コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// cos of angle in current point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">prevois point</param>
 /// <param name="c">next point</param>
 /// <returns>cos</returns>
 public double cos_azimut(Point3D b, Point3D c)
     if (b == null)
     if (c == null)
     if (b == c || this.distNoZ(b) == 0 || this.distNoZ(c) == 0)
     return((Sqr(this.distNoZ(b)) + Sqr(this.distNoZ(c)) - Sqr(b.distNoZ(c))) / (2 * this.distNoZ(b) * this.distNoZ(c)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GLONASS.cs プロジェクト: TrurlMcByte/aa_glonass
        /// <summary>
        ///  Рубит маршрут на короткие отрезки и прописывает длины
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path2">original path</param>
        /// <returns>splitted path</returns>
        public List<Point3D> SplitPath(List<Point3D> path2)
            if (path2.Count < 2) return path2;
            Point3D c = path2[0];
            List<Point3D> rpath = new List<Point3D> { c };

            for (var i = 1; i < path2.Count; i++) {
                Point3D n = path2[i];
                if (c.distNoZ(n) < 0.1) continue; // paranoid mode off - skip duplicate
                //Log("@" + c.ToString() + " => " + n.ToString() + " dist=" + c.dist(n));
                double nd = c.distNoZ(n);
                while (nd > dmax) {
                    nd = c.distNoZ(n);
                    double d = Math.Round(nd / dmax, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) - 1;
                    if (d <= n.radius) break;
                    double nx = Math.Round((c.X * d + n.X) / (d + 1), 2);
                    double ny = Math.Round((c.Y * d + n.Y) / (d + 1), 2);
                    c = new Point3D(nx, ny, _core.getZFromHeightMap(nx, ny), "");
                    c.ndist = nd / d;
                    //this.totaldist += c.ndist;
                    //Err("@@" + c + " => " + n + " dist=" + c.distZ(n) + " d=" + d);
                    //Dbg("@" + c);
                c.ndist = c.distNoZ(n);
                //this.totaldist += c.ndist;
                c = n; rpath.Add(c);
            //this.totaldist = path.Sum(x=> x.ndist);
            return rpath;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GLONASS.cs プロジェクト: TrurlMcByte/aa_glonass
 private List<Point3D> GeneratePath(Point3D destination, Point3D startpoint = null, double dist1 = -1, double dist2 = -1)
     if (destination == null) {
         lasterror = GLONASSLastError.DestinationIsEmpty;
         return new List<Point3D> { };
     if (dist1 == -1) dist1 = lazydist / 2;
     if (dist2 == -1) dist2 = lazydist / 2;
     if (startpoint == null) {
         startpoint = this.path.LastOrDefault();
         if (startpoint == null) {
             startpoint = me;
     Dbg("GeneratePath from " + startpoint + " to " + destination + " current path:" + this.path.Count);
     if (startpoint.distNoZ(destination) < (startpoint.radius + destination.radius + 1)) {
         lasterror = GLONASSLastError.DestinationTooClose;
         return new List<Point3D> { };
     if (G.Arcs.Count < 1) {
         lasterror = GLONASSLastError.GraphIsEmpty;
         return new List<Point3D> { };
     //            Point3D c = _core.me;
     //double dist;
     //var startnode = this.G.ClosestNode(startpoint, out dist, true);
     //Dbg("ClosestNode dist=" + dist);
     //if (startnode == null) {
     //    lasterror = GLONASSLastError.GraphIsEmpty;
     //    return new List<Point3D> { };
     //if (dist > this.lazydist) {
     //    lasterror = GLONASSLastError.StartPointTooFar;
     //    return new List<Point3D> { };
     Dbg("destination = " + destination + "  startpoint = " + startpoint + " endpoint = " + destination);
     var newpath = GetArcSplitRoute(startpoint, destination, dist1, dist2, me.radius * 2);
     //Dbg("newpath.Count=" + newpath.Count);
     if (newpath.Count == 1 && startpoint.distZ(newpath[0]) > (dist1 + dist2)) {
         lasterror = GLONASSLastError.DestinationPointTooFar;
         return new List<Point3D> { };
     if (newpath.Count == 1 && startpoint.distZ(newpath[newpath.Count - 1]) < (startpoint.radius + newpath[newpath.Count - 1].radius + 1)) {
         lasterror = GLONASSLastError.DestinationTooClose;
         return new List<Point3D> { };
     //if (newpath.Count == 1) {
     //    return SplitPath(new List<Point3D> { destination });  // direct route
     //Dbg("AS.PathByCoordinates " + AS.PathByCoordinates.Count());
     return SplitPath(newpath);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Point3D.cs プロジェクト: TrurlMcByte/aa_glonass
 /// <summary>
 /// cos of angle in current point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">prevois point</param>
 /// <param name="c">next point</param>
 /// <returns>cos</returns>
 public double cos_azimut(Point3D b, Point3D c)
     if (b == null) return 1;
     if (c == null) return 0;
     if (b == c || this.distNoZ(b) == 0 || this.distNoZ(c) == 0) return 1;
     return ((Sqr(this.distNoZ(b)) + Sqr(this.distNoZ(c)) - Sqr(b.distNoZ(c))) / (2 * this.distNoZ(b) * this.distNoZ(c)));