コード例 #1
        public (ByteWriter, string) EncodingAll(Span <bool> src_span)
            int        srclen = src_span.Length;
            int        sz     = 1 + 8 + (srclen + 7) / 8;//header+num bools+bool data
            ByteWriter result = new ByteWriter(sz);

            // Store the encoding type in the 4 high bits of the first byte
            result.Write((byte)(booleanCompressedBitPacked << 4));
            // Encode the number of booleans written.
            int         bitcount    = result.Length * 8;                  // Current bit in current byte.
            Span <byte> result_span = new Span <byte>(result.EndWrite()); //取出数组

            for (int i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
                bool v = src_span[i];
                if (v)
                    result_span[n >> 3] |= (byte)(128 >> (bitcount & 7));
                }// Set current bit on current byte.
                    result_span[n >> 3] = (byte)(result_span[n >> 3] & ~(byte)(128 >> (bitcount & 7)));
                }// Clear current bit on current byte.
            int length = bitcount >> 3;

            if ((bitcount & 7) > 0)
                length++;// Add an extra byte to capture overflowing bits.
            result.Length = length;
            return(result, null);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TSMWriter.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
 public void WriteIndex()
     lock (lockthis)
         if (index.SidCount == 0)
             throw new Exception(Constants.ErrNoValues);
         int        size   = 8 + (int)index.Size;//8 for n
         ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter(size);
         wrapped.Write(writer.EndWrite(), 0, writer.Length);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BatchString.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
        public (ByteWriter, string) EncodingAll(Span <string> src)
            int srcSz = 2 + src.Length * Varint.MaxVarintLen32;// strings should't be longer than 64kb

            for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
                srcSz += src[i].Length;
            // determine the maximum possible length needed for the buffer, which
            // includes the compressed size
            var compressSz = 0;

            if (src.Length > 0)
                compressSz = SnappyMaxEncodedLen(srcSz) + 1;//header
            int        totSz  = srcSz + compressSz;
            ByteWriter result = new ByteWriter(totSz);

            // Shortcut to snappy encoding nothing.
            if (src.Length == 0)
                result.Write((byte)(stringCompressedSnappy << 4));
                return(result, null);
            for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
            byte[] compressed = SnappyPI.SnappyCodec.Compress(result.EndWrite(), 0, result.Length);
            result.Length = 0;
            result.Write((byte)(stringCompressedSnappy << 4));
            return(result, null);
コード例 #4
ファイル: BatchTimeStamp.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
        public (ByteWriter, string) EncodingAll(Span <ulong> src)
            int srclen = src.Length;

            if (srclen == 0)
                return(null, null);  // Nothing to do
            ulong max = 0, div = (ulong)1e12;

            ulong[] deltaarray = ArrayPool <ulong> .Shared.Rent(srclen);

            Span <ulong> deltas = new Span <ulong>(deltaarray);

            deltas[0] = src[0];
            ByteWriter result;

            if (srclen > 1)
                for (int i = srclen - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    deltas[i] = src[i] - src[i - 1];
                    if (deltas[i] > max)
                        max = deltas[i];
                bool rle    = true;
                var  delta1 = deltas[1];
                for (int i = 2; i < srclen; i++)
                    if (delta1 != deltas[i])
                        rle = false;
                // Deltas are the same - encode with RLE
                if (rle)
                    // Large varints can take up to 10 bytes.  We're storing 3 + 1
                    // type byte.
                    result = new ByteWriter(31);
                    // 4 high bits used for the encoding type
                    result.Write((byte)(timeCompressedRLE << 4));
                    // The first value
                    // The first delta, checking the divisor
                    // given all deltas are the same, we can do a single check for the divisor
                    ulong v = deltas[1];
                    while (div > 1 && v % div != 0)
                        div /= 10;
                    if (div > 1)
                        // 4 low bits are the log10 divisor
                        result.EndWrite()[0] |= (byte)Math.Log10(div);
                        result.Write(Varint.GetBytes(deltas[1] / div));
                    // The number of times the delta is repeated
                    ArrayPool <ulong> .Shared.Return(deltaarray);

                    return(result, null);
            // We can't compress this time-range, the deltas exceed 1 << 60
            if (max > Simple8bEncoder.MaxValue)
                // Encode uncompressed.
                int sz = 1 + srclen * 8;
                result = new ByteWriter(sz);
                result.Write((byte)(timeUncompressed << 4));
                for (int i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
                ArrayPool <ulong> .Shared.Return(deltaarray);

