private void buttonExtLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(Tools.GetAppDataDirectory(), "Actions"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dlg.InitialDirectory)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dlg.InitialDirectory); } dlg.DefaultExt = "atf"; dlg.AddExtension = true; dlg.Filter = "Action Text Files (*.atf)|*.atf|All files (*.*)|*.*"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(dlg.FileName)) { string err; ActionProgram ap = ActionProgram.FromFile(dlg.FileName, out err); if (ap == null) { Forms.MessageBoxTheme.Show(this, "Failed to load text file" + Environment.NewLine + err); } else { LoadProgram(ap); } } } }
public ActionProgramRun(ActionFile af, // associated file ActionProgram r, // the program ConditionVariables iparas, // input variables to the program only.. not globals ActionRun runner, // who is running it.. ActionController ed) : base(r.Name) // allow a pause { actionfile = af; actionrun = runner; actioncontroller = ed; execlevel = 0; execstate[execlevel] = ExecState.On; nextstepnumber = 0; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Run " + + "::" + r.Name); //ActionData.DumpVars(gvars, " Func Var:"); inputvars = iparas; // current vars is set up by ActionRun at the point of invokation to have the latests globals List <Action> psteps = new List <Action>(); Action ac; for (int i = 0; (ac = r.GetStep(i)) != null; i++) { psteps.Add(Action.CreateCopy(ac)); } programsteps = psteps; }
public string FromJSONObject(JObject jo) { string errlist = ""; try { Clear(); JArray jf = (JArray)jo["ProgramSet"]; foreach (JObject j in jf) { ActionProgram ap; string err = ActionProgram.FromJSON(j, out ap); if (err.Length == 0 && ap != null) // if can't load, we can't trust the pack, so indicate error so we can let the user manually sort it out { programs.Add(ap); } else { errlist += err; } } return(errlist); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Dump:" + ex.StackTrace); errlist = "Exception bad JSON"; } return(errlist); }
void LoadProgram(ActionProgram prog) { foreach (Group g in groups) { g.panel.Controls.Clear(); panelVScroll.Controls.Remove(g.panel); } groups.Clear(); curprog = new ActionProgram(prog.Name); initialprogname = textBoxBorderName.Text = prog.Name; SuspendLayout(); panelVScroll.SuspendLayout(); Action ac; int step = 0; while ((ac = prog.GetStep(step)) != null) { Action ca = Action.CreateCopy(ac);// COPY it.. so we can modify without altering current curprog.Add(ca); CreateStep(-1, ca); step++; } RepositionGroups(); panelVScroll.ResumeLayout(); ResumeLayout(); }
static public string FromJSON(JObject j, out ActionProgram ap) // Read from JSON the program { ap = null; string errlist = ""; string progname = (string)j["Name"]; JArray steps = (JArray)j["Steps"]; if (steps != null) { ap = new ActionProgram(progname); int lineno = 1; foreach (JObject js in steps) { string stepname = (string)js["StepName"]; string stepUC = (string)js["StepUC"]; int stepLU = JSONHelper.GetInt(js["StepLevelUp"], 0); // optional int whitespace = JSONHelper.GetInt(js["StepWhitespace"], 0); // was not in earlier version, optional string comment = JSONHelper.GetStringDef(js["StepComment"], ""); // was not in earlier version, optional Action cmd = Action.CreateAction(stepname, stepUC, comment, stepLU, whitespace); if (cmd != null && cmd.VerifyActionCorrect() == null) // throw away ones with bad names { cmd.LineNumber = lineno++; lineno += cmd.Whitespace; ap.programsteps.Add(cmd); } else { errlist += "Failed to create " + progname + " step: " + stepname + ":" + stepUC + Environment.NewLine; } } } else { string file = (string)j["Filename"]; if (file != null) { ap = FromFile(file, out errlist); if (ap != null) { ap.StoredInFile = file; ap.Name = progname; // override, we have priority } } } return(errlist); }
public void AddOrChange(ActionProgram ap) { int existing = programs.FindIndex(x => x.Name.Equals(ap.Name)); if (existing >= 0) { programs[existing] = ap; } else { programs.Add(ap); } }
