private void buttonItem16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool tool = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsMapZoomInToolClass(); ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand command = tool as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand; command.OnCreate(this.axMapControl2.Object); this.axMapControl2.CurrentTool = tool; }
public void OnCreate(NBGIS.PluginEngine.IApplication hook) { if (hook != null) { = hook; cmd = new ControlsMapFullExtentCommandClass(); cmd.OnCreate(; } }
public void OnCreate(NBGIS.PluginEngine.IApplication hook) { if (hook != null) { hk = hook; tool = new ControlsMapZoomOutToolClass(); cmd = tool as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand; cmd.OnCreate(; } }
private void buttonItem14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool tool = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsMapZoomOutToolClass(); //查询接口获取ICommand ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand cmd = tool as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand; //Tool通过ICommand与MapControl的关联 cmd.OnCreate(this.axMapControl2.Object); cmd.OnClick(); //MapControl的当前工具设定为tool this.axMapControl2.CurrentTool = tool; }
public void OnClick() { //// 首先确认当前地图文档是否有效 //if (null != m_pageLayoutControl.DocumentFilename && m_mapControl.CheckMxFile(m_pageLayoutControl.DocumentFilename)) //{ //// 创建一个新的地图文档实例 //IMapDocument mapDoc = new MapDocumentClass(); // 打开当前地图文档 //mapDoc.Open(m_pageLayoutControl.DocumentFilename, string.Empty); // 用 PageLayout 中的文档替换当前文档中的 PageLayout 部分 //mapDoc.ReplaceContents((IMxdContents)m_pageLayoutControl.PageLayout); // 保存地图文档 //mapDoc.Save(mapDoc.UsesRelativePaths, false); //mapDoc.Close(); //m_mapDocument =; //if (m_mapDocument.get_IsReadOnly(m_mapDocument.DocumentFilename)) //{ // MessageBox.Show("This map document is read only!"); // return; //} //m_mapDocument.Save(m_mapDocument.UsesRelativePaths, true); //MessageBox.Show("Changes saved successfully!"); //execute Save Document command //m_mapDocumentName = m_mapControl.DocumentFilename; if (m_mapControl.DocumentFilename != null && m_mapControl.CheckMxFile(m_mapDocumentName)) { //m_mapControl.CheckMxFile(m_mapDocumentName); //create a new instance of a MapDocument IMapDocument mapDoc = new MapDocumentClass(); mapDoc.Open(m_mapDocumentName, string.Empty); //Make sure that the MapDocument is not readonly if (mapDoc.get_IsReadOnly(m_mapDocumentName)) { MessageBox.Show("Map document is read only!"); mapDoc.Close(); return; } //Replace its contents with the current map mapDoc.ReplaceContents((IMxdContents)m_mapControl.Map); //save the MapDocument in order to persist it mapDoc.Save(mapDoc.UsesRelativePaths, false); //close the MapDocument mapDoc.Close(); } else { cmd = new ControlsSaveAsDocCommandClass(); cmd.OnCreate(this.m_mapControl); cmd.OnClick(); } }
public GeoCommand3DVolumeAreaSta() { base._Name = "GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.GeoCommand3DVolumeAreaSta"; base._Caption = "局部填挖方"; base._Tooltip = "局部填挖方"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = false; base._Message = "局部填挖方"; m_pCommand = new GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.Command3DVolumeAreaSta(); }
public CommandEnvelopeStatistics() { base._Name = "GeoStatistics.CommandEnvelopeStatistics"; base._Caption = "矩形范围统计"; base._Tooltip = "矩形范围统计"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = false; base._Message = "矩形范围统计"; m_pCommand = new GeoStatistics.Command.ToolEvnelopeExport(); }
public GeoCommandCuttfillAnalyse() { base._Name = "GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.GeoCommandCuttfillAnalyse"; base._Caption = "填挖方分析"; base._Tooltip = "填挖方分析"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = false; base._Message = "填挖方分析"; m_pCommand = new GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.CommandCuttfillAnalyse(); }
public GeoCommand3DSection() { base._Name = "GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.GeoCommand3DSection"; base._Caption = "剖面分析"; base._Tooltip = "剖面分析"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = false; base._Message = "剖面分析"; m_pCommand = new GeoArcScene3DAnalyse.Command3DSection(); }
public CommandIslandAreaStatistics() { base._Name = "GeoStatistics.CommandIslandAreaStatistics"; base._Caption = "海岛礁面积统计"; base._Tooltip = "海岛礁面积统计"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = false; base._Message = "海岛礁面积统计"; m_pCommand = new GeoStatistics.Command.ToolAreaStatistics(); }
