private ViewModelBase GetEditorViewModel(EAAPI.Repository repository, EAAPI.Element element) { ViewModelBase result = null; if (element.Stereotype == "agent") { result = new AgentPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "channel") { result = new ChannelPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "storage") { result = new StoragePropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "human agent") { result = new HumanAgentPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "cloud") { result = new CloudPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "tool") { result = new ToolPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } else if (element.Stereotype == "explicitChannel") { result = new ChannelPropertyViewModel(repository, element); } return(result); }
/// /// Called when user Clicks Add-Ins Menu item from within EA. /// Populates the Menu with our desired selections. /// Location can be "TreeView" "MainMenu" or "Diagram". /// /// <param name="repository" />the repository /// <param name="location" />the location of the menu /// <param name="menuName" />the name of the menu /// public object EA_GetMenuItems(EAAPI.Repository repository, string location, string menuName) { switch (menuName) { // defines the top level menu option case "": return(MAIN_MENU); // defines the submenu options case MAIN_MENU: List <string> subMenuList = new List <string>(); if (location == "Diagram") { subMenuList.Add(SYNCHRONIZE_REFERENCE_MENU); } subMenuList.Add(ABOUT_MENU); return(subMenuList.ToArray()); } return(""); }
public bool EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked(EAAPI.Repository repository, string guid, EAAPI.ObjectType objectType) { bool result = false; if (objectType == EAAPI.ObjectType.otElement) { EAAPI.Element element = repository.GetElementByGuid(guid); ViewModelBase viewModel = null; viewModel = GetEditorViewModel(repository, element); if (viewModel != null) { FMCElementPropertyWindow newAgentWindow = new FMCElementPropertyWindow(); newAgentWindow.DataContext = viewModel; newAgentWindow.ShowDialog(); repository.AdviseElementChange(element.ElementID); result = true; } } else if (objectType == EAAPI.ObjectType.otConnector) { EAAPI.Connector connector = repository.GetConnectorByGuid(guid) as EAAPI.Connector; if (connector != null && connector.Stereotype == "access type" && _mainViewModel != null) { _mainViewModel.ShowConnectorDirectionDialogCommand.Execute(connector); repository.AdviseConnectorChange(connector.ConnectorID); result = true; } } return(result); }
public static void SynchronizeTaggedValues(EA.Repository rep) { // over all selected elements EaDiagram curDiagram = new EaDiagram(rep); if (curDiagram.Dia == null) { return; } int indexLast = curDiagram.SelElements.Count - 1; if (indexLast < 0) { return; } EA.Element elLast = curDiagram.SelElements[0]; string stereoEx = ""; // over all elements, skip first element because that is the property template for (int i = 1; i <= indexLast; i++) { // synchronize all stereotypes if (stereoEx != curDiagram.SelElements[i].StereotypeEx) { stereoEx = curDiagram.SelElements[i].StereotypeEx; TaggedValue.ElTagValue elTagValues = new TaggedValue.ElTagValue(elLast, stereoEx); elTagValues.SyncTaggedValues(rep, curDiagram.SelElements[i]); } } }
public CModel(ref Repository Repo) { Repozytorium = Repo; projektInterfejs = Repo.GetProjectInterface(); RootPckg = EAUtils.dajModelPR(ref Repozytorium); odczytajNaprawModel(ref RootPckg); }
/// <summary> /// Copy port to target element. It port exists it don't copy it. The Ports are locked against changes. /// Note: hoTools don't copy tagged values /// </summary> /// <param name="rep"></param> /// <param name="srcPort"></param> /// <param name="trgEl"></param> public static void CopyPort(EA.Repository rep, Element srcPort, Element trgEl) { bool isUpdated = false; if (srcPort.Type != "Port") { return; } // check if port already exits foreach (Element trgtPort in trgEl.EmbeddedElements) { // the target port already exists in source (Target Port PDATA3 contains ea_guid of source port the port is dependant from) if (srcPort.ElementGUID == trgtPort.MiscData[2]) { isUpdated = true; break; } } // Source port isn't available in target Part if (isUpdated == false) { // Create new Port and set the properties according to source port var newPort = (Element)trgEl.EmbeddedElements.AddNew(srcPort.Name, "Port"); trgEl.EmbeddedElements.Refresh(); newPort.Stereotype = srcPort.Stereotype; newPort.Notes = srcPort.Notes; newPort.PropertyType = srcPort.PropertyType; newPort.Update(); // Link Port to the source Port of property type HoUtil.SetElementPdata3(rep, newPort, srcPort.ElementGUID); //newPort.Locked = true; } }
