private void insuranceChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); try { eddiConfiguration.Insurance = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eddiInsuranceDecimal.Text) ? 5 : Convert.ToDecimal(eddiInsuranceDecimal.Text); eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } catch { // Bad user input; ignore it } }
private void eddiSquadronIDText_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Discard invalid results EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronID != null) { if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronID.Contains(" ") || eddiConfiguration.SquadronID.Length > 4) { eddiConfiguration.SquadronID = null; squadronSystemDropDown.Text = string.Empty; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } } }
private void betaProgrammeDisabled(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); eddiConfiguration.Beta = eddiBetaProgramme.IsChecked.Value; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); if (runBetaCheck) { // Because we have changed to not wanting beta upgrades we need to re-check upgrade information EDDI.Instance.CheckUpgrade(); setStatusInfo(); } else { runBetaCheck = true; } }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); if (value == null) { return(ValidationResult.ValidResult); } if (eddiConfiguration.validStation) { return(ValidationResult.ValidResult); } else { return(new ValidationResult(false, Properties.EddiResources.invalid_station)); } }
private void SquadronSystemDropDown_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { void changeHandler(string newValue) { // Update configuration to new squadron system EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); eddiConfiguration.SquadronSystem = newValue; eddiConfiguration = EDDI.Instance.updateSquadronSystem(eddiConfiguration); eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); // Update squadron faction options for new system ConfigureSquadronFactionOptions(eddiConfiguration); } squadronSystemDropDown.SelectionDidChange(changeHandler); }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); if (value == null) { return(ValidationResult.ValidResult); } if (eddiConfiguration.validSystem) { return(ValidationResult.ValidResult); } else { return(new ValidationResult(false, "Invalid System")); } }
// Handle changes to the editable home system combo box private void HomeSystemText_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); void changeHandler() { // Reset the home station due to selecting new home system if (eddiConfiguration.HomeStation != null) { eddiConfiguration.HomeStation = null; homeStationDropDown.SelectedItem = Properties.MainWindow.no_station; ConfigureHomeStationOptions(null); eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } } homeSystemDropDown.TextDidChange(sender, e, eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem, changeHandler); }
private void squadronNameChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronName != eddiSquadronNameText.Text) { eddiConfiguration.SquadronName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(eddiSquadronNameText.Text) ? null : eddiSquadronNameText.Text.Trim(); if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronName == null) { eddiConfiguration.SquadronID = null; eddiSquadronIDText.Text = string.Empty; squadronSystemDropDown.Text = string.Empty; } eddiConfiguration = resetSquadronRank(eddiConfiguration); eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.squadronname = eddiConfiguration.SquadronName; } }
private void squadronFactionDropDownUpdated(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); string squadronFaction = squadronFactionDropDown.SelectedItem?.ToString(); if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronFaction != squadronFaction) { eddiConfiguration.SquadronFaction = squadronFaction == "None" ? null : squadronFaction; EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.squadronfaction = eddiConfiguration.SquadronFaction; if (squadronFaction != "None") { StarSystem system = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(eddiConfiguration.SquadronSystem, true); Faction faction = system.factions.Find(f => == squadronFaction); if (eddiConfiguration.SquadronAllegiance != faction.Allegiance) { eddiConfiguration.SquadronAllegiance = faction.Allegiance; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.squadronallegiance = faction.Allegiance; squadronPowerDropDown.SelectedItem = Power.None.localizedName; ConfigureSquadronPowerOptions(eddiConfiguration); } } else { eddiConfiguration.SquadronAllegiance = Superpower.None; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); EDDI.Instance.Cmdr.squadronallegiance = Superpower.None; squadronPowerDropDown.SelectedItem = Power.None.localizedName; ConfigureSquadronPowerOptions(eddiConfiguration); } eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } }
