コード例 #1
        public static void DistanceWithinRectangle(double height, Vector2d rectangleCenterLineStart, Vector2d rectangleCenterLineEnd, double rectangleHalfWitdth, double influenceDistance, List <EPMPoint> pointList, CurveMode curveMode = CurveMode.ReverseLinear, CombineMode combineMode = CombineMode.Add, double limitation = 0)
            Vector2d dir        = rectangleCenterLineEnd - rectangleCenterLineStart;
            double   lineLength = dir.Length();

            Vector2d normal = new Vector2d(-dir.y, dir.x);

            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
                EPMPoint p        = pointList[i];
                Vector2d v2       = p.pos2d - rectangleCenterLineStart;
                double   hlength  = v2 * dir;
                double   vlength  = v2 * normal;
                double   distance = 0;
                if (hlength >= 0 && hlength <= lineLength && System.Math.Abs(vlength) <= rectangleHalfWitdth)
                    //The point is in the rectangle
                    distance = EPMGlobal.Min(rectangleHalfWitdth - System.Math.Abs(vlength), hlength, lineLength - hlength);
                    if (distance <= influenceDistance)
                        double y = GetHeightByCurveMode(distance / influenceDistance, curveMode) * height;
                        SetHeightByCombineMode(p, y, combineMode, limitation);
                    //The point is outside the rectangle, ignore it.
コード例 #2
        public static void DistanceToBorderOfRectangle(double height, Vector2d rectangleCenterLineStart, Vector2d rectangleCenterLineEnd, double rectangleHalfWitdth, double influenceDistance, List <EPMPoint> pointList, CurveMode curveMode = CurveMode.ReverseLinear, CombineMode combineMode = CombineMode.Add, double limitation = 0)
            Vector2d dir        = rectangleCenterLineEnd - rectangleCenterLineStart;
            double   lineLength = dir.Length();

            Vector2d normal = new Vector2d(-dir.y, dir.x);
            Vector2d corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4;

            corner1 = rectangleCenterLineStart + normal * rectangleHalfWitdth;
            corner2 = rectangleCenterLineStart - normal * rectangleHalfWitdth;
            corner3 = rectangleCenterLineEnd + normal * rectangleHalfWitdth;
            corner4 = rectangleCenterLineEnd - normal * rectangleHalfWitdth;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointList.Count; i++)
                EPMPoint p        = pointList[i];
                Vector2d v2       = p.pos2d - rectangleCenterLineStart;
                double   hlength  = v2 * dir;
                double   vlength  = v2 * normal;
                double   distance = 0;
                if (hlength >= 0 && hlength <= lineLength && System.Math.Abs(vlength) <= rectangleHalfWitdth)
                    //The point is in the rectangle, ignore it.
                    if (hlength >= 0 && hlength <= lineLength)
                        distance = System.Math.Abs(vlength - rectangleHalfWitdth);
                    else if (System.Math.Abs(vlength) <= rectangleHalfWitdth)
                        if (hlength > 0)
                            distance = hlength - lineLength;
                            distance = -hlength;
                        v2       = p.pos2d;
                        distance = EPMGlobal.Min((v2 - corner1).Length(), (v2 - corner2).Length(), (v2 - corner3).Length(), (v2 - corner4).Length());

                    if (distance <= influenceDistance)
                        double y = GetHeightByCurveMode(distance / influenceDistance, curveMode) * height;
                        SetHeightByCombineMode(p, y, combineMode, limitation);