public bool Load(PrepareCarefully loadout, string presetName) { SaveRecordPresetV5 preset = new SaveRecordPresetV5(); Failed = false; try { Scribe.loader.InitLoading(PresetFiles.FilePathForSavedPreset(presetName)); preset.ExposeData(); if ( != null) { List <EquipmentSelection> equipment = new List <EquipmentSelection>(; foreach (var e in { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(e.def); ThingDef stuffDef = null; Gender gender = Gender.None; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.stuffDef)) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(e.stuffDef); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.gender)) { try { gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), e.gender); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Warning("Failed to load gender value for animal."); Failed = true; continue; } } if (thingDef != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.stuffDef)) { EquipmentKey key = new EquipmentKey(thingDef, null, gender); EquipmentRecord record = PrepareCarefully.Instance.EquipmentDatabase.LookupEquipmentRecord(key); if (record != null) { equipment.Add(new EquipmentSelection(record, e.count)); } else { Logger.Warning("Could not find equipment in equipment database: " + key); Failed = true; continue; } } else { if (stuffDef != null) { EquipmentKey key = new EquipmentKey(thingDef, stuffDef, gender); EquipmentRecord record = PrepareCarefully.Instance.EquipmentDatabase.LookupEquipmentRecord(key); if (record == null) { string thing = thingDef != null ? thingDef.defName : "null"; string stuff = stuffDef != null ? stuffDef.defName : "null"; Logger.Warning(string.Format("Could not load equipment/resource from the preset. This may be caused by an invalid thing/stuff combination: " + key)); Failed = true; continue; } else { equipment.Add(new EquipmentSelection(record, e.count)); } } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + e.stuffDef + "\" for item \"" + e.def + "\""); Failed = true; } } } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load thing definition \"" + e.def + "\""); Failed = true; } } loadout.Equipment.Clear(); foreach (var e in equipment) { loadout.Equipment.Add(e); } } else { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.EquipmentFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Logger.Warning("Failed to load equipment from preset"); Failed = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Failed to load preset file"); throw e; } finally { PresetLoader.ClearSaveablesAndCrossRefs(); } List <CustomPawn> allPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); List <CustomPawn> colonistCustomPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); List <CustomPawn> hiddenCustomPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); try { foreach (SaveRecordPawnV5 p in preset.pawns) { CustomPawn pawn = pawnLoader.ConvertSaveRecordToPawn(p); if (pawn != null) { allPawns.Add(pawn); if (!pawn.Hidden) { colonistCustomPawns.Add(pawn); } else { hiddenCustomPawns.Add(pawn); } } else { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.NoCharacter".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Logger.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + preset.mods); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Logger.Warning("Error while loading preset", e); Logger.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + preset.mods); return(false); } loadout.ClearPawns(); foreach (CustomPawn p in colonistCustomPawns) { loadout.AddPawn(p); } loadout.RelationshipManager.Clear(); loadout.RelationshipManager.InitializeWithCustomPawns(colonistCustomPawns.AsEnumerable().Concat(hiddenCustomPawns)); bool atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = false; List <CustomRelationship> allRelationships = new List <CustomRelationship>(); if (preset.relationships != null) { try { foreach (SaveRecordRelationshipV3 r in preset.relationships) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.source) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( || string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.relation)) { atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = true; Logger.Warning("Failed to load a custom relationship from the preset: " + r); continue; } CustomRelationship relationship = LoadRelationship(r, allPawns); if (relationship == null) { atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = true; Logger.Warning("Failed to load a custom relationship from the preset: " + r); } else { allRelationships.Add(relationship); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.RelationshipFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Logger.Warning("Error while loading preset", e); Logger.