コード例 #1
 public SiteMasterHelper(AppCookies bprPreferences, DataAccessHelper dataAccessHelper)
     _bprPreferences = bprPreferences;
     _dataAccessHelper = dataAccessHelper;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string category = context.RouteData.Values["category"] as string;
            string city = context.RouteData.Values["city"] as string;
            string area = context.RouteData.Values["area"] as string;
            string contractor = context.RouteData.Values["contractor"] as string;

            int concatareaid = 0;
            int concatid = 0;
            int cityid = 0;
            int areaid = 0;
            int catid = 0;
            int cid = 0;

            if (city != null && area != null && category != null && contractor != null)
                //Get combination areaid/cityid/categoryid/contractorid
                string sql = "SELECT CityInfo.CityID, AreaInfo.AreaID, ContractorInfo.ContractorID, CategoryInfo.CategoryID, ContractorCategoryAreaRel.ContractorCategoryID, ContractorCategoryAreaRel.ContractorCategoryAreaID FROM ContractorCategory INNER JOIN " +
                    "CategoryInfo ON ContractorCategory.CategoryID = CategoryInfo.CategoryID INNER JOIN ContractorInfo ON ContractorCategory.ContractorID = ContractorInfo.ContractorID " +
                    "INNER JOIN CityInfo INNER JOIN ContractorCategoryAreaRel INNER JOIN AreaInfo ON ContractorCategoryAreaRel.AreaID = AreaInfo.AreaID ON CityInfo.CityID = AreaInfo.CityID ON " +
                    "ContractorCategory.ContractorCategoryID = ContractorCategoryAreaRel.ContractorCategoryID WHERE (CityInfo.UrlName = @CITY) AND (AreaInfo.UrlName = @AREA) AND " +
                    "(CategoryInfo.UrlName = @CAT) AND (ContractorInfo.UrlName = @CONT)";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                    SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                        new SqlParameter("@AREA", area),
                        new SqlParameter("@CITY", city),
                        new SqlParameter("@CAT", category),
                        new SqlParameter("@CONT", contractor));

                    if (rdr.Read())
                        concatareaid = int.Parse(rdr["contractorcategoryareaid"].ToString());
                        concatid = int.Parse(rdr["contractorcategoryid"].ToString());
                        cityid = int.Parse(rdr["cityid"].ToString());
                        areaid = int.Parse(rdr["areaid"].ToString());
                        catid = int.Parse(rdr["categoryid"].ToString());
                        cid = int.Parse(rdr["contractorid"].ToString());


            if (cityid == 0 || areaid == 0 || catid == 0 || cid == 0)
                //Redirect to category page instead of error page
                HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/" + category + "/" + city + "/" + area);

                //We have an error if a city or area was not found
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["contractorcategoryareaid"] = concatareaid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["contractorcategoryid"] = concatid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["categoryid"] = catid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["areaid"] = areaid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = city;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["area"] = area;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["contractorid"] = cid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["isppc"] = "false";
                if (MobileBlogHelper.isMobileVersionRequested(context))
                    if (MobileBlogHelper.isAdPageRequired(context))
                        return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/ad.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                    return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/contractor.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/contractor.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string category = context.RouteData.Values["category"] as string;
            string city = context.RouteData.Values["city"] as string;
            string area = context.RouteData.Values["area"] as string;

            int cityid = 0;
            int areaid = 0;
            int catid = 0;
            int catareaid = 0;

            if (city != null && area != null && category != null)
                string sql = "SELECT CategoryInfo.CategoryID, CategoryArea.CategoryAreaID, CityInfo.CityID, AreaInfo.AreaID " +
                        "FROM CategoryArea INNER JOIN CategoryInfo ON CategoryArea.CategoryID = CategoryInfo.CategoryID INNER JOIN " +
                        "AreaInfo ON CategoryArea.AreaID = AreaInfo.AreaID INNER JOIN CityInfo ON AreaInfo.CityID = CityInfo.CityID WHERE (AreaInfo.UrlName = @AREA) AND " +
                        "(CityInfo.UrlName = @CITY) AND (CategoryInfo.UrlName = @CAT)";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                    SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                        new SqlParameter("@AREA", area),
                        new SqlParameter("@CITY", city),
                        new SqlParameter("@CAT", category));

