public override bool RestartAsRoot() { string path = Platform.Instance.GetExecutablePath(); List <string> args = CommandLine.SystemEnvironment.GetFullArray(); string defaultsPath = Core.Platform.Instance.LocateExecutable("defaults"); if (defaultsPath != "") { // If 'white', return error in StdErr and empty in StdOut. SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = defaultsPath; s.Arguments.Add("read"); s.Arguments.Add("-g"); s.Arguments.Add("AppleInterfaceStyle"); s.Run(); string colorMode = s.StdOut.Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); if (colorMode == "dark") { args.Add("\"dark\""); } } RootLauncher.LaunchExternalTool(path, args.ToArray()); return(true); }
public override int StartProcessAsRoot(string path, string[] arguments, bool consoleMode) { bool canRunAsRoot = Platform.Instance.FileRunAsRoot(path); System.Diagnostics.Process processShell = null; bool processDirectResult = false; if (canRunAsRoot) { processShell = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); processShell.StartInfo.FileName = path; processShell.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Join(" ", arguments); } else { if (Engine.Instance.ConsoleMode) { processShell = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); processShell.StartInfo.FileName = "sudo"; processShell.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + path + "\" " + string.Join(" ", arguments); } else { // Alternate version via osascript //processShell = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); //processShell.StartInfo.FileName = "osascript"; //processShell.StartInfo.Arguments = " -e 'do shell script \"" + path + " " + string.Join(" ", arguments) + "\" with prompt \"" + LanguageManager.GetText("HelperPrivilegesPrompt").Safe() + "\" with administrator privileges'"; // Alternate version with RootLauncher // TOFIX: pending pid, create launchd don't start it (no root?) // Required for elevated-spot-check-parent-pid processDirectResult = RootLauncher.LaunchExternalTool(path, arguments); } } if (processShell != null) { processShell.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = ""; processShell.StartInfo.Verb = "run"; processShell.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; processShell.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; processShell.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; processShell.Start(); return(processShell.Id); } else { return(processDirectResult ? -1 : 0); } }