コード例 #1
        public CodeBlockEditor(NodeViewModel nodeViewModel)

            this.nodeViewModel = nodeViewModel;
            this.dynamoViewModel = nodeViewModel.DynamoViewModel;
            this.DataContext = nodeViewModel.NodeModel;
            this.nodeModel = nodeViewModel.NodeModel as CodeBlockNodeModel;

            // Register text editing events
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextChanged += InnerTextEditor_TextChanged;
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.LostFocus += TextArea_LostFocus;

            // the code block should not be in focus upon undo/redo actions on node
            if (this.nodeModel.ShouldFocus)
                this.Loaded += (obj, args) => this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.Focus();

            // Register auto-completion callbacks
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextAreaTextEntering;
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextAreaTextEntered;

コード例 #2
        public CodeBlockEditor(NodeView nodeView): this()
            this.nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel;
            this.dynamoViewModel = nodeViewModel.DynamoViewModel;
            this.DataContext = nodeViewModel.NodeModel;
            this.nodeModel = nodeViewModel.NodeModel as CodeBlockNodeModel;
            if (nodeModel == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "Should not be used for nodes other than code block");

            // Determines if this editor is created for a new code block node.
            // In cases like an undo/redo operation, the editor is created for 
            // an existing code block node.
            createdForNewCodeBlock = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeModel.Code);

            // Register text editing events            
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextChanged += InnerTextEditor_TextChanged;
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.LostFocus += TextArea_LostFocus;
            nodeView.Unloaded += (obj, args) => isDisposed = true;

            // the code block should not be in focus upon undo/redo actions on node
            if (this.nodeModel.ShouldFocus)
                this.Loaded += (obj, args) => this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.Focus();

            // Register auto-completion callbacks
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextAreaTextEntering;
            this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextAreaTextEntered;

コード例 #3
ファイル: CodeBlockNode.cs プロジェクト: TheChosen0ne/Dynamo
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the index of the port corresponding to the variable name given
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="variableName"> Name of the variable corresponding to an input port </param>
 /// <returns> Index of the required port in the InPorts collection </returns>
 public static int GetInportIndex(CodeBlockNodeModel cbn, string variableName)
     return cbn.inputIdentifiers.IndexOf(variableName);
コード例 #4
ファイル: DynamoModel.cs プロジェクト: xconverge/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        ///     Paste ISelectable objects from the clipboard to the workspace.
        /// </summary>
        public void Paste()
            //clear the selection so we can put the
            //paste contents in

            //make a lookup table to store the guids of the
            //old models and the guids of their pasted versions
            var modelLookup = new Dictionary<Guid, ModelBase>();

            //make a list of all newly created models so that their
            //creations can be recorded in the undo recorder.
            var createdModels = new List<ModelBase>();

            var nodes = ClipBoard.OfType<NodeModel>();
            var connectors = ClipBoard.OfType<ConnectorModel>();
            var notes = ClipBoard.OfType<NoteModel>();
            var annotations = ClipBoard.OfType<AnnotationModel>();

            var minX = Double.MaxValue;
            var minY = Double.MaxValue;

            // Create the new NoteModel's
            var newNoteModels = new List<NoteModel>();
            foreach (var note in notes)
                var noteModel = new NoteModel(note.X, note.Y, note.Text, Guid.NewGuid());
                //Store the old note as Key and newnote as value.

                minX = Math.Min(note.X, minX);
                minY = Math.Min(note.Y, minY);

            var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            // Create the new NodeModel's
            var newNodeModels = new List<NodeModel>();
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                NodeModel newNode;

                if (CurrentWorkspace is HomeWorkspaceModel && (node is Symbol || node is Output))
                    var symbol = (node is Symbol
                        ? (node as Symbol).InputSymbol
                        : (node as Output).Symbol);
                    var code = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbol) ? "x" : symbol) + ";";
                    newNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, node.X, node.Y, LibraryServices, CurrentWorkspace.ElementResolver);
                    var dynEl = node.Serialize(xmlDoc, SaveContext.Copy);
                    newNode = NodeFactory.CreateNodeFromXml(dynEl, SaveContext.Copy, CurrentWorkspace.ElementResolver);

                var lacing = node.ArgumentLacing.ToString();
                newNode.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", lacing));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.NickName))
                    newNode.NickName = node.NickName;

                modelLookup.Add(node.GUID, newNode);

                newNodeModels.Add( newNode );

                minX = Math.Min(node.X, minX);
                minY = Math.Min(node.Y, minY);

