private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Delete user.All profile and picture will dissapear.", "Caution", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                imageBox7.Image = null;
            else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
                //do something else
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string dateTemp = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("s");

            if (mydb.checkUserProfile(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text))
                mydb.InsertUserData(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, dateTemp, comboBox1.Text, comboBox2.Text);

            newid = mydb.getUserId(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, dateTemp, comboBox1.Text);
            if (newid != 0)
                if (!TrainFrame(newid))
コード例 #3
        private void TrainFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
                imageFrameT = captureT.QueryFrame();

                Image <Gray, byte> darkimage  = new Image <Gray, byte>(ROIwidth, ROIheight);
                Image <Gray, byte> cropimage  = new Image <Gray, byte>(ROIwidth, ROIheight);
                Image <Gray, byte> plainimage = new Image <Gray, byte>(ROIwidth, ROIheight);
                //ArrayList pic = new ArrayList();
                if (imageFrameT != null)
                    Image <Gray, byte> greyImage = imageFrameT.Copy().Convert <Gray, byte>();

                    var faces = face.Detect(greyImage, 1.3, 6, HAAR_DETECTION_TYPE.FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT, new Size(120, 120), new Size(300, 300));
                    if (faces.Length > 0)
                        label6.ForeColor = Color.Chocolate;
                        label6.Text      = "Tracking Face";
                        foreach (var facecount in faces)
                            facePosition      = new Point(facecount.rect.X, facecount.rect.Y);
                            faceRectangleSize = new Size(facecount.rect.Width, facecount.rect.Height);
                            faceRectangle     = new Rectangle(facePosition, faceRectangleSize);
                            greyImage.ROI     = faceRectangle;
                            var eyeObjects = eyeWithGlass.DetectMultiScale(greyImage, 1.3, 6, minEye, maxEye);
                            greyImage.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;
                            if (eyeObjects.Length == 2)
                                if (eyeObjects[0].X > eyeObjects[1].X)
                                    var temp = eyeObjects[0];
                                    eyeObjects[0] = eyeObjects[1];
                                    eyeObjects[1] = temp;
                                int betweeneLength    = eyeObjects[1].X - eyeObjects[0].X;
                                int lefteyebrowpoint  = eyeObjects[0].X;                       //
                                int righteyebrowpoint = eyeObjects[1].X + eyeObjects[1].Width; //
                                int margin            = (int)((1.5 / 8.0) * betweeneLength);
                                int neareyebrowpoint  = (int)(0.2 * betweeneLength);
                                int faceheight        = (int)(2.3 * betweeneLength);

                                realFacePosition      = new Point(facePosition.X + lefteyebrowpoint - margin, facePosition.Y + eyeObjects[0].Y - neareyebrowpoint);
                                realfaceRectangleSize = new Size((righteyebrowpoint + margin) - (lefteyebrowpoint - margin), faceheight);
                                realfaceRectangle     = new Rectangle(realFacePosition, realfaceRectangleSize);

                                greyImage.ROI = realfaceRectangle;

                                imageFrameT.Draw(realfaceRectangle, new Bgr(Color.LimeGreen), 2);

                                if (trainflag)
                                    //get bigger face in frame
                                    cropimage = greyImage.Resize(ROIwidth, ROIheight, INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);

                                    if (!cropimage.Equals(darkimage))

                                        CvInvoke.cvFastNlMeansDenoising(cropimage, cropimage, 3, 7, 21);
                                        plainimage = cropimage.Copy();
                                        Point[] pL = new Point[3];
                                        Point[] pR = new Point[3];
                                        int     y0 = 105;
                                        int     y1 = 174;
                                        int     x0 = 0;
                                        int     x1 = 34;
                                        int     x2 = 105;
                                        int     x3 = 139;
                                        pL[0] = new Point(x0, y0);
                                        pL[1] = new Point(x0, y1);
                                        pL[2] = new Point(x1, y1);
                                        pR[0] = new Point(x3, y0);
                                        pR[1] = new Point(x3, y1);
                                        pR[2] = new Point(x2, y1);
                                        cropimage.FillConvexPoly(pL, new Gray(128));
                                        cropimage.FillConvexPoly(pR, new Gray(128));
                                        //cropimage = cropimage.SmoothMedian(3);
                                        imageBox7.Image = cropimage;         //line 2
                                        cropimage.Save(folderPath + tempPath);
                                        string dbPath = (folderPath + tempPath).Replace("\\", "/");
                                        plainimage.Save(folderPath + tempPath2);
                                        string dbPathPlain = (folderPath + tempPath2).Replace("\\", "/");
                                        mydb.InsertImageTraining(newid, dbPathPlain, dbPath, true);
                                        label6.ForeColor = Color.ForestGreen;
                                        label6.Text      = "Success";
                                        imageBox7.Image = cropimage;
                                        label6.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                                        label6.Text      = "Fail";
                                    if (imageCount > 25)
                                        trainflag        = false;
                                        imageCount       = 1;
                                        label6.ForeColor = Color.LimeGreen;
                                        label6.Text      = "Finish";
                        label6.ForeColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue;
                        label6.Text      = "Idle";
                    imageBox1.Image = imageFrameT;
                // MessageBox.Show("Enable the face detection first", "Training Fail", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);