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + preset.mods); return(false); } if (atLeastOneRelationshipFailed) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.RelationshipFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); } } loadout.RelationshipManager.AddRelationships(allRelationships); if (preset.parentChildGroups != null) { foreach (var groupRecord in preset.parentChildGroups) { ParentChildGroup group = new ParentChildGroup(); if (groupRecord.parents != null) { foreach (var id in groupRecord.parents) { CustomPawn parent = FindPawnById(id, colonistCustomPawns, hiddenCustomPawns); if (parent != null) { var pawn = parent; if (pawn != null) { group.Parents.Add(pawn); } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load a custom parent relationship because it could not find a matching pawn in the relationship manager."); } } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load a custom parent relationship because it could not find a pawn with the saved identifer."); } } } if (groupRecord.children != null) { foreach (var id in groupRecord.children) { CustomPawn child = FindPawnById(id, colonistCustomPawns, hiddenCustomPawns); if (child != null) { var pawn = child; if (pawn != null) { group.Children.Add(pawn); } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load a custom child relationship because it could not find a matching pawn in the relationship manager."); } } else { Logger.Warning("Could not load a custom child relationship because it could not find a pawn with the saved identifer."); } } } loadout.RelationshipManager.ParentChildGroups.Add(group); } } loadout.RelationshipManager.ReassignHiddenPawnIndices(); if (Failed) { Messages.Message(preset.mods, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.ThingDefFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Logger.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + preset.mods); return(false); } return(true); }
// // Static Methods // public static void SaveToFile(PrepareCarefully data, string presetName) { bool problem = false; try { // Verify that all pawns have non-null identifiers. foreach (CustomPawn customPawn in data.Pawns) { if (customPawn.Id == null) { customPawn.GenerateId(); } } foreach (var g in data.RelationshipManager.ParentChildGroups) { foreach (var parent in g.Parents) { if (parent != null && parent.Id == null) { parent.GenerateId(); } foreach (var child in g.Children) { if (child != null && child.Id == null) { child.GenerateId(); } } } } SaveRecordPresetV5 preset = new SaveRecordPresetV5(); preset.mods = GenText.ToCommaList(Enumerable.Select <ModContentPack, string>(LoadedModManager.RunningMods, (Func <ModContentPack, string>)(mod => mod.Name)), true); foreach (CustomPawn customPawn in data.Pawns) { SaveRecordPawnV5 pawn = new SaveRecordPawnV5(customPawn); preset.pawns.Add(pawn); } foreach (var g in data.RelationshipManager.ParentChildGroups) { foreach (var parent in g.Parents) { if (parent.Hidden) { if (parent.Pawn != null) { SaveRecordPawnV5 pawn = new SaveRecordPawnV5(parent); preset.pawns.Add(pawn); } else { Logger.Warning("Found an empty pawn in a parent child relationship while saving the preset. Skipping that pawn."); } } foreach (var child in g.Children) { if (child.Hidden) { if (child.Pawn != null) { SaveRecordPawnV5 pawn = new SaveRecordPawnV5(child); preset.pawns.Add(pawn); } else { Logger.Warning("Found an empty pawn in a parent child relationship while saving the preset. Skipping that pawn."); } } } } } foreach (var r in data.RelationshipManager.Relationships) { if (r.source != null && != null && r.def != null && r.source.Id != null && != null) { SaveRecordRelationshipV3 s = new SaveRecordRelationshipV3(r); preset.relationships.Add(s); } else { problem = true; Logger.Warning("Found an invalid custom relationship when saving a preset: " + presetName); if ( != null && r.source != null) { Logger.Warning(" Relationship = { source = " + r.source.Id + ", target = " + + ", relationship = " + r.def + "}"); } else { Logger.Warning(" Relationship = { source = " + r.source + ", target = " + + ", relationship = " + r.def + "}"); } } } foreach (var g in data.RelationshipManager.ParentChildGroups) { if (g.Children.Count == 0 || (g.Parents.Count == 0 && g.Children.Count == 1)) { continue; } SaveRecordParentChildGroupV3 group = new SaveRecordParentChildGroupV3(); group.parents = new List <string>(); group.children = new List <string>(); foreach (var p in g.Parents) { if (p.Pawn == null) { problem = true; Logger.Warning("Found an invalid parent/child relationship when saving the preset: " + presetName); continue; } else { group.parents.Add(p.Id); } } foreach (var p in g.Children) { if (p.Pawn == null) { problem = true; Logger.Warning("Found an invalid parent/child relationship when saving the preset: " + presetName); continue; } else { group.children.Add(p.Id); } } preset.parentChildGroups.Add(group); } foreach (var e in data.Equipment) { SaveRecordEquipmentV3 record = new SaveRecordEquipmentV3(e);; } // Start saving. Scribe.saver.InitSaving(PresetFiles.FilePathForSavedPreset(presetName), "preset"); preset.ExposeData(); } catch (Exception e) { PrepareCarefully.Instance.State.AddError("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.SaveFailed".Translate()); Logger.Error("Failed to save preset file"); throw e; } finally { Scribe.saver.FinalizeSaving(); Scribe.mode = LoadSaveMode.Inactive; if (problem) { PrepareCarefully.Instance.State.AddError("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.PartialSaveFailure".Translate()); } } }