                return(result, null);
            // find divisor only if we're compressing with simple8b
            for (int i = 1; i < srclen && div > 1; i++)
                // If our value is divisible by 10, break.  Otherwise, try the next smallest divisor.
                var v = deltaarray[i];
                while (div > 1 && v % div != 0)
                    div /= 10;
            // Only apply the divisor if it's greater than 1 since division is expensive.
            if (div > 1)
                for (int i = 1; i < srclen; i++)
                    deltas[i] /= div;
            result = new ByteWriter(1 + srclen * 8);
            result.Write((byte)((timeCompressedPackedSimple << 4) | (byte)Math.Log10(div)));
            // Write the first value since it's not part of the encoded values
            // Encode with simple8b - fist value is written unencoded using 8 bytes.
            var error = Simple8bEncoder.EncodeAll(deltaarray, 1, srclen, result);

            if (error != null)
                return(null, error);
            return(result, null);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Encoding.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
        public static (ByteWriter, string error) Encode2(IList <IClockValue> values, int startIndex, int count)
            if (values == null || values.Count == 0)
                return(null, null);
            IClockValue    value0   = values[0];
            byte           datatype = value0.DataType;
            TimeEncoder    tenc     = (TimeEncoder)EncoderFactory.Get(DataTypeEnum.DateTime, count);
            IntegerEncoder qenc     = (IntegerEncoder)EncoderFactory.Get(DataTypeEnum.Integer, count);
            IEncoder       venc     = EncoderFactory.Get(datatype, count);

            if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Double)
                FloatEncoder encoder = (FloatEncoder)venc;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    ClockDouble value = (ClockDouble)values[i];
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Boolean)
                BooleanEncoder encoder = (BooleanEncoder)venc;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    ClockBoolean value = (ClockBoolean)values[i];
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Integer)
                IntegerEncoder encoder = (IntegerEncoder)venc;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    ClockInt64 value = (ClockInt64)values[i];
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.String)
                StringEncoder encoder = (StringEncoder)venc;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    ClockString value = (ClockString)values[i];
            var ts = tenc.Bytes();

            venc.Flush();//for floatencoder
            var qs = qenc.Bytes();
            var vs = venc.Bytes();

            EncoderFactory.Put(DataTypeEnum.DateTime, tenc);
            EncoderFactory.Put(DataTypeEnum.Integer, qenc);
            EncoderFactory.Put(datatype, venc);
            if (ts.Item2 != null)
                return(null, ts.Item2);
            if (vs.Item2 != null)
                return(null, vs.Item2);
            if (qs.Item2 != null)
                return(null, qs.Item2);
            ByteWriter tswriter = ts.Item1;
            ByteWriter vswriter = vs.Item1;
            ByteWriter qswriter = qs.Item1;
            ByteWriter result   = new ByteWriter(1 + Varint.MaxVarintLen64 + tswriter.Length + vswriter.Length + qswriter.Length);

            result.Write(datatype); //first byte valuetype
            result.Write(tswriter.EndWrite(), 0, tswriter.Length);
            result.Write(vswriter.EndWrite(), 0, vswriter.Length);
            result.Write(qswriter.EndWrite(), 0, qswriter.Length);
            return(result, null);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Encoding.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
        public static (ByteWriter, string error) Encode(IList <IClockValue> values, int startIndex, int count)
            if (values == null || values.Count == 0)
                return(null, null);
            IClockValue value0   = values[0];
            byte        datatype = value0.DataType;

            ulong[] ts = ArrayPool <ulong> .Shared.Rent(count);

            Span <ulong> ts_span = new Span <ulong>(ts, 0, count);

            long[] qs = ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Rent(count);

            Span <long> qs_span = new Span <long>(qs, 0, count);

            ByteWriter tswriter = null, vswriter = null, qswriter = null;
            string     tserror = null, vserror = null, qserror = null;

            if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Double)
                double[] vs = ArrayPool <double> .Shared.Rent(count);

                Span <double> vs_span = new Span <double>(vs, 0, count);
                int           j       = 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++, j++)
                    ClockDouble value = (ClockDouble)values[i];
                    ts_span[j] = (ulong)value.Clock;
                    vs_span[j] = value.Value;
                    qs_span[j] = value.Quality;
                BatchDouble encoder = (BatchDouble)CoderFactory.Get(datatype);
                (vswriter, vserror) = encoder.EncodingAll(vs_span);
                ArrayPool <double> .Shared.Return(vs);

                CoderFactory.Put(datatype, encoder);
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Boolean)
                bool[] vs = ArrayPool <bool> .Shared.Rent(count);

