protected override void PrepareNonCommonPar() { ParBase parFileName = GetUniquePar <ParBase>(DefPar.DefOutput.File); if (parFileName != null) // if null the programme is stopped after reading parameters (missing compulsory parameter) { fileName = Path.Combine(infoStore.runConfig.pathOutput, parFileName.xmlValue); if (!fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".txt")) { fileName += ".txt"; } if (infoStore.runConfig.stdOutputFilenameSuffix != string.Empty) // e.g. uk_2017_std -> uk_2017_BTAoff { AdaptFileNameForNonStdExtensionSwitches(infoStore.runConfig.stdOutputFilenameSuffix); } if (infoStore.runConfig.outFileDate != string.Empty) // e.g. hu_2017_std.txt -> hu_2017_std_201805301954.txt { fileName = fileName.Insert(fileName.Length - 4, "_" + infoStore.runConfig.outFileDate); } // * * * T O D O * * * // check at this point if file is ready for writting, i.e. valid file-name, not used by another file, ... // to avoid running the whole thing and then cannot write (probably requires try-catch on attempt to open) // also if the file is available, lock it now? } // in future probably replaced by Scale function, but currently still needed, in particular for PET ParFormula parMultipleMonetaryBy = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.DefOutput.MultiplyMonetaryBy); if (parMultipleMonetaryBy != null) { multiplyMonetaryBy = parMultipleMonetaryBy.GetGlobalValue(); } PrepareVarILPar(); PrepareDefILPar(); PrepareUnitInfoPar(); append = GetParBoolValueOrDefault(DefFun.DefOutput, DefPar.DefOutput.Append); suppressVoidMessage = GetParBoolValueOrDefault(DefFun.DefOutput, DefPar.DefOutput.Suppress_Void_Message); nDecimals = (int)GetParNumberValueOrDefault(DefFun.DefOutput, DefPar.DefOutput.nDecimals); formatDecimals = "0."; for (int i = 0; i < nDecimals; i++) { formatDecimals += "#"; } parWho = GetUniquePar <ParCateg>(DefPar.Common.Who_Must_Be_Elig); parEligVar = GetUniquePar <ParVar>(DefPar.Common.Elig_Var); ParNumber parReplaceUnitLoopVoidBy = GetUniquePar <ParNumber>(DefPar.DefOutput.Replace_Void_By); if (parReplaceUnitLoopVoidBy != null) { doReplaceUnitLoopVoidBy = true; replaceUnitLoopVoidBy = parReplaceUnitLoopVoidBy.GetValue(); } }
/// <summary> used for assessing global conditions, e.g. RunCond, Loop.BreakCond </summary> internal bool GetGlobalValue() { if (infoStore.hhAdmin == null && !IsGlobal(true)) { return(true); // note: this allows calling the function at read-time } // which is ok with things like {IsUsedDatabase#1}, {GetSystemYear=2016}, {1}, etc. (IsGlobal(true) == true) // but does not work with global variables, which may change over run-time (IsGlobal(true) == false) // as the function returns true for the latter at read-time it must be called again at run-time (see e.g. FunDefVar) return(parFormula.GetGlobalValue() != 0); }
protected override void PrepareNonCommonPar() { // get parameters ParIL parOperatorIL = GetUniquePar <ParIL>(DefPar.IlVarOp.Operator_IL); if (parOperatorIL == null) { return; // error is handled by global check } ParFormula parOperand = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.IlVarOp.Operand); bool useFactors = GetParBoolValueOrDefault(DefFun.IlVarOp, DefPar.IlVarOp.Operand_Factors); ParIL parOperandIL = GetUniquePar <ParIL>(DefPar.IlVarOp.Operand_IL); ParCateg parMulAdd = GetUniquePar <ParCateg>(DefPar.IlVarOp.Operation); if (parMulAdd != null) { mulAdd = parMulAdd.GetCateg(); } ParCateg parSelVar = GetUniquePar <ParCateg>(DefPar.IlVarOp.Sel_Var); if (parSelVar != null) { selVar = parSelVar.GetCateg(); } // assess what to do and check for insufficient or contradictory information if (parOperand != null) { //if (parOperand.IsGlobal()) opTask = OPERAND_TYPE.SCALAR; // out-commented to replace by the weaker condtion below, otherwise it produces an error with constants if (double.TryParse(parOperand.xmlValue, out double x)) { opTask = OPERAND_TYPE.SCALAR; } else { opTask = OPERAND_TYPE.FORMULA; formulaOperand = parOperand; } } else if (parOperandIL != null) { if (!CheckDoubleDef(OPERAND_TYPE.IL)) { return; } } if (useFactors) { if (!CheckDoubleDef(OPERAND_TYPE.FACTORS)) { return; } } if (mulAdd == DefPar.Value.ILVAROP_NEGTOZERO) { if (!CheckDoubleDef(OPERAND_TYPE.NEGTOZERO)) { return; } } if (opTask == OPERAND_TYPE.INVALID) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: missing definition of operand" }); return; } if (opTask == OPERAND_TYPE.IL && parOperandIL.GetFlatContent().Count != parOperatorIL.GetFlatContent().Count) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: incomelists {} and {} do not have the same number of variables, operation is not possible" }); return; } // prepare information for run for (int i = 0; i < parOperatorIL.GetFlatContent().Count; ++i) { OpItem oi = new OpItem() { varOperator = parOperatorIL.GetFlatContent()[i].varSpec }; switch (opTask) { case OPERAND_TYPE.FACTORS: oi.numOperand = parOperatorIL.GetFlatContent()[i].addFactor; break; case OPERAND_TYPE.SCALAR: oi.numOperand = parOperand.GetGlobalValue(); break; case OPERAND_TYPE.IL: oi.varOperand = parOperandIL.GetFlatContent()[i].varSpec; break; } opItems.Add(oi); } bool CheckDoubleDef(OPERAND_TYPE ot) { if (opTask == OPERAND_TYPE.INVALID) { opTask = ot; return(true); } infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: contradictory definition of operand" }); return(false); } }
