コード例 #1
ファイル: PublishModel.cs プロジェクト: nmeek/Dynamo
            /// <summary>
            /// Get all of the dependencies from a workspace
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="workspace">The workspace to read the dependencies from</param>
            /// <param name="customNodeManager">A custom node manager to look up dependencies</param>
            /// <returns>A WorkspaceDependencies object containing the workspace and its CustomNodeWorkspaceModel dependencies</returns>
            public static WorkspaceDependencies Collect(HomeWorkspaceModel workspace, ICustomNodeManager customNodeManager)
                if (workspace == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("workspace");
                if (customNodeManager == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("customNodeManager");

                // collect all dependencies
                var dependencies = new HashSet<CustomNodeDefinition>();
                foreach (var node in workspace.Nodes.OfType<Function>())
                    foreach (var dep in node.Definition.Dependencies)

                var customNodeWorkspaces = new List<ICustomNodeWorkspaceModel>();
                foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                    ICustomNodeWorkspaceModel customNodeWs;
                    var workspaceExists = customNodeManager.TryGetFunctionWorkspace(dependency.FunctionId, false, out customNodeWs);

                    if (!workspaceExists)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(Resources.CustomNodeDefinitionNotFoundErrorMessage, dependency.FunctionName));

                    if (!customNodeWorkspaces.Contains(customNodeWs))

                return new WorkspaceDependencies(workspace, customNodeWorkspaces);
コード例 #2
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var obj = JObject.Load(reader);

            var isCustomNode = obj["IsCustomNode"].Value <bool>();
            var description  = obj["Description"].Value <string>();
            var guidStr      = obj["Uuid"].Value <string>();
            var guid         = Guid.Parse(guidStr);
            var name         = obj["Name"].Value <string>();

            var elementResolver = obj["ElementResolver"].ToObject <ElementResolver>(serializer);
            var nmc             = (NodeReadConverter)serializer.Converters.First(c => c is NodeReadConverter);

            nmc.ElementResolver = elementResolver;

            var nodes = obj["Nodes"].ToObject <IEnumerable <NodeModel> >(serializer);

            // Setting Inputs
            // Required in headless mode by Dynamo Player that NodeModel.Name and NodeModel.IsSetAsInput are set
            var inputsToken = obj["Inputs"];

            if (inputsToken != null)
                var inputs = inputsToken.ToArray().Select(x => x.ToObject <NodeInputData>()).ToList();
                // Use the inputs to set the correct properties on the nodes.
                foreach (var inputData in inputs)
                    var matchingNode = nodes.Where(x => x.GUID == inputData.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingNode != null)
                        matchingNode.IsSetAsInput = true;
                        matchingNode.Name         = inputData.Name;

            // Setting Outputs
            var outputsToken = obj["Outputs"];

            if (outputsToken != null)
                var outputs = outputsToken.ToArray().Select(x => x.ToObject <NodeOutputData>()).ToList();
                // Use the outputs to set the correct properties on the nodes.
                foreach (var outputData in outputs)
                    var matchingNode = nodes.Where(x => x.GUID == outputData.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingNode != null)
                        matchingNode.IsSetAsOutput = true;
                        matchingNode.Name          = outputData.Name;

            #region Setting Inputs based on view layer info
            // TODO: It is currently duplicating the effort with Input Block parsing which should be cleaned up once
            // Dynamo supports both selection and drop down nodes in Inputs block
            var view = obj["View"];
            if (view != null)
                var nodesView = view["NodeViews"];
                if (nodesView != null)
                    var inputsView = nodesView.ToArray().Select(x => x.ToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >()).ToList();
                    foreach (var inputViewData in inputsView)
                        string isSetAsInput = "";
                        if (!inputViewData.TryGetValue("IsSetAsInput", out isSetAsInput) || isSetAsInput == bool.FalseString)

                        string inputId = "";
                        if (inputViewData.TryGetValue("Id", out inputId))
                            Guid inputGuid;
                                inputGuid = Guid.Parse(inputId);

                            var matchingNode = nodes.Where(x => x.GUID == inputGuid).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (matchingNode != null)
                                matchingNode.IsSetAsInput = true;
                                string inputName = "";
                                if (inputViewData.TryGetValue("Name", out inputName))
                                    matchingNode.Name = inputName;

            // notes
            //TODO: Check this when implementing ReadJSON in ViewModel.
            //var notes = obj["Notes"].ToObject<IEnumerable<NoteModel>>(serializer);
            //if (notes.Any())
            //    foreach(var n in notes)
            //    {
            //        serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, n.GUID.ToString(), n);
            //    }

