public void SampleOver(AudioQueue q) { if (sampleOverEvent != null) { sampleOverEvent(q, sampleOverTag); } }
public void SampleStart(AudioQueue q) { if (sampleStartEvent != null) { sampleStartEvent(q, sampleStartTag); } }
public void Init() { _initialised = true; Controller.Init(); // Some components require the controller to be initialized InitializeComponent(); label_version.Text = EDDConfig.Options.VersionDisplayString; PopOuts = new PopOutControl(this); ToolStripManager.Renderer = theme.toolstripRenderer; theme.LoadThemes(); // default themes and ones on disk loaded themeok = theme.RestoreSettings(); // theme, remember your saved settings trilaterationControl.InitControl(this); travelHistoryControl1.InitControl(this); imageHandler1.InitControl(this); settings.InitControl(this); journalViewControl1.InitControl(this, 0); routeControl1.InitControl(this); savedRouteExpeditionControl1.InitControl(this); exportControl1.InitControl(this); Map = new EDDiscovery._3DMap.MapManager(EDDConfig.Options.NoWindowReposition, this); this.TopMost = EDDConfig.KeepOnTop; #if !__MonoCS__ // Windows TTS (2000 and above). Speech *recognition* will be Version.Major >= 6 (Vista and above) if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 5) { audiodriverwave = new Audio.AudioDriverCSCore(EDDConfig.DefaultWaveDevice); audiodriverspeech = new Audio.AudioDriverCSCore(EDDConfig.DefaultVoiceDevice); speechsynth = new Audio.SpeechSynthesizer(new Audio.WindowsSpeechEngine()); } else { audiodriverwave = new Audio.AudioDriverDummy(); audiodriverspeech = new Audio.AudioDriverDummy(); speechsynth = new Audio.SpeechSynthesizer(new Audio.DummySpeechEngine()); } #else audiodriverwave = new Audio.AudioDriverDummy(); audiodriverspeech = new Audio.AudioDriverDummy(); speechsynth = new Audio.SpeechSynthesizer(new Audio.DummySpeechEngine()); #endif audioqueuewave = new Audio.AudioQueue(audiodriverwave); audioqueuespeech = new Audio.AudioQueue(audiodriverspeech); actioncontroller = new Actions.ActionController(this, Controller); ApplyTheme(); notifyIcon1.Visible = EDDConfig.UseNotifyIcon; }
public void Init(AudioQueue qu, bool defaultmode, string title, string caption, string defpath, bool waitcomplete, AudioQueue.Priority prio, string startname, string endname, string volume, ConditionVariables ef) { comboBoxCustomPriority.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(AudioQueue.Priority))); queue = qu; this.Text = caption; labelTitle.Text = title; textBoxBorderText.Text = defpath; if (defaultmode) { checkBoxCustomComplete.Visible = comboBoxCustomPriority.Visible = textBoxBorderStartTrigger.Visible = textBoxBorderEndTrigger.Visible = checkBoxCustomV.Visible = labelStartTrigger.Visible = labelEndTrigger.Visible = false; } else { checkBoxCustomComplete.Checked = waitcomplete; comboBoxCustomPriority.SelectedItem = prio.ToString(); textBoxBorderStartTrigger.Text = startname; textBoxBorderEndTrigger.Text = endname; buttonExtDevice.Visible = false; } int i; if (!defaultmode && volume.Equals("Default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { checkBoxCustomV.Checked = false; trackBarVolume.Enabled = false; } else { checkBoxCustomV.Checked = true; if (volume.InvariantParse(out i)) { trackBarVolume.Value = i; } } effects = ef; EDDiscovery.EDDTheme.Instance.ApplyToForm(this, System.Drawing.SystemFonts.DefaultFont); }
private void SampleOver(AudioQueue s, Object tag) { SoundEffectsDialog sfe = tag as SoundEffectsDialog; sfe.TestOver(); }
private void Audio_sampleOverEvent(AudioQueue sender, object tag) { buttonExtTest.Text = "Test"; }
public void Init(AudioQueue qu, SpeechSynthesizer syn, string title, string caption, String text, // if null, no text box or wait complete bool waitcomplete, bool literal, AudioQueue.Priority prio, string startname, string endname, string voicename, string volume, string rate, ConditionVariables ef) // effects can also contain other vars, it will ignore { comboBoxCustomPriority.Items.AddRange(Enum.GetNames(typeof(AudioQueue.Priority))); queue = qu; synth = syn; this.Text = caption; Title.Text = title; textBoxBorderTest.Text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"; bool defaultmode = (text == null); if (defaultmode) { textBoxBorderText.Visible = checkBoxCustomComplete.Visible = comboBoxCustomPriority.Visible = labelStartTrigger.Visible = labelEndTrigger.Visible = checkBoxCustomLiteral.Visible = textBoxBorderStartTrigger.Visible = checkBoxCustomV.Visible = checkBoxCustomR.Visible = textBoxBorderEndTrigger.Visible = false; int offset = comboBoxCustomVoice.Top - textBoxBorderText.Top; foreach (Control c in panelOuter.Controls) { if (!c.Name.Equals("Title")) { c.Location = new Point(c.Left, c.Top - offset); } } this.Height -= offset; } else { textBoxBorderText.Text = text; checkBoxCustomComplete.Checked = waitcomplete; checkBoxCustomLiteral.Checked = literal; comboBoxCustomPriority.SelectedItem = prio.ToString(); textBoxBorderStartTrigger.Text = startname; textBoxBorderEndTrigger.Text = endname; buttonExtDevice.Visible = false; } comboBoxCustomVoice.Items.Add("Default"); comboBoxCustomVoice.Items.Add("Female"); comboBoxCustomVoice.Items.Add("Male"); comboBoxCustomVoice.Items.AddRange(synth.GetVoiceNames()); comboBoxCustomVoice.SelectedItem = voicename; int i; if (!defaultmode && volume.Equals("Default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { checkBoxCustomV.Checked = false; trackBarVolume.Enabled = false; } else { checkBoxCustomV.Checked = true; if (volume.InvariantParse(out i)) { trackBarVolume.Value = i; } } if (!defaultmode && rate.Equals("Default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { checkBoxCustomR.Checked = false; trackBarRate.Enabled = false; } else { checkBoxCustomR.Checked = true; if (rate.InvariantParse(out i)) { trackBarRate.Value = i; } } effects = ef; EDDiscovery.EDDTheme.Instance.ApplyToForm(this, System.Drawing.SystemFonts.DefaultFont); }