protected void PrepareLimPar() { coParLowLim = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.Common.LowLim); coParUpLim = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.Common.UpLim); coParThres = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.Common.Threshold); ParCateg coParLimpriority = GetUniquePar <ParCateg>(DefPar.Common.Limpriority); // the following tries to optimise by getting the values here, if they are read-time-available (e.g. 600#y, GetSystemYear, ...) // and by checking for implausible values (e.g. upLim = 10, lowLim = 100) if already possible if (coParLowLim != null) { if (coParLowLim.IsGlobal(true)) { lowLim = coParLowLim.GetGlobalValue(); coParLowLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } if (coParUpLim != null) { if (coParUpLim.IsGlobal(true)) { upLim = coParUpLim.GetGlobalValue(); coParUpLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } bool checkThres = coParThres != null; if (coParThres != null) { if (coParThres.IsGlobal(true)) { thres = coParThres.GetGlobalValue(); coParThres = null; } else { doRunTimeThresCheck = true; } } if (coParLimpriority != null) { limPri = coParLimpriority.GetCateg(); } if (!doRunTimeLimCheck) // both limits available (might be double.MinValue and/or double.MaxValue, but does no harm here) { CheckLimits(ref lowLim, ref upLim); if (checkThres && !doRunTimeThresCheck) // threshold and both limits available { if (!CheckThreshold(thres, lowLim, upLim)) { thres = lowLim; } } } }
/// <summary> /// checks if the standard footnote-parameters, i.e. #_LowLim, #_UpLim, #_Level, are applied on the parameter /// if so, stores them in lowLim, upLim and alternativeTU (see above) /// also provides the "cleaned" value (e.g. yem#1 -> yem) /// note that the footnote-parameters are assessed via the (mother)function (parameter fun) /// also note that the only other (not here handled) footnote-parameters are 'amount', which is handled by ParFormula /// and query parameters which will not issue a "missing" (see below) but let the query check if it can use the footnote /// </summary> protected void ExtractStandardFootnotes(string value, out string cleanedValue, FunBase fun) { List <string> numbers = GetFootnoteNumbers(value, out cleanedValue); // it's unlikely, but yem#1#3 is possible (see GetFootnoteNumbers) if (numbers.Count == 0) { return; // no footnotes } // limits (see remark in _FunInSpineBase_Lim wrt not using a common implementation for limits) pLowLim = fun.GetFootnotePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.Footnote.LowLim, numbers); if (pLowLim != null) { if (pLowLim.IsGlobal(true)) { lowLim = pLowLim.GetGlobalValue(); pLowLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } pUpLim = fun.GetFootnotePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.Footnote.UpLim, numbers); if (pUpLim != null) { if (pUpLim.IsGlobal(true)) { upLim = pUpLim.GetGlobalValue(); pUpLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } ParCateg pLimpriority = fun.GetFootnotePar <ParCateg>(DefPar.Footnote.LimPriority, numbers); if (pLimpriority != null) { limPri = pLimpriority.GetCateg(); } if (!doRunTimeLimCheck) // both limits available (might be double.MinValue and/or double.MaxValue, but does no harm here) { CheckLimits(ref lowLim, ref upLim); } // alternative TU ParBase parAltTU = fun.GetFootnotePar <ParBase>(DefPar.Footnote.Level, numbers); if (parAltTU != null) { alternativeTU = parAltTU.xmlValue; } // if none of the standard footnotes is defined in the function #x points to nowhere ... if (GetType() == typeof(ParQuery)) // ... except for queries, which may have own footnotes { return; // (this is slightly negligent, as it accepts e.g. IsMarried#1 without respective footnote-parameter) } if (pLowLim == null && lowLim == double.MinValue && pUpLim == null && upLim == double.MaxValue && parAltTU == null) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = true, message = $"{description.Get()}: missing footnote parameter for {value}" }); } }