            // connectors
            // Although connectors are not used in the construction of the workspace
            // we need to deserialize this collection, so that they connect to their
            // relevant ports.
            var connectors = obj["Connectors"].ToObject <IEnumerable <ConnectorModel> >(serializer);

            IEnumerable <INodeLibraryDependencyInfo> nodeLibraryDependencies;
            if (obj[NodeLibraryDependenciesPropString] != null)
                nodeLibraryDependencies = obj[NodeLibraryDependenciesPropString].ToObject <IEnumerable <INodeLibraryDependencyInfo> >(serializer);
                nodeLibraryDependencies = new List <PackageDependencyInfo>();

            var info = new WorkspaceInfo(guid.ToString(), name, description, Dynamo.Models.RunType.Automatic);

            // IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary and Category should be set explicitly for custom node workspace
            if (obj["View"] != null && obj["View"]["Dynamo"] != null && obj["View"]["Dynamo"]["IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary"] != null)
                info.IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary = obj["View"]["Dynamo"]["IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary"].Value <bool>();
            if (obj["Category"] != null)
                info.Category = obj["Category"].Value <string>();

            // Build an empty annotations. Annotations are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            // serialize view block first and build the annotations.
            var annotations = new List <AnnotationModel>();

            // Build an empty notes. Notes are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            // serialize view block first and build the notes.
            var notes = new List <NoteModel>();

            #region Restore trace data
            // Trace Data
            Dictionary <Guid, List <CallSite.RawTraceData> > loadedTraceData = new Dictionary <Guid, List <CallSite.RawTraceData> >();
            // Restore trace data if bindings are present in json
            if (obj["Bindings"] != null && obj["Bindings"].Children().Count() > 0)
                JEnumerable <JToken> bindings = obj["Bindings"].Children();

                // Iterate through bindings to extract nodeID's and bindingData (callsiteId & traceData)
                foreach (JToken entity in bindings)
                    Guid   nodeId        = Guid.Parse(entity["NodeId"].ToString());
                    string bindingString = entity["Binding"].ToString();

                    // Key(callsiteId) : Value(traceData)
                    Dictionary <string, string>  bindingData       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(bindingString);
                    List <CallSite.RawTraceData> callsiteTraceData = new List <CallSite.RawTraceData>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in bindingData)
                        callsiteTraceData.Add(new CallSite.RawTraceData(pair.Key, pair.Value));

                    loadedTraceData.Add(nodeId, callsiteTraceData);

            WorkspaceModel ws;
            if (isCustomNode)
                ws = new CustomNodeWorkspaceModel(factory, nodes, notes, annotations,
                                                  Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver, info);
                ws = new HomeWorkspaceModel(guid, engine, scheduler, factory,
                                            loadedTraceData, nodes, notes, annotations,
                                            Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver,
                                            info, verboseLogging, isTestMode);

            ws.NodeLibraryDependencies = nodeLibraryDependencies.ToList();

コード例 #3
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var obj = JObject.Load(reader);

            var isCustomNode = obj["IsCustomNode"].Value <bool>();
            var description  = obj["Description"].Value <string>();
            var guidStr      = obj["Uuid"].Value <string>();
            var guid         = Guid.Parse(guidStr);
            var name         = obj["Name"].Value <string>();

            var elementResolver = obj["ElementResolver"].ToObject <ElementResolver>(serializer);
            var nmc             = (NodeReadConverter)serializer.Converters.First(c => c is NodeReadConverter);

            nmc.ElementResolver = elementResolver;

            // nodes
            var nodes = obj["Nodes"].ToObject <IEnumerable <NodeModel> >(serializer);

            // nodes
            var inputsToken = obj["Inputs"];

            if (inputsToken != null)
                var inputs = inputsToken.ToArray().Select(x => x.ToObject <NodeInputData>()).ToList();
                //using the inputs lets set the correct properties on the nodes.
                foreach (var inputData in inputs)
                    var matchingNode = nodes.Where(x => x.GUID == inputData.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingNode != null)
                        matchingNode.IsSetAsInput = true;

            var outputsToken = obj["Outputs"];

            if (outputsToken != null)
                var outputs = outputsToken.ToArray().Select(x => x.ToObject <NodeOutputData>()).ToList();
                //using the inputs lets set the correct properties on the nodes.
                foreach (var outputData in outputs)
                    var matchingNode = nodes.Where(x => x.GUID == outputData.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (matchingNode != null)
                        matchingNode.IsSetAsOutput = true;

