コード例 #1
        private void OpenTower(List <TowerConstruct> schematics, List <Tower> towers)
            // Open tower according to the index of the button that was pressed
            for (int i = 0; i < m_dropMenu.SelectionButtons.Count; i++)
                if (m_dropMenu.SelectionButtons[i].IsPressed)
                    m_construct       = schematics[i];
                    m_tower           = towers[i];
                    m_openedIndex     = i;
                    m_foundationCount = 1;
                    m_rotorCount      = 0;

                    for (int k = 0; k < towers[i].TowerParts.Count; k++)
                        if (towers[i].TowerParts[k] is BaseRotor)

                    m_controls.RotorIndex       = schematics[i].RotorIndex;
                    m_controls.FoundationsIndex = schematics[i].FoundationsIndex;
コード例 #2
        private void AddPartMechanics(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, int i, int k)
            // If left buttons is pressed, if hoverheight is at part, if there is no stored part,
            // if part is not null and there are still components spaces to spare
            if (input.Mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released &&
                m_hoverHeight == construct.Parts[i].PartHeight &&
                construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].StoredPart == null &&
                m_part != null &&
                construct.Parts.Count < tower.MaxComponents)
                // If (tower part is a rotr and there is no rotor) or (tower part is not a rotor), then add part and give values
                if ((m_towerPart is BaseRotor && m_menu.RotorCount < 1) || !(m_towerPart is BaseRotor))
                    // If tower part is a rotor, then increase rotor count
                    if (m_towerPart is BaseRotor)
                        m_rotorIndex         = m_part.SubIndex;
                        construct.RotorIndex = m_part.SubIndex;

                    // Set part height, position, relative rotation, internal index for rotation and external index for construct
                    m_part.PartHeight    = construct.Parts[i].PartHeight + 1;
                    m_part.Position      = construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].Position;
                    m_part.RelativeRot   = m_part.Rotation - construct.Parts[i].Rotation;
                    m_part.Index         = construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].Index;
                    m_part.ExtendedIndex = construct.Parts.Count;

                    // set tower part offset, relative rotation, internal index for rotation, parent index (to track parent), sub index, type index and external index on the tower
                    m_towerPart.Position         = tower.TowerParts[i].Offsets[k];
                    m_towerPart.RelativeRotation = m_towerPart.Rotation - tower.TowerParts[i].Rotation;
                    m_towerPart.TowerIndex       = construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].Index;
                    m_towerPart.ParentIndex      = tower.TowerParts[i].ExtendedIndex;
                    m_towerPart.SubIndex         = m_part.SubIndex;
                    m_towerPart.TypeIndex        = m_part.TypeIndex;
                    m_towerPart.ExtendedIndex    = tower.TowerParts.Count;

                    // add part to construct and tower part to tower
                    construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].StoredPart = m_part;

                    tower.TowerCost += m_towerPart.PartCost;

                // nullify part and tower part
                m_part      = null;
                m_towerPart = null;
コード例 #3
        private void CreateNewTower(ContentManager content)
            // If new tower button is pressed, make a blank slate
            if (m_newTowerButton.IsPressed)
                m_construct       = new TowerConstruct(content);
                m_tower           = new Tower(content, new Vector2(126, 126));
                m_foundationCount = 0;
                m_rotorCount      = 0;

                m_controls.RotorIndex       = 999;
                m_controls.FoundationsIndex = 999;
コード例 #4
        private void MouseHoverHeight(TowerConstruct construct, Vector2 mousePos)
            m_hoverHeight = 0;