            // Move all of the notes and nodes such that they are aligned with
            // the top left of the workspace
            var workspaceX = -CurrentWorkspace.X / CurrentWorkspace.Zoom;
            var workspaceY = -CurrentWorkspace.Y / CurrentWorkspace.Zoom;

            // Provide a small offset when pasting so duplicate pastes aren't directly on top of each other

            var shiftX = workspaceX - minX + CurrentWorkspace.CurrentPasteOffset;
            var shiftY = workspaceY - minY + CurrentWorkspace.CurrentPasteOffset;

            foreach (var model in newNodeModels.Concat<ModelBase>(newNoteModels))
                model.X = model.X + shiftX;
                model.Y = model.Y + shiftY;

            // Add the new NodeModel's to the Workspace
            foreach (var newNode in newNodeModels)
                CurrentWorkspace.AddAndRegisterNode(newNode, false);

            // TODO: is this required?
            OnRequestLayoutUpdate(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            // Add the new NoteModel's to the Workspace
            foreach (var newNote in newNoteModels)
                CurrentWorkspace.AddNote(newNote, false);

            ModelBase start;
            ModelBase end;
            var newConnectors =
                from c in connectors

                // If the guid is in nodeLookup, then we connect to the new pasted node. Otherwise we
                // re-connect to the original.
                let startNode =
                    modelLookup.TryGetValue(c.Start.Owner.GUID, out start)
                        ? start as NodeModel
                        : CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == c.Start.Owner.GUID)
                let endNode =
                    modelLookup.TryGetValue(c.End.Owner.GUID, out end)
                        ? end as NodeModel
                        : CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == c.End.Owner.GUID)
                // Don't make a connector if either end is null.
                where startNode != null && endNode != null
                    ConnectorModel.Make(startNode, endNode, c.Start.Index, c.End.Index);


            //Grouping depends on the selected node models. 
            //so adding the group after nodes / notes are added to workspace.
            //select only those nodes that are part of a group.             
            var newAnnotations = new List<AnnotationModel>();
            foreach (var annotation in annotations)
                var annotationNodeModel = new List<NodeModel>();
                var annotationNoteModel = new List<NoteModel>();
                //checked condition here that supports pasting of multiple groups
                foreach (var models in annotation.SelectedModels)
                    ModelBase mbase;
                    modelLookup.TryGetValue(models.GUID, out mbase);
                    if (mbase is NodeModel)
                        annotationNodeModel.Add(mbase as NodeModel);
                    if (mbase is NoteModel)
                        annotationNoteModel.Add(mbase as NoteModel);

                var annotationModel = new AnnotationModel(annotationNodeModel, annotationNoteModel)
                    GUID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    AnnotationText = annotation.AnnotationText,
                    Background = annotation.Background,
                    FontSize = annotation.FontSize

            // Add the new Annotation's to the Workspace
            foreach (var newAnnotation in newAnnotations)

            // Record models that are created as part of the command.
コード例 #5
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: ke-yu/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Forms new connections from the external nodes to the Node To Code Node,
        /// based on the connectors passed as inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalInputConnections">List of connectors to remake, along with the port names of the new port</param>
        /// <param name="cbn">The new Node To Code created Code Block Node</param>
        private List<ConnectorModel> ReConnectInputConnections(
            Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string> externalInputConnections, CodeBlockNodeModel cbn)
            List<ConnectorModel> newConnectors = new List<ConnectorModel>();

            foreach (var kvp in externalInputConnections)
                var connector = kvp.Key;
                var variableName = kvp.Value;

                var endPortIndex = CodeBlockNodeModel.GetInportIndex(cbn, variableName);
                if (endPortIndex < 0)

                if (Connectors.Any(c => c.End == cbn.InPorts[endPortIndex]))

                var newConnector = ConnectorModel.Make(


            return newConnectors;
コード例 #6
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: ke-yu/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Forms new connections from the external nodes to the Node To Code Node,
        /// based on the connectors passed as inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalOutputConnections">List of connectors to remake, along with the port names of the new port</param>
        /// <param name="cbn">The new Node To Code created Code Block Node</param>
        private List<ConnectorModel> ReConnectOutputConnections(Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string> externalOutputConnections, CodeBlockNodeModel cbn)
            List<ConnectorModel> newConnectors = new List<ConnectorModel>();
            foreach (var kvp in externalOutputConnections)
                var connector = kvp.Key;
                var variableName = kvp.Value;

                //Get the start and end idex for the ports for the connection
                var portModel = cbn.OutPorts.FirstOrDefault(
                    port => cbn.GetRawAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(port.Index).Value.Equals(variableName));

                if (portModel == null)