                Span <bool> vs_span = new Span <bool>(vs, 0, count);
                int         j       = 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++, j++)
                    ClockBoolean value = (ClockBoolean)values[i];
                    ts_span[j] = (ulong)value.Clock;
                    vs_span[j] = value.Value;
                    qs_span[j] = value.Quality;
                BatchBoolean encoder = (BatchBoolean)CoderFactory.Get(datatype);
                (vswriter, vserror) = encoder.EncodingAll(vs_span);
                ArrayPool <bool> .Shared.Return(vs);

                CoderFactory.Put(datatype, encoder);
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.Integer)
                long[] vs = ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Rent(count);

                Span <long> vs_span = new Span <long>(vs, 0, count);
                int         j       = 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++, j++)
                    ClockInt64 value = (ClockInt64)values[i];
                    ts_span[j] = (ulong)value.Clock;
                    vs_span[j] = value.Value;
                    qs_span[j] = value.Quality;
                BatchInt64 encoder = (BatchInt64)CoderFactory.Get(datatype);
                (vswriter, vserror) = encoder.EncodingAll(vs_span);
                ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Return(vs);

                CoderFactory.Put(datatype, encoder);
            else if (datatype == DataTypeEnum.String)
                string[] vs = ArrayPool <string> .Shared.Rent(count);

                Span <string> vs_span = new Span <string>(vs, 0, count);
                int           j       = 0;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++, j++)
                    ClockString value = (ClockString)values[i];
                    ts_span[j] = (ulong)value.Clock;
                    vs_span[j] = value.Value;
                    qs_span[j] = value.Quality;
                BatchString encoder = (BatchString)CoderFactory.Get(datatype);
                (vswriter, vserror) = encoder.EncodingAll(vs_span);
                ArrayPool <string> .Shared.Return(vs);

                CoderFactory.Put(datatype, encoder);
            bool good = (vserror == null && vswriter != null);

            if (good)
                BatchTimeStamp tenc = (BatchTimeStamp)CoderFactory.Get(DataTypeEnum.DateTime);
                (tswriter, tserror) = tenc.EncodingAll(ts_span);
                CoderFactory.Put(DataTypeEnum.DateTime, tenc);
                good = (tswriter != null && tserror == null);
                if (good)
                    BatchInt64 qenc = (BatchInt64)CoderFactory.Get(DataTypeEnum.Integer);
                    (qswriter, qserror) = qenc.EncodingAll(qs_span);
                    CoderFactory.Put(DataTypeEnum.Integer, qenc);
                    good = (qswriter != null && qserror == null);
            ArrayPool <ulong> .Shared.Return(ts);

            ArrayPool <long> .Shared.Return(qs);

            if (good)
                ByteWriter result = new ByteWriter(1 + Varint.MaxVarintLen64 + tswriter.Length + vswriter.Length + qswriter.Length);
                result.Write(datatype); //first byte valuetype
                result.Write(tswriter.EndWrite(), 0, tswriter.Length);
                result.Write(vswriter.EndWrite(), 0, vswriter.Length);
                result.Write(qswriter.EndWrite(), 0, qswriter.Length);
                return(result, null);
            if (tswriter != null)
            if (vswriter != null)
            if (qswriter != null)
            return(null, vserror != null ? vserror : tserror != null ? tserror : qserror);
コード例 #7
ファイル: BatchDouble.cs プロジェクト: xhydongda/Easydata
        // FloatArrayEncodeAll encodes src into b, returning b and any error encountered.
        // The returned slice may be of a different length and capactity to b.
        // Currently only the float compression scheme used in Facebook's Gorilla is
        // supported, so this method implements a batch oriented version of that.
        public (ByteWriter, string) EncodingAll(Span <double> src)
            int length = src.Length;
            //9=Enough room for the header and one value.
            ByteWriter result = new ByteWriter(length * 10 + 9);

            byte[]      bytes = result.EndWrite();
            Span <byte> b     = new Span <byte>(bytes);

            b[0] = (floatCompressedGorilla << 4);
            double first;
            bool   finished = false;

            if (length > 0 && Double.IsNaN(src[0]))
                return(null, "unsupported value: NaN");
            else if (length == 0)
                first    = Double.NaN;// Write sentinal value to terminate batch.
                finished = true;
                first = src[0];
                src   = src.Slice(1);

            int   n    = 8 + 64;//Number of bits written.
            ulong prev = Float64bits(first);

            // Write first value.
            ByteWriter.WriteBigEndian(bytes, 1, prev);

            int    prevLeading = -1, prevTrailing = 0;
            int    leading, trailing;
            ulong  mask;
            double sum = 0;