protected override void PrepareNonCommonPar() { if (GetParGroups(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_XXX).Count < 1) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: SchedCalc must have at least one band" }); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <ParBase> > bandParList in GetParGroups(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_XXX)) { Band band = new Band(); // Prepare the Band Limits = bandParList.Key; band.pLowLim = GetUniqueGroupPar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_LowLim, bandParList.Value); if (band.pLowLim != null) // if there is a lowLim { if (band.pLowLim.IsGlobal(true)) { band.lowLim = band.pLowLim.GetGlobalValue(); band.pLowLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } band.pUpLim = GetUniqueGroupPar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_UpLim, bandParList.Value); if (band.pUpLim != null) // if there is a lowLim { if (band.pUpLim.IsGlobal(true)) { band.upLim = band.pUpLim.GetGlobalValue(); band.pUpLim = null; } else { doRunTimeLimCheck = true; } } // Prepare the Band Rate/Amount band.pRate = GetUniqueGroupPar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_Rate, bandParList.Value); band.pAmount = GetUniqueGroupPar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Band_Amount, bandParList.Value); if (band.pRate != null && band.pAmount != null) // Rate and Amount cannot co-exist { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: Rate and Amount cannot co-exist in group {}" }); } if (band.pRate == null && band.pAmount == null) // Rate and Amount cannot both be missing { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: Rate and Amount cannot both be missing in group {}" }); } if (band.pRate != null) { if (band.pRate.IsGlobal(true)) { band.rate = band.pRate.GetGlobalValue(); band.pRate = null; } else { doRunTimeRateCheck = true; } } if (band.pAmount != null) { if (band.pAmount.IsGlobal(true)) { band.amount = band.pAmount.GetGlobalValue(); band.pAmount = null; } else { doRunTimeRateCheck = true; } } bands.Add(band); } // check that all required limits exist for (int i = 1; i < bands.Count; i++) { // if both limits are missing then produce an error if (bands[i - 1].upLim == double.MaxValue && bands[i - 1].pUpLim == null && bands[i].lowLim == double.MinValue && bands[i].pLowLim == null) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: Band {bands[i - 1].band}: insufficient definition of upper limit. Use parameters 'band_uplim' or 'band_lowlim'(+1)." }); } // if both limits are there, then produce an error else if ((bands[i - 1].upLim != double.MaxValue || bands[i - 1].pUpLim != null) && (bands[i].lowLim != double.MinValue || bands[i].pLowLim != null)) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: Double definition of upper limit as 'Band_UpLim {bands[i - 1].band}' and 'Band_LowLim {bands[i].band}'." }); } // else, make sure that the upper limit always exist (copy from Group+1 lower limit if required) else if (bands[i - 1].upLim == double.MaxValue && bands[i - 1].pUpLim == null) { if (bands[i].pLowLim == null) { bands[i - 1].upLim = bands[i].lowLim; // copy the litteral limit if it exists } else { bands[i - 1].pUpLim = bands[i].pLowLim; // else copy the parameter to be run at run-time } } } // if possible, check that limits are also in order if (!doRunTimeLimCheck) { CheckGroupLimits(bands); } // prepare the other parameters basePar = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Base); if (basePar == null) { infoStore.communicator.ReportError(new Communicator.ErrorInfo() { isWarning = false, message = $"{description.Get()}: Missing required parameter Base" }); } ParBool doAverageRatesPar = GetUniquePar <ParBool>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Do_Average_Rates); doAverageRates = doAverageRatesPar != null && doAverageRatesPar.GetBoolValue(); ParBool simpleProgPar = GetUniquePar <ParBool>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Simple_Prog); simpleProg = simpleProgPar != null && simpleProgPar.GetBoolValue(); quotientPar = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Quotient); if (quotientPar != null) { if (quotientPar.IsGlobal(true)) { quotient = quotientPar.GetGlobalValue(); quotientPar = null; } } baseThresholdPar = GetUniquePar <ParFormula>(DefPar.SchedCalc.BaseThreshold); if (baseThresholdPar != null) { if (baseThresholdPar.IsGlobal(true)) { baseThreshold = baseThresholdPar.GetGlobalValue(); baseThresholdPar = null; } } ParNumber roundBasePar = GetUniquePar <ParNumber>(DefPar.SchedCalc.Round_Base); if (roundBasePar != null) { roundBase = roundBasePar.GetValue(); } }