/* * public override void OnRecoveryLoad(XmlElement root) * { * base.OnRecoveryLoad(root); * * if (root.HasAttribute("ids")) * { * string list = root.GetAttribute("ids"); * string[] ids = list.Split(';'); * foreach(string id in ids) * { * ulong nid; * if(ulong.TryParse(id, out nid)) * Wfp.RemoveItemId(nid); * } * } * } * * public override void OnRecoverySave(XmlElement root) * { * base.OnRecoverySave(root); * * lock (m_rules) * { * string list = ""; * foreach (WfpItem item in m_rules.Values) * { * foreach (ulong id in item.FirewallIds) * list += id.ToString() + ";"; * } * root.SetAttributeNode("ids", list); * } * } */ public void AddRule(string code, XmlElement xmlRule) { lock (m_rules) { if (m_rules.ContainsKey(code)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected: NetLock WFP rule '" + code + "' already exists"); } WfpItem item = Wfp.AddItem(code, xmlRule); m_rules[code] = item; } }
public override bool OnIpV6Do() { if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("ipv6.mode") == "disable") { if ((IsVistaOrNewer()) && (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.wfp"))) { XmlDocument xmlDocRule = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlRule = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("rule"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("name", "IPv6 - Block"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("layer", "ipv6"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("action", "block"); XmlElement XmlIf1 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf1); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("field", "ip_local_interface"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("match", "not_equal"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("interface", "loopback"); Wfp.AddItem("ipv6_block_all", xmlRule); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.IpV6DisabledWpf); } if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.ipv6.os_disable")) { // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929852 m_oldIpV6 = Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\TCPIP6\\Parameters", "DisabledComponents", ""); if (Conversions.ToUInt32(m_oldIpV6, 0) == 0) // 0 is the Windows default if the key doesn't exist. { m_oldIpV6 = 0; } if (Conversions.ToUInt32(m_oldIpV6, 0) == 17) // Nothing to do { m_oldIpV6 = null; } else { UInt32 newValue = 17; Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\services\\TCPIP6\\Parameters", "DisabledComponents", newValue, RegistryValueKind.DWord); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.IpV6DisabledOs); Recovery.Save(); } } base.OnIpV6Do(); } return(true); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchDo(string dns) { string[] dnsArray = dns.Split(','); if ((Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.dns.lock")) && (IsVistaOrNewer()) && (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.wfp"))) { // This is not required yet, but will be required in Eddie 3. { XmlDocument xmlDocRule = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlRule = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("rule"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("name", "Dns - Allow port 53 of OpenVPN"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("layer", "all"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("action", "permit"); XmlElement XmlIf1 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf1); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("field", "ip_remote_port"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("match", "equal"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("port", "53"); XmlElement XmlIf2 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf2); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("field", "ale_app_id"); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("match", "equal"); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("path", Software.OpenVpnPath); Wfp.AddItem("dns_permit_openvpn", xmlRule); } { // TOFIX: Missing IPv6 equivalent. Must be done in future when IPv6 support is well tested. // Remember: May fail at WFP side with a "Unknown interface" because network interface with IPv6 disabled have Ipv6IfIndex == 0. XmlDocument xmlDocRule = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlRule = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("rule"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("name", "Dns - Allow port 53 on TAP - IPv4"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("layer", "ipv4"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("action", "permit"); XmlElement XmlIf1 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf1); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("field", "ip_remote_port"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("match", "equal"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("port", "53"); XmlElement XmlIf2 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf2); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("field", "ip_local_interface"); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("match", "equal"); XmlIf2.SetAttribute("interface", Engine.Instance.ConnectedVpnInterfaceId); Wfp.AddItem("dns_permit_tap", xmlRule); } { XmlDocument xmlDocRule = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlRule = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("rule"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("name", "Dns - Block port 53"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("layer", "all"); xmlRule.SetAttribute("action", "block"); XmlElement XmlIf1 = xmlDocRule.CreateElement("if"); xmlRule.AppendChild(XmlIf1); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("field", "ip_remote_port"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("match", "equal"); XmlIf1.SetAttribute("port", "53"); Wfp.AddItem("dns_block_all", xmlRule); } Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.DnsLockActivatedWpf); } string mode = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("dns.mode"); if (mode == "auto") { try { ManagementClass objMC = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"); ManagementObjectCollection objMOC = objMC.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject objMO in objMOC) { /* * if (!((bool)objMO["IPEnabled"])) * continue; */ string guid = objMO["SettingID"] as string; bool skip = true; if ((Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.dns.lock")) && (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("windows.dns.force_all_interfaces"))) { skip = false; } if (guid == Engine.Instance.ConnectedVpnInterfaceId) { skip = false; } if (skip == false) { bool ipEnabled = (bool)objMO["IPEnabled"]; NetworkManagerDnsEntry entry = new NetworkManagerDnsEntry(); entry.Guid = guid; entry.Description = objMO["Description"] as string; entry.Dns = objMO["DNSServerSearchOrder"] as string[]; entry.AutoDns = ((Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\" + entry.Guid, "NameServer", "") as string) == ""); if (entry.Dns == null) { continue; } if (entry.AutoDns == false) // Added 2.11 { if (String.Join(",", entry.Dns) == dns) { continue; } } //string descFrom = (entry.AutoDns ? "Automatic" : String.Join(",", detectedDns)); string descFrom = (entry.AutoDns ? "automatic":"manual") + " (" + String.Join(",", entry.Dns) + ")"; Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.Format(Messages.NetworkAdapterDnsDone, entry.Description, descFrom, dns)); ManagementBaseObject objSetDNSServerSearchOrder = objMO.GetMethodParameters("SetDNSServerSearchOrder"); objSetDNSServerSearchOrder["DNSServerSearchOrder"] = dnsArray; objMO.InvokeMethod("SetDNSServerSearchOrder", objSetDNSServerSearchOrder, null); m_listOldDns.Add(entry); } } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(e); } Recovery.Save(); } base.OnDnsSwitchDo(dns); return(true); }