public Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject> GetAllItems(ItemType type) { MySqlCommand command = null; MySqlDataReader reader = null; Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject> itemList = new Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject>(); ShopObject item = null; try { if (!CreateConnection(ref Connection)) { return(itemList); } command = Connection.CreateCommand(); if (type == ItemType.Item) { command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.SELECT).Column("ItemID").Column("BuyCost").Column("SellMultiplier").Column("MinBuyPrice").Column("ChangeRate").Column("MaxBuyPrice").Column("RestrictBuySell").Table(TableItems).Build(); } else { command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.SELECT).Column("ItemID").Column("BuyCost").Column("SellMultiplier").Column("RestrictBuySell").Table(TableVehicles).Build(); } reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.HasRows) { return(itemList); } while (reader.Read()) { if (type == ItemType.Item) { item = ShopObjectBuild(ItemType.Item, reader); itemList.Add(item.ItemID, item); } else { item = ShopObjectBuild(ItemType.Vehicle, reader); itemList.Add(item.ItemID, item); } } reader.Dispose(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { HandleException(ex); } finally { if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); } if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); } Connection.Close(); } return(itemList); }
public bool AddItem(ItemType type, ShopObject shopObject) { if (type == ItemType.Item) { ShopItem item = shopObject as ShopItem; if (Items.ContainsKey(item.ItemID)) { Items[item.ItemID] = item; return(true); } else { Items.Add(item.ItemID, item); return(true); } } else { ShopVehicle vehicle = shopObject as ShopVehicle; if (Vehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.ItemID)) { Vehicles[vehicle.ItemID] = vehicle; return(true); } else { Vehicles.Add(vehicle.ItemID, vehicle); return(true); } } }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { ItemType type = ItemType.Item; if (command.Length >= 1) { type = command[0].ToLower() == "v" ? ItemType.Vehicle : ItemType.Item; } if (command.Length == (type == ItemType.Item ? 0 : 1) || command.Length > (type == ItemType.Item ? 1 : 2)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("cost_help3")); return; } if (!DShop.Instance.Database.IsLoaded) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("db_load_error")); return; } if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 0, out ushort itemID)) { return; } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } ShopObject shopObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (shopObject.ItemID != itemID) { Asset asset = itemID.AssetFromID(type); if (type == ItemType.Item) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName != null) ? ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName : string.Empty, itemID)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName != null) ? ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName : string.Empty, itemID)); } return; } UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate(type == ItemType.Item ? "costs_item2" : "costs_vehicle2", shopObject.ItemName, shopObject.ItemID, Math.Round(shopObject.BuyCost, 2), Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MoneyName, Math.Round(decimal.Multiply(shopObject.BuyCost, shopObject.SellMultiplier), 2), Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MoneyName, Enum.GetName(typeof(RestrictBuySell), shopObject.RestrictBuySell))); }
public ShopObject GetItem(ItemType type, ushort itemID) { ShopObject shopObject = new ShopObject(); MySqlDataReader reader = null; MySqlCommand command = null; try { if (!CreateConnection(ref Connection)) { return(shopObject); } command = Connection.CreateCommand(); if (type == ItemType.Item) { command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.SELECT).Column("ItemID").Column("BuyCost").Column("SellMultiplier").Column("MinBuyPrice").Column("ChangeRate").Column("MaxBuyPrice").Column("RestrictBuySell").Where("ItemID", itemID).Table(TableItems).Build(); } else { command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.SELECT).Column("itemID").Column("BuyCost").Column("SellMultiplier").Column("RestrictBuySell").Table(TableVehicles).Where("ItemID", itemID).Build(); } reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { shopObject = ShopObjectBuild(type, reader); } } catch (MySqlException ex) { HandleException(ex); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); } if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); } Connection.Close(); } // Returns either ShopItem or ShopVehicle based type if id is found(with conversion), ShopObject, if it's not found. return(shopObject); }
public bool AddItem(ItemType type, ShopObject shopObject) { MySqlCommand command = null; bool result = false; try { if (!CreateConnection(ref Connection)) { return(result); } command = Connection.CreateCommand(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@itemName", shopObject.ItemName); if (type == ItemType.Item) { ShopItem item = shopObject as ShopItem; command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.INSERT).Table(TableItems).Column("ItemID", item.ItemID).Column("BuyCost", item.BuyCost).Column("SellMultiplier", item.SellMultiplier).Column("MinBuyPrice", item.MinBuyPrice). Column("ChangeRate", item.Change).Column("MaxBuyPrice", item.MaxBuyPrice).Column("RestrictBuySell", (byte)item.RestrictBuySell).Column("ItemName", "@itemName").DuplicateInsertUpdate().Build(); } else { ShopVehicle vehicle = shopObject as ShopVehicle; command.CommandText = new QueryBuilder(QueryBuilderType.INSERT).Table(TableVehicles).Column("ItemID", vehicle.ItemID).Column("BuyCost", vehicle.BuyCost).Column("SellMultiplier", vehicle.SellMultiplier). Column("RestrictBuySell", (byte)vehicle.RestrictBuySell).Column("ItemName", "@itemName").DuplicateInsertUpdate().Build(); } command.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = true; } catch (MySqlException ex) { HandleException(ex); } finally { if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); } Connection.Close(); } return(result); }