                    if (rdr.Read())
                        cityid = int.Parse(rdr["cityid"].ToString());
                        areaid = int.Parse(rdr["areaid"].ToString());
                        catid = int.Parse(rdr["categoryid"].ToString());
                        catareaid = int.Parse(rdr["categoryareaid"].ToString());


            if (cityid == 0 || areaid == 0 || catareaid == 0)
                //We have an error if a city or area was not found
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["categoryareaid"] = catareaid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["categoryid"] = catid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["areaid"] = areaid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = city;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["area"] = area;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["category"] = category;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["isppc"] = "true";
                if (MobileBlogHelper.isMobileVersionRequested(context))
                    if (MobileBlogHelper.isAdPageRequired(context))
                        return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/ad.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                    return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/Category.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/category.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string param1 = context.RouteData.Values["param1"] as string;
            string param2 = context.RouteData.Values["param2"] as string;

            int m = 0;
            int y = 0;
            int cityid = 0;
            int catid = 0;
            int areaid = 0;
            string strcat = String.Empty;
            string strcity = String.Empty;
            string strarea = String.Empty;

            //if (String.CompareOrdinal(param1, param2) != 0)
            string sql = "";

            //Check values

            if (!int.TryParse(param1, out m) || !int.TryParse(param2, out y))
                //Check for city filter first
                cityid = CityDL.GetIDByUrl(param2);
                strcity = param2;

                //Check for category filter
                catid = CategoriesDL.GetCategoryIdByUrl(param1);
                strcat = param1;

                if (cityid == 0 || catid == 0)
                    if (param1 != null && param2 != null)
                        //Get combination areaid/cityid
                        sql =
                            "SELECT Area.AreaID, Area.CityID FROM Area INNER JOIN CityInfo ON Area.CityID = CityInfo.CityID INNER JOIN AreaInfo ON Area.AreaID = AreaInfo.AreaID " +
                            "WHERE (AreaInfo.UrlName = @AREA) AND (CityInfo.UrlName = @CITY)";

                        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                            SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@AREA", param2),
                                                                                new SqlParameter("@CITY", param1));

                            if (rdr.Read())
                                cityid = int.Parse(rdr["cityid"].ToString());
                                areaid = int.Parse(rdr["areaid"].ToString());

                        strcity = (cityid != 0) ? param1 : String.Empty;
                        strarea = (areaid != 0) ? param2 : String.Empty;
                            BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page))
                if (m < 0 || m > 12)
                        BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as

            HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["catid"] = catid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = strcity;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["cat"] = strcat;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["areaid"] = areaid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["area"] = strarea;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["month"] = m;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["year"] = y;

            if (MobileBlogHelper.isMobileVersionRequested(context))
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/blogfiles/mobile/default.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
            return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/blogfiles/default.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string metro = context.RouteData.Values["metro"] as string;
            string sql = "";

            //Check for filter match
            int cityid = 0;

            //Check for city
            sql = "SELECT CityID FROM CityInfo WHERE (UrlName = @CITY)";
            object o = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteScalar(sql,
                new SqlParameter("@CITY", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "UrlName", DataRowVersion.Default, metro));

            if (o != null)
                cityid = int.Parse(o.ToString());
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;

            HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = metro;

            return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/blogfiles/rss.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string articlename = context.RouteData.Values["articlename"] as string;
            string category = context.RouteData.Values["category"] as string;

            // *** query database for page
            int articleid = 0;
            int catid = 0;

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                string sql = "SELECT TipArticle.ArticleID, CategoryInfo.CategoryID FROM TipArticle INNER JOIN CategoryInfo ON TipArticle.CategoryID = CategoryInfo.CategoryID " +
                    "WHERE (TipArticle.UrlTitle = @TITLE) AND (CategoryInfo.UrlName = @CAT)";

                SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                    new SqlParameter("@TITLE", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "UrlTitle", DataRowVersion.Default, articlename),
                    new SqlParameter("@CAT", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "UrlName", DataRowVersion.Default, category));

                if (rdr.Read())
                    articleid = int.Parse(rdr["ArticleID"].ToString());
                    catid = int.Parse(rdr["CategoryID"].ToString());


            if (articleid == 0)
                //We have an error if a page was not found
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["articleid"] = articleid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["categoryid"] = catid;
                if (MobileBlogHelper.isMobileVersionRequested(context))
                    if (MobileBlogHelper.isAdPageRequired(context))
                        return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/ad.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                    return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/mobile/article.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/article.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string month = context.RouteData.Values["month"] as string;
            string year = context.RouteData.Values["year"] as string;
            string category = context.RouteData.Values["category"] as string;
            string metro = context.RouteData.Values["metro"] as string;
            string area;

            //Check values
            int m = 0;
            int y = 0;
            if (month != null && year != null)
                if (!int.TryParse(month, out m) || !int.TryParse(year, out y))
                    return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                    if (m < 0 || m > 12)
                        return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;

            //Check for filter match
            int cityid = 0;
            int catid = 0;
            int areaid = 0; //TODO get area info for city

            //Check for city filter first
            string sql = "SELECT CityID FROM CityInfo WHERE (URLName = @METRO)";
            object o = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteScalar(sql,
                new SqlParameter("@METRO", SqlDbType.VarChar, 250, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "URLName", DataRowVersion.Default, metro));

            if (o != null)
                cityid = int.Parse(o.ToString());

            //Check for category filter
            sql = "SELECT BlogCatID FROM BlogCategories WHERE (BlogCatUrlName = @CAT)";
            object j = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteScalar(sql,
                new SqlParameter("@CAT", SqlDbType.VarChar, 250, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "BlogCatUrlName", DataRowVersion.Default, category));

            if (j != null)
                catid = int.Parse(j.ToString());

            if (cityid == 0 || catid == 0 || m == 0 || y == 0 || areaid == 0)
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;

            //Check for area filter
            areaid = AreaDL.GetAreaIdByCityId(cityid.ToString());
            area = AreaDL.GetAreaUrlByID(areaid);

            HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["catid"] = catid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["areaid"] = areaid;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = metro;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["cat"] = category;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["area"] = area;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["month"] = m;
            HttpContext.Current.Items["year"] = y;

            if (MobileBlogHelper.isMobileVersionRequested(context))
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/blogfiles/mobile/default.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
            return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/blogfiles/default.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string category = context.RouteData.Values["category"] as string;
            string city = context.RouteData.Values["city"] as string;
            string ppcname = context.RouteData.Values["ppcname"] as string;

            int ppcid = 0;
            int cityid = 0;
            int catid = 0;

            if (city != null && ppcname != null && category != null)
                string sql = "SELECT PPCCategories.PPCCategoryID, PPCCategories.CityID, PPCCategories.CategoryID FROM CategoryCityRel INNER JOIN CategoryInfo ON CategoryCityRel.CategoryID = CategoryInfo.CategoryID INNER JOIN " +
                      "PPCCategories ON CategoryCityRel.CategoryID = PPCCategories.CategoryID AND CategoryCityRel.CityID = PPCCategories.CityID WHERE " +
                      "(CategoryInfo.UrlName = @CAT) AND (CategoryCityRel.UrlName = @CITY) AND (PPCCategories.PPCUrlTitle = @URL)";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                    SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                        new SqlParameter("@URL", ppcname),
                        new SqlParameter("@CITY", city),
                        new SqlParameter("@CAT", category));

                    if (rdr.Read())
                        cityid = int.Parse(rdr["cityid"].ToString());
                        ppcid = int.Parse(rdr["ppccategoryid"].ToString());
                        catid = int.Parse(rdr["categoryid"].ToString());


            if (cityid == 0 || ppcid == 0 || catid == 0)
                //We have an error if a city or area was not found
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["categoryid"] = catid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["ppcid"] = ppcid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = city;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["ppcname"] = ppcname;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["category"] = category;
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/ppclanding.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Routes.cs プロジェクト: SStewart-Ebsco/TFS-Merge
        public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext context)
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            string city = context.RouteData.Values["city"] as string;

            int cityid = 0;

            if (city != null)
                //Get cityid
                string sql = "SELECT CityID FROM CityInfo WHERE (CityInfo.UrlName = @CITY)";

