public void InitContorl() { int MaxWordWidth = CalcWidth(); int currentPosY = 10; int currentPosX = 10; int index = 0; if (MaxWordWidth < 300) { MaxWordWidth = 300; } if (parentTemple != null && templeList!=null) { foreach (LP_Temple lp in templeList) { bool flag;//= (lp.Status == CurrRecord.Status); flag = true; Label label = new Label(); label.Text = lp.CellName; //string[] location = lp.CtrlLocation.Split(','); string[] size = lp.CtrlSize.Split(','); label.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); label.Size = new Size(MaxWordWidth, 14); label.Visible = flag; if (flag) { currentPosY += 20; } Control ctrl; if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) { ctrl = new uc_gridcontrol(); ((uc_gridcontrol)ctrl).CellValueChanged += new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventHandler(gridView1_CellValueChanged); } else ctrl = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(lp.CtrlType)); ctrl.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); ctrl.Size = new Size(int.Parse(size[0]), int.Parse(size[1])); if (flag) { currentPosY += int.Parse(size[1]) + 10; } ctrl.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ctrl_Leave); ctrl.Enter += new EventHandler(ctrl_Enter); ctrl.Leave += new EventHandler(ctrl_Leave); ctrl.Visible = flag; ctrl.Tag = lp; ctrl.TabIndex = index; if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) { (ctrl as uc_gridcontrol).InitCol(lp.ColumnName.Split(pchar),lp); } index++; ctrl.Name = lp.LPID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(label); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(ctrl); if (lp.CellName == "编号") { ctrlNumber = ctrl; } } } //InitEvent(); InitData(); if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunSPYJRole(kind)) { if (hqyjcontrol == null) hqyjcontrol = new SPYJControl(); hqyjcontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); hqyjcontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + hqyjcontrol.Size.Height; hqyjcontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(hqyjcontrol); } if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunFuJianRole(kind)) { if (filecontrol==null) filecontrol = new DownFileControl(); if(status=="add") filecontrol.FormType = "上传"; else if (status == "edit") { filecontrol.FormType = "下载"; } filecontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); filecontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + filecontrol.Size.Height; filecontrol.UpfilePath = GetWorkFlowNmae(kind); if (currRecord==null) { currRecord = new LP_Record(); } filecontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(filecontrol); currentPosY += 20; } if (currRecord.Status!="存档"||(WorkFlowData!=null&& RecordWorkTask.HaveWorkFlowBackRole(WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString(), WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowId"].ToString()))) { Button btn_Back = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Back); btn_Back.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Back_Click); btn_Back.Location = new Point(currentPosX + 80, currentPosY + 10); btn_Back.Text = "退回"; } Button btn_Submit = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Submit); btn_Submit.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); btn_Submit.Text = "关闭"; btn_Submit.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Close); if (dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls.Count > 0) dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls[0].Focus(); }
public void InitContorl() { int MaxWordWidth = CalcWidth(); int currentPosY = 10; int currentPosX = 10; int index = 0; if (MaxWordWidth < 300) MaxWordWidth = 300; try { if (parentTemple != null) { foreach (LP_Temple lp in templeList) { bool flag;//= (lp.Status == CurrRecord.Status); flag = lp.IsVisible == 0; Label label = new Label(); ComboBoxEdit btTip = null; CheckEdit ceTip = null; label.Text = lp.CellName; //string[] location = lp.CtrlLocation.Split(','); string[] size = lp.CtrlSize.Split(','); label.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); label.Size = new Size(MaxWordWidth, 14); label.Visible = flag; if (flag) { currentPosY += 20; } IList<WF_WorkTastTrans> wttli = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList<WF_WorkTastTrans>(" where tlcjdid='" + WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString() + "' and cdfs like '下拉%' and tlcjdzdid='" + lp.LPID + "'"); if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("MemoEdit") && flag && (lp.SqlSentence != "" || wttli.Count > 0)) { btTip = new ComboBoxEdit(); btTip.Name = "bt" + lp.LPID; btTip.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); btTip.Size = new Size(300, 14); btTip.Tag = lp; ceTip = new CheckEdit(); ceTip.Name = "ce" + lp.LPID; ceTip.Location = new Point(currentPosX + btTip.Width + 10, currentPosY); ceTip.Size = new Size(80, 14); ceTip.Text = "累加"; ceTip.Checked = false; currentPosY += 30; } else if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("TextEdit") && flag && (lp.SqlSentence != "" || wttli.Count > 0)) { btTip = new ComboBoxEdit(); btTip.Name = "bt" + lp.LPID; btTip.