コード例 #1
 void AddBarToChart(ezBarDataPoint barDP)
     object[] multipleValues = new object[] { barDP.High, barDP.Low, barDP.Open, barDP.Close };
     // We don't use these indexes right now, but the AddXY method returns the index of the point it adds.
     int index1 = chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(barDP.Time, multipleValues);
     int index2 = chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY(barDP.Time, barDP.Volume);
コード例 #2
        void chartDataSeries_DataSeriesUpdated(object sender, DataSeriesUpdatedEventArgs e)
            Spy.Print("DataSeriesUpdated (on thread)");

            if (e.TradeBarIndexUpdate == -1)

            var update = new ezDataSeriesUpdatedEventArgs(e.ModeIndexUpdate, e.SettlementIndexUpdate, e.TradeBarIndexUpdate);

            for (int i = e.TradeBarIndexUpdate; i < ctsChartData.TradeBars.Count; i++)
                if (i >= chartData.TradeBars.Count)
                    BarDataPoint bdp   = ctsChartData.TradeBars[i] as BarDataPoint;
                    var          ezBar = new ezBarDataPoint();
                    ezBar.Open       = bdp.OpenTicks;
                    ezBar.High       = bdp.HighTicks;
                    ezBar.Low        = bdp.LowTicks;
                    ezBar.Close      = bdp.CloseTicks;
                    ezBar.TradeCount = bdp.TradeCount;
                    ezBar.Volume     = bdp.Volume;
                    ezBar.TradeDate  = bdp.TradeDate;
                    ezBar.Time       = bdp.Time;
                    BarDataPoint bdp = ctsChartData.TradeBars[i] as BarDataPoint;
                    //var ezBar = new ezBarDataPoint(bdp.OpenTicks, bdp.HighTicks, bdp.LowTicks, bdp.CloseTicks, bdp.TradeCount, bdp.Volume, bdp.TradeDate, bdp.Time);
                    var ezBar = new ezBarDataPoint();
                    ezBar.Open       = bdp.OpenTicks;
                    ezBar.High       = bdp.HighTicks;
                    ezBar.Low        = bdp.LowTicks;
                    ezBar.Close      = bdp.CloseTicks;
                    ezBar.TradeCount = bdp.TradeCount;
                    ezBar.Volume     = bdp.Volume;
                    ezBar.TradeDate  = bdp.TradeDate;
                    ezBar.Time       = bdp.Time;
                    chartData.UpdateTradeBar(i, ezBar);
コード例 #3
        void chartDataSeries_DataLoadComplete(object sender, DataLoadCompleteEventArgs e)
            Spy.Print("DataLoadComplete (on thread)");

            for (int i = 0; i < ctsChartData.TradeBars.Count; i++)
                BarDataPoint bdp = ctsChartData.TradeBars[i] as BarDataPoint;
                //var ezBar = new ezBarDataPoint(bdp.OpenTicks, bdp.HighTicks, bdp.LowTicks, bdp.CloseTicks, bdp.TradeCount, bdp.Volume, bdp.TradeDate, bdp.Time);
                var ezBar = new ezBarDataPoint();
                ezBar.Open       = bdp.OpenTicks;
                ezBar.High       = bdp.HighTicks;
                ezBar.Low        = bdp.LowTicks;
                ezBar.Close      = bdp.CloseTicks;
                ezBar.TradeCount = bdp.TradeCount;
                ezBar.Volume     = bdp.Volume;
                ezBar.TradeDate  = bdp.TradeDate;
                ezBar.Time       = bdp.Time;
コード例 #4
        public void LoadHistoricalChartData(object chartIdentifier, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            string ticker = chartIdentifier as string;

            int startYear  = startDate.Year;
            int startMonth = startDate.Month - 1;   // have to subtract 1 from the month to get the right data from Yahoo
            int startDay   = startDate.Day;
            int endYear    = endDate.Year;
            int endMonth   = endDate.Month - 1;     // have to subtract 1 from the month to get the right data from Yahoo
            int endDay     = endDate.Day;

            ezDateRange dateRangeRequested = new ezDateRange();
            ezDateRange dateRangeProcessed = new ezDateRange();

            List <HistoricalStock> historical = YahooHistoricalDownloader.Instance.DownloadData(ticker, startDate, endDate);

            // Start with an empty set of TradeBars.

            // Yahoo downloads the data in reverse date order (most recent dates first, then previous day, and so on). So
            // we need to reverse it when we put it into our chart data.
            for (int i = historical.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                HistoricalStock hs  = historical[i];
                ezBarDataPoint  bdp = new ezBarDataPoint();
                bdp.TradeDate = hs.Date;
                bdp.Open      = hs.Open;
                bdp.High      = hs.High;
                bdp.Low       = hs.Low;
                bdp.Close     = hs.Close;
                bdp.Volume    = hs.Volume;


            if (DataLoadComplete != null)
                DataLoadComplete(this, new ezDataLoadCompleteEventArgs(zDataLoadStatus.Success, dateRangeRequested, dateRangeProcessed));
コード例 #5
        private void  // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
        moBarData_DataSeriesUpdated(object sender, ezDataSeriesUpdatedEventArgs e)
            // NOTE: This event is raised on it's own thread. If you are updating a GUI application with the chart data (like this example), don't forget that you
            //       MUST marshall this update onto the GUI thread before you modify any GUI components.
            // (This is the same for all T4 API events.)

            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // An invoke is required to update the GUI, simply invoke back to this same mthod.
                this.BeginInvoke(new ezDataSeriesUpdatedEventHandler(moBarData_DataSeriesUpdated), new object[] {

                // Don't forget to exit now!

            //On the GUI thread now, update the chart.