public ShopObject GetItem(ItemType type, ushort itemID) { ShopObject shopObject = new ShopObject(); if (type == ItemType.Item) { if (Items.ContainsKey(itemID)) { shopObject = Items[itemID]; } } else { if (Vehicles.ContainsKey(itemID)) { shopObject = Vehicles[itemID]; } } // Return ShopObject if an id isn't found, Returns the right type of class otherwise(after conversion). return(shopObject); }
private void ProccessAttatchment(ushort itemID, byte amount, byte health, ref Dictionary <ushort, ShopObject> attatchments, ref decimal totalAttatchmentCost, ref decimal totalCost, UnturnedPlayer player) { ShopObject sObject = null; Asset iAsset = Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, itemID); Item item = null; if (iAsset != null) { if (attatchments.ContainsKey(itemID)) { sObject = attatchments[itemID]; } else { sObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(ItemType.Item, itemID); attatchments.Add(itemID, sObject); } if (sObject.ItemID == itemID) { item = new Item(itemID, amount, health); ShopItem tmp = sObject as ShopItem; totalAttatchmentCost = decimal.Add(totalAttatchmentCost, tmp.CalcSellCost(iAsset, item)); totalCost = decimal.Add(totalCost, tmp.CalcSellCost(iAsset, item)); if (decimal.Subtract(sObject.BuyCost, tmp.Change) > tmp.MinBuyPrice && !DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.RunInStaticPrices) { sObject.BuyCost = decimal.Subtract(sObject.BuyCost, tmp.Change); } } else { // give the attachment to the player as it's not in the shop db. item = new Item(itemID, EItemOrigin.CRAFT, health); item.amount = amount; player.Inventory.forceAddItem(item, true); } } }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { { ItemType type = ItemType.Item; RaycastInfo raycastInfo = null; InteractableVehicle vehicle = null; if (command.Length >= 1) { type = command[0].ToLower() == "v" ? ItemType.Vehicle : ItemType.Item; } if (command.Length == 0 || command.Length > (type == ItemType.Item ? 2 : 1)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("sell_help4")); return; } if (!DShop.Instance.Database.IsLoaded) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("db_load_error")); return; } ushort itemID = 0; ushort count = 1; if (command.Length == 2 && type == ItemType.Item) { if (!ushort.TryParse(command[1], out count)) { if (command[1].ToLower() == "all" || command[1].ToLower() == "a") { count = ushort.MaxValue; } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_amount")); return; } } if (count == 0) { count = 1; } } UnturnedPlayer player = caller as UnturnedPlayer; if (!ushort.TryParse(command[0], out itemID)) { if (type == ItemType.Item && command[0].ToLower() == "h") { itemID =; if (itemID == 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("no_item_held")); return; } } else if (type == ItemType.Item) { itemID = command[0].AssetIDFromName(type); } else if (type == ItemType.Vehicle) { // Try to grab the vehicle that the player is looking at. raycastInfo = DShop.RaycastInfoVehicle(player, 10); if (raycastInfo.vehicle == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_to_far2")); return; } else { itemID =; vehicle = raycastInfo.vehicle; // Run checks before accepting this vehicle to run through ShopVehicle.sell. if (vehicle.isDead) { // Don't allow a destroyed vehicle to be sold. UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_dead")); return; } if (!vehicle.isLocked) { // Vehicle isn't locked to any player. UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_unlocked2")); return; } if (vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner != player.CSteamID) { // This vehicle isn't locked to this player. UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_locked_mismatch")); return; } if (!vehicle.isEmpty) { // The vehicle still has players in it, don't sell. UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_has_player2")); return; } } } } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } ShopObject sObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (sObject.ItemID != itemID) { Asset asset = itemID.AssetFromID(type); if (type == ItemType.Item) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName != null) ? ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName : string.Empty, itemID)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName != null) ? ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName : string.Empty, itemID)); } return; } decimal balance = Uconomy.Instance.Database.GetBalance(caller.Id); decimal newCost = sObject.BuyCost; decimal totalCost = 0; short actualCount = 0; decimal totalAttatchmentCost = 0; string moneyName = Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MoneyName; if (type == ItemType.Item) { ShopItem sItem = sObject as ShopItem; if (sItem.Sell(balance, player, count, out newCost, out totalCost, out actualCount, out totalAttatchmentCost)) { if (totalAttatchmentCost > 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("sold_items_complete_w_attatchments", actualCount, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(totalAttatchmentCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance + totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("sold_items_complete", actualCount, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance + totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } } else { if (actualCount == 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("no_items_sell", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount == -1) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_buy_only", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount < count) { if (totalAttatchmentCost > 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("sold_items_partial_w_attatchments", actualCount, count, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(totalAttatchmentCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance + totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("sold_items_partial", actualCount, count, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance + totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } } } } else { ShopVehicle sVehicle = sObject as ShopVehicle; // placeholder code until the vehicle buy/sell tracking update. if (!DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CanSellVehicles) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_not_allowed")); return; } if (sVehicle.Sell(balance, player, raycastInfo, out totalCost, out actualCount)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sold2", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance + totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } else { if (actualCount == -1) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_buy_only2")); return; } if (actualCount == -2) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicel_sell_no_own2")); return; } } } if (totalCost > 0) { Uconomy.Instance.Database.IncreaseBalance(caller.Id, (Math.Round(totalCost, 2))); } } }
// logging for buys. private void Instance_OnShopBuy(decimal curBallance, UnturnedPlayer player, ushort numItems, ShopObject sObject, ItemType type, decimal newCost, decimal totalCost, short totalItems) { Logger.Log(string.Format("Player {0} [{1}] ({2}) at location: {3}, has bought {4} items, with type: {5}, with id: {6}({7}), for {8} credits. Players balance is now {9} credits.", player.CharacterName, player.SteamName, player.CSteamID, player.IsInVehicle ? player.CurrentVehicle.transform.position.ToString() : player.Position.ToString(), totalItems, type.ToString(), sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 4), Math.Round(curBallance, 2))); }
internal void _OnShopSell(decimal curBallance, UnturnedPlayer player, ushort numItems, ShopObject sObject, ItemType type, decimal newCost, decimal totalCost, short totalItems, decimal totalAttatchmentCost) { OnShopSell?.Invoke(curBallance, player, numItems, sObject, type, newCost, totalCost, totalItems, totalAttatchmentCost); }
internal void _OnShopBuy(decimal curBallance, UnturnedPlayer player, ushort numItems, ShopObject sObject, ItemType type, decimal newCost, decimal totalCost, short totalItems) { OnShopBuy?.Invoke(curBallance, player, numItems, sObject, type, newCost, totalCost, totalItems); }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { ItemType type = ItemType.Item; if (command.Length >= 1) { type = command[0].ToLower() == "v" ? ItemType.Vehicle : ItemType.Item; } if (command.Length == (type == ItemType.Item ? 0 : 1) || command.Length > 2) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("buy_help3")); return; } if (!DShop.Instance.Database.IsLoaded) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("db_load_error")); return; } ushort count = 1; if (command.Length == 2 && type == ItemType.Item) { if (!ushort.TryParse(command[1], out count)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_amount")); return; } if (count > DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MaxBuyCount) { count = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MaxBuyCount; } if (count == 0) { count = 1; } } UnturnedPlayer player = caller as UnturnedPlayer; if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 0, out ushort itemID)) { return; } ShopObject sObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (sObject.ItemID != itemID) { Asset asset = itemID.AssetFromID(type); if (type == ItemType.Item) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName != null) ? ((ItemAsset)asset).itemName : string.Empty, itemID)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_db", (asset != null && ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName != null) ? ((VehicleAsset)asset).vehicleName : string.Empty, itemID)); } return; } decimal balance = Uconomy.Instance.Database.GetBalance(caller.Id); decimal newCost = sObject.BuyCost; decimal totalCost = 0; short actualCount = 0; string moneyName = Uconomy.