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dataAccessHelper.ConnString))

                    SqlDataReader rdr = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteDatareader(conn, sql,
                        new SqlParameter("@CITY", city));

                    if (rdr.Read())
                        cityid = int.Parse(rdr["cityid"].ToString());


            if (cityid == 0)
                //We have an error if a city or area was not found
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/error.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["cityid"] = cityid;
                HttpContext.Current.Items["city"] = city;
                return BuildManager.CreateInstanceFromVirtualPath("/city.aspx", typeof(System.Web.UI.Page)) as System.Web.UI.Page;
コード例 #10
        public BlogServiceResponse SubmitEmailForm(EmailFormContract emailForm)
            string sql = "";
            var dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();

            bool error = false;

            #region Error Checking

            bool isFirstNameValid = true,
                isLastNameValid = true,
                isStreetAddressValid = true,
                isZipValid = true,
                isEmailValid = true,
                isPrimaryPhoneValid = true,
                isWorkTypeValid = true,
                isMessageValid = true;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.FirstName))
                isFirstNameValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.LastName))
                isLastNameValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.StreetAddress))
                isStreetAddressValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.ZipCode) || !Global.IsZipCode(emailForm.ZipCode))
                isZipValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.Email) || !Global.IsEmail(emailForm.Email))
                isEmailValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.PrimaryPhone) || !Global.IsPhoneNumber(emailForm.PrimaryPhone))
                isPrimaryPhoneValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.TypeOfWork))
                isWorkTypeValid = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailForm.Message))
                isMessageValid = false;

            error =
                !(isFirstNameValid && isLastNameValid && isStreetAddressValid && isZipValid && isEmailValid &&
                  isPrimaryPhoneValid && isWorkTypeValid && isMessageValid);


            if (!error)
                string contractorMsg = "";
                contractorMsg += "<span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\"><strong>Name: </strong>" +
                                 emailForm.FirstName + " " + emailForm.LastName + "<br/><strong>Address: </strong>" +
                                 emailForm.StreetAddress + "<br/><strong>City: </strong>" + emailForm.City +
                                 "<br/><strong>Zip Code: </strong>" + emailForm.ZipCode +
                                 "<br/><strong>Email: </strong>" + emailForm.Email + "<br>";
                contractorMsg += "<strong>Phone: </strong>" + emailForm.PrimaryPhone + "<br/><strong>Phone 2: </strong>" +
                                 emailForm.AlternatePhone + "<br/><strong>Work Type: </strong>" + emailForm.TypeOfWork +
                                 "<br/><strong>Message: </strong>" + emailForm.Message;
                contractorMsg += "</span>";
                //string adminMsg = "<font face='Arial' size='2'>Someone showed interest in <strong>" + ContractorName.Value + "</strong><br/><br/>" + contractorMsg + "</font>";

                string subjectMsg = "";

                //Parse comma separated list of emails - check if we are sending to multiples first
                if (emailForm.ContractorEmails != null && !BWSession.emailStartedAndSent)
                    BWSession.emailStartedAndSent = true;

                    string localconid = "";

                        foreach (string strid in emailForm.ContractorEmails)
                            subjectMsg = "Best Pick Reports Website Lead";