            // notes
            //TODO: Check this when implementing ReadJSON in ViewModel.
            //var notes = obj["Notes"].ToObject<IEnumerable<NoteModel>>(serializer);
            //if (notes.Any())
            //    foreach(var n in notes)
            //    {
            //        serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, n.GUID.ToString(), n);
            //    }

            // connectors
            // Although connectors are not used in the construction of the workspace
            // we need to deserialize this collection, so that they connect to their
            // relevant ports.
            var connectors = obj["Connectors"].ToObject <IEnumerable <ConnectorModel> >(serializer);

            var info = new WorkspaceInfo(guid.ToString(), name, description, Dynamo.Models.RunType.Automatic);

            //Build an empty annotations. Annotations are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            //serialize view block first and build the annotations.
            var annotations = new List <AnnotationModel>();

            //Build an empty notes. Notes are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            //serialize view block first and build the notes.
            var notes = new List <NoteModel>();

            // Trace Data
            Dictionary <Guid, List <CallSite.RawTraceData> > loadedTraceData = new Dictionary <Guid, List <CallSite.RawTraceData> >();

            // Restore trace data if bindings are present in json
            if (obj["Bindings"] != null && obj["Bindings"].Children().Count() > 0)
                JEnumerable <JToken> bindings = obj["Bindings"].Children();

                // Iterate through bindings to extract nodeID's and bindingData (callsiteId & traceData)
                foreach (JToken entity in bindings)
                    Guid   nodeId        = Guid.Parse(entity["NodeId"].ToString());
                    string bindingString = entity["Binding"].ToString();

                    // Key(callsiteId) : Value(traceData)
                    Dictionary <string, string>  bindingData       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(bindingString);
                    List <CallSite.RawTraceData> callsiteTraceData = new List <CallSite.RawTraceData>();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in bindingData)
                        callsiteTraceData.Add(new CallSite.RawTraceData(pair.Key, pair.Value));

                    loadedTraceData.Add(nodeId, callsiteTraceData);

            WorkspaceModel ws;

            if (isCustomNode)
                ws = new CustomNodeWorkspaceModel(factory, nodes, notes, annotations,
                                                  Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver, info);
                ws = new HomeWorkspaceModel(guid, engine, scheduler, factory,
                                            loadedTraceData, nodes, notes, annotations,
                                            Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver,
                                            info, verboseLogging, isTestMode);

コード例 #4
ファイル: PublishModel.cs プロジェクト: nmeek/Dynamo
 private WorkspaceDependencies(HomeWorkspaceModel homeWorkspace, IEnumerable<ICustomNodeWorkspaceModel> customNodeWorkspaces)
     this.HomeWorkspace = homeWorkspace;
     this.CustomNodeWorkspaces = customNodeWorkspaces.OfType<CustomNodeWorkspaceModel>();
コード例 #5
ファイル: PublishModel.cs プロジェクト: nmeek/Dynamo
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends workspace and its' dependencies to Flood.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>String which is response from server.</returns>
        private IReachHttpResponse Send(HomeWorkspaceModel workspace, WorkspaceProperties workspaceProperties = null)
            if (reachClient == null)
                reachClient = new WorkspaceStorageClient(authenticationProvider, serverUrl);

            var dependencies = WorkspaceDependencies.Collect(workspace, customNodeManager);

            InvalidNodeNames = null;

            return reachClient.Send(
コード例 #6
ファイル: PublishModel.cs プロジェクト: nmeek/Dynamo
        internal async void SendAsync(HomeWorkspaceModel workspace, WorkspaceProperties workspaceProperties = null)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverUrl))
                Error = UploadErrorType.ServerNotFound;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authenticationProvider.Username))
                Error = UploadErrorType.AuthenticationFailed;

            if (workspace.Nodes.Count() == 0)
                Error = UploadErrorType.EmptyWorkspace;

            if (authenticationProvider == null)
                Error = UploadErrorType.AuthProviderNotFound;

            State = UploadState.Uploading;

