public void run() { Console.WriteLine(; bool goNxt = true; bool firstFail = false; if (timer == null) { timer = new E7Timer(1000); timer.SetFunction(nxtTimer); } if (!timer.isStart) { for (int i = 0; i < c.lActions.Count; i++) { goNxt = c.lActions[i].run(); if (!goNxt && !firstFail) { firstFail = true; } } if (c.left != null) { = !firstFail; if (c.right != null && ! { for (int i = 0; i < c.rActions.Count; i++) { goNxt = c.rActions[i].run(); if (!goNxt) { break; } } = goNxt; } } } if (!goNxt && { VirtualMouse.LeftClick(); } if (goNxt) { if (!timer.isStart) { timer.Start(); } } }
public void RunTemplateMatch(out bool found, out Rect rect) { if (imgByte == null) { Image img = Image.FromFile(filePath); imgByte = ImageToByte(img); } Mat _img = Mat.FromImageData(imgByte); //new Mat(filePath); found = false; Mat refMat = null; //new Mat(reference); Screen[] temp = Screen.AllScreens; Rectangle bounds; if (Config.use2ndMntr) { bounds = temp[1].Bounds; } else { bounds = temp[0].Bounds; } //Screen.GetBounds(System.Drawing.Point.Empty); using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { g.CopyFromScreen(bounds.Location.X, bounds.Location.Y, 0, 0, bitmap.Size); refMat = OpenCvSharp.Mat.ImDecode(ImageToByte(bitmap), ImreadModes.Grayscale); } //bitmap.Save("test.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg); } //using ()//new Mat(template)) using (Mat res = new Mat(refMat.Rows - _img.Rows + 1, refMat.Cols - _img.Cols + 1, MatType.CV_32FC1)) { //Convert input images to gray Mat gref = refMat; //refMat.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY); Mat gtpl = _img.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.BGR2GRAY); Cv2.MatchTemplate(gref, gtpl, res, TemplateMatchModes.CCoeffNormed); Cv2.Threshold(res, res, 0.8, 1.0, ThresholdTypes.Tozero); while (true) { double minval, maxval, threshold = 0.8; OpenCvSharp.Point minloc, maxloc; Cv2.MinMaxLoc(res, out minval, out maxval, out minloc, out maxloc); if (maxval >= threshold) { //Setup the rectangle to draw Rect r = new Rect(new OpenCvSharp.Point(maxloc.X, maxloc.Y), new OpenCvSharp.Size(_img.Width, _img.Height)); rect = r; Console.WriteLine("Found" + name); // if (isClick) { //VirtualMouse.LeftClick(); if (Config.use2ndMntr) { r.X += temp[0].Bounds.Right; r.Y += temp[1].Bounds.Top; } VirtualMouse.ClickImg(r); Console.WriteLine("Click"); } //Fill in the res Mat so you don't find the same area again in the MinMaxLoc Rect outRect; Cv2.FloodFill(res, maxloc, new Scalar(0), out outRect, new Scalar(0.1), new Scalar(1.0), 4); found = true; /*Cv2.NamedWindow( "Display window", WindowMode.AutoSize );// Create a window for display. * Cv2.ImShow("Display window", gref ); * Cv2.WaitKey(0);*/ break; } else { rect = Rect.Empty; break; } } } }