private void AttachEA() { EA.App eaapp = null; try { eaapp = (EA.App)Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.GetObject(null, "EA.App"); } catch (Exception e) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "EAが起動していなかったため、EAへの反映機能は使えません : " + e.Message; // MessageBox.Show( e.Message ); return; } finally { } if (ProjectSetting.getVO() != null) { if (eaapp != null) { EA.Repository repo = eaapp.Repository; // eaapp.Visible = true; ProjectSetting.getVO().eaRepo = repo; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "EAへのアタッチ成功 EA接続先=" + repo.ConnectionString; } else { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "EAにアタッチできなかったため、EAへの反映機能は使えません"; } } }
public override void EA_FileOpen(EA.Repository Repository) { // initialize the model this.model = new TSF_EA.Model(Repository); // indicate that we are now fully loaded this.fullyLoaded = true; }
public override void EA_MenuClick(EA.Repository repository, string location, string menuName, string itemName) { switch (itemName) { case menuManage: this.manage(); break; //case menuImportBusinessItems: // this.import<BusinessItem>(); // break; //case menuImportDataItems: // this.import<DataItem>(); // break; //case menuExportBusinessItems: // this.export<BusinessItem>(); // break; //case menuExportDataItems: // this.export<DataItem>(); // break; case menuSettings: this.openSettings(); break; case menuAbout: this.about(); break; //case menuTest: // this.test(); // break; } }
//DIAGRAM CONTENT public void Generate_otDiagram_content(EA.Repository m_Repository, string TOI_GUID, string SP_BaseURL, out List <string> listOfElements, out List <string> listOfElementsNames, out List <string> listOfLinks, out List <string> listOfLinkNames, out Dictionary <string, string> DiagramDictionary) { listOfElements = new List <string>(); listOfElementsNames = new List <string>(); listOfLinks = new List <string>(); listOfLinkNames = new List <string>(); EA.Diagram DiagramToShow = (EA.Diagram)m_Repository.GetDiagramByGuid(TOI_GUID); //STORE DIAGRAM ELEMENTS for (short iDO = 0; iDO < DiagramToShow.DiagramObjects.Count; iDO++) { EA.DiagramObject MyDO = (EA.DiagramObject)DiagramToShow.DiagramObjects.GetAt(iDO); int ID = m_Repository.GetElementByID(MyDO.ElementID).ElementID; EA.Element MyEle = (EA.Element)m_Repository.GetElementByID(ID); listOfElements.Add(MyEle.Name + "|" + MyEle.ObjectType + "|" + MyEle.ElementGUID); listOfElementsNames.Add(MyEle.Name); } //STORE DIAGRAM LINKS for (short iDO = 0; iDO < DiagramToShow.DiagramLinks.Count; iDO++) { EA.DiagramLink MyLink = (EA.DiagramLink)DiagramToShow.DiagramLinks.GetAt(iDO); int ID = m_Repository.GetConnectorByID(MyLink.ConnectorID).ConnectorID; EA.Connector con; try //Try and get the connector object from the repository { con = (EA.Connector)m_Repository.GetConnectorByID(ID); listOfLinks.Add(con.Name + "|" + con.ObjectType + "|" + con.ConnectorGUID); listOfLinkNames.Add(con.Name); } catch { } } //JSON Content string DiagramURL = SP_BaseURL + "/" + DiagramToShow.Name + "|otDiagram|" + TOI_GUID; DiagramDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); DiagramDictionary.Add("Diagram Name", DiagramToShow.Name); DiagramDictionary.Add("Created Data", DiagramToShow.CreatedDate.ToString()); DiagramDictionary.Add("Meta Type", DiagramToShow.MetaType); DiagramDictionary.Add("Notes", DiagramToShow.Notes); DiagramDictionary.Add("Package ID", DiagramToShow.PackageID.ToString()); DiagramDictionary.Add("Big Preview", DiagramURL + "/BigPreview"); DiagramDictionary.Add("Small Preview", DiagramURL + "/SmallPreview"); }