                            //Lookup emails from contractorcategoryareaid
                            InfoLevel conInfoLevel = InfoLevel.Area;
                            bool isPrimary = false;
                            // if contractorCategoryId is Primary
                            DataRow conRow = dataAccessHelper.FindInfoRecord(InfoType.ContractorCategoryArea, int.Parse(strid), ref conInfoLevel, ref isPrimary);
                            if (conRow != null)
                                //Lookup contractor id
                                sql =
                                    "SELECT ContractorID FROM ContractorCategoryInfo WHERE ContractorCategoryID = @CCID";
                                object o = dataAccessHelper.Data.ExecuteScalar(sql,
                                    new SqlParameter("@CCID", conRow["contractorcategoryid"].ToString()));
                                if (o != null)
                                    localconid = o.ToString();

                                string[] emails = conRow["email"].ToString().Trim().Split(',');
                                foreach (string stremail in emails)
                                    if (Global.IsEmail(stremail.Trim()))
                                            // Send email to contractor
                                            //!!!!HARD CODED FOR TLC DECKS
                                            if (localconid == "215")
                                                subjectMsg = "Home Reports – Dispatch 6106";

                                            Global.SendEmailNotification(stremail.Trim(), subjectMsg,
                                                ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailNotification"], contractorMsg,
                                        catch (Exception)
                                            // TODO: log error in database that email couldn't be sent???

                                // commit contractorMsg to database
                                string insertsql =
                                    "INSERT INTO EmailData (DateSent, AreaID, CityID, CategoryID, ContractorID, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, Zip, Email, Phone, Phone2, WorkType, Message, IsPPC) " +
                                    new SqlParameter("@DATESENT", DateTime.Now),
                                    new SqlParameter("@AREAID", emailForm.AreaId), //TODO get rest of the values
                                    new SqlParameter("@CITYID", emailForm.CityId),
                                    new SqlParameter("@CATEGORYID", emailForm.CategoryId),
                                    new SqlParameter("@CONTRACTORID", int.Parse(localconid)),
                                    new SqlParameter("@FIRSTNAME", emailForm.FirstName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@LASTNAME", emailForm.LastName),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ADDRESS", emailForm.StreetAddress),
                                    new SqlParameter("@CITY", emailForm.City),
                                    new SqlParameter("@ZIP", emailForm.ZipCode.Trim()),
                                    new SqlParameter("@EMAIL", emailForm.Email),
                                    new SqlParameter("@PHONE", emailForm.PrimaryPhone),
                                    new SqlParameter("@PHONE2", emailForm.AlternatePhone),
                                    new SqlParameter("@WORKTYPE", emailForm.TypeOfWork),
                                    new SqlParameter("@PPC", emailForm.IsPpc),
                                    new SqlParameter("@MESSAGE", emailForm.Message.Trim()));
                    catch (Exception)

                        BWSession.emailStartedAndSent = false;
                //Don't need to use separated fields for single and multiple contractors
                else if (ContractorEmail.Value.Trim() != "" && !BWSession.emailStartedAndSent)
                    string[] emails = ContractorEmail.Value.Trim().Split(',');
                    foreach (string stremail in emails)
                        subjectMsg = "Best Pick Reports Website Lead";

                        if (Global.IsEmail(stremail.Trim()))
                                // Send email to contractor
                                //!!!!HARD CODED FOR TLC DECKS
                                if (EmailContractorID.Value == "215")
                                    subjectMsg = "Home Reports – Dispatch 6106";

                                Global.SendEmailNotification(stremail.Trim(), subjectMsg, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailNotification"], contractorMsg, true);
                                BWSession.emailStartedAndSent = true;
                            catch (Exception)
                                // TODO: log error in database that email couldn't be sent???

