static void Main(string[] args) { try { //If you use Net.Core, add the conditional complilation symbol "Core" under Project Properties, Build-Tab //Sample 3, 4 and 12 uses the Adventureworks database. Enter then name of your SQL server into the variable below... //Leave this blank if you don't have access to the Adventureworks database string SqlServerName = ""; //FileInfo templateFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\QP-107\Desktop\test.xlsx"); FileInfo templateFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\QP-107\Desktop\test - Copy.xlsx"); //FileInfo saveFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\QP-107\Desktop\test1.xlsx"); FileInfo saveFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\QP-107\Desktop\test1 - Copy.xlsx"); using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(templateFile, "abc", tempFolder: @"C:\Users\QP-107\Desktop\abc")) //, "abc" { package.SaveAs(saveFile, "xyz"); //, "xyz" } return; // change this line to contain the path to the output folder DirectoryInfo outputDir = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\temp\SampleApp"); if (!outputDir.Exists) { throw new Exception("outputDir does not exist!"); } // Sample 1 - simply creates a new workbook from scratch // containing a worksheet that adds a few numbers together Console.WriteLine("Running sample 1"); string output = Sample1.RunSample1(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 1 created: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); // Sample 2 - simply reads some values from the file generated by sample 1 // and outputs them to the console Console.WriteLine("Running sample 2"); Sample2.RunSample2(output); Console.WriteLine(); output = ""; if (SqlServerName != "") { string connectionStr = string.Format(@"server={0};database=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=true;", SqlServerName); // Sample 3 - creates a workbook from scratch // This is the same sample as the original Excelpackage, sample 4, but without the template // This sample requires the AdventureWorks database. //Shows how to use Ranges, Styling, Namedstyles and Hyperlinks Console.WriteLine("Running sample 3"); output = Sample3.RunSample3(outputDir, connectionStr); Console.WriteLine("Sample 3 created: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); // Sample 4 - creates a workbook based on a template. // Populates a range with data and set the series of a linechart. // This sample requires the AdventureWorks database. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 4"); output = Sample4.RunSample4(connectionStr, new FileInfo("..\\..\\GraphTemplate.xlsx"), outputDir); //Template path from /bin/debug or /bin/release Console.WriteLine("Sample 4 created: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); } //Sample 5 //Open sample 1 and add a pie chart. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 5"); output = Sample5.RunSample5(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 5 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 6 //Creates an advanced report on a directory in the filesystem. //Parameter 2 is the directory to report. Paramter 3 is how deep the scan will go. Parameter 4 Skips Icons if set to true (The icon handling is slow) //This example demonstrates how to use outlines, tables,comments, shapes, pictures and charts. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 6"); output = Sample6.RunSample6(outputDir, new DirectoryInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).Parent, 5, #if Core true #else false #endif ); Console.WriteLine("Sample 6 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 7 //This sample shows the performance capabilities of the component and shows sheet protection. //Load X(param 2) rows with five columns Console.WriteLine("Running sample 7"); output = Sample7.RunSample7(outputDir, 65534); Console.WriteLine("Sample 7 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 8 - Linq //Opens Sample 7 and perform some Linq queries Console.WriteLine("Running sample 8-Linq"); LinqSample.RunLinqSample(outputDir); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 9 Loads two csv files into tables and creates an area chart and a Column/Line chart on the data. //This sample also shows how to use a secondary axis. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 9"); output = Sample9.RunSample9(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 9 created: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 10 Swedish Quiz : Shows Encryption and workbook and sheet protection. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 10"); Sample10.RunSample10(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 10 created: {0}", outputDir.FullName); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 11 - Data validation Console.WriteLine("Running sample 11"); output = Sample11.RunSample11(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 11 created {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 12 - Pivottables Console.WriteLine("Running sample 12"); output = Sample12.RunSample12(SqlServerName, outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 12 created {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 13 - Shows a few ways to load data (Datatable, IEnumerable and more). Console.WriteLine("Running sample 13"); Sample13.RunSample13(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 13 created {0}", outputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 14 - Conditional Formatting Console.WriteLine("Running sample 14"); Sample14.RunSample14(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 14 created {0}", outputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 15 - Shows how to work with macro-enabled workbooks(VBA). Console.WriteLine("Running sample 15-VBA"); Sample15.VBASample(outputDir); Console.WriteLine("Sample 15 created {0}", outputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample FormulaCalc - Shows how to calculate formulas in the workbook. Console.WriteLine("Running Sample_FormulaCalc"); Sample_FormulaCalc.RunSampleFormulaCalc(); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample AddFormulaFunction - Shows how to add your own implementations of excel functions to EPPlus. Console.WriteLine("Running