                //Make the new connection and then record and add it
                var newConnector = ConnectorModel.Make(

            return newConnectors;
コード例 #7
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: ke-yu/Dynamo
        internal void ConvertNodesToCodeInternal(EngineController engineController)
            var selectedNodes = DynamoSelection.Instance
                                               .Where(n => n.IsConvertible);
            if (!selectedNodes.Any())

            var cliques = NodeToCodeUtils.GetCliques(selectedNodes).Where(c => !(c.Count == 1 && c.First() is CodeBlockNodeModel));
            var codeBlockNodes = new List<CodeBlockNodeModel>();

            //UndoRedo Action Group----------------------------------------------
            NodeToCodeUndoHelper undoHelper = new NodeToCodeUndoHelper();

            // using (UndoRecorder.BeginActionGroup())
                foreach (var nodeList in cliques)
                    //Create two dictionarys to store the details of the external connections that have to 
                    //be recreated after the conversion
                    var externalInputConnections = new Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string>();
                    var externalOutputConnections = new Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string>();

                    //Also collect the average X and Y co-ordinates of the different nodes
                    int nodeCount = nodeList.Count;

                    var nodeToCodeResult = engineController.ConvertNodesToCode(this.nodes, nodeList);

                    #region Step I. Delete all nodes and their connections

                    double totalX = 0, totalY = 0;

                    foreach (var node in nodeList)
                        #region Step I.A. Delete the connections for the node

                        foreach (var connector in node.AllConnectors.ToList())
                            if (!IsInternalNodeToCodeConnection(nodeList, connector))
                                //If the connector is an external connector, the save its details
                                //for recreation later
                                var startNode = connector.Start.Owner;
                                int index = startNode.OutPorts.IndexOf(connector.Start);
                                //We use the varibleName as the connection between the port of the old Node
                                //to the port of the new node.
                                var variableName = startNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(index).Value;

                                //Store the data in the corresponding dictionary
                                if (startNode == node)
                                    if (nodeToCodeResult.OutputMap.ContainsKey(variableName))
                                        variableName = nodeToCodeResult.OutputMap[variableName];
                                    externalOutputConnections.Add(connector, variableName);
                                    if (nodeToCodeResult.InputMap.ContainsKey(variableName))
                                        variableName = nodeToCodeResult.InputMap[variableName];
                                    externalInputConnections.Add(connector, variableName);

                            //Delete the connector

                        #region Step I.B. Delete the node
                        totalX += node.X;
                        totalY += node.Y;

                    #region Step II. Create the new code block node
                    var outputVariables = externalOutputConnections.Values;
                    var newResult = NodeToCodeUtils.ConstantPropagationForTemp(nodeToCodeResult, outputVariables);
                    NodeToCodeUtils.ReplaceWithUnqualifiedName(engineController.LibraryServices.LibraryManagementCore, newResult.AstNodes);
                    var codegen = new ProtoCore.CodeGenDS(newResult.AstNodes);
                    var code = codegen.GenerateCode();

                    var codeBlockNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(
                        totalX / nodeCount,
                        totalY / nodeCount, engineController.LibraryServices);


                    #region Step III. Recreate the necessary connections
                    var newInputConnectors = ReConnectInputConnections(externalInputConnections, codeBlockNode);
                    foreach (var connector in newInputConnectors)

                    var newOutputConnectors = ReConnectOutputConnections(externalOutputConnections, codeBlockNode);
                    foreach (var connector in newOutputConnectors)



コード例 #8
ファイル: DynamoModel.cs プロジェクト: jbenoit44/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Paste ISelectable objects from the clipboard to the workspace.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        public void Paste(object parameters)
            //make a lookup table to store the guids of the
            //old nodes and the guids of their pasted versions
            var nodeLookup = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();

            //make a list of all newly created models so that their
            //creations can be recorded in the undo recorder.
            var createdModels = new List<ModelBase>();

            //clear the selection so we can put the
            //paste contents in

            var nodes = this.ClipBoard.OfType<NodeModel>();

            var connectors = this.ClipBoard.OfType<ConnectorModel>();

            foreach (NodeModel node in nodes)
                //create a new guid for us to use
                Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                nodeLookup.Add(node.GUID, newGuid);

                string nodeName = node.GetType().ToString();

                if (node is Function)
                    nodeName = ((node as Function).Definition.FunctionId).ToString();
                else if (node is DSFunction)
                    nodeName = ((node as DSFunction).Controller.MangledName);
                else if (node is DSVarArgFunction)
                    nodeName = ((node as DSVarArgFunction).Controller.MangledName);
                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                NodeModel newNode;

                if (CurrentWorkspace is HomeWorkspaceModel && (node is Symbol || node is Output))
                    var symbol = (node is Symbol
                        ? (node as Symbol).InputSymbol
                        : (node as Output).Symbol);
                    var code = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbol) ? "x" : symbol) + ";";
                    newNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(CurrentWorkspace, code);