/// <summary> /// Set Diagram styles: /// HideQuals=1 HideQualifiers: /// OpParams=2 Show full Operation Parameter /// ScalePI=1 Scale to fit page /// </summary> /// <param name="rep"></param> /// <param name="dia"></param> /// <param name="par">par[0] contains the values as a semicolon separated list</param> // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global public static void SetDiagramStyle(EA.Repository rep, EA.Diagram dia, string[] par) { string[] styleEx = par[0].Split(';'); string diaStyle = dia.StyleEx; string diaExtendedStyle = dia.ExtendedStyle.Trim(); // no distinguishing between StyleEx and ExtendedStayle, may cause of trouble if (dia.StyleEx == "") { diaStyle = par[0] + ";"; } if (dia.ExtendedStyle == "") { diaExtendedStyle = par[0] + ";"; } Regex rx = new Regex(@"([^=]*)=.*"); rep.SaveDiagram(dia.DiagramID); foreach (string style in styleEx) { Match match = rx.Match(style); string patternFind = $@"{match.Groups[1].Value}=[^;]*;"; diaStyle = Regex.Replace(diaStyle, patternFind, $@"{style};"); diaExtendedStyle = Regex.Replace(diaExtendedStyle, patternFind, $@"{style};"); } dia.ExtendedStyle = diaExtendedStyle; dia.StyleEx = diaStyle; dia.Update(); rep.ReloadDiagram(dia.DiagramID); }
public string EA_Connect(EAAPI.Repository repository) { try { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); }; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; SimpleIoc.Default.Register <IConfigurationReaderWriter <SpecIfPluginConfiguration>, FileConfigurationReaderWriter <SpecIfPluginConfiguration> >(); IConfigurationReaderWriter <SpecIfPluginConfiguration> configurationReaderWriter = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <IConfigurationReaderWriter <SpecIfPluginConfiguration> >(); if (configurationReaderWriter != null) { _configuration = configurationReaderWriter.GetConfiguration(); if (_configuration == null) { _configuration = new SpecIfPluginConfiguration(); configurationReaderWriter.StoreConfiguration(_configuration); } } _mainViewModel = new MainViewModel(repository); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// Called when user makes a selection in the menu. /// This is your main exit point to the rest of your Add-in /// </summary> /// <param name="Repository">the repository</param> /// <param name="Location">the location of the menu</param> /// <param name="MenuName">the name of the menu</param> /// <param name="ItemName">the name of the selected menu item</param> public override void EA_MenuClick(EA.Repository Repository, string Location, string MenuName, string ItemName) { switch (ItemName) { case menuMapAsSource: loadMapping(this.getCurrentMappingSet()); break; case menuAddToSource: addNodeToTree(true); break; case menuAddToTarget: addNodeToTree(false); break; case menuAbout: new AboutWindow().ShowDialog(this.model.mainEAWindow); break; case menuImportMapping: this.startImportMapping(); break; case menuImportCopybook: this.importCopybook(); break; case menuSettings: new MappingSettingsForm(this.settings).ShowDialog(this.model.mainEAWindow); break; } }
void getElementFromEA( ) { EA.Repository repo = ProjectSetting.getEARepo(); EA.ObjectType otype = repo.GetContextItemType(); if (otype == EA.ObjectType.otElement) { // Code for when an element is selected EA.Element eaElemObj = (EA.Element)repo.GetContextObject(); if (eaElemObj != null && (eaElemObj.Type == "Class" || eaElemObj.Type == "Enumeration")) { ElementVO eaElement = ObjectEAConverter.getElementFromEAObject(eaElemObj); textBoxElementName.Text =; targetElement = eaElement; } else { textBoxElementName.Text = "(EA上でクラスを選択してください)"; targetElement = null; } } else { textBoxElementName.Text = "(EA上でクラスを選択してください)"; targetElement = null; } }
