コード例 #1
ファイル: NetLogReader.cs プロジェクト: amatos/EDDiscovery
        protected bool ParseVisitedSystem(DateTime time, TimeSpan tzoffset, string line, out JObject jo, out JournalLocOrJump je)
            jo = new JObject();
            jo["timestamp"] = time.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'");
            jo["event"] = "FSDJump";
            je = null;

                Regex pattern;

                /* MKW: Use regular expressions to parse the log; much more readable and robust.
                 * Example log entry:

                From  ED  2.1 /1.6
                   {19:21:15} System:"Ooscs Fraae JR-L d8-112" StarPos:(-11609.469,639.594,20141.875)ly  NormalFlight
                string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                new from beta3?
                {18:15:14} System:"Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-41" StarPos:(-83.969,-146.156,-334.219)ly Body:0 RelPos:(-1.19887e+07,-9.95573e+06,2.55124e+06)km Supercruise
                string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly Body:(?<Body>\d+) StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                Pre ED 2.1/1.6
                    {09:36:16} System:0(Thuechea JE-O b11-0) Body:1 Pos:(-6.67432e+009,7.3151e+009,-1.19125e+010) Supercruise

                 * Also, please note that due to E:D bugs, these entries can be at the end of a line as well, not just on a line of their own.
                 * The RegExp below actually just finds the pattern somewhere in the line, so it caters for rubbish at the end too.

                if (line.Contains("StarPos:")) // new  ED 2.1 format

                    //{(?<Hour>\d+):(?<Minute>\d+):(?<Second>\d+)} System:"(?<SystemName>[^"]+)" StarPos:\((?<Pos>.*?)\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\w+))?
                    //{(?<Hour>\d+):(?<Minute>\d+):(?<Second>\d+)} System:"(?<SystemName>[^"]+)" StarPos:\((?<Pos>.*?)\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\w+))?
                    //string rgexpstr = "{(?<Hour>\\d+):(?<Minute>\\d+):(?<Second>\\d+)} System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";
                    string rgexpstr;

                    if (line.Contains("Body:"))
                        rgexpstr = "System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly Body:(?<Body>\\d+) RelPos:\\((?<RelPos>.*?)\\)km( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";
                        rgexpstr = "System:\"(?<SystemName>[^\"]+)\" StarPos:\\((?<Pos>.*?)\\)ly( +(?<TravelMode>\\w+))?";

                    pattern = new Regex(rgexpstr);

                    Match match = pattern.Match(line);

                    if (match != null && match.Success)
                        //sp.Nr = int.Parse(match.Groups["Body"].Value);
                        jo["StarSystem"] = match.Groups["SystemName"].Value;
                        string pos = match.Groups["Pos"].Value;
                            string[] xyzpos = pos.Split(',');
                            jo["StarPos"] = new JArray(
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                                double.Parse(xyzpos[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 1:" + line);
                            return false;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 1:" + line);
                        return false;
                    pattern = new Regex(@"System:\d+\((?<SystemName>.*?)\) Body:(?<Body>\d+) Pos:\(.*?\)( (?<TravelMode>\w+))?");
                    Match match = pattern.Match(line);

                    if (match != null && match.Success)
                        //sp.Nr = int.Parse(match.Groups["Body"].Value);

                        jo["StarSystem"] = match.Groups["SystemName"].Value;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("System parse error 2:" + line);
                        return false;

                je = new JournalFSDJump(jo);

                return true;
                // MKW TODO: should we log bad lines?
                return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: NetLogReader.cs プロジェクト: amatos/EDDiscovery
        public bool ReadNetLogSystem(out JObject jo, out JournalLocOrJump je, Func<bool> cancelRequested = null, Stream stream = null, bool ownstream = false)
            if (cancelRequested == null)
                cancelRequested = () => false;

            string line;
                if (stream == null)
                    stream = File.Open(this.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                    ownstream = true;
                while (!cancelRequested() && this.ReadLine(out line, stream))

                    if (line.Contains("[PG]"))
                        if (line.Contains("[PG] [Notification] Left a playlist lobby"))
                            this.CQC = false;

                        if (line.Contains("[PG] Destroying playlist lobby."))
                            this.CQC = false;

                        if (line.Contains("[PG] [Notification] Joined a playlist lobby"))
                            this.CQC = true;
                        if (line.Contains("[PG] Created playlist lobby"))
                            this.CQC = true;
                        if (line.Contains("[PG] Found matchmaking lobby object"))
                            this.CQC = true;

                    int offset = line.IndexOf("} System:") - 8;
                    if (offset >= 1 && ParseTime(line.Substring(offset, 8)) && this.CQC == false)
                        //Console.WriteLine(" RD:" + line );
                        if (line.Contains("ProvingGround"))

                        if (ParseVisitedSystem(this.LastLogTime, this.TimeZoneOffset, line.Substring(offset + 10), out jo, out je))
                        {   // Remove some training systems
                            if (je.StarSystem.Equals("Training", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (je.StarSystem.Equals("Destination", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            if (je.StarSystem.Equals("Altiris", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                            return true;
                if (ownstream)

            jo = null;
            je = null;
            return false;