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MoneyName; if (type == ItemType.Item) { ShopItem sItem = sObject as ShopItem; if (sItem.Buy(balance, player, count, out newCost, out totalCost, out actualCount)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bought_item_complete", actualCount, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance - totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } else { if (actualCount == 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("not_enough_to_buy", moneyName, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount == -2) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bought_item_error", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount == -3) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_sell_only", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount < count) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bought_item_partial", actualCount, count, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance - totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } } } else { ShopVehicle sVehicle = sObject as ShopVehicle; if (sVehicle.Buy(balance, player, out totalCost, out actualCount)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bought_vehicle", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID, Math.Round(totalCost, 2), moneyName, Math.Round(balance - totalCost, 2), moneyName)); } else { if (actualCount == 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("not_enough_to_buy", moneyName, sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount == -2) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bought_vehicle_error", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } if (actualCount == -3) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("vehicle_sell_only", sObject.ItemName, sObject.ItemID)); return; } } } if (totalCost > 0) { Uconomy.Instance.Database.IncreaseBalance(caller.Id, -(Math.Round(totalCost, 2))); } }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { if (command.Length == 0) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("shop_help")); return; } if (!DShop.Instance.Database.IsLoaded) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("db_load_error")); return; } ItemType type = ItemType.Item; if (command.Length >= 2 && command[1].ToLower() == "v") { type = ItemType.Vehicle; } ShopObject shopObject = null; switch (command[0].ToLower()) { case "convert": { if (command.Length != 2) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("convert_help")); return; } BackendType backend; try { backend = (BackendType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BackendType), command[1], true); UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("converting", backend.ToString())); if (DShop.Instance.Database.ConvertDB(backend)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("conversion_success")); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("conversion_fail")); } } catch (Exception ex) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_db_type", ex.Message)); } break; } case "add": { if (command.Length < (type == ItemType.Item ? 2 : 3) || command.Length > (type == ItemType.Item ? 8 : 6)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("add_help5")); return; } if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 1, out ushort itemID)) { return; } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } shopObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (shopObject.ItemID == itemID) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("duplicate")); } // Parse the vars used in command, if short of variables, or can't parse, defaults would be used for those vars. decimal buyCost = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultBuyCost; if (command.Length >= (type == ItemType.Item ? 3 : 4) && !decimal.TryParse(type == ItemType.Item ? command[2] : command[3], out buyCost)) { buyCost = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultBuyCost; UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_cost")); } decimal sellMultiplier = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultSellMultiplier; if (command.Length >= (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5) && !decimal.TryParse(type == ItemType.Item ? command[3] : command[4], out sellMultiplier)) { decimal fraction = 0; if ((type == ItemType.Item && command[3].IsFraction(out fraction)) || (type == ItemType.Vehicle && command[4].IsFraction(out fraction))) { sellMultiplier = fraction; } else { sellMultiplier = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultSellMultiplier; UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_mult")); } } decimal minBuyPrice = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MinDefaultBuyCost; if (type == ItemType.Item && command.Length >= 5 && !decimal.TryParse(command[4], out minBuyPrice)) { minBuyPrice = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MinDefaultBuyCost; UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_minprice")); } decimal changeRate = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultIncrement; if (type == ItemType.Item && command.Length >= 6 && !decimal.TryParse(command[5], out changeRate)) { changeRate = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultIncrement; UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_changerate")); } decimal maxBuyPrice = 0; if (type == ItemType.Item && command.Length >= 7 && !decimal.TryParse(command[6], out maxBuyPrice)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_maxprice")); } RestrictBuySell restrictBuySell = RestrictBuySell.None; if (command.Length >= (type == ItemType.Item ? 8 : 6)) { try { restrictBuySell = (RestrictBuySell)Enum.Parse(typeof(RestrictBuySell), type == ItemType.Item ? command[7] : command[5], true); } catch { restrictBuySell = RestrictBuySell.None; UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("parse_fail_shoprestrict")); } } // Construct new item to add to the database. shopObject = (type == ItemType.Item ? (ShopObject) new ShopItem(itemID, buyCost, sellMultiplier, minBuyPrice, changeRate, maxBuyPrice, restrictBuySell) : new ShopVehicle(itemID, buyCost, sellMultiplier, restrictBuySell)); if (DShop.Instance.Database.AddItem(type, shopObject)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, FormatItemInfo("format_item_info_p1_addv2", shopObject, type)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_add_fail")); } break; } case "rem": case "remove": { if (command.Length != (type == ItemType.Item ? 