public void start(mainFrame mainFrame1, sort sort1, List <List <string> > unsorted, List <string> headers, List <int> headerIndex, countParts countParts1) { sortTheSortList(); sorted = new List <List <string> >(); sorted.Add(unsorted[0]); bool insertHere = false; for (int a = 1; a < unsorted.Count; a++) { for (int b = 0; b < sorted.Count; b++) { insertHere = getSort(sort1, unsorted[a], sorted[b]); if (insertHere) { insertRow(unsorted[a], b, ref sorted); break; } //else sorted.Add(unsorted[a]); } if (!insertHere) { sorted.Add(unsorted[a]); } } mainFrame1.writeToConsole("finished sorting components."); countParts1.updateQuantity(countParts1.quantityColumn, countParts1.groupedColumns, headerIndex[0], ref sorted); mainFrame1.writeToConsole("finished updating quantities."); }
public void start() // main order of the program. { runParser = new Thread(delegate() { try { try { excelSection template = new excelSection(); //initiating necessary objects sort sort1 = new sort(); countParts countParts1 = new countParts(); excelFileHandler1 = new excelFileHandler(this); template, ref sort1, ref countParts1); // read template excel file xmlFileHandler xmlFileHandler1 = new xmlFileHandler(this, template, filename); // read source xml file sort1.start(this, sort1, xmlFileHandler1.componentAttributes, template.Htext, template.HcolumnIndex, countParts1); // sort xml file info EBOMexcelFile eBOMexcelFile1 = new EBOMexcelFile(excelFileHandler1, sort1.sorted, template, xmlFileHandler1.exportFileName, this, xmlFileHandler1.totalPartCount, xmlFileHandler1.titleBlockInfo); // create new EBOM from xml file using template file info writeToConsole("Complete"); mainFrameScreen1.enableStartButton(true); mainFrameScreen1.enableSourceButton(true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } finally { try { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(excelFileHandler1.xlWorkSheet); //template.xlWorkBook.Close(false, misValue, misValue); excelFileHandler1.xlWorkBook.Close(SaveChanges: false); //template.xlWorkBook.Close(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(excelFileHandler1.xlWorkBook); excelFileHandler1.xlWorkBooks.Close(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(excelFileHandler1.xlWorkBooks); excelFileHandler1.xlApp.Quit(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(excelFileHandler1.xlApp); // excel objects don't releast comObjects to excel so you have to force it } catch {} } } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }); runParser.Name = "CreateEBOM"; runParser.Start(); }
private bool getSort(sort sort1, List <string> unsortedRow, List <string> sortedRow) { for (int a = 0; a < sort1.type.Count; a++) { double result = 0; switch (sort1.type[a]) { case "ascending": { result = alphaNumericSort(unsortedRow[sort1.column[a]], sortedRow[sort1.column[a]]); break; } case "descending": { result = alphaNumericSort(unsortedRow[sort1.column[a]], sortedRow[sort1.column[a]]) * -1; break; } case "setorder.beginning": { result = setOrderBeginning(sort1.customSort[a], unsortedRow[sort1.column[a]], sortedRow[sort1.column[a]]); break; } case "setorder.end": { result = setOrderEnd(sort1.customSort[a], unsortedRow[sort1.column[a]], sortedRow[sort1.column[a]]); break; } } if (result < 0) //unsorted row belongs before sorted row { return(true); } else if (result == 0) //unsorted cell matched sorted cell - continue testing same row { continue; } else if (result > 0) //unsorted row belongs after sorted row { return(false); } } return(false); }
public void parseSort(Range cell, ref sort sort4) { string[] sortInfo = cell[1, 1].Text.Split(']')[1].Split('('); // possible cell content [Sort](1)P,C,CN,L,R(4)incrementing int sortNum = sortInfo.Length; for (int a = 1; a < sortNum; a++) { string[] tempDelimiter = sortInfo[a].Split(')')[1].Split(','); sort4.priority.Add(Convert.ToInt32(sortInfo[a].Split(')')[0])); sort4.column.Add(cell[1, 1].Column - 1); //if (tempDelimiter[0].Equals("ascending")) sort4.type.Add("ascending"); //else if (tempDelimiter[0].Equals("descending")) sort4.type.Add("descending"); //else if () //else sort4.type.Add("Custom"); sort4.type.Add(tempDelimiter[0]); sort4.customSort.Add(new List <string>()); for (int b = 1; b < tempDelimiter.Length; b++) { sort4.customSort[sort4.customSort.Count - 1].Add(tempDelimiter[b]); // should make above cell entry into { {1, *column* , *sortType* P,C,CN,L,R} , {4, *column*, incrementing} } } } }
public void parseCell(Range cell, int row, int column, ref int totalRows2, ref int totalColumns2, ref excelSection template3, ref sort sort3, ref countParts countParts2) { /////////////////////// find and parse tag ////////////////////////// string tag = parseTag(cell[1, 1]); switch (tag) { case "TextHere": { populateTitleBlockCell(cell[1, 1], ref template3); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "HeaderHere": { populateHeaderList(cell[1, 1], ref template3); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "BodyHere": { populateBodySectionCell(cell[1, 1], ref template3); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "Sort": { parseSort(cell[1, 1], ref sort3); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "Footer": { getFooterInfo(cell[1, 1], ref template3.footerColor, ref template3.footerList); cell[1, 1].Interior.Color = 16777215; cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "Group": { getQuantityGrouping(column, ref countParts2.groupedColumns); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "Quantity": { getQuantityColumn(column, ref countParts2.quantityColumn); cell[1, 1].Value = ""; break; } case "EndRow": { totalRows2 = row; cell[1, 1].Value = ""; // change loop iterator limit variable for rows if EndRow tag is found break; } case "EndColumn": { totalColumns2 = column; cell[1, 1] = ""; // change loop iterator limit variable for columns if EndColumn tag is found break; } } }
private void readTemplateFile(ref Worksheet xlWorkSheet1, int totalRows1, int totalColumns1, ref excelSection template2, ref sort sort2, ref countParts countParts2, mainFrame mainFrame2) { excelFileParser excelFileParser1 = new excelFileParser(); excelFileParser bodyRows = new excelFileParser(); for (int row = 1; row < totalRows1; row++) { if (mainFrame.end) { throw new Exception("User is closing the program"); } for (int column = 1; column < totalColumns1; column++) { excelFileParser1.parseCell(xlWorkSheet.Cells[row, column], row, column, ref totalRows1, ref totalColumns1, ref template2, ref sort2, ref countParts2); } mainFrame2.writeToConsole("Row " + row + " finished."); } mainFrame2.writeToConsole("Finished reading template file."); }
public void run(ref excelSection template1, ref sort sort1, ref countParts countparts1) { openTemplateFile(ref xlApp, ref xlWorkBooks, ref xlWorkBook, ref xlWorkSheet); readTemplateFile(ref xlWorkSheet, totalRows, totalColumns, ref template1, ref sort1, ref countparts1, mainFrame1); }