public ControlsDrawRangePolygon() { base._Name = "GeoDataEdit.ControlsDrawRangePolygon"; base._Caption = "·¶Î§Ãè»æ"; base._Tooltip = "·¶Î§Ãè»æ"; base._Checked = false; base._Visible = true; base._Enabled = true; base._Deactivate = false; base._Message = "·¶Î§Ãè»æ"; //base._Cursor = (int)esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerIdentify; //base._Image = ""; //base._Category = ""; m_pCommand = new GeoDataEdit.Tools.ToolDrawPolygons(); }
public override void OnCreate(Plugin.Application.IApplicationRef hook) { if (hook == null) { return; } _AppHk = hook as Plugin.Application.IAppGisUpdateRef; if (_AppHk.CurrentControl == null) { return; } m_pTool = new GeoDataCenterFunLib.ControlsMapMeasureToolDefClass() as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool; m_pCommand = m_pTool as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand; m_pCommand.OnCreate(_AppHk); }
private void barBtnSelectElement_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { CommonLib.MapMouseFlag = 1; DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem barBtn = e.Item as DevExpress.XtraBars.BarButtonItem; ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand command = null; switch (barBtn.Name) { case "barBtnWholePageExtent": //全屏 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPageZoomWholePageCommand(); break; case "barBtnPagePan": //平移 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPagePanTool(); break; case "barBtnZoomIn": //放大 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPageZoomInTool(); break; case "barBtnZoomOut": //缩小 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPageZoomOutTool(); break; case "barBtnPreView": //上一视图 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentBackCommand(); break; case "barBtnNextView": //下一视图 command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPageZoomPageToLastExtentForwardCommand(); break; default: break; } if (command != null) { command.OnCreate(axPageLayoutControl1.Object); if (command is ITool) { axPageLayoutControl1.CurrentTool = command as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool; } else { command.OnClick(); } } }
private void ExecuteWinCommand(ToolStripItem vToolStripItem) { if (vToolStripItem == null) { return; } string strToolStripName = vToolStripItem.Name.ToLower(); ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand pCommand = null; switch (strToolStripName) { case "bttopenalllayer": pCommand = new Command.ControlsOpenAllLayerCommand(); break; case "bttcolsealllayer": pCommand = new Command.controlsColseAllLayerCommand(); break; case "bttexpandalllayer": pCommand = new Command.ControlsExpandAllLayerCommand(); break; case "bttcollapsealllayer": pCommand = new Command.ControlsCollapseAllLayerCommand(); break; case "bttdeletealllayer": pCommand = new Command.ControlsDeleteAllLayerCommand(); break; } if (pCommand == null) { return; } pCommand.OnCreate(this.axMapControl1.Object); if (pCommand is ITool) { this.axMapControl1.CurrentTool = pCommand as ITool; } else { pCommand.OnClick(); } this.axTOCControl1.Update(); }
public override void OnCreate(Plugin.Application.IApplicationRef hook) { if (hook == null) { return; } _AppHk = hook as Plugin.Application.IAppArcGISRef; if (_AppHk.MapControl == null) { return; } _tool = new Tool3DLineOfSight(); m_pCommand = _tool as ICommand; //m_pCommand.OnCreate(_AppHk.CurrentControl); }
private void PagelayoutViewer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //地图导航默认平移 ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand command = null; command = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.ControlsPagePanTool(); if (command != null) { command.OnCreate(axPageLayoutControl1.Object); if (command is ITool) { axPageLayoutControl1.CurrentTool = command as ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ITool; } else { command.OnClick(); } } }
public void OnClick() { // TODO: Add CreateNewDocument.OnClick implementation DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to save the current document?", "AoView", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (res == DialogResult.Yes) { //launch the save command (why work hard!?) cmd = new ControlsSaveAsDocCommandClass(); cmd.OnCreate(; cmd.OnClick(); } //craete a new Map IMap map = new MapClass(); map.Name = "Map"; //assign the new map to the MapControl m_mapControl.DocumentFilename = string.Empty; m_mapControl.Map = map; }