            // Iterates through construct parts and their slots to find the heighest slot containing the mouse
            for (int i = 0; i < construct.Parts.Count; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < construct.Parts[i].Slots.Count; k++)
                    if (construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].DropCircle.Contains(mousePos) && m_hoverHeight < construct.Parts[i].PartHeight)
                        m_hoverHeight = construct.Parts[i].PartHeight;
コード例 #5
 private void UtilityButtonBehaviours(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[0].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 0, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new RangeBoostModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, vecList, 4, 0);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[1].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 1, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new DamageBoostModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, vecList, 4, 1);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[2].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 2, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new RateBoostModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, vecList, 4, 2);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[3].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 3, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new HealthBoostModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, vecList, 4, 3);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[4].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 4, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new HealingModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, 5, vecList, 4, 4);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[5].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 5, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new MotivationModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, 5, vecList, 4, 5);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[4].SelectionButtons[6].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 4, 6, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 7);
         m_towerPart = new TimeDilationModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\UtilitySheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 7, 5, vecList, 4, 6);
コード例 #6
 private void ComponentButtonBehaviours(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[2].SelectionButtons[0].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -12));
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Components\\Component1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 2, 0, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
         m_towerPart = new BasicComponentSingle(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Components\\Component"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 2, 0);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[2].SelectionButtons[1].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -12));
         vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, 12));
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Components\\Component2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 2, 1, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
         m_towerPart = new BasicComponentDouble(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Components\\Component"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 2, 1);
コード例 #7
        public ConstructionMenu(ContentManager content)
            // Create general menu buttons and open menu
            m_backGround = new StaticGraphic(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ConstructionMenu\\Background"), Vector2.Zero, Color.White);

            m_newTowerButton = new NormalButton(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ConstructionMenu\\Buttons\\NewTower"), new Vector2(150, 50), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, content, new ToolTip(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ToolTipBacking"), Game1.debugFont, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Color.Black, Vector2.Zero, "New Tower."), "");

            m_dropMenu = new DropMenu(content, 292, 114, 216, 252, 400, 50, 50, 400, 150, "Art\\GameArt\\ConstructionMenu\\Buttons\\OpenTower");

            m_saveButton = new NormalButton(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ConstructionMenu\\Buttons\\SaveTower"), new Vector2(650, 50), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, content, new ToolTip(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ToolTipBacking"), Game1.debugFont, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Color.Black, Vector2.Zero, "Save Tower."), "");

            m_foundationCount = 0;
            m_rotorCount      = 0;

            // Create the part menus and if necessary adjust the source rectangles
            m_partMenus = new List <DropMenu>();

            // Create foundations menu

            // Create rotors menu

            // Create components/struts menu

            // Create weapons menu

            // Create utilities menu

            // Finally create the back button
            m_backButton = new NormalButton(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\MenuGUI\\MapGenMenu\\GenButton0"), new Vector2(150, 1000), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, content, new ToolTip(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\ToolTipBacking"), Game1.debugFont, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White, Color.Black, Vector2.Zero, "Return to the level."), "");

            // Create tower info and controls class
            m_construct   = new TowerConstruct(content);
            m_tower       = new Tower(content, new Vector2(126, 126));
            m_openedIndex = 0;

            m_controls = new ConstructionControls(this);
コード例 #8
 private void OffenseButtonBehaviours(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[0].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 0, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new NormalCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 0);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[1].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 1, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new HeavyCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 1);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[2].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 2, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new LaserCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 2);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[3].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 3, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new MissileCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 3);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[4].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 4, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new FlameCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 4);
     if (m_menu.PartMenus[3].SelectionButtons[5].IsPressed)
         List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
         m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 3, 5, construct.Parts.Count, 8, 4, 6);
         m_towerPart = new SplashCannonModule(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\WeaponsSheet"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 8, 4, 6, content, vecList, 3, 5);
コード例 #9
        private void PartCreation(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
            #region FOUNDATIONS
            FoundationButtonBehaviours(construct, tower, content);

            #region ROTORS
            RotorButtonBehaviours(input, construct, tower, content);

            #region COMPONENTS
            ComponentButtonBehaviours(input, construct, tower, content);

            #region OFFENSE
            OffenseButtonBehaviours(input, construct, tower, content);