/// /// Called once Menu has been opened to see what menu items should active. /// /// <param name="Repository" />the repository /// <param name="Location" />the location of the menu /// <param name="MenuName" />the name of the menu /// <param name="ItemName" />the name of the menu item /// <param name="IsEnabled" />boolean indicating whethe the menu item is enabled /// <param name="IsChecked" />boolean indicating whether the menu is checked public void EA_GetMenuState(EA.Repository Repository, string Location, string MenuName, string ItemName, ref bool IsEnabled, ref bool IsChecked) { if (IsProjectOpen(Repository)) { switch (ItemName) { case menuActivate: IsEnabled = !autoRefresh.isRunning(); break; case menuDeactivate: IsEnabled = autoRefresh.isRunning(); break; case menuInfo: IsEnabled = true; break; default: IsEnabled = false; break; } } else { // If no open project, disable all menu options IsEnabled = false; } }
/// /// Called Before EA starts to check Add-In Exists /// Nothing is done here. /// This operation needs to exists for the addin to work /// /// <param name="Repository" />the EA repository /// a string public String EA_Connect(EA.Repository Repository) { logger.setRepository(Repository); try { fileManager.setBasePath(Properties.Settings.Default.BasePath); fileManager.setDiagramPath(Properties.Settings.Default.DiagramPath); } catch (Exception) { logger.log("Did not find BasePath or DiagramPath in user settings"); } DiagramManager.setLogger(logger); DiagramManager.setFileManager(fileManager); APIManager.setLogger(logger); APIManager.setFileManager(fileManager); SchemaManager.setLogger(logger); SchemaManager.setFileManager(fileManager); SampleManager.setLogger(logger); SampleManager.setFileManager(fileManager); WSDLManager.setLogger(logger); MetaDataManager.setLogger(logger); return("a string"); }
private void exportAllGlobal(EA.Repository Repository) { { List <string> diagrams = DiagramManager.queryAPIDiagrams(Repository); foreach (string diagramId in diagrams) { EA.Diagram diagram = Repository.GetDiagramByGuid(diagramId); logger.log("Exporting Diagram:" + diagram.Name); APIManager.exportAPI(Repository, diagram); logger.log("Exported Diagram:" + diagram.Name); } } { List <string> diagrams = DiagramManager.querySchemaDiagrams(Repository); foreach (string diagramId in diagrams) { EA.Diagram diagram = Repository.GetDiagramByGuid(diagramId); logger.log("Exporting Schema Diagram:" + diagram.Name); SchemaManager.exportSchema(Repository, diagram); } } { List <string> diagrams = DiagramManager.querySampleDiagrams(Repository); foreach (string diagramId in diagrams) { EA.Diagram diagram = Repository.GetDiagramByGuid(diagramId); EA.Package samplePackage = Repository.GetPackageByID(diagram.PackageID); EA.Package apiPackage = Repository.GetPackageByID(samplePackage.ParentID); logger.log("Exporting Sample Diagram:" + diagram.Name + " from api package:" + apiPackage.Name); SampleManager.exportSample(Repository, diagram); } } }
//public List<string> queryAPIDiagrams2(EA.Repository Repository) //{ //} //public List<string> queryAPIDiagrams2(EA.Repository Repository) //{ // EA.Collection diagrams = Repository.GetElementsByQuery( // "StateMachine Diagrams", ""); // MessageBox.Show("here"); // List<string> result = new List<string>(); // foreach (object dia in diagrams) // { // EA.Diagram d = (EA.Diagram)dia; // result.Add(d.DiagramGUID); // } // return result; //} private void callWeb(EA.Repository Repository) { // Create a request for the URL. WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); // If required by the server, set the credentials. //request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; // Get the response. WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); // Display the status. string status = ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription; MessageBox.Show("Status:" + status); // Get the stream containing content returned by the server. //Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream(); // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access. //StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream); // Read the content. //string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); // Display the content. //Console.WriteLine(responseFromServer); // Clean up the streams and the response. //reader.Close(); response.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Update Activity parameter and linkage /// </summary> public static void UpdateActivityMethodParameterWrapper(EA.Repository rep) { try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; rep.BatchAppend = true; rep.EnableUIUpdates = false; // if action update link to operation HoService.UpdateAction(rep); HoService.ReconcileOperationTypesWrapper(rep); HoService.UpdateActivityParameter(rep); rep.BatchAppend = false; rep.EnableUIUpdates = true; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } catch (Exception e10) { MessageBox.Show(e10.ToString(), @"Error insert Attributes"); } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
