コード例 #1
 public Solution(Solution c)
     chrom = new int[10];
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         chrom[i] = c.chrom[i];
     obj = new double[10];
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         obj[i] = c.obj[i];
コード例 #2
        void update_grid(Solution s)
            // recalculate ranges for grid in the light of a new solution s
            //static int change = 0;
            int change = 0;
            int a, b;
            int square;
            double[] offset = new double[10];//MAX_OBJ
            double[] largest = new double[10];
            double sse;
            double product;

            for (a = 0; a < objectives; a++)
                offset[a] = LARGE;
                largest[a] = -LARGE;

            for (b = 0; b < objectives; b++)
                for (a = 0; a < arclength; a++)
                    if (arc[a].obj[b] < offset[b])
                        offset[b] = arc[a].obj[b];
                    if (arc[a].obj[b] > largest[b])
                        largest[b] = arc[a].obj[b];

            for (b = 0; b < objectives; b++)
                if (s.obj[b] < offset[b])
                    offset[b] = s.obj[b];
                if (s.obj[b] > largest[b])
                    largest[b] = s.obj[b];

            sse = 0;
            product = 1;

            for (a = 0; a < objectives; a++)

                sse += ((gl_offset[a] - offset[a]) * (gl_offset[a] - offset[a]));
                sse += ((gl_largest[a] - largest[a]) * (gl_largest[a] - largest[a]));
                product *= gl_range[a];

            if (sse > (0.1 * product * product))	//if the summed squared error (difference) between old and new
            //minima and maxima in each of the objectives
            {                                   //is bigger than 10 percent of the square of the size of the space
                change++;                         // then renormalise the space and recalculte grid locations

                for (a = 0; a < objectives; a++)
                    gl_largest[a] = largest[a] + 0.2 * largest[a];
                    gl_offset[a] = offset[a] + 0.2 * offset[a];
                    gl_range[a] = gl_largest[a] - gl_offset[a];

                //for (a = 0; a < Math.Pow(2, (objectives * depth)); a++)
                for (a = 0; a < Math.Pow((objectives * depth),4); a++)
                    grid_pop[a] = 0;

                for (a = 0; a < arclength; a++)
                    square = find_loc(arc[a].obj);
                    //(&arc[a])->grid_loc = square;
                    arc[a].grid_loc = square;

            square = find_loc(s.obj);
            s.grid_loc = square;
            //grid_pop[(int)Math.Pow(2, (objectives * depth))] = -5;
            grid_pop[(int)Math.Pow((objectives * depth),4)] = -5;
コード例 #3
        // apply mutation to chromosome s using per-gene mutation probability pm.
        void mutate(Solution s)
            int i;
            int var;

            for (i = 0; i < genes; i++)
                if ((r.Next() / (Int32.MaxValue + 1.0)) < pm) // mutate gene ?
                    var = 1 + (int)((alleles - 1) * (r.Next() / (Int32.MaxValue + 1.0)));  // generate var between 1 and alleles-2
                    s.chrom[i] = (s.chrom[i] + var) % alleles;  // add var to allele value of current gene and mod.
コード例 #4
        void init()
            int i;
            int val;

            c = new Solution();
            m = new Solution();
            arc = new List<Solution>(50);

            // initialise c with a uniform distribution of values from 0 to alleles-1
            for (i = 0; i < genes; i++)
                val = (int)(alleles * (r.Next() / (Int32.MaxValue + 1.0)));
                c.chrom[i] = val;
コード例 #5
        public PAES(NonCoopEquilForm form1, int g, double max, String eq, int nr, String PM, List<string> paramet)
            game = g;
            arclength = 0;
            equil = eq;
            co = 0;
            form = form1;
            r = new Random();
            int i;
            int result;
            parameters = paramet;
            depth = 3; //?? kellene novelni nagy szamok eseten..
            objectives = nr;
            genes = nr;
            alleles = (int)max;
            archive = 50;
            iterations = 1000; //? 10000
            pm = Convert.ToDouble(PM);

