private Schema CreateResourceChildSchema(ResourceChildItem resourceChildItem, OpenApiMetadataResource openApiMetadataResource) { var properties = resourceChildItem.Properties .Select( p => new { IsRequired = p.IsIdentifying || !p.PropertyType.IsNullable, Key = UniqueIdSpecification.GetUniqueIdPropertyName(p.JsonPropertyName).ToCamelCase(), Schema = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.CreatePropertySchema(p) }).Concat( resourceChildItem.References.Select( r => new { r.IsRequired, Key = r.PropertyName.ToCamelCase(), Schema = new Schema { @ref = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.GetDefinitionReference( _openApiMetadataDefinitionsFactoryNamingStrategy.GetReferenceName(openApiMetadataResource.Resource, r)) } })).Concat( resourceChildItem.Collections.Select( c => new { IsRequired = c.Association.IsRequiredCollection, Key = c.JsonPropertyName, Schema = CreateCollectionSchema(c, openApiMetadataResource) })).Concat( resourceChildItem.EmbeddedObjects.Select( e => new { IsRequired = false, Key = e.JsonPropertyName, Schema = CreateEmbeddedObjectSchema(e, openApiMetadataResource) })).ToList(); var bridgeSchema = GetEdFiExtensionBridgeReferenceSchema(resourceChildItem, openApiMetadataResource); if (bridgeSchema != null) { properties.Add( new { IsRequired = false, Key = ExtensionCollectionKey, Schema = bridgeSchema }); } var requiredProperties = properties.Where(x => x.IsRequired).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); return(new Schema { type = "object", required = requiredProperties.Any() ? requiredProperties : null, properties = properties.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Schema) }); }
private Schema CreateEmbeddedObjectSchema(EmbeddedObject embeddedObject, OpenApiMetadataResource openApiMetadataResource) { return(new Schema { @ref = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.GetDefinitionReference( _openApiMetadataDefinitionsFactoryNamingStrategy.GetEmbeddedObjectReferenceName(openApiMetadataResource, embeddedObject)) }); }
private Parameter CreateBodyParameter(OpenApiMetadataPathsResource openApiMetadataPathsResource) { var camelCaseName = openApiMetadataPathsResource.Resource.Name.ToCamelCase(); var referenceName = _pathsFactoryNamingStrategy.GetResourceName(openApiMetadataPathsResource, ContentTypeUsage.Writable); return(new Parameter { name = camelCaseName, description = $"The JSON representation of the \"{camelCaseName}\" resource to be created or updated.", @in = "body", required = true, schema = new Schema { @ref = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.GetDefinitionReference(referenceName) } }); }
private static Schema RefSchema(string referenceName) => new Schema { @ref = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.GetDefinitionReference(referenceName) };
private Schema CreateResourceSchema(OpenApiMetadataResource openApiMetadataResource) { var resource = openApiMetadataResource.Resource; var properties = resource.UnifiedKeyAllProperties() .Select( x => new PropertySchemaInfo { PropertyName = x.JsonPropertyName, IsRequired = !x.PropertyType.IsNullable && !x.IsServerAssigned, Sort = SortOrder(x.PropertyName, x.IsIdentifying), Schema = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.CreatePropertySchema(x) }).Concat( resource.Collections.Select( x => new PropertySchemaInfo { PropertyName = CreateCollectionKey(x), IsRequired = x.Association.IsRequiredCollection, Sort = SortOrder(x.PropertyName, x.Association.IsRequiredCollection), Schema = CreateCollectionSchema(x, openApiMetadataResource) })).Concat( resource.EmbeddedObjects.Select( x => new PropertySchemaInfo { PropertyName = x.JsonPropertyName, Sort = SortOrder(x.PropertyName, false), Schema = CreateEmbeddedObjectSchema(x, openApiMetadataResource) })).Concat( resource.References.Select( x => new PropertySchemaInfo { PropertyName = x.PropertyName, IsRequired = x.IsRequired, IsReference = true, Sort = 3, Schema = new Schema { @ref = OpenApiMetadataDocumentHelper.GetDefinitionReference( _openApiMetadataDefinitionsFactoryNamingStrategy.GetReferenceName(openApiMetadataResource.Resource, x)) } // NOTE: currently there is an open issue with openApiMetadata-ui to address // objects showing up in the ui that have a reference and // other properties within the schema. The standard at this time does // not support this use case. (The error we get is: // Sibling values are not allowed along side $refs. // As of openApiMetadata-ui 3.11.0 this has not been resolved. // // TODO: JSM - Once the standard is updated to accept sibling values along // side with $refs, uncomment the line below // isIdentity = x.Association.IsIdentifying ? true : (bool?) null })).Distinct(new PropertySchemaInfoComparer()).ToList(); var propertyDict = properties.OrderBy(x => x.Sort).ThenBy(x => x.PropertyName) .ToDictionary(x => x.PropertyName.ToCamelCase(), x => x.Schema); propertyDict.Add("_etag", EtagSchema); var bridgeSchema = GetEdFiExtensionBridgeReferenceSchema(resource, openApiMetadataResource); if (bridgeSchema != null) { propertyDict.Add(ExtensionCollectionKey, bridgeSchema); } var requiredProperties = properties .Where(x => x.IsRequired && !x.PropertyName.EqualsIgnoreCase("id")) .Select(x => x.PropertyName.ToCamelCase()).ToList(); return(new Schema { type = "object", required = requiredProperties.Any() ? requiredProperties : null, properties = propertyDict }); }