コード例 #1
        public async void ShouldDeployAndMintoken()
            //Using rinkeby to demo opensea, if we dont want to use the configured client
            //please input your infura id in appsettings.test.json
            var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetInfuraWeb3(InfuraNetwork.Rinkeby);

            //var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetWeb3(); //if you want to use your local node (ie geth, uncomment this, see appsettings.test.json for further info)
            //example of configuration as legacy (not eip1559) to work on L2s
            web3.Eth.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;

            var ercERC1155Deployment = new MyERC1155Deployment();
            //Deploy the 1155 contract (shop)
            var deploymentReceipt = await MyERC1155Service.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, ercERC1155Deployment);

            //creating a new service with the new contract address
            var erc1155Service = new MyERC1155Service(web3, deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);

            //uploading to ipfs our documents
            var nftIpfsService = new NFTIpfsService("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001");
            var imageIpfs      = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("ShopImages/hard-drive-by-vincent-botta-from-unsplash.jpg");

            //adding all our document ipfs links to the metadata and the description
            var metadataNFT = new ProductNFTMetadata()
                ProductId   = 12131,
                Name        = "4TB Black Performance Desktop Hard Drive",
                Image       = "ipfs://" + imageIpfs.Hash, //The image is what is displayed in market places like opean sea
                Description = @"Capacity: 4TB
                                Interface: SATA 6Gb / s
                                Form Factor: 3.5 Inch
                                Easy Backup and Upgrade
                                5 Year Warranty (Photo by: Vincent Botta https://unsplash.com/@0asa)",
                ExternalUrl = "https://github.com/Nethereum/ERC721ContractLibrary.Template",
                Decimals    = 0
            var stockHardDrive = 100;
            //Adding the metadata to ipfs
            var metadataIpfs =
                await nftIpfsService.AddNftsMetadataToIpfsAsync(metadataNFT, metadataNFT.ProductId + ".json");

            var addressToRegisterOwnership = "0xe612205919814b1995D861Bdf6C2fE2f20cDBd68";

            //Adding the product information
            var tokenUriReceipt = await erc1155Service.SetTokenUriRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(metadataNFT.ProductId,
                                                                                                "ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash);

            var mintReceipt = await erc1155Service.MintRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, metadataNFT.ProductId, stockHardDrive, new byte[] {});

            // the balance should be
            var balance = await erc1155Service.BalanceOfQueryAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, (BigInteger)metadataNFT.ProductId);

            Assert.Equal(stockHardDrive, balance);

            var addressOfToken = await erc1155Service.UriQueryAsync(metadataNFT.ProductId);

            Assert.Equal("ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash, addressOfToken);

            //Url format  https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/[nftAddress]/[id]
            //opening opensea testnet to visualise the nft
            var ps = new ProcessStartInfo("https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/" + deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress + "/" + metadataNFT.ProductId)
                UseShellExecute = true,
                Verb            = "open"


            //lets sell 2 hard drives
            var transfer = await erc1155Service.SafeTransferFromRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(addressToRegisterOwnership, addressToRegisterOwnership, (BigInteger)metadataNFT.ProductId, 2, new byte[] {});

コード例 #2
        public async void ShouldDeployAndMintNFTToken()
            //Using rinkeby to demo opensea, if we dont want to use the configured client
            //please input your infura id in appsettings.test.json
            var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetInfuraWeb3(InfuraNetwork.Rinkeby);

            //var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetWeb3(); //if you want to use your local node (ie geth, uncomment this, see appsettings.test.json for further info)
            //example of configuration as legacy (not eip1559) to work on L2s
            web3.Eth.TransactionManager.UseLegacyAsDefault = true;

            //creating our deployment information (this includes the bytecode already)
            //This example creates an NFT Property (Real state) registry
            var erc721Deployment = new MyERC721Deployment()
                Name = "Property Registry", Symbol = "PR"

            //Deploy the erc721Minter
            var deploymentReceipt = await MyERC721Service.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, erc721Deployment);

            //creating a new service with the new contract address
            var erc721Service = new MyERC721Service(web3, deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);

            //uploading to ipfs our documents
            var nftIpfsService = new NFTIpfsService("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001");
            var imageIpfs      = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/TitlePlanImage.png");

            var titleIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/example_title_plan.pdf");

            var registerIpfs = await nftIpfsService.AddFileToIpfsAsync("Documents/example_register.pdf");

            //adding all our document ipfs links to the metadata and the description
            var metadataNFT = new NFTPropertyRegistryMetadata()
                Name = "CS72510: Property registry example",
                AddressOfProperty = "23 Cottage Lane, Kerwick, PL14 3JP",
                Image             = "ipfs://" + imageIpfs.Hash, //The image is what is displayed in market places like opean sea
                TitleDocument     = "ipfs://" + titleIpfs.Hash,
                RegisterDocument  = "ipfs://" + registerIpfs.Hash,
                PlanReference     = "SD4008",
                TitleNumber       = "CS72510",
                MapReference      = "SY6676NE",
                ExternalUrl       = "https://github.com/Nethereum/ERC721ContractLibrary.Template"

            //Adding the metadata to ipfs
            var metadataIpfs =
                await nftIpfsService.AddNftsMetadataToIpfsAsync(metadataNFT, "PropertyRegistryMetadata.json");

            var addressToRegisterOwnership = "0xe612205919814b1995D861Bdf6C2fE2f20cDBd68";

            //Minting the nft with the url to the ipfs metadata
            var mintReceipt = await erc721Service.SafeMintRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(
                addressToRegisterOwnership, "ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash);

            //we have just minted our first nft so the nft will have the id of 0.
            var ownerOfToken = await erc721Service.OwnerOfQueryAsync(0);


            var addressOfToken = await erc721Service.TokenURIQueryAsync(0);

            Assert.Equal("ipfs://" + metadataIpfs.Hash, addressOfToken);

            //Url format  https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/[nftAddress]/[id]
            //opening opensea testnet to visualise the nft
            var ps = new ProcessStartInfo("https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/" + deploymentReceipt.ContractAddress + "/0")
                UseShellExecute = true,
                Verb            = "open"


            var transfer = await erc721Service.TransferFromRequestAndWaitForReceiptAsync(ownerOfToken, ownerOfToken, 0);
