public ActionResult Create(NewEmployeeViewModel model) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (_profile.NewEmployee(model, User.IDNO)) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "An error has been encountered. Please contact your System Administrator."); } } NewEmployeeViewModel _newEmployee = new NewEmployeeViewModel(); _newEmployee.Position = _profile.GetPositionTitles(); _newEmployee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); return View(_newEmployee); } catch { NewEmployeeViewModel _newEmployee = new NewEmployeeViewModel(); _newEmployee.Position = _profile.GetPositionTitles(); _newEmployee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); ModelState.AddModelError("", "An error has been encountered. Please contact your System Administrator."); return View(_newEmployee); } }
public ActionResult Create() { NewEmployeeViewModel _newEmployee = new NewEmployeeViewModel(); BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); _newEmployee.Password = _profile.GeneratePassword(); _newEmployee.Position = _profile.GetPositionTitles(); _newEmployee.Department = _profile.GetDepartmentNames(); _newEmployee.CivilStatus = _profile.GetCivilStatus(); _newEmployee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); return View(_newEmployee); }
public bool EmailEmployee(LeaveViewModel model) { bool sendSuccess = false; BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(SERVER, PORT)) { string EMAIL_FROM = "*****@*****.**"; string SUBJECT = "Leave of Absence Application [" + model.LeaveStatus + "]"; string EMAIL_TO = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(model.EmployeeIDNO).Email; string status = ""; switch (model.LeaveStatus) { case "Approved": status = "<strong style='color:#5CB85C'>APPROVED</strong>"; break; case "Declined": status = "<strong style='color:#D9534F'>DECLINED</strong>"; break; default: break; } StringBuilder BODY = new StringBuilder(); BODY.Append("<p>The following Leave of Absence application has been " + status + ":</p><br>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Date Filed: </strong>" + model.DateFiled.ToShortDateString() + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Type: </strong>" + model.LeaveType + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>From: </strong>" + model.DateOfLeaveFrom.ToShortDateString() + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>To: </strong>" + model.DateOfLeaveTo.ToShortDateString() + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Address: </strong>" + model.Address + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Reason: </strong>" + model.Reason + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Remarks: </strong>" + model.RemarksForEmployee + "</p><br>"); BODY.Append("<p>Contact your Manager or HR for any questions.<p>"); BODY.Append("<p>EMP<p>"); MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(EMAIL_FROM, EMAIL_TO, SUBJECT, BODY.ToString()); msg.IsBodyHtml = true; try { client.Send(msg); sendSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { sendSuccess = false; Debug.WriteLine(e); } } return sendSuccess; }
public bool EmailManager(ApplyForLeaveViewModel model){ bool sendSuccess = false; BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(SERVER, PORT)) { string EMAIL_FROM = "*****@*****.**"; string SUBJECT = "Leave of Absence Application [no-reply]"; //string EMAIL_TO = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(model.DepartmentManagerIDNO).Email; string EMAIL_TO = "*****@*****.**"; string LINK = "http://cebapp03/EMP/Account/Login"; StringBuilder BODY = new StringBuilder(); BODY.Append("<p>" + model.EmployeeName + " has applied for Leave of Absence:</p><br>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Date Filed: </strong>" + model.DateFiled + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Type: </strong>" + new BLLLeave().GetAllLeaveTypes().Where(i => i.LOOKUPLeaveTypeID == model.LeaveTypeID).SingleOrDefault().LeaveType + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>From: </strong>" + model.PeriodFrom + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>To: </strong>" + model.PeriodTo + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Address: </strong>" + model.AddressOnLeave + "</p>"); BODY.Append("<p><strong>Reason: </strong>" + model.Reason + "</p><br>"); BODY.Append("<p>Click <a href='" + LINK + "' target='_blank'>here</a> to respond to the application on EMP.<p>"); MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(EMAIL_FROM, EMAIL_TO, SUBJECT, BODY.ToString()); msg.IsBodyHtml = true; try { client.Send(msg); sendSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { sendSuccess = false; Debug.WriteLine(e); } } return sendSuccess; }
public ActionResult GetEmploymentStatus(string IDNO) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); EditEmployeeViewModel model = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(IDNO); return Json(model.EmploymentStatusId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult Edit(string IDNO) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); EditEmployeeViewModel _employee = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(IDNO); _employee.IDNO = IDNO; _employee.CivilStatus = _profile.GetCivilStatus(); _employee.Department = _profile.GetDepartmentNames(); _employee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); return View(_employee); }
// GET: Profile List public ActionResult _ProfileListPartial(int page) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); var _profileList = _profile.GetProfileList(page, 10); return PartialView(_profileList); }
// GET: Profile public ActionResult Index() { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); var _profileList = _profile.GetProfileList(1, 10); return View(_profileList); }
public ActionResult Edit(EditEmployeeViewModel model) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); try { if(ModelState.IsValid) { if(_profile.UpdateEmployeeProfile(model, User.IDNO)) { TempData["editEmployee_result"] = "Employee profile has successfully been updated."; } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "An error has occurred."); } } EditEmployeeViewModel _employee = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(model.IDNO); _employee.CivilStatus = _profile.GetCivilStatus(); _employee.Position = _profile.GetPositionTitles(); _employee.Department = _profile.GetDepartmentNames(); _employee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); return View(_employee); } catch(Exception e) { EditEmployeeViewModel _employee = _profile.GetEmployeeProfile(model.IDNO); _employee.CivilStatus = _profile.GetCivilStatus(); _employee.Position = _profile.GetPositionTitles(); _employee.Department = _profile.GetDepartmentNames(); _employee.EmploymentStatus = _profile.GetEmploymentStatus(); ModelState.AddModelError("", e.StackTrace); return View(_employee); } }
public bool IsUserExists(string IDNO) { BLLProfile _profile = new BLLProfile(); return _profile.IsUserExists(IDNO); }