2 : 3)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("remove_help3")); return; } if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 1, out ushort itemID)) { return; } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } shopObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (DShop.Instance.Database.DeleteItem(type, itemID)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, FormatItemInfo("format_item_info_p1_deletev2", shopObject, type)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_shop_db")); } break; } case "get": { if (command.Length != (type == ItemType.Item ? 2 : 3)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("get_help3")); return; } if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 1, out ushort itemID)) { return; } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } shopObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (shopObject.ItemID == itemID) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, FormatItemInfo("format_item_info_p1_getv2", shopObject, type)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_shop_db")); } break; } case "upd": case "update": { if (command.Length > (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5) || command.Length < (type == ItemType.Item ? 2 : 4)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("update_help5")); return; } type = ItemType.Item; if (command.Length >= 3 && command[2].ToLower() == "v") { type = ItemType.Vehicle; } if (command.Length == (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5)) { if (!DShop.GetItemID(caller, command, type, 2, out ushort itemID)) { return; } if (itemID.AssetFromID(type) == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("invalid_id")); return; } shopObject = DShop.Instance.Database.GetItem(type, itemID); if (shopObject.ItemID != itemID) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("item_not_in_shop_db")); return; } } switch (command[1].ToLower()) { case "cost": { if (command.Length != (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5)) { goto default; } decimal buyCost = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultBuyCost; if (!decimal.TryParse(type == ItemType.Item ? command[3] : command[4], out buyCost)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_cost")); return; } shopObject.BuyCost = buyCost; goto set; } case "mult": { if (command.Length != (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5)) { goto default; } decimal sellMult = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultSellMultiplier; if (!decimal.TryParse(type == ItemType.Item ? command[3] : command[4], out sellMult)) { decimal fraction = 0; if ((type == ItemType.Item && command[3].IsFraction(out fraction)) || (type == ItemType.Vehicle && command[4].IsFraction(out fraction))) { sellMult = fraction; } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_mult")); return; } } shopObject.SellMultiplier = sellMult; goto set; } case "min": { if (command.Length != 4) { goto default; } decimal minCost = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.MinDefaultBuyCost; if (!decimal.TryParse(command[3], out minCost)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_minprice")); return; } ((ShopItem)shopObject).MinBuyPrice = minCost; goto set; } case "rate": { if (command.Length != 4) { goto default; } decimal rate = DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DefaultIncrement; if (!decimal.TryParse(command[3], out rate)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_chagerate")); return; } ((ShopItem)shopObject).Change = rate; goto set; } case "max": { if (command.Length != 4) { goto default; } decimal maxCost = 0; if (!decimal.TryParse(command[3], out maxCost)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_maxprice")); return; } ((ShopItem)shopObject).MaxBuyPrice = maxCost; goto set; } case "sr": { if (command.Length != (type == ItemType.Item ? 4 : 5)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("update_shoprestrict_help")); return; } RestrictBuySell restrictBuySell = RestrictBuySell.None; try { restrictBuySell = (RestrictBuySell)Enum.Parse(typeof(RestrictBuySell), type == ItemType.Item ? command[3] : command[4], true); } catch { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("bad_shoprestrict")); return; } shopObject.RestrictBuySell = restrictBuySell; goto set; } default: { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("update_help4")); return; } set: { if (DShop.Instance.Database.AddItem(type, shopObject)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, FormatItemInfo("format_item_info_p1_updatev2", shopObject, type)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, DShop.Instance.Translate("update_fail")); } break; } } break; } default: UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Syntax); return; } }
public string FormatItemInfo(string primaryLiteral, ShopObject shopObject, ItemType type) { return(DShop.Instance.Translate(primaryLiteral, shopObject.ItemName, shopObject.ItemID, type.ToString(), shopObject.BuyCost, shopObject.SellMultiplier, Enum.GetName(typeof(RestrictBuySell), shopObject.RestrictBuySell), ((byte)shopObject.RestrictBuySell).ToString(), type == ItemType.Item ? DShop.Instance.Translate("format_item_info_p2v2", ((ShopItem)shopObject).MinBuyPrice, ((ShopItem)shopObject).Change, ((ShopItem)shopObject).MaxBuyPrice) : string.Empty)); }