_mode)); //FontType font = (FontType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FontType), ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_font)); var mode = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_mode); var fontName = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_font); var modes = editorModeCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in modes) { if ((string)item.Tag == mode) { editorModeCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } var fonts = equationFontCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in fonts) { if ((string)item.Tag == fontName) { equationFontCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } } catch { } }
//private Image ConvertImageToGrayScaleImage() //{ // Image image = new Image(); // BitmapImage bmpImage = new BitmapImage(); // bmpImage.BeginInit(); // bmpImage.UriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/images/gui/redo.png"); // bmpImage.EndInit(); // if (!undoButton.IsEnabled) // { // FormatConvertedBitmap grayBitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(); // grayBitmap.BeginInit(); // grayBitmap.Source = bmpImage; // grayBitmap.DestinationFormat = PixelFormats.Gray8; // grayBitmap.EndInit(); // image.Source = grayBitmap; // } // return image; //} void CheckForUpdate() { if (ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.checkUpdates) == "false") { return; } try { string newVersion = version; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { newVersion = client.DownloadString(""); } string[] newParts = newVersion.Split('.'); string[] currentParts = version.Split('.'); for (int i = 0; i < newParts.Count(); i++) { if (int.Parse(newParts[i]) > int.Parse(currentParts[i])) { if (MessageBox.Show("A new version of Math Editor with enhanced features is available.\r\nWould you like to download the new version?", "New version available", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { BrowserHelper.Open(""); } break; } else if (int.Parse(newParts[i]) < int.Parse(currentParts[i])) { break; } } } catch { } // hopeless.. }
public MainWindow() { this.DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); StatusBarHelper.Init(this); characterToolBar.CommandCompleted += (x, y) => { editor.Focus(); }; equationToolBar.CommandCompleted += (x, y) => { editor.Focus(); }; SetTitle(); AddHandler(UIElement.MouseDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(MainWindow_MouseDown), true); Task.Factory.StartNew(CheckForUpdate); if (ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.firstTime) == "true" || ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.version) != version) { string successMessage = ""; if (ConfigManager.SetConfigurationValue(KeyName.firstTime, "false") && ConfigManager.SetConfigurationValue(KeyName.version, version)) { successMessage = "\r\n\r\nThis message will not be shown again."; } MessageBox.Show("Thanks for using Math Editor. Math Editor is under constant development and we regularly release better versions of this product." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Please help us by sending your suggestions, feature requests or bug reports using our facebook page or our website (see help)." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + successMessage, "Important message"); } UndoManager.CanUndo += (a, b) => { undoButton.IsEnabled = b.ActionPossible; }; UndoManager.CanRedo += (a, b) => { redoButton.IsEnabled = b.ActionPossible; }; EquationBase.SelectionAvailable += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(editor_SelectionAvailable); EquationBase.SelectionUnavailable += new EventHandler <EventArgs>(editor_SelectionUnavailable); underbarToggle.IsChecked = true; TextEquation.InputPropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(TextEquation_InputPropertyChanged); editor.ZoomChanged += new EventHandler(editor_ZoomChanged); MVService.UserLoggedIn += new EventHandler(MVService_UserLoggedIn); MVService.UserLoggedOut += new EventHandler(MVService_UserLoggedOut); ProcessLogout(); }
public HistoryToolBar() { this.DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); recentListBox.ItemsSource = recentList; var data = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.symbols); if (data.Length > 0) { string [] list = data.Split(','); foreach (var s in list) { recentList.Add(s); } } recentListBox.FontFamily = FontFactory.GetFontFamily(FontType.STIXGeneral); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var strings = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (strings.Length > 1) { OpenFile(strings[1]); } } catch { } var mode = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_mode); var fontName = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_font); var modes = editorModeCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in modes) { if ((string)item.Tag == mode) { editorModeCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } var fonts = equationFontCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in fonts) { if ((string)item.Tag == fontName) { equationFontCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } ChangeEditorMode(); ChangeEditorFont(); editor.Focus(); window = new OnlineFilesWindow(this) { Owner = this, Topmost = true, ShowInTaskbar = false, WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner }; }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var strings = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (strings.Length > 1) { OpenFile(strings[1]); } } catch { } var mode = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_mode); var fontName = ConfigManager.GetConfigurationValue(KeyName.default_font); var modes = editorModeCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in modes) { if ((string)item.Tag == mode) { editorModeCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } var fonts = equationFontCombo.Items; foreach (ComboBoxItem item in fonts) { if ((string)item.Tag == fontName) { equationFontCombo.SelectedItem = item; } } ChangeEditorMode(); ChangeEditorFont(); currentEC = ((EditorControl)((ScrollViewer)((TabItem)MainTabControl.SelectedItem).Content).Content); currentEC.Focus(); }