public void RunRepairRemote() { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath)) throw new Exception(string