public bool EditInEditor(string file = null) // edit in editor, swap to this { try { if (file == null) // if not associated directly with a file, save to a temp one { string filename = Name.Length > 0 ? Name : "Default"; file = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), filename.SafeFileString() + ".atf"); if (!SaveText(file)) { return(false); } } while (true) { System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = Tools.AssocQueryString(Tools.AssocStr.Executable, ".txt"); p.StartInfo.Arguments = file.QuoteString(); p.Start(); p.WaitForExit(); string err; ActionProgram apin = ActionProgram.FromFile(file, out err); if (apin == null) { DialogResult dr = Forms.MessageBoxTheme.Show("Editing produced the following errors" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + err + Environment.NewLine + "Click Retry to correct errors, Cancel to abort editing", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel); if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) { return(false); } } else { programsteps = apin.programsteps; Name = apin.Name; StoredInFile = apin.StoredInFile; return(true); } } } catch { } Forms.MessageBoxTheme.Show("Unable to run text editor - check association for .txt files"); return(false); }
public Tuple <ActionFile, ActionProgram> FindProgram(string packname, string progname) { ActionFile f = actionfiles.Find(x =>; if (f != null) { ActionProgram ap = f.actionprogramlist.Get(progname); // get in local program list first if (ap != null) { return(new Tuple <ActionFile, ActionProgram>(f, ap)); } } return(null); }
public ActionProgram GetProgram() // call only when OK returned { ActionProgram ap = new ActionProgram(curprog.Name, curprog.StoredInFile); Action ac; int step = 0; while ((ac = curprog.GetStep(step++)) != null) { if (ac != null) { ap.Add(ac); } } return(ap); }
public void Init(string t, EDDiscoveryForm form, List <string> vbs, // list any variables you want in condition statements - passed to config menu, passed back up to condition, not null string pfilesetname, // file set name ActionProgram prog = null, // give the program to display string[] defprogs = null, // list any default program names string suggestedname = null, bool edittext = false) // give a suggested name, if prog is null { discoveryform = form; startvarlist = vbs; currentvarlist = new List <string>(startvarlist); bool winborder = discoveryform.theme.ApplyToForm(this, SystemFonts.DefaultFont); statusStripCustom.Visible = panelTop.Visible = panelTop.Enabled = !winborder; this.Text = label_index.Text = t; filesetname = pfilesetname; labelSet.Text = filesetname + "::"; textBoxBorderName.Location = new Point(labelSet.Location.X + labelSet.Width + 8, textBoxBorderName.Location.Y); if (defprogs != null) { definedprograms = defprogs; } if (suggestedname != null) { textBoxBorderName.Text = suggestedname; } if (prog != null) { LoadProgram(prog); } panelVScroll.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1; panelVScroll.MouseDown += panelVScroll_MouseDown; editastextimmediately = edittext; #if !DEBUG buttonExtDisk.Visible = false; #endif }
// now = true, run it immediately, else run at end of queue. Optionally pass in handles and dialogs in case its a sub prog public void Run(bool now, ActionFile fileset, ActionProgram r, ConditionVariables inputparas, ConditionFileHandles fh = null, Dictionary <string, Forms.ConfigurableForm> d = null, bool closeatend = true) { if (now) { if (progcurrent != null) // if running, push the current one back onto the queue to be picked up { progqueue.Insert(0, progcurrent); } progcurrent = new ActionProgramRun(fileset, r, inputparas, this, actioncontroller); // now we run this.. no need to push to stack progcurrent.PrepareToRun(new ConditionVariables(progcurrent.inputvariables, actioncontroller.Globals), fh == null ? new ConditionFileHandles() : fh, d == null ? new Dictionary <string, Forms.ConfigurableForm>() : d, closeatend); // if no filehandles, make them and close at end } else { progqueue.Add(new ActionProgramRun(fileset, r, inputparas, this, actioncontroller)); } }