public static void Main() { if (!FromVA && AlreadyRunning()) { return; } App app = new App(); app.Exit += OnExit; // Prepare to start the application Logging.incrementLogs(); // Increment to a new log file. EDDIConfiguration configuration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); StartRollbar(configuration.DisableTelemetry); // do immediately to initialize error reporting ApplyAnyOverrideCulture(configuration); // this must be done before any UI is generated // Start by fetching information from the update server, and handling appropriately EddiUpgrader.CheckUpgrade(); if (EddiUpgrader.UpgradeRequired) { // We are too old to continue; initialize in a "safe mode". EDDI.Init(true); } if (FromVA) { // Start with the MainWindow hidden app.MainWindow = new MainWindow(); app.Run(); } else { // Start by displaying the MainWindow app.Run(new MainWindow()); } }
private EDDI() { try { Logging.Info(Constants.EDDI_NAME + " " + Constants.EDDI_VERSION + " starting"); // Start by ensuring that our primary data structures have something in them. This allows them to be updated // from any source Cmdr = new Commander(); Ship = new Ship(); Shipyard = new List <Ship>(); // Set up the EDDI configuration EDDIConfiguration configuration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); Logging.Verbose = configuration.Debug; if (configuration.HomeSystem != null && configuration.HomeSystem.Trim().Length > 0) { HomeStarSystem = StarSystemSqLiteRepository.Instance.GetOrCreateStarSystem(configuration.HomeSystem.Trim()); if (HomeStarSystem != null) { Logging.Debug("Home star system is " +; if (configuration.HomeStation != null && configuration.HomeStation.Trim().Length > 0) { string homeStationName = configuration.HomeStation.Trim(); foreach (Station station in HomeStarSystem.stations) { if ( == homeStationName) { HomeStation = station; Logging.Debug("Home station is " +; break; } } } } } // Set up the app service if (CompanionAppService.Instance.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.READY) { // Carry out initial population of profile try { refreshProfile(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Debug("Failed to obtain profile: " + ex); } } = configuration.Insurance; if ( != null) { Logging.Info("EDDI access to the companion app is enabled"); } else { // If InvokeUpdatePlugin failed then it will have have left an error message, but this once we ignore it Logging.Info("EDDI access to the companion app is disabled"); } // Set up the star map service StarMapConfiguration starMapCredentials = StarMapConfiguration.FromFile(); if (starMapCredentials != null && starMapCredentials.apiKey != null) { // Commander name might come from star map credentials or the companion app's profile string commanderName = null; if (starMapCredentials.commanderName != null) { commanderName = starMapCredentials.commanderName; } else if (Cmdr != null && != null) { commanderName =; } if (commanderName != null) { starMapService = new StarMapService(starMapCredentials.apiKey, commanderName); Logging.Info("EDDI access to EDSM is enabled"); } } if (starMapService == null) { Logging.Info("EDDI access to EDSM is disabled"); } // We always start in normal space Environment = Constants.ENVIRONMENT_NORMAL_SPACE; // Set up monitors and responders monitors = findMonitors(); responders = findResponders(); // Check for an update string response; try { if (Constants.EDDI_VERSION.Contains("b")) { response = Net.DownloadString(""); } else { response = Net.DownloadString(""); } if (Versioning.Compare(response, Constants.EDDI_VERSION) == 1) { SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, "EDDI version " + response.Replace(".", " point ") + " is now available.", false); } } catch { SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, "There was a problem connecting to external data services; some features may not work fully", false); } Logging.Info(Constants.EDDI_NAME + " " + Constants.EDDI_VERSION + " initialised"); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error("Failed to initialise: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public MainWindow(bool fromVA = false) { InitializeComponent(); this.fromVA = fromVA; // Start the EDDI instance EDDI.Instance.Start(); // Configure the EDDI tab versionText.Text = Constants.EDDI_VERSION; //// Need to set up the correct information in the hero text depending on from where we were started if (fromVA) { heroText.Text = "Any changes made here will take effect automatically in VoiceAttack. You can close this window when you have finished."; } else { heroText.Text = "If you are using VoiceAttack then please close this window before you start VoiceAttack for your changes to take effect. You can access this window from VoiceAttack with the \"Configure EDDI\" command."; } EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); eddiHomeSystemText.Text = eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem; eddiHomeStationText.Text = eddiConfiguration.HomeStation; eddiInsuranceDecimal.Text = eddiConfiguration.Insurance.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); eddiVerboseLogging.IsChecked = eddiConfiguration.Debug; Logging.Verbose = eddiConfiguration.Debug; // Configure the Companion App tab CompanionAppCredentials companionAppCredentials = CompanionAppCredentials.FromFile(); companionAppEmailText.Text =; // See if the credentials work try { profile = CompanionAppService.Instance.Profile(); if (profile == null) { setUpCompanionAppComplete("Your connection to the companion app is good but experiencing temporary issues. Your information should be available soon"); } else { setUpCompanionAppComplete("Your connection to the companion app is operational, Commander " +; } } catch (Exception) { if (CompanionAppService.Instance.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.NEEDS_LOGIN) { // Fall back to stage 1 setUpCompanionAppStage1(); } else if (CompanionAppService.Instance.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.NEEDS_CONFIRMATION) { // Fall back to stage 2 setUpCompanionAppStage2(); } } if (profile != null) { setShipyardFromConfiguration(); } // Configure the Text-to-speech tab SpeechServiceConfiguration speechServiceConfiguration = SpeechServiceConfiguration.FromFile(); List <string> speechOptions = new List <string>(); speechOptions.Add("Windows TTS default"); try { using (SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer()) { foreach (InstalledVoice voice in synth.GetInstalledVoices()) { if (voice.Enabled && (!voice.VoiceInfo.Name.Contains("Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice"))) { speechOptions.Add(voice.VoiceInfo.Name); } } } ttsVoiceDropDown.ItemsSource = speechOptions; ttsVoiceDropDown.Text = speechServiceConfiguration.StandardVoice == null ? "Windows TTS default" : speechServiceConfiguration.StandardVoice; } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Warn("" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ": Caught exception " + e); } ttsVolumeSlider.Value = speechServiceConfiguration.Volume; ttsRateSlider.Value = speechServiceConfiguration.Rate; ttsEffectsLevelSlider.Value = speechServiceConfiguration.EffectsLevel; ttsDistortCheckbox.IsChecked = speechServiceConfiguration.DistortOnDamage; disableSsmlCheckbox.IsChecked = speechServiceConfiguration.DisableSsml; ttsTestShipDropDown.ItemsSource = ShipDefinitions.ShipModels; ttsTestShipDropDown.Text = "Adder"; foreach (EDDIMonitor monitor in EDDI.Instance.monitors) { Logging.Debug("Adding configuration tab for " + monitor.MonitorName()); PluginSkeleton skeleton = new PluginSkeleton(monitor.MonitorName()); skeleton.plugindescription.Text = monitor.MonitorDescription(); bool enabled; if (eddiConfiguration.Plugins.TryGetValue(monitor.MonitorName(), out enabled)) { skeleton.pluginenabled.IsChecked = enabled; } else { // Default to enabled skeleton.pluginenabled.IsChecked = true; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } // Add monitor-specific configuration items UserControl monitorConfiguration = monitor.ConfigurationTabItem(); if (monitorConfiguration != null) { monitorConfiguration.Margin = new Thickness(10); skeleton.panel.Children.Add(monitorConfiguration); } TabItem item = new TabItem { Header = monitor.MonitorName() }; item.Content = skeleton; tabControl.Items.Add(item); } foreach (EDDIResponder responder in EDDI.Instance.responders) { Logging.Debug("Adding configuration tab for " + responder.ResponderName()); PluginSkeleton skeleton = new PluginSkeleton(responder.ResponderName()); skeleton.plugindescription.Text = responder.ResponderDescription(); bool enabled; if (eddiConfiguration.Plugins.TryGetValue(responder.ResponderName(), out enabled)) { skeleton.pluginenabled.IsChecked = enabled; } else { // Default to enabled skeleton.pluginenabled.IsChecked = true; eddiConfiguration.ToFile(); } // Add responder-specific configuration items UserControl monitorConfiguration = responder.ConfigurationTabItem(); if (monitorConfiguration != null) { monitorConfiguration.Margin = new Thickness(10); skeleton.panel.Children.Add(monitorConfiguration); } TabItem item = new TabItem { Header = responder.ResponderName() }; item.Content = skeleton; tabControl.Items.Add(item); } EDDI.Instance.Start(); }
public MainWindow(bool fromVA = false) { InitializeComponent(); this.fromVA = fromVA; // Start the EDDI instance EDDI.FromVA = fromVA; EDDI.Instance.Start(); // Configure the EDDI tab setStatusInfo(); // Need to set up the correct information in the hero text depending on from where we were started if (fromVA) { // Allow the EDDI VA plugin to change window state VaWindowStateChange = new vaWindowStateChangeDelegate(OnVaWindowStateChange); heroText.Text = Properties.EddiResources.change_affect_va; } else { heroText.Text = Properties.EddiResources.if_using_va; } EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); eddiHomeSystemText.Text = eddiConfiguration.validSystem == true ? eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem : string.Empty; eddiHomeStationText.Text = eddiConfiguration.validStation == true ? eddiConfiguration.HomeStation : string.Empty; eddiVerboseLogging.IsChecked = eddiConfiguration.Debug; eddiBetaProgramme.IsChecked = eddiConfiguration.Beta; if (eddiConfiguration.Gender == "Female") { eddiGenderFemale.IsChecked = true; } else if (eddiConfiguration.Gender == "Male") { eddiGenderMale.IsChecked = true; } else { eddiGenderNeither.IsChecked = true; } List <LanguageDef> langs = GetAvailableLangs(); chooseLanguageDropDown.ItemsSource = langs; chooseLanguageDropDown.DisplayMemberPath = "displayName"; chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectedItem = langs.Find(l => == Eddi.Properties.Settings.Default.OverrideCulture); chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => { LanguageDef cultureDef = (LanguageDef)chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectedValue; Eddi.Properties.Settings.Default.OverrideCulture =; }; // Configure the Frontier API tab CompanionAppCredentials companionAppCredentials = CompanionAppCredentials.FromFile(); companionAppEmailText.Text =; // See if the credentials work try { profile = CompanionAppService.Instance.Profile(); if (profile == null) { setUpCompanionAppComplete(Properties.EddiResources.frontier_api_temp_nok); } else { setUpCompanionAppComplete(String.Format(Properties.EddiResources.frontier_api_ok,; } } catch (Exception) { if (CompanionAppService.Instance.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.NEEDS_LOGIN) { // Fall back to stage 1 setUpCompanionAppStage1(); } else if (CompanionAppService.Instance.CurrentState == CompanionAppService.State.NEEDS_CONFIRMATION) { // Fall back to stage 2 setUpCompanionAppStage2(); } } // Configure the Text-to-speech tab ConfigureTTS(); LoadMonitors(eddiConfiguration); LoadResponders(eddiConfiguration); RestoreWindowState(); EDDI.Instance.Start(); }
private void SquadronSystemDropDown_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); squadronSystemDropDown.DidLoseFocus(oldValue: eddiConfiguration.SquadronSystem); }
public MainWindow(bool fromVA = false) { InitializeComponent(); this.fromVA = fromVA; // Start the EDDI instance EDDI.FromVA = fromVA; EDDI.Instance.Start(); // Configure the EDDI tab setStatusInfo(); // Need to set up the correct information in the hero text depending on from where we were started if (fromVA) { // Allow the EDDI VA plugin to change window state VaWindowStateChange = new vaWindowStateChangeDelegate(OnVaWindowStateChange); heroText.Text = Properties.EddiResources.change_affect_va; } else { heroText.Text = Properties.EddiResources.if_using_va; } EDDIConfiguration eddiConfiguration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); // Setup