            // Encode remaining values.
            for (int i = 0; !finished; i++)
                double x;
                if (i < src.Length)
                    x    = src[i];
                    sum += x;
                    // Encode sentinal value to terminate batch
                    x        = double.NaN;
                    finished = true;
                ulong cur    = Float64bits(x);
                ulong vDelta = cur ^ prev;
                if (vDelta == 0)
                    n++;// Write a zero bit. Nothing else to do.
                    prev = cur;
                // n&7 - current bit in current byte.
                // n>>3 - the current byte.
                b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(128 >> (n & 7));// Sets the current bit of the current byte.
                // Write the delta to b.
                // Determine the leading and trailing zeros.
                leading  = Encoding.Clz(vDelta);
                trailing = Encoding.Ctz(vDelta);
                // Clamp number of leading zeros to avoid overflow when encoding
                leading &= 0x1F;
                if (leading >= 32)
                    leading = 31;
                if (prevLeading != -1 && leading >= prevLeading && trailing >= prevTrailing)
                    n++;// Write a zero bit.
                    // Write the l least significant bits of vDelta to b, most significant
                    // bit first.
                    int L = 64 - prevLeading - prevTrailing;
                    // Full value to write.
                    ulong v       = (vDelta >> prevTrailing) << (64 - L); // l least signifciant bits of v.
                    int   m       = n & 7;                                // Current bit in current byte.
                    int   written = 0;
                    if (m > 0)                                            // In this case the current byte is not full.
                        written = 8 - m;
                        if (L < written)
                            written = L;
                        mask       = v >> 56;// Move 8 MSB to 8 LSB
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n         += written;
                        if (L == written)
                            prev = cur;
                    var vv = v << written;// Move written bits out of the way.
                    ByteWriter.WriteBigEndian(bytes, n >> 3, vv);
                    n += (L - written);
                    prevLeading  = leading;
                    prevTrailing = trailing;
                    // Set a single bit to indicate a value will follow.
                    b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(128 >> (n & 7));// Set current bit on current byte
                    int   m = n & 7;
                    int   L = 5;
                    ulong v = (ulong)leading << 59; // 5 LSB of leading.
                    mask = v >> 56;                 // Move 5 MSB to 8 LSB
                    if (m <= 3)                     // 5 bits fit into current byte.
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n          = n + L;
                    else// In this case there are fewer than 5 bits available in current byte.
                        // First step is to fill current byte
                        int written = 8 - m;
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);// Some of mask will get lost.
                        n         += written;
                        // Second step is to write the lost part of mask into the next byte.
                        mask       = v << written; // Move written bits in previous byte out of way.
                        mask     >>= 56;
                        m          = n & 7;        //Recompute current bit.
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n         += (L - written);
                    // Note that if leading == trailing == 0, then sigbits == 64.  But that
                    // value doesn't actually fit into the 6 bits we have.
                    // Luckily, we never need to encode 0 significant bits, since that would
                    // put us in the other case (vdelta == 0).  So instead we write out a 0 and
                    // adjust it back to 64 on unpacking.
                    int sigbits = 64 - leading - trailing;
                    m    = n & 7;
                    L    = 6;
                    v    = (ulong)sigbits << 58; // Move 6 LSB of sigbits to MSB
                    mask = v >> 56;              // Move 6 MSB to 8 LSB
                    if (m <= 2)
                        // The 6 bits fit into the current byte.
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n         += L;
                    else// In this case there are fewer than 6 bits available in current byte.
                        // First step is to fill the current byte.
                        int written = 8 - m;
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);// Write to the current bit.
                        n         += written;

                        // Second step is to write the lost part of mask into the next byte.
                        // Write l remaining bits into current byte.
                        mask       = v << written; // Remove bits written in previous byte out of way.
                        mask     >>= 56;
                        m          = n & 7;        // Recompute current bit.
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n         += L - written;
                    // Write final value.
                    m = n & 7;
                    L = sigbits;
                    v = (vDelta >> trailing) << (64 - L); // Move l LSB into MSB
                    int written2 = 0;
                    if (m > 0)                            // In this case the current byte is not full.
                        written2 = 8 - m;
                        if (L < written2)
                            written2 = L;
                        mask       = v >> 56;//Move 8 MSB to 8 LSB
                        b[n >> 3] |= (byte)(mask >> m);
                        n         += written2;
                        if (L - written2 == 0)
                            prev = cur;
                    // Shift remaining bits and write out in one go.
                    ulong vv = v << written2;// Remove bits written in previous byte.
                    ByteWriter.WriteBigEndian(bytes, n >> 3, vv);
                    n += (L - written2);
                prev = cur;
            if (Double.IsNaN(sum))
                return(null, "unsupported value: NaN");
            int blength = n >> 3;

            if ((n & 7) > 0)
                blength++; // Add an extra byte to capture overflowing bits.
            result.Length = blength;
            return(result, null);