public void OnClick() { cmd = new ControlsSaveAsDocCommandClass(); cmd.OnCreate(this.m_mapControl); cmd.OnClick(); }
private void ExecuteDevCommand(object sender) { if (sender == null) { return; } DevComponents.DotNetBar.BaseItem vItem = sender as DevComponents.DotNetBar.BaseItem; string strToolStripName = vItem.Name.ToLower(); ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI.ICommand pCommand = null; switch (strToolStripName) { case "bttdefaulttool": pCommand = new Tools.ControlsDefaultTool(); break; case "bttselection": //打开文档 pCommand = new ControlsSelectFeaturesToolClass(); break; case "bttclearselection": pCommand = new ControlsClearSelectionCommandClass(); break; case "bttzoomintool": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomInToolClass(); break; case "bttzoomouttool": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomOutToolClass(); break; case "bttpantool": pCommand = new ControlsMapPanToolClass(); break; case "bttzoominfixedcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomInFixedCommandClass(); break; case "bttzoomoutfixedcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomOutFixedCommandClass(); break; case "bttrefreshviewcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapRefreshViewCommandClass(); break; case "bttfullextentcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapFullExtentCommandClass(); break; case "bttzoomtolastextentbackcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentBackCommandClass(); break; case "bttzoomtolastextentforwardcommand": pCommand = new ControlsMapZoomToLastExtentForwardCommandClass(); break; case "bttstartedit": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null) { pCommand = new Command.ControlsStartEditCommand(); } break; case "bttsaveedit": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null) { pCommand = new Command.ControlsSaveEditCommand(axMapControl1); } break; case "bttstopedit": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null) { axMapControl1.CurrentTool = null; axMapControl1.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerDefault; pCommand = new Command.ControlsStopEditCommand(axMapControl1); } break; case "buttsketchup": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null && CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit != null) { if (CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()) { axMapControl1.CurrentTool = null; pCommand = new Tools.SketChupTool(axMapControl1); } } break; case "bttnundo": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null && CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit != null) { if (CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()) { pCommand = new Command.ControlsUndoEditCommand(axMapControl1); } } break; case "bttnredo": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null && CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit != null) { if (CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()) { pCommand = new Command.ControlsRedoEditCommand(axMapControl1); } } break; case "bttndelete": if (CreateShape.m_CurrentLayer != null && CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit != null) { if (CreateShape.pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()) { pCommand = new Command.ControlsDeleteSelectedFeaturesCommand(axMapControl1); } } break; case "bttadddata": pCommand = new Command.ControlsAddDataCommand(axMapControl1); break; case "bttopendoc": pCommand = new Command.ControlsOpenMxdDocCommand(axMapControl1); break; case "bttsave": pCommand = new Command.ControlsSaveMxdDocCommand(); break; case "bttsaveas": pCommand = new Command.ControlsSaveasMxdDocCommand(); break; case "bttcut": pCommand = new ControlsEditingCutCommandClass(); break; case "bttcopy": pCommand = new ControlsEditingCopyCommandClass(); break; case "bttpast": pCommand = new ControlsEditingPasteCommandClass(); break; case "bttdelete": pCommand = new ControlsEditingClearCommandClass(); break; case "bttexitmxddoc": pCommand = new Command.ControlsExitMxdDocCommand(this); break; } if (pCommand == null) { return; } pCommand.OnCreate(this.axMapControl1.Object); if (pCommand is ITool) { this.axMapControl1.CurrentTool = pCommand as ITool; } else { try { pCommand.OnClick(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("未启动编辑", "提示!"); } } }