コード例 #1
#pragma warning restore
        void OnDisable()
            if (!this || !enabled)
            if (OnDisableAction != null)
                OnDisableAction(getHash, lastPlanarReflectionSize, this);

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            // if (!mainThread.Equals(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread)) return;

            /* if (!Applicati   on.isPlaying)
             * {   if (!initFlag)
             *   {   initFlag = true;*/
            // if (!Application.isPlaying) DestroyAllEditorDatasDeep();

            /*  }
             * }*/
            // if (gameObject.activeSelf) return;
            _was_enables = false;

            if (__compiler)
                __compiler.onShaderUpdate -= onShaderUpdate;

        #if FASTWATER20_LOG
            Debug.Log("OnDisable " + gameObject.name);
        #if UNITY_EDITOR

            EditorApplication.update -= EditorUpdate;
            // RestoreMat();
            Camera.onPostRender -= OnPostRenderMy;
            Camera.onPreRender  -= OnPreRenderMy;

            if (RenderDepthOrRefractionCamera)
            if (RenderReflectionCamera)


            if (__compiler)
            { /* if (cache_GET_RENDER_TEXTURE.ContainsKey(goID))
               * {
               *   foreach (var itemList in cache_GET_RENDER_TEXTURE[goID])
               *   {   foreach (var item in itemList.Value)
               *       {   if (item == null)
               *               continue;
               *           if (item.lastCamera)
               *               item.lastCamera.targetTexture = null;
               *           if (item.texture_swap)
               *               DESTORY(item.texture_swap);
               *           if (item.texture_gles20)
               *               DESTORY(item.texture_gles20);
               *       }
               *       itemList.Value.Clear();
               *       // item.Value.lastCamera
               *   }
               * }*/
              /* #if UNITY_EDITOR
               * if (editor_cache_materials.ContainsKey(goID))
               * {   //Debug.Log("ASD");
               *   if (editor_cache_materials[goID])
               *   {   Destroy(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_ReflectionTex_temp), 5);
               *       Destroy(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_RefractionTex_temp), 5);
               *       Destroy(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_BakedData_temp), 5);
               *       // DESTORY(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_ReflectionTex_temp));
               *       // DESTORY(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_RefractionTex_temp));
               *       // DESTORY(editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_BakedData_temp));
               *       / * var t1 = editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_ReflectionTex_temp) as RenderTexture;
               *        if (t1) t1.DiscardContents(true, true);
               *        if (t1) t1.Release();
               *        var t2 = editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_RefractionTex_temp) as RenderTexture;
               *        if (t2) t2.DiscardContents(true, true);
               *        if (t2) t1.Release();
               *        var t3 = editor_cache_materials[goID].GetTexture(_BakedData_temp) as RenderTexture;
               *        if (t3)  t3.DiscardContents(true, true);
               *        if (t3) t1.Release();* /
               *       //Unity 2018.2f14 crashed when scene was changing and had paticles emmiter
               *       // if (!Application.isPlaying) DESTORY(editor_cache_materials[goID]);
               *       //Unity 2018.2f14 crashed when scene was changing and had paticles emmiter
               *   }
               *   editor_cache_materials.Remove(goID);
               * }
               * DESTORY(__compiler.material.GetTexture(_ReflectionTex_temp));
               * DESTORY(__compiler.material.GetTexture(_RefractionTex_temp));
               * DESTORY(__compiler.material.GetTexture(_BakedData_temp));

            //Unity 2018.2f14 crashed when scene was changing and had paticles emmiter

            /* DESTORY(DepthRenderShader_SecondPass_Matertial);
             * if (__renderer && __renderer.sharedMaterial && (__renderer.sharedMaterial.hideFlags & HideFlags.HideAndDontSave) != 0)
             *   DESTORY(__renderer.sharedMaterial);*/
            //Unity 2018.2f14 crashed when scene was changing and had paticles emmiter