            #region UTILITY
            UtilityButtonBehaviours(input, construct, tower, content);
コード例 #10
 public void DebugControls(SpriteBatch sb, TowerConstruct construct)
     sb.DrawString(Game1.debugFont, "Part Exists: " + (m_part != null) + "\nConstruct Parts: " + construct.Parts.Count + "\nHover Height: " + m_hoverHeight, new Vector2(1000, 700), Color.White);
コード例 #11
        public void CurrentTowerStats(SpriteBatch sb, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, TypingManager typingManager)
            // Display Tower Stats
            tower.TowerCost = 0;
            int[] counts = CountTowerModules(tower);

            string f_id;
            string r_id;

            switch (m_foundationsIndex)
            case 0:
                f_id = "Light";

            case 1:
                f_id = "Medium";

            case 2:
                f_id = "Heavy";

                f_id = "Null";
            switch (m_rotorIndex)
            case 0:
                r_id = "Small Basic";

            case 1:
                r_id = "Small Advanced";

            case 2:
                r_id = "Small Prototype";

            case 3:
                r_id = "Medium Basic";

            case 4:
                r_id = "Medium Advanced";

            case 5:
                r_id = "Medium Prototype";

            case 6:
                r_id = "Large Basic";

            case 7:
                r_id = "Large Advanced";

            case 8:
                r_id = "Large Prototype";

                r_id = "Null";

            sb.DrawString(Game1.gameFontNorm, "Name: " + tower.TowerName, new Vector2(800, 20), m_textColour);

            if (m_isTyping)
                typingManager.DrawTyper(sb, "Name: " + tower.TowerName, Game1.gameFontNorm, new Vector2(800, 30), Game1.gameFontNorm.MeasureString("Name: " + tower.TowerName).Y, false);


            sb.DrawString(Game1.debugFont, "Health: " + tower.Health +
                          "\nCost: " + tower.TowerCost +
                          "\n\n Foundations\n" +
                          "\n     Tower Base: " + f_id +
                          "\n\n Rotors\n" +
                          "\n     Rotor: " + r_id +
                          "\n\nConstruct Parts: " + construct.Parts.Count + " / " + tower.MaxComponents +
                          "\nHover Height: " + m_hoverHeight, new Vector2(1200, 1), Color.White);
コード例 #12
        public void UpdateControls(InputManager input, TypingManager typingManager, List <MessagePopup> popups, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content, Camera cam, GameTime gt)
            // Transform mouse pos to screen coordinates
            Vector2 mousePos = new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y);

            mousePos = Vector2.Transform(mousePos, Matrix.Invert(cam.Transform));

            // Toggle Typing
            // Checks if the typing rectangle contains non transformed mosue coordinates
            TypingLogic(input, typingManager, popups, tower, content);

            // Part creation logic
            PartCreation(input, construct, tower, content);

            // Control selected part
            PartDragControl(input, cam, gt, mousePos);

            // Mouse hover height logic
            MouseHoverHeight(construct, mousePos);

            // Iterate through the construct parts and their part slots
            for (int i = 0; i < construct.Parts.Count; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < construct.Parts[i].Slots.Count; k++)
                    // If the slot contains mouse position
                    if (construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].DropCircle.Contains(mousePos))
                        if (input.Mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && m_hoverHeight >= construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].SlotHeight)
                            //BasePart part = construct.Parts[i].Slots[k].StoredPart;
                            //TowerMasterPart tPart = tower.TowerParts[i].TowerParts[k];


                        // Add tower part to tower and part to construct
                        AddPartMechanics(input, construct, tower, i, k);

            // Is the part dropped in blank space?
コード例 #13
        private void FoundationButtonBehaviours(TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[0].SelectionButtons[0].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 0, 0, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 3);
                m_towerPart = new LightFoundations(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 3, vecList, 0, 0);
                if (construct.Parts[0] != null)
                    construct.Parts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                    tower.TowerDimensions            = 1;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 0;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 0;

                    if (tower.TowerParts.Count > 0 && tower.TowerParts[0] != null)
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 10;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 1;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 0;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 0;
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 10;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 1;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 0;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 0;