                    // commit contractorMsg to database
                    string insertsql = "INSERT INTO EmailData (DateSent, AreaID, CityID, CategoryID, ContractorID, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, Zip, Email, Phone, Phone2, WorkType, Message, IsPPC) " +
                        new SqlParameter("@DATESENT", DateTime.Now),
                        new SqlParameter("@AREAID", areaID),
                        new SqlParameter("@CITYID", cityID),
                        new SqlParameter("@CATEGORYID", catid),
                        new SqlParameter("@CONTRACTORID", int.Parse(EmailContractorID.Value)),
                        new SqlParameter("@FIRSTNAME", name),
                        new SqlParameter("@LASTNAME", lastname),
                        new SqlParameter("@ADDRESS", addr),
                        new SqlParameter("@CITY", City.Text.Trim()),
                        new SqlParameter("@ZIP", Zip.Text.Trim()),
                        new SqlParameter("@EMAIL", email),
                        new SqlParameter("@PHONE", phone),
                        new SqlParameter("@PHONE2", phone2),
                        new SqlParameter("@WORKTYPE", worktype),
                        new SqlParameter("@PPC", isppc),
                        new SqlParameter("@MESSAGE", Message.Text.Trim()));

                //// Hide the email form and show the "Email Sent" div
                //ModalEmailForm.Visible = false;
                //ReqPanel.Visible = false;
                //EmailComplete.Visible = true;
                return new BlogServiceResponse(true, "Email sent.");
                //// If this style isn't set, the modal popup won't display
                //ModalEmailForm.Style.Value = "display:block";
                //ReqPanel.Visible = true;
                return new BlogServiceResponse(false, "Email send failed.");
コード例 #11
 public SiteMobileMaster()
     _dataAccessHelper = new DataAccessHelper();
     _bprPreferences = AppCookies.CreateInstance();
     _siteMasterHelper = new SiteMasterHelper(_bprPreferences, _dataAccessHelper);
コード例 #12
        public static void SaveFormData(string firstname, string mi, string lastname, string email, string address, string city, string state, string zip, bool updates, bool future, int type, int areaid, int cityid)
            var dataSetHepler = new DataAccessHelper();
            string sql = "INSERT INTO FormData (DataType, AreaID, CityID, FirstName, MI, LastName, Email, Address, City, State, Zip, Updates, FutureEditions) VALUES (@TYPE, @AREAID, @CITYID, @FNAME, @MI, @LNAME, @EMAIL, @ADDRESS, @CITY, @STATE, @ZIP, @UPDATES, @FUTURE)";
                new SqlParameter("@TYPE", type),
                new SqlParameter("@CITYID", cityid),
                new SqlParameter("@AREAID", areaid),
                new SqlParameter("@FNAME", firstname),
                new SqlParameter("@LNAME", lastname),
                new SqlParameter("@MI", mi),
                new SqlParameter("@EMAIL", email),
                new SqlParameter("@ADDRESS", address),
                new SqlParameter("@CITY", city),
                new SqlParameter("@STATE", state),
                new SqlParameter("@ZIP", zip),
                new SqlParameter("@FUTURE", future),
                new SqlParameter("@UPDATES", updates));

            //Send email
            string msg = "<span style=\"font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;\">";
            string subject = "";

            msg += "<p>This form submission was made on <strong>" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "</strong></p>";

            if (type == 1)
                subject = "Newsletter Sign Up Submission";
                msg += "<p>A user has signed up for monthly home care tips and articles via <a href=\"www.bestpickreports.com\">www.bestpickreports.com</a></p><p>Details are below:</p>";
            else if (type == 2)
                subject = "Request a Guide Submission";
                msg += "<p>A user has requested a guide via <a href=\"www.bestpickreports.com\">www.bestpickreports.com</a></p><p>Details are below:</p>";

            msg += "<strong>First Name: </strong>" + firstname + "<br />";
            msg += "<strong>Middle Initial: </strong>" + mi + "<br />";
            msg += "<strong>Last Name: </strong>" + lastname + "<br />";
            msg += "<strong>Email Address: </strong>" + email + "<br />";

            if (type == 2)
                msg += "<strong>Address: </strong>" + address + "<br />";
                msg += "<strong>City: </strong>" + city + "<br />";
                msg += "<strong>State: </strong>" + state + "<br />";
                msg += "<strong>Zip Code: </strong>" + zip + "<br />";
                msg += "<strong>Receive Updates: </strong>" + updates + "<br />";

            msg += "</span>";

                SendEmailNotification("*****@*****.**", subject, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailRequest"], msg, true);
            catch (Exception)