Sample_AddFormulaFunction"); Sample_AddFormulaFunction.RunSample_AddFormulaFunction(); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press the return key to exit..."); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { //Sample 3, 4 and 12 uses the Adventureworks database. Enter the connectionstring to the Adventureworks database(2016 CTP3) into the variable below... //Leave this blank if you don't have access to the Adventureworks database string connectionStr = ""; //for example "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2016CTP3;Data Source=MySqlServer" //Set the output directory to the SampleApp folder where the app is running from. Utils.OutputDir = new DirectoryInfo($"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}SampleApp"); // Sample 1 - simply creates a new workbook from scratch // containing a worksheet that adds a few numbers together Console.WriteLine("Running sample 1"); string sample1Path = Sample1.RunSample1(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 1 created: {0}", sample1Path); Console.WriteLine(); // Sample 2 - simply reads some values from the file generated by sample 1 // and outputs them to the console Console.WriteLine("Running sample 2"); Sample2.RunSample2(sample1Path); Console.WriteLine(); if (connectionStr != "") { // Sample 3 - creates a workbook from scratch // This is the same sample as the original Excelpackage, sample 4, but without the template // This sample requires the AdventureWorks database. //Shows how to use Ranges, Styling, Namedstyles and Hyperlinks Console.WriteLine("Running sample 3"); var sample3Path = Sample3.RunSample3(connectionStr); Console.WriteLine("Sample 3 created: {0}", sample3Path); Console.WriteLine(); // Sample 4 - creates a workbook based on a template. // Populates a range with data and set the series of a linechart. // This sample requires the AdventureWorks database. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 4"); var sample4Path = Sample4.RunSample4(connectionStr, new FileInfo($"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}GraphTemplate.xlsx")); //Template path from /bin/debug or /bin/release Console.WriteLine("Sample 4 created: {0}", sample4Path); Console.WriteLine(); } //Sample 5 //Open sample 1 and add a pie chart. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 5"); var output = Sample5.RunSample5(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 5 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 6 //Creates an advanced report on a directory in the filesystem. //Parameter 2 is the directory to report. Paramter 3 is how deep the scan will go. Parameter 4 Skips Icons if set to true (The icon handling is slow) //This example demonstrates how to use outlines, tables,comments, shapes, pictures and charts. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 6"); output = Sample6.RunSample6(new DirectoryInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).Parent, 5, true); Console.WriteLine("Sample 6 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 7 //This sample shows the performance capabilities of the component and shows sheet protection. //Load X(param 2) rows with five columns Console.WriteLine("Running sample 7"); output = Sample7.RunSample7(65534); Console.WriteLine("Sample 7 created:", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 8 - Linq //Opens Sample 7 and perform some Linq queries Console.WriteLine("Running sample 8-Linq"); LinqSample.RunLinqSample(); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 9 Loads two csv files into tables and creates an area chart and a Column/Line chart on the data. //This sample also shows how to use a secondary axis. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 9"); output = Sample9.RunSample9(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 9 created: {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 10 Swedish Quiz : Shows Encryption, workbook- and worksheet protection. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 10"); Sample10.RunSample10(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 10 created: {0}", Utils.OutputDir.FullName); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 11 - Data validation Console.WriteLine("Running sample 11"); output = Sample11.RunSample11(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 11 created {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 12 - Pivottables Console.WriteLine("Running sample 12"); output = Sample12.RunSample12(connectionStr); Console.WriteLine("Sample 12 created {0}", output); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 13 - Shows a few ways to load data (Datatable, IEnumerable and more). Console.WriteLine("Running sample 13"); Sample13.RunSample13(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 13 created {0}", Utils.OutputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 14 - Conditional Formatting Console.WriteLine("Running sample 14"); Sample14.RunSample14(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 14 created {0}", Utils.OutputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 15 - Shows how to work with macro-enabled workbooks(VBA). Console.WriteLine("Running sample 15-VBA"); Sample15.VBASample(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 15 created {0}", Utils.OutputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample 16 - Shows how to add sparkline charts. Console.WriteLine("Running sample 16-Sparklines"); Sample16.RunSample16(); Console.WriteLine("Sample 16 created {0}", Utils.OutputDir.Name); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample FormulaCalc - Shows how to calculate formulas in the workbook. Console.WriteLine("Running Sample_FormulaCalc"); Sample_FormulaCalc.RunSampleFormulaCalc(); Console.WriteLine(); //Sample AddFormulaFunction - Shows how to add your own implementations of excel functions to EPPlus. Console.WriteLine("Running Sample_AddFormulaFunction"); Sample_AddFormulaFunction.RunSample_AddFormulaFunction(); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } var prevColor = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine($"Genereted sample workbooks can be found in {Utils.OutputDir.FullName}"); Console.ForegroundColor = prevColor; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press the return key to exit..."); Console.Read(); }