            // begin (1+1)-PAES


            // begin main loop
            for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                m = new Solution(c);   // copy the current solution

                mutate(m);  // and mutate using the per-bit mutation rate specified by the command param pm

                if (equil.Equals("Pareto"))
                    result = compare_max_Pareto(c.obj, m.obj, objectives);
                    result = compare_max_Nash(c.obj, m.obj, objectives);

                if (result != 1)  // if mutant is not dominated by current (else discard it)

                    if (result == -1)  // if mutant dominates current
                        update_grid(m);           //calculate grid location of mutant solution and renormalize archive if necessary
                        archive_soln(m);          //update the archive by removing all dominated individuals

                        c = new Solution(m);      // replace c with m
                    else if (result == 0)  // if mutant and current are nondominated wrt each other
                        result = compare_to_archive(m);
                        if (result != -1)  // if mutant is not dominated by archive (else discard it)
                            if ((grid_pop[m.grid_loc] <= grid_pop[c.grid_loc]) || (result == 1)) // if mutant dominates the archive or
                            {                                                               // is in less crowded grid loc than c
                                c = new Solution(m); // then replace c with m
                if (arclength >= 50)
            Console.WriteLine("arclenth= " + arclength + "  Archive:");
            for (i = 0; i < arclength; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < objectives; j++)
                    System.Console.Write(arc[i].obj[j].ToString() + ' ');
            if (game == 2)
                form.lConclusion.Text = "Number of cooperators: " + co.ToString();
コード例 #6
 void evaluate(Solution s)
     Payoffs p = new Payoffs();
     if (game == 1)
         for (int i = 0; i < objectives; i++)
             s.obj[i] = p.Cournot_payoff(s.chrom[i], s.chrom, parameters);
         if (game == 2)
         {                                      // nr.player   0 1     invest., mult.fact
             for (int i = 0; i < objectives; i++)
                 s.obj[i] = p.Public_good_payoff(s.chrom[i], objectives, s.chrom, parameters);;
             co = p.getCoop();
コード例 #7
        // compares a solution to every member of the archive. Returns -1 if dominated by
        // // // // // //
        int compare_to_archive(Solution s)
            // any member, 1 if dominates any member, and 0 otherwise
            int i = 0;
            int result = 0;

            while ((i < arclength) && (result != 1) && (result != -1))
                if (equil.Equals("Pareto"))
                    result = compare_max_Pareto(m.obj, arc[i].obj, objectives);
                    result = compare_max_Nash(m.obj, arc[i].obj, objectives);
            return (result);
コード例 #8
        void archive_soln(Solution s)
            // given a solution s, add it to the archive if
            // a) the archive is empty
            // b) the archive is not full and s is not dominated or equal to anything currently in the archive
            // c) s dominates anything in the archive
            // d) the archive is full but s is nondominated and is in a no more crowded square than at least one solution
            // in addition, maintain the archive such that all solutions are nondominated.

            int i;
            int repl = 0;
            bool yes = false;
            int most;
            int result;
            int join = 0;
            int old_arclength;
            int set = 0;

            int[] tag = new int[200];//MAX_ARC
            List<Solution> tmp = new List<Solution>(50);

            for (i = 0; i < archive; i++)
                tag[i] = 0;

            if (arclength == 0)

            i = 0;
            result = 0;
            while ((i < arclength) && (result != -1))
                result = equal(s.obj, arc[i].obj, objectives);
                if (result == 1)
                if (equil.Equals("Pareto"))
                    result = compare_max_Pareto(s.obj, arc[i].obj, objectives);
                    result = compare_max_Nash(s.obj, arc[i].obj, objectives);

                if ((result == 1) && (join == 0))
                    arc[i] = s;
                    join = 1;
                else if (result == 1)
                    tag[i] = 1;
                    set = 1;

            old_arclength = arclength;
            if (set == 1)
                for (i = 0; i < arclength; i++)
                arclength = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < old_arclength; i++)
                    if (tag[i] != 1)
                        arc[arclength] = tmp[i];

            if ((join == 0) && (result == 0))  // ie solution is non-dominated by the list
                if (arclength == archive)
                    most = grid_pop[s.grid_loc];
                    for (i = 0; i < arclength; i++)
                        if (grid_pop[arc[i].grid_loc] > most)
                            most = grid_pop[arc[i].grid_loc];
                            repl = i;
                            yes = true;
                    if (yes)
                        arc[repl] = s;
コード例 #9
 void add_to_archive(Solution s)