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); btTip.Size = new Size(300, 14); btTip.Tag = lp; ceTip = new CheckEdit(); ceTip.Name = "ce" + lp.LPID; ceTip.Location = new Point(currentPosX + btTip.Width + 10, currentPosY); ceTip.Size = new Size(80, 14); ceTip.Text = "累加"; ceTip.Checked = false; currentPosY += 30; } Control ctrl; if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) { ctrl = new uc_gridcontrol(); ((uc_gridcontrol)ctrl).CellValueChanged += new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventHandler(gridView1_CellValueChanged); ((uc_gridcontrol)ctrl).FocusedColumnChanged += new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedColumnChangedEventHandler(gridView1_FocusedColumnChanged); } else ctrl = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(lp.CtrlType)); ctrl.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY); ctrl.Size = new Size(int.Parse(size[0]), int.Parse(size[1])); if (flag) { currentPosY += int.Parse(size[1]) + 10; } ctrl.Enter += new EventHandler(ctrl_Enter); ctrl.Leave += new EventHandler(ctrl_Leave); ctrl.TextChanged += new EventHandler(ctrl_Leave); ctrl.Visible = flag; ctrl.Tag = lp; ctrl.TabIndex = index; if (btTip != null) { btTip.TabIndex = index; index++; btTip.TextChanged += new EventHandler(btTip_Click); } if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("uc_gridcontrol")) { label.Text = lp.CellName + "(Tab键可选下一格)"; (ctrl as uc_gridcontrol).InitCol(lp.ColumnName.Split(pchar), lp); //if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunPowerRole(WorkConst.WorkTask_BindTable, WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowId"].ToString(), WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString()) || currRecord.Status == "填票") { (ctrl as uc_gridcontrol).iniTableRecordData(currRecord.ID, lp, WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowId"].ToString(), WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowInsId"].ToString()); } } index++; ctrl.Name = lp.LPID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(label); if (btTip != null) { dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btTip); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(ceTip); } dockPanel1.Controls.Add(ctrl); if (lp.CellName == "编号") { ctrlNumber = ctrl; } if (lp.CellName.Contains("编号2")) { ctrlNumber2 = ctrl; } if (lp.CtrlType.IndexOf("DateEdit") > -1) { if (lp.WordCount.ToLower().IndexOf("hh") > -1) { ((DateEdit)ctrl).Properties.VistaDisplayMode = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True; ((DateEdit)ctrl).Properties.VistaEditTime = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True; } } if (lp.CtrlType.Contains("SpinEdit") && lp.WordCount != "") { SpinEdit lue1 = (SpinEdit)ctrl; if (lp.WordCount.IndexOf("p") > -1) { lue1.Properties.Increment = (decimal)0.0001; lue1.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric; } else if (lp.WordCount.IndexOf(".") > -1) { Regex r2 = new Regex(@"(?<=\.).*"); lue1.Properties.Increment = (decimal)Math.Pow(0.1, r2.Match(lp.WordCount).Value.Length / 2); lue1.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric; } lue1.Properties.EditFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric; lue1.Properties.EditFormat.FormatString = lp.WordCount; lue1.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatType = DevExpress.Utils.FormatType.Numeric; lue1.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatString = lp.WordCount; lue1.Properties.EditMask = lp.WordCount; } } } InitEvent(); InitData(); InitTaskData(); } catch { } try { if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunSPYJRole(kind)) { if (hqyjcontrol == null) hqyjcontrol = new SPYJControl(); hqyjcontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); hqyjcontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + hqyjcontrol.Size.Height; hqyjcontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; hqyjcontrol.TabIndex = index; index++; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(hqyjcontrol); } if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunFuJianRole(kind)) { if (filecontrol == null) filecontrol = new DownFileControl(); if (status == "add") filecontrol.FormType = "上传"; else if (status == "edit") { filecontrol.FormType = "下载"; } filecontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); filecontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + filecontrol.Size.Height; filecontrol.UpfilePath = GetWorkFlowNmae(kind); filecontrol.TaskId = WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString(); if (currRecord == null) { currRecord = new LP_Record(); } filecontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; filecontrol.TabIndex = index; index++; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(filecontrol); currentPosY += 20; } if (RecordWorkTask.HaveWorkFlowBackRole(WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkTaskId"].ToString(), WorkFlowData.Rows[0]["WorkFlowId"].ToString())) { Button btn_Back = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Back); btn_Back.