            // Before iterating the data collection, you MUST lock it. This will prevent live trade updates from modifying the collection as you read it.

                //e.TradeBarIndexUpdate is the index of the first bar that was added or updated since the last update event.
                for (int i = e.TradeBarIndexUpdate; i <= chartDataProvider.ChartData.TradeBars.Count - 1; i++)
                    ezBarDataPoint oBar = (ezBarDataPoint)chartDataProvider.ChartData.TradeBars[i];

                    if (i < chart1.Series[0].Points.Count)
                        Spy.Print("Updating bar index {0} - close = {1}", i, oBar.Close);

                        // Update the chart series.
                        DataPoint dp1 = chart1.Series[0].Points[i];
                        dp1.YValues[0] = oBar.High;
                        dp1.YValues[1] = oBar.Low;
                        dp1.YValues[2] = oBar.Open;
                        dp1.YValues[3] = oBar.Close;
                        DataPoint dp2 = chart1.Series[1].Points[i];
                        dp2.YValues[0] = oBar.Volume;

                        xAxis = chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaMain"].AxisX;
                        bool scrollToFurthest = (xAxis.ScaleView.ViewMaximum == xAxis.Maximum);
                        if (scrollToFurthest == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Spy.Print("Error updating chart data: " + ex.ToString());
                status.Text = "Error updating chart data: " + ex.ToString();
                // If you don't be sure to unlock the data collection, you probably won't get any live trade updates.
コード例 #6
        private void  // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
        moBarData_DataLoadComplete(object sender, ezDataLoadCompleteEventArgs e)
            // NOTE: This event is raised on it's own thread. If you are updating a GUI application with the chart data (like this example), don't forget that you
            //       MUST marshall this update onto the GUI thread before you modify any GUI components.
            // (This is the same for all T4 API events.)

            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                // An invoke is required to update the GUI, simply invoke back to this same mthod.
                this.BeginInvoke(new ezDataLoadCompleteEventHandler(moBarData_DataLoadComplete), new object[] {

                // Don't forget to exit now!

            // On the GUI thread now, update the chart.
            if (e.Status == zDataLoadStatus.Failed)
                status.Text = "ERROR: Chart data request failed.";
                Spy.Print("IChartDataRequest_ChartDataComplete: Chart data request failed.");
                // Sometimes, you won't get all the historical data you requested. This could happen if there isn't chart data available all the back to the start date you requested.
                Spy.Print("IChartDataRequest_ChartDataComplete: Status: {0}, Dates Requested: {1}, Dates Received: {2}", e.Status, e.DateRangeRequested, e.DateRangeProcessed);

            status.Text = "To add an indicator to the chart, choose a chart indicator from the indicator dropdown list.";

            // Date/time label formats are different for Day than they are for "shorter than day" periods.
            if (chartDataProvider.BarInterval.Interval == zChartInterval.Day)
                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaMain"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format   = "ddd M/d";
                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaBottom"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "ddd M/d";
                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaMain"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format   = "ddd h:mmtt";
                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaBottom"].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "M/d h:mmtt";


            // Remove all but the two main series.
            for (int i = 2; i < chart1.Series.Count; i++)

            double dataPointHigh = double.MinValue;
            double dataPointLow  = double.MaxValue;

            // Before iterating the data collection, you MUST lock it. This will prevent live trade updates from modifying the collection as you read it.

                /*for (int i = 0; i <= chartBarData.TradeBars.Count - 1; i++) {
                 *      ezBarDataPoint oBar = (ezBarDataPoint)chartBarData.TradeBars[i];
                 *      Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TradeDate: {6}, Time: {5}, Open: {0}, High: {1}, Low: {2}, Close: {3}, Volume: {4}", oBar.OpenTicks, oBar.HighTicks, oBar.LowTicks, oBar.CloseTicks, oBar.Volume, oBar.Time, oBar.TradeDate));
                 *      moTable.Rows.Add(i, oBar.TradeDate, oBar.Time, oBar.OpenTicks, oBar.HighTicks, oBar.LowTicks, oBar.CloseTicks, oBar.Volume);
                 * // Add candlestick to chart (high, low, open, close).
                 * object[] multipleValues = new object[] { oBar.HighTicks, oBar.LowTicks, oBar.OpenTicks, oBar.CloseTicks };
                 * chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(oBar.Time, multipleValues);
                 * chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY(oBar.Time, oBar.Volume);
                 * // See if our maximum and minimum values on the chart have changed (we will use this for axis scaling).
                 * dataPointHigh = Math.Max(dataPointHigh, oBar.HighTicks);
                 * dataPointLow = Math.Min(dataPointLow, oBar.LowTicks);
                 * }*/

                for (int i = 0; i <= chartDataProvider.ChartData.TradeBars.Count - 1; i++)
                    ezBarDataPoint oBar = (ezBarDataPoint)chartDataProvider.ChartData.TradeBars[i];

                    // Add candlestick to chart (high, low, open, close).

                    // See if our maximum and minimum values on the chart have changed (we will use this for axis scaling).
                    dataPointHigh = Math.Max(dataPointHigh, oBar.High);
                    dataPointLow  = Math.Min(dataPointLow, oBar.Low);

                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaMain"].AxisY.Minimum = dataPointLow;
                chart1.ChartAreas["ChartAreaMain"].AxisY.Maximum = dataPointHigh;

                //this.Text = "Monkey Chart - " + chartDataProvider.Name + string.Format(" - {0} {1}", chartDataProvider.BarInterval.Period, chartDataProvider.BarInterval.Interval);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Spy.Print("Error loading chart data: " + ex.ToString());
                status.Text = "Error loading chart data: " + ex.ToString();
                // If you don't be sure to unlock the data collection, you probably won't get any live trade updates.