コード例 #1
 public static void DumpEnvironmentalDataSet(EnvironmentalDataSet dataSet)
     Console.WriteLine("            Data set file: {0} ({1} bytes)", dataSet.FileName, dataSet.FileSize);
     Console.WriteLine("               Resolution: {0} ({1} samples)", dataSet.Resolution, dataSet.SampleCount);
     if (dataSet.TimePeriod != TimePeriod.Invalid)
         Console.WriteLine("              Time period: {0}", dataSet.TimePeriod);
コード例 #2
 public SedimentNode(EnvironmentalDataSet sediment)
     Sediment = sediment;
     SedimentTypes.Add(new SedimentTypeNode { SedimentType = "Ooze" });
     SedimentTypes.Add(new SedimentTypeNode { SedimentType = "Slime" });
     SedimentTypes.Add(new SedimentTypeNode { SedimentType = "Atlantis" });
コード例 #3
 public BitmapNode(string layerName, EnvironmentalDataSet bitmapData)
     LayerName = layerName;
     BitmapData = bitmapData;
コード例 #4
 public BathymetryNode(EnvironmentalDataSet bathymetry) { Bathymetry = bathymetry; }
コード例 #5
 internal void Log(EnvironmentalDataSet dataSet, string message) { LogBase(new LogEntry(dataSet), message); }
コード例 #6
 //void Log(Location location, string message, params object[] args) { LogBase(new LogEntry(location) { Location = location }, message, args); }
 void Log(EnvironmentalDataSet dataSet, string message, params object[] args) { LogBase(new LogEntry(dataSet) { Location = dataSet.Location, EnvironmentalDataSet = dataSet }, message, args); }
コード例 #7
        public EnvironmentalDataSet LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(Location location, float resolution, TimePeriod timePeriod, PluginIdentifier sourcePlugin)
            var timePeriodAsByte = ((DbTimePeriod)timePeriod).TimePeriodAsByte;
            var existing = (from e in Context.EnvironmentalDataSets
                            where e.Location.Guid == location.Guid && 
                            e.SourcePlugin.Type == sourcePlugin.Type && 
                            e.TimePeriod.TimePeriodAsByte == timePeriodAsByte &&
                            e.Resolution == resolution
                            select e).FirstOrDefault();
            if (existing != null) return existing;

            var environmentalDataSet = new EnvironmentalDataSet
                FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()) + "." + sourcePlugin.PluginSubtype.ToString().ToLower(),
                Resolution = resolution,
                TimePeriod = timePeriod,
                Location = location,
                SourcePlugin = sourcePlugin,
            Log(environmentalDataSet, "Added new data set to {0}. Data type: {1}, resolution: {2}{3}", location.Name, sourcePlugin.PluginSubtype, resolution, timePeriod != TimePeriod.Invalid ? String.Format("  TimePeriod: {0}", timePeriod) : "");
            return environmentalDataSet;
コード例 #8
 Scenario CreateScenario(Location location, string scenarioName, string comments, TimePeriod timePeriod, TimeSpan duration, EnvironmentalDataSet wind, EnvironmentalDataSet soundSpeed, EnvironmentalDataSet bathymetry, EnvironmentalDataSet sediment)
     var scenario = new Scenario
         Wind = Globals.MasterDatabaseService.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, wind.Resolution, timePeriod, wind.SourcePlugin),
         SoundSpeed = Globals.MasterDatabaseService.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, soundSpeed.Resolution, timePeriod, soundSpeed.SourcePlugin),
         Bathymetry = Globals.MasterDatabaseService.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, bathymetry.Resolution, TimePeriod.Invalid, bathymetry.SourcePlugin),
         Sediment = Globals.MasterDatabaseService.LoadOrCreateEnvironmentalDataSet(location, sediment.Resolution, TimePeriod.Invalid, sediment.SourcePlugin),
         Name = scenarioName,
         Location = location,
         Comments = comments,
         TimePeriod = timePeriod,
         Duration = duration,
         ShowAllPerimeters = true,
         ShowAllAnalysisPoints = true,
         ShowAllSpecies = false,
     scenario.SoundSpeed.LayerSettings.LineOrSymbolSize = 5;
     var existing = (from s in location.Scenarios
                     where s.Name == scenario.Name && s.Location == scenario.Location
                     select s).FirstOrDefault();
     if (existing != null) throw new DuplicateNameException(String.Format("a Scenario named \"{0}\" already exists in the Location \"{1}\"; please select another name.", scenario.Name, scenario.Location.Name));
     return scenario;