            IReachHttpResponse result;

                result = await Task.Run(() => this.Send(workspace, workspaceProperties));
            catch (InvalidNodesException ex)
                InvalidNodeNames = ex.InvalidNodeNames;
                Error = UploadErrorType.InvalidNodes;

            if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) {
                Error = UploadErrorType.Unauthorized;

            var serverResponce = serverResponceRegex.Match(result.Content);

            if (serverResponce.Success)
                State = UploadState.Succeeded;
                Error = UploadErrorType.None;
                CustomizerURL = String.Concat(serverUrl, serverResponce.Value);
                // If there wasn't any error during uploading, 
                // that means it's some error on the server side.
                Error = UploadErrorType.UnknownServerError;
コード例 #7
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var obj = JObject.Load(reader);

            var isCustomNode = obj["IsCustomNode"].Value <bool>();
            var description  = obj["Description"].Value <string>();
            var guidStr      = obj["Uuid"].Value <string>();
            var guid         = Guid.Parse(guidStr);
            var name         = obj["Name"].Value <string>();

            var elementResolver = obj["ElementResolver"].ToObject <ElementResolver>(serializer);
            var nmc             = (NodeReadConverter)serializer.Converters.First(c => c is NodeReadConverter);

            nmc.ElementResolver = elementResolver;

            // nodes
            var nodes = obj["Nodes"].ToObject <IEnumerable <NodeModel> >(serializer);

            // notes
            //TODO: Check this when implementing ReadJSON in ViewModel.
            //var notes = obj["Notes"].ToObject<IEnumerable<NoteModel>>(serializer);
            //if (notes.Any())
            //    foreach(var n in notes)
            //    {
            //        serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, n.GUID.ToString(), n);
            //    }

            // connectors
            // Although connectors are not used in the construction of the workspace
            // we need to deserialize this collection, so that they connect to their
            // relevant ports.
            var connectors = obj["Connectors"].ToObject <IEnumerable <ConnectorModel> >(serializer);

            var info = new WorkspaceInfo(guid.ToString(), name, description, Dynamo.Models.RunType.Automatic);

            //Build an empty annotations. Annotations are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            //serialize view block first and build the annotations.
            var annotations = new List <AnnotationModel>();

            //Build an empty notes. Notes are defined in the view block. If the file has View block
            //serialize view block first and build the notes.
            var notes = new List <NoteModel>();

            WorkspaceModel ws;

            if (isCustomNode)
                ws = new CustomNodeWorkspaceModel(factory, nodes, notes, annotations,
                                                  Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver, info);
                ws = new HomeWorkspaceModel(guid, engine, scheduler, factory,
                                            Enumerable.Empty <KeyValuePair <Guid, List <CallSite.RawTraceData> > >(), nodes, notes, annotations,
                                            Enumerable.Empty <PresetModel>(), elementResolver,
                                            info, verboseLogging, isTestMode);

コード例 #8
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var obj = JObject.Load(reader);

            var isCustomNode = obj["IsCustomNode"].Value<bool>();
            var lastModifiedStr = obj["LastModified"].Value<string>();
            var lastModified = DateTime.ParseExact(lastModifiedStr,"yyyy-MM-dd",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            var author = obj["LastModifiedBy"].Value<string>();
            var description = obj["Description"].Value<string>();
            var guidStr = obj["Uuid"].Value<string>();
            var guid = Guid.Parse(guidStr);
            var name = obj["Name"].Value<string>();

            var elementResolver = obj["ElementResolver"].ToObject<ElementResolver>(serializer);
            var nmc = (NodeModelConverter)serializer.Converters.First(c => c is NodeModelConverter);
            nmc.ElementResolver = elementResolver;

            // nodes
            var nodes = obj["Nodes"].ToObject<IEnumerable<NodeModel>>(serializer);
            // notes
            var notes = obj["Notes"].ToObject<IEnumerable<NoteModel>>(serializer);
            if (notes.Any())
                foreach(var n in notes)
                    serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, n.GUID.ToString(), n);

            // connectors
            // Although connectors are not used in the construction of the workspace
            // we need to deserialize this collection, so that they connect to their
            // relevant ports.
            var connectors = obj["Connectors"].ToObject<IEnumerable<ConnectorModel>>(serializer);

            // annotations
            var annotations = obj["Annotations"].ToObject<IEnumerable<AnnotationModel>>(serializer);

            var info = new WorkspaceInfo(guid.ToString(), name, description, Dynamo.Models.RunType.Automatic);

            WorkspaceModel ws;
            if (isCustomNode)
                ws = new CustomNodeWorkspaceModel(factory, nodes, notes, annotations, 
                    Enumerable.Empty<PresetModel>(), elementResolver, info);
                ws = new HomeWorkspaceModel(guid, engine, scheduler, factory, 
                    Enumerable.Empty<KeyValuePair<Guid, List<CallSite.RawTraceData>>>(), nodes, notes, annotations, 
                    Enumerable.Empty<PresetModel>(), elementResolver, 
                    info, verboseLogging, isTestMode);

            return ws;