                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
                    construct.Parts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                    tower.TowerDimensions            = 1;
                    tower.MaxComponents        = 10;
                    m_menu.FoundationCount     = 1;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 0;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 0;
                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
            else if (m_menu.PartMenus[0].SelectionButtons[1].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 2, 0, content, vecList, 0, 1, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 3);
                m_towerPart = new MediumFoundations(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 2, 4, 4, 3, vecList, 0, 1);

                if (construct.Parts[0] != null)
                    tower.TowerDimensions      = 2;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 1;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 1;

                    if (tower.TowerParts.Count > 0 && tower.TowerParts[0] != null)
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 15;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 2;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 1;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 1;
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 15;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 2;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 1;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 1;

                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
                    tower.TowerDimensions      = 2;
                    tower.MaxComponents        = 15;
                    m_menu.FoundationCount     = 1;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 1;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 1;
                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
            else if (m_menu.PartMenus[0].SelectionButtons[2].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 3, 0, content, vecList, 0, 2, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 3);
                m_towerPart = new HeavyFoundations(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\FoundationsSheet"), new Vector2(126, 126), Color.White, 3, 4, 4, 3, vecList, 0, 2);
                if (construct.Parts[0] != null)
                    tower.TowerDimensions      = 3;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 2;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 2;

                    if (tower.TowerParts.Count > 0 && tower.TowerParts[0] != null)
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 20;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 3;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 2;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 2;
                        tower.TowerCost = m_towerPart.PartCost;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ParentIndex   = 999;
                        tower.TowerParts[0].ExtendedIndex = 0;
                        tower.MaxComponents        = 20;
                        m_menu.FoundationCount     = 3;
                        m_foundationsIndex         = 2;
                        construct.FoundationsIndex = 2;

                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
                    tower.TowerDimensions      = 3;
                    tower.MaxComponents        = 20;
                    m_menu.FoundationCount     = 3;
                    m_foundationsIndex         = 2;
                    construct.FoundationsIndex = 2;
                    m_part      = null;
                    m_towerPart = null;
コード例 #14
        private void RotorButtonBehaviours(InputManager input, TowerConstruct construct, Tower tower, ContentManager content)
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[0].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -5));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 0, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new SmallBasicRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 0);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[1].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-11, 6));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(11, 6));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 1, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new SmallAdvancedRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 1);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[2].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -8));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-11, 6));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(11, 6));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 2, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new SmallPrototypeRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Light\\SmallRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 2);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[3].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -21));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 3, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new MediumBasicRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 3);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[4].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-22, 13));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(22, 13));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 4, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new MediumAdvancedRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 4);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[5].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -21));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-22, 13));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(22, 13));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 5, construct.Parts.Count, 1, 1, 1);
                m_towerPart = new MediumPrototypeRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Medium\\MediumRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 1, 1, 1, vecList, 1, 5);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[6].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(0, -11));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 6, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 1);
                m_towerPart = new HeavyBasicRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor1"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 1, vecList, 1, 6);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[7].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-34, 27));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(34, 27));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 7, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 1);
                m_towerPart = new HeavyAdvancedRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor2"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 1, vecList, 1, 7);
            if (m_menu.PartMenus[1].SelectionButtons[8].IsPressed)
                List <Vector2> vecList = new List <Vector2>();
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-24, -40));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(24, -40));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(-34, 27));
                vecList.Add(new Vector2(34, 27));
                m_part      = new BasePart(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 0, content, vecList, 1, 8, construct.Parts.Count, 4, 4, 1);
                m_towerPart = new HeavyPrototypeRotor(content.Load <Texture2D>("Art\\GameArt\\TowerPartArt\\Rotors\\Heavy\\LargeRotor3"), new Vector2(input.Mouse.X, input.Mouse.Y), Color.White, 1, 4, 4, 1, vecList, 1, 8);

            if (m_towerPart != null)
                m_towerPart.SourceRectY = 2;