// 保守性の計算・評価 // ルートデバイスにのみ評価を適用する internal double EvaluateMaintainability(EA.Repository Repository, Device device) { // デバイスについている通信情報の取得 double PowerForCommunication = 0; foreach (var Connector in device.ConnectorList) { var ConnectorType = Connector.Notes.ToXDocument().Element("data").Element("通信の種類").Value; var CommunicationInfo = CommunicationTypeInfo.GetCommunicationInfo(ConnectorType); PowerForCommunication += (6 - CommunicationInfo.PowerSaving); } var ExecutionEnvironmenWhereDeviceExists = GetExecutionEnvironment(Repository, device); double EnvironmenteConfidentiality = ExecutionEnvironmenWhereDeviceExists.xdocument.Element("data").Element("環境へのアクセス性").Value.ToDouble(); double DeviceConfidentiality = device.xdocument.Element("data").Element("デバイスへのアクセス性").Value.ToDouble(); string DeviceBatteryType = device.xdocument.Element("data").Element("電源形式").Value; if (DeviceBatteryType == "主電源") { PowerForCommunication = 0; } // var BatteryAbility = BatteryAbilityDictionary[DeviceBatteryType]; var UsingPower = PowerForCommunication; var Confidentiality = (EnvironmenteConfidentiality + DeviceConfidentiality) / 2; double Maintainability = 5 - ((5 - Confidentiality) * UsingPower); return(Maintainability); }
public override void EA_OnPostInitialized(EA.Repository Repository) { // initialize the model this.model = new UTF_EA.Model(Repository); fullyLoaded = true; base.EA_OnPostInitialized(Repository); }
public AutoCpp(EA.Repository rep) { Rep = rep; // inventory from VC Code Database _files = new Files(rep); _designFiles = new Files(rep); }
/// <summary> /// Create a Tagged value type /// </summary> /// <param name="rep"></param> /// <param name="property"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TaggedValueTyeExists(EA.Repository rep, string property) { try { string sql = $@"select count(*) as COUNT from t_propertytypes where Property = '{property}';"; string xml = rep.SQLQuery(sql); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(xml); XmlNode countXml = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//COUNT"); if (countXml != null) { int count = Int32.Parse(countXml.InnerText); if (count == 0) { return(false); } return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show($@"Property: '{property}' {e}", @"Can't read Tagged Value Type"); return(false); } }
public ReqIfRelation(ReqIF reqIf, EA.Repository rep, FileImportSettingsItem settings) { _reqIf = reqIf; _rep = rep; _settings = settings; _requirements = new List <EA.Element>(); }
//This is a sophisticated method that goes around the entire EA model looking for what ever was clicked. //The rest-ful nature means we don't know what type of thing was clicked, we only have the name. //This will use a recursive method to loop through every single layer. //Prepare for headaches! public static void GetViewsAndDiagrams(string ThingOfInterest, EA.Repository m_Repository, string[] cleanURL, out List <string> ListOfPackages, out List <string> ListOfDiagrams) { List <string> OutStringListOfViews = new List <string>(); //The final list of views to be returned. (As out paramter) List <string> OutStringListOfDiagrams = new List <string>(); //The final list of diagrams to be returned. (As out paramter) List <EA.Package> ListOfRootViews = new List <EA.Package>(); //Object list to store the results ListOfRootViews = GetObjectListOfROOTViews(cleanURL[2], m_Repository); //We can always figure out the root views //Look around the listroot views and see if one of these //is what has been selected foreach (EA.Package EA_Package in ListOfRootViews) { //Is