GetFunctionMapsAsync() static private method

static private GetFunctionMapsAsync ( ) : Task
return Task
コード例 #1
        // Populates index.html template and serves it
        private static async Task <ContentResult> ReturnIndexHtml(ExecutionContext context, ILogger log, string root, string connAndHubName)
            string indexHtmlPath = Path.Join(root, "index.html");
            string html          = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(indexHtmlPath);

            // Replacing our custom meta tag with customized code from Storage or with default Content Security Policy
            string customMetaTagCode = (await CustomTemplates.GetCustomMetaTagCodeAsync()) ?? DefaultContentSecurityPolicyMeta;

            html = html.Replace("<meta name=\"durable-functions-monitor-meta\">", customMetaTagCode);

            // Calculating routePrefix
            string routePrefix    = GetRoutePrefixFromHostJson(context, log);
            string dfmRoutePrefix = GetDfmRoutePrefixFromFunctionJson(context, log);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dfmRoutePrefix))
                routePrefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(routePrefix) ? dfmRoutePrefix : routePrefix + "/" + dfmRoutePrefix;

            // Applying routePrefix, if it is set to something other than empty string
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(routePrefix))
                html = html.Replace("<script>var DfmRoutePrefix=\"\"</script>", $"<script>var DfmRoutePrefix=\"{routePrefix}\"</script>");
                html = html.Replace("href=\"/", $"href=\"/{routePrefix}/");
                html = html.Replace("src=\"/", $"src=\"/{routePrefix}/");

            // Applying client config, if any
            string clientConfigString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvVariableNames.DFM_CLIENT_CONFIG);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientConfigString))
                dynamic clientConfig = JObject.Parse(clientConfigString);
                html = html.Replace("<script>var DfmClientConfig={}</script>", "<script>var DfmClientConfig=" + clientConfig.ToString() + "</script>");

            // Mentioning whether Function Map is available for this Task Hub.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connAndHubName))
                // Two bugs away. Validating that the incoming Task Hub name looks like a Task Hub name

                Globals.SplitConnNameAndHubName(connAndHubName, out var connName, out var hubName);

                string functionMap = (await CustomTemplates.GetFunctionMapsAsync()).GetFunctionMap(hubName);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionMap))
                    html = html.Replace("<script>var IsFunctionGraphAvailable=0</script>", "<script>var IsFunctionGraphAvailable=1</script>");

            return(new ContentResult()
                Content = html,
                ContentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
コード例 #2
        public static Task <IActionResult> DfmGetFunctionMap(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = Globals.ApiRoutePrefix + "/function-map")] HttpRequest req,
            string connName,
            string hubName,
            ILogger log
            return(req.HandleAuthAndErrors(connName, hubName, log, async() => {
                // The underlying Task never throws, so it's OK.
                var functionMapsMap = await CustomTemplates.GetFunctionMapsAsync();

                var functionMapJson = functionMapsMap.GetFunctionMap(hubName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionMapJson))
                    return new NotFoundObjectResult("No Function Map provided");

                return new ContentResult()
                    Content = functionMapJson,
                    ContentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"