                    CurrentWorkspace.AddNode(newNode, newGuid, node.X, node.Y + 100, false, false);
                    var dynEl = xmlDoc.CreateElement(node.GetType().ToString());
                    node.Save(xmlDoc, dynEl, SaveContext.Copy);

                    newNode = CurrentWorkspace.AddNode(
                        node.Y + 100,


                newNode.ArgumentLacing = node.ArgumentLacing;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.NickName))
                    newNode.NickName = node.NickName;

            OnRequestLayoutUpdate(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            foreach (ConnectorModel c in connectors)
                var connectionData = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                // if in nodeLookup, the node is paste.  otherwise, use the existing node guid
                Guid startGuid = Guid.Empty;
                Guid endGuid = Guid.Empty;

                startGuid = nodeLookup.TryGetValue(c.Start.Owner.GUID, out startGuid) ? startGuid : c.Start.Owner.GUID;
                endGuid = nodeLookup.TryGetValue(c.End.Owner.GUID, out endGuid) ? endGuid : c.End.Owner.GUID;

                var startNode = CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == startGuid);
                var endNode = CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == endGuid);

                // do not form connector if the end nodes are null
                if (startNode == null || endNode == null)

                //don't let users paste connectors between workspaces
                if (startNode.Workspace != CurrentWorkspace)

                createdModels.Add(CurrentWorkspace.AddConnection(startNode, endNode, c.Start.Index, c.End.Index));

            //process the queue again to create the connectors

            var notes = this.ClipBoard.OfType<NoteModel>();

            foreach (NoteModel note in notes)
                var newGUID = Guid.NewGuid();

                var sameSpace = CurrentWorkspace.Notes.Any(x => x.GUID == note.GUID);
                var newX = sameSpace ? note.X + 20 : note.X;
                var newY = sameSpace ? note.Y + 20 : note.Y;

                createdModels.Add(CurrentWorkspace.AddNote(false, newX, newY, note.Text, newGUID));

                // TODO: Why can't we just add "noteData" instead of doing a look-up?
                AddToSelection(CurrentWorkspace.Notes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == newGUID));

            foreach (var de in nodeLookup)
                AddToSelection(CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == de.Value));

            // Record models that are created as part of the command.
コード例 #9
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: heegwon/Dynamo
        internal void ConvertNodesToCodeInternal(Guid nodeId)
            IEnumerable<NodeModel> nodes = DynamoSelection.Instance.Selection.OfType<NodeModel>().Where(n => n.IsConvertible);
            if (!nodes.Any())

            Dictionary<string, string> variableNameMap;
            string code = dynSettings.Controller.EngineController.ConvertNodesToCode(nodes, out variableNameMap);

            //UndoRedo Action Group----------------------------------------------

            #region Step I. Delete all nodes and their connections
            //Create two dictionarys to store the details of the external connections that have to 
            //be recreated after the conversion
            var externalInputConnections = new Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string>();
            var externalOutputConnections = new Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string>();

            //Also collect the average X and Y co-ordinates of the different nodes
            var nodeList = nodes.ToList();
            int nodeCount = nodeList.Count;
            double totalX = 0, totalY = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; ++i)
                var node = nodeList[i];
                #region Step I.A. Delete the connections for the node
                var connectors = node.AllConnectors as IList<ConnectorModel>;
                if (null == connectors)
                    connectors = node.AllConnectors.ToList();

                for (int n = 0; n < connectors.Count(); ++n)
                    var connector = connectors[n];
                    if (!IsInternalNodeToCodeConnection(connector))
                        //If the connector is an external connector, the save its details
                        //for recreation later
                        var startNode = connector.Start.Owner;
                        int index = startNode.OutPorts.IndexOf(connector.Start);
                        //We use the varibleName as the connection between the port of the old Node
                        //to the port of the new node.
                        var variableName = startNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(index).Value;
                        if (variableNameMap.ContainsKey(variableName))
                            variableName = variableNameMap[variableName];

                        //Store the data in the corresponding dictionary
                        if (startNode == node)
                            externalOutputConnections.Add(connector, variableName);
                            externalInputConnections.Add(connector, variableName);

                    //Delete the connector

                #region Step I.B. Delete the node
                totalX += node.X;
                totalY += node.Y;