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Back_Click); btn_Back.Location = new Point(currentPosX + 80, currentPosY + 10); btn_Back.Text = "退回"; btn_Back = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Back); btn_Back.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn_Back.Location = new Point(currentPosX + 80 + btn_Back.Width, currentPosY + 10); btn_Back.Text = "保存"; } else { Button btn_Back = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Back); btn_Back.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn_Back.Location = new Point(currentPosX + 80, currentPosY + 10); btn_Back.Text = "保存"; } } catch { } Button btn_Submit = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Submit); btn_Submit.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); btn_Submit.Text = "提交"; btn_Submit.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Submit_Click); if (dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls.Count > 0) dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls[0].Focus(); }
public void InitContorl() { int MaxWordWidth = 0; int currentPosY = 10; int currentPosX = 10; int index = 0; if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunSPYJRole(kind)) { if (hqyjcontrol == null) hqyjcontrol = new SPYJControl(); hqyjcontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); hqyjcontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + hqyjcontrol.Size.Height; hqyjcontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(hqyjcontrol); } if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunFuJianRole(kind)) { if (filecontrol == null) filecontrol = new DownFileControl(); string statusstemp = RecordWorkTask.GetWorkTaskStatus(WorkFlowData, currRecord); if (statusstemp == "add") filecontrol.FormType = "上传"; else if (statusstemp == "edit") { filecontrol.FormType = "下载"; } filecontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 300); filecontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + filecontrol.Size.Height; filecontrol.UpfilePath = GetWorkFlowNmae(kind); if (currRecord == null) { currRecord = new LP_Record(); } filecontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(filecontrol); currentPosY += 20; } MaxWordWidth = CalcWidth(); dockPanel1.Width = MaxWordWidth + 10; switch (status) { case "add": case "edit": Button btn_Submit = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Submit); btn_Submit.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); btn_Submit.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Submit_Click); btn_Submit.Text = "提交"; break; case "view": Button btn_View = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_View); btn_View.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); btn_View.Click += new EventHandler(btn_View_Click); btn_View.Text = "查看"; break; } if (dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls.Count > 0) dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls[0].Focus(); }
public void InitContorl() { int MaxWordWidth =0; int currentPosY = 10; int currentPosX = 10; int index = 0; if (MaxWordWidth < 300) MaxWordWidth = 300; if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunSPYJRole(kind)) { if (hqyjcontrol == null) hqyjcontrol = new SPYJControl(); hqyjcontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 200); hqyjcontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + hqyjcontrol.Size.Height; hqyjcontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; hqyjcontrol.TabIndex = index; index++; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(hqyjcontrol); } if (RecordWorkTask.HaveRunFuJianRole(kind)) { if (filecontrol == null) filecontrol = new DownFileControl(); if (status == "add") filecontrol.FormType = "上传"; else if (status == "edit") { filecontrol.FormType = "下载"; } filecontrol.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 300); filecontrol.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); currentPosY = currentPosY + filecontrol.Size.Height; filecontrol.UpfilePath = GetWorkFlowNmae(kind); if (currRecord == null) { currRecord = new LP_Record(); } filecontrol.RecordID = CurrRecord.ID; filecontrol.TabIndex = index; index++; dockPanel1.Controls.Add(filecontrol); currentPosY += 20; } Button btn_Submit = new Button(); dockPanel1.Controls.Add(btn_Submit); btn_Submit.Location = new Point(currentPosX, currentPosY + 10); btn_Submit.Text = "关闭"; btn_Submit.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Hide); if (dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls.Count > 0) dockPanel1.ControlContainer.Controls[0].Focus(); }