home system & station from config file homeSystemDropDown.ItemsSource = new List <string> { eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem ?? string.Empty }; homeSystemDropDown.SelectedItem = eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem ?? string.Empty; ConfigureHomeStationOptions(eddiConfiguration.HomeSystem); homeStationDropDown.SelectedItem = eddiConfiguration.HomeStation ?? Properties.MainWindow.no_station; eddiVerboseLogging.IsChecked = eddiConfiguration.Debug; eddiBetaProgramme.IsChecked = eddiConfiguration.Beta; if (eddiConfiguration.Gender == "Female") { eddiGenderFemale.IsChecked = true; } else if (eddiConfiguration.Gender == "Male") { eddiGenderMale.IsChecked = true; } else { eddiGenderNeither.IsChecked = true; } eddiSquadronNameText.Text = eddiConfiguration.SquadronName ?? string.Empty; eddiSquadronIDText.Text = eddiConfiguration.SquadronID ?? string.Empty; squadronRankDropDown.SelectedItem = (eddiConfiguration.SquadronRank ?? SquadronRank.None).localizedName; ConfigureSquadronRankOptions(eddiConfiguration); // Setup squadron home system from config file squadronSystemDropDown.ItemsSource = new List <string> { eddiConfiguration.SquadronSystem ?? string.Empty }; squadronSystemDropDown.SelectedItem = eddiConfiguration.SquadronSystem ?? string.Empty; squadronFactionDropDown.SelectedItem = eddiConfiguration.SquadronFaction ?? Power.None.localizedName; squadronPowerDropDown.SelectedItem = (eddiConfiguration.SquadronPower ?? Power.None).localizedName; ConfigureSquadronPowerOptions(eddiConfiguration); List <LanguageDef> langs = GetAvailableLangs(); // already correctly sorted chooseLanguageDropDown.ItemsSource = langs; chooseLanguageDropDown.DisplayMemberPath = "displayName"; chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectedItem = langs.Find(l => == Eddi.Properties.Settings.Default.OverrideCulture); chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => { LanguageDef cultureDef = (LanguageDef)chooseLanguageDropDown.SelectedItem; Eddi.Properties.Settings.Default.OverrideCulture =; }; // Configure the Frontier API tab CompanionAppCredentials companionAppCredentials = CompanionAppCredentials.Load(); CompanionAppService.Instance.StateChanged += companionApiStatusChanged; // Configure the Text-to-speech tab ConfigureTTS(); LoadAndSortTabs(eddiConfiguration); RestoreWindowState(); EDDI.Instance.MainWindow = this; EDDI.Instance.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Check to see if an upgrade is available and populate relevant variables /// </summary> public static void CheckUpgrade() { // Clear the old values UpgradeRequired = false; UpgradeAvailable = false; UpgradeLocation = null; UpgradeVersion = null; Motd = null; try { ServerInfo updateServerInfo = ServerInfo.FromServer(Constants.EDDI_SERVER_URL); if (updateServerInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to contact update server"); } else { EDDIConfiguration configuration = EDDIConfiguration.FromFile(); InstanceInfo info = configuration.Beta ? updateServerInfo.beta : updateServerInfo.production; string spokenVersion = info.version.Replace(".", $" {Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.point} "); Motd = info.motd; if (updateServerInfo.productionbuilds != null) { ProductionBuilds = updateServerInfo.productionbuilds; } Utilities.Version minVersion = new Utilities.Version(info.minversion); if (minVersion > Constants.EDDI_VERSION) { // There is a mandatory update available if (!App.FromVA) { string message = String.Format(Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.mandatory_upgrade, spokenVersion); SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, message, 0); } UpgradeRequired = true; UpgradeLocation = info.url; UpgradeVersion = info.version; return; } Utilities.Version latestVersion = new Utilities.Version(info.version); if (latestVersion > Constants.EDDI_VERSION) { // There is an update available if (!App.FromVA) { string message = String.Format(Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.update_available, spokenVersion); SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, message, 0); } UpgradeAvailable = true; UpgradeLocation = info.url; UpgradeVersion = info.version; } } } catch (Exception ex) { SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.update_server_unreachable, 0); Logging.Warn("Failed to access " + Constants.EDDI_SERVER_URL, ex); } }