            #region Step II. Create the new code block node
            var codeBlockNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, nodeId, this, totalX / nodeCount, totalY / nodeCount);

            #region Step III. Recreate the necessary connections
            ReConnectInputConnections(externalInputConnections, codeBlockNode);
            ReConnectOutputConnections(externalOutputConnections, codeBlockNode);

            //End UndoRedo Action Group------------------------------------------

            // select node
            var placedNode = dynSettings.Controller.DynamoViewModel.Model.Nodes.Find((node) => node.GUID == nodeId);
            if (placedNode != null)

コード例 #10
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: heegwon/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Forms new connections from the external nodes to the Node To Code Node,
        /// based on the connectors passed as inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalInputConnections">List of connectors to remake, along with the port names of the new port</param>
        /// <param name="codeBlockNode">The new Node To Code created Code Block Node</param>
        private void ReConnectInputConnections(Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string> externalInputConnections, CodeBlockNodeModel codeBlockNode)
            foreach (var kvp in externalInputConnections)
                var connector = kvp.Key;
                string variableName = kvp.Value;
                int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;

                //Find the start and end index of the ports for the connection
                startIndex = connector.Start.Owner.OutPorts.IndexOf(connector.Start);
                endIndex = CodeBlockNodeModel.GetInportIndex(codeBlockNode, variableName);

                //For inputs, a single node can be an input to multiple nodes in the code block node selection
                //After conversion, all these connecetions should become only 1 connection and not many
                //Hence for inputs, it is required to make sure that a certain type of connection has not
                //been created already.
                if (Connectors.Where(x => (x.Start == connector.Start &&
                    x.End == codeBlockNode.InPorts[endIndex])).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                    //Make the new connection and then record and add it
                    var newConnector = ConnectorModel.Make(connector.Start.Owner, codeBlockNode,
                        startIndex, endIndex, PortType.INPUT);

コード例 #11
ファイル: WorkspaceModel.cs プロジェクト: heegwon/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Forms new connections from the external nodes to the Node To Code Node,
        /// based on the connectors passed as inputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="externalOutputConnections">List of connectors to remake, along with the port names of the new port</param>
        /// <param name="codeBlockNode">The new Node To Code created Code Block Node</param>
        private void ReConnectOutputConnections(Dictionary<ConnectorModel, string> externalOutputConnections, CodeBlockNodeModel codeBlockNode)
            foreach (var kvp in externalOutputConnections)
                var connector = kvp.Key;
                string variableName = kvp.Value;
                int startIndex = 0, endIndex = 0;

                //Get the start and end idex for the ports for the connection
                endIndex = connector.End.Owner.InPorts.IndexOf(connector.End);
                int i = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < codeBlockNode.OutPorts.Count; i++)
                    if (codeBlockNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(i).Value == variableName)
                var portModel = codeBlockNode.OutPorts[i];
                startIndex = codeBlockNode.OutPorts.IndexOf(portModel);

                //Make the new connection and then record and add it
                var newConnector = ConnectorModel.Make(codeBlockNode, connector.End.Owner,
                    startIndex, endIndex, PortType.INPUT);

コード例 #12
 private void UpdateCodeBlockNodeContent(CodeBlockNodeModel cbn, string value)
     var command = new DynCmd.UpdateModelValueCommand(cbn.GUID, "Code", value);
コード例 #13
ファイル: StateMachine.cs プロジェクト: MrWalsh/Dynamo
            private void CreateCodeBlockNode(Point cursor)
                // create node
                var node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(owningWorkspace.DynamoViewModel.Model.LibraryServices);

                owningWorkspace.DynamoViewModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.CreateNodeCommand(node, cursor.X, cursor.Y, false, true));

                //correct node position
                node.X = (int)mouseDownPos.X - 92;
                node.Y = (int)mouseDownPos.Y - 31;
コード例 #14
 private void UpdateCodeBlockNodeContent(CodeBlockNodeModel cbn, string value)
     var command = new DynCmd.UpdateModelValueCommand(Guid.Empty, cbn.GUID, "Code", value);
コード例 #15
        private CodeBlockNodeModel CreateCodeBlockNode()
            var cbn = new CodeBlockNodeModel(CurrentDynamoModel.LibraryServices);
            var command = new DynCmd.CreateNodeCommand(cbn, 0, 0, true, false);


            return cbn;
コード例 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the index of the port corresponding to the variable name given
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="variableName"> Name of the variable corresponding to an input port </param>
 /// <returns> Index of the required port in the InPorts collection </returns>
 public static int GetInportIndex(CodeBlockNodeModel cbn, string variableName)