this the view/package that was selected? if (EA_Package.Name == ThingOfInterest) { //If it does, then record the sub views as a string list foreach (EA.Package PackLoop in EA_Package.Packages) { OutStringListOfViews.Add(PackLoop.Name); } //Do we have any diagrams, if so, let's record them. foreach (EA.Diagram DiaLoop in EA_Package.Diagrams) { OutStringListOfDiagrams.Add(DiaLoop.Name); } } else { //If it isn't, we have to dive into a recursive routine and if it exists below..... //Get Packages from the deep recursiveloop // Package DeepPackage = new Package(); EA.Package DeepPackage = null; ThePackageRecursiveLoop(EA_Package, ThingOfInterest, out DeepPackage, false); if (DeepPackage != null) { foreach (EA.Package PkgLoop in DeepPackage.Packages) { OutStringListOfViews.Add(PkgLoop.Name); } foreach (EA.Diagram DiaLoop in DeepPackage.Diagrams) { OutStringListOfDiagrams.Add(DiaLoop.Name); } } } } ListOfPackages = OutStringListOfViews; ListOfDiagrams = OutStringListOfDiagrams; }
private void exportPackage(EA.Repository Repository, EA.Package pkg) { foreach (EA.Package p in pkg.Packages) { exportAPIPackage(Repository, p); exportPackage(Repository, p);//recurse } }
private void exportPackage(EA.Repository Repository, EA.Package pkg, DiagramCache diagramCache) { exportRoundTripPackage(Repository, pkg, diagramCache); foreach (EA.Package p in pkg.Packages) { exportPackage(Repository, p, diagramCache);//recurse } }
// 機密性の評価 internal double EvaluateConfidentiality(EA.Repository Repository, Device device) { var ExecutionEnvironmenWhereDeviceExists = GetExecutionEnvironment(Repository, device); double EnvironmenteConfidentiality = ExecutionEnvironmenWhereDeviceExists.xdocument.Element("data").Element("環境への認証アクセス性").Value.ToDouble(); double DeviceConfidentiality = device.xdocument.Element("data").Element("デバイスへの認証アクセス性").Value.ToDouble(); return(CalculateConfidentiality(EnvironmenteConfidentiality, DeviceConfidentiality)); }
public MainViewModel(EAAPI.Repository repository) { _repository = repository; ShowAboutWindowCommand = new RelayCommand(ExcuteShowAboutWindow); SynchronizeReferenceCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteSynchronizeReference); ShowConnectorDirectionDialogCommand = new RelayCommand <EAAPI.Connector>(ExecuteShowConnectorDirectionCommand); }
public AutoCpp(EA.Repository rep, EA.Element component) { Rep = rep; _component = component; // inventory from VC Code Database _files = new Files(rep); _designFiles = new Files(rep); }
public void Initialize(EA.Repository repository, TextOutputInterface output, IDLClassSelector classSelector, HashSet<string> uncheckedElements) { _currentRepository = repository; _currentOutput = output; _uncheckedElements = uncheckedElements; _classSelector = classSelector; this.OnIdlVersionAction(IDLVersions.defaultVersion); }
public override void EA_FileClose(EA.Repository Repository) { fullyLoaded = false; currentRepository = null; base.EA_FileClose(Repository); }
/// <summary> /// EA_Connect events enable Add-Ins to identify their type and to respond to Enterprise Architect start up. /// This event occurs when Enterprise Architect first loads your Add-In. Enterprise Architect itself is loading at this time so that while a Repository object is supplied, there is limited information that you can extract from it. /// The chief uses for EA_Connect are in initializing global Add-In data and for identifying the Add-In as an MDG Add-In. /// Also look at EA_Disconnect. /// </summary> /// <param name="Repository">An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. /// Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information.</param> /// <returns>String identifying a specialized type of Add-In: /// - "MDG" : MDG Add-Ins receive MDG Events and extra menu options. /// - "" : None-specialized Add-In.</returns> public override string EA_Connect(EA.Repository Repository) { currentRepository = Repository; return base.EA_Connect(Repository); }
public EventPropertiesHelper(EA.Repository repository, EA.EventProperties eventProperties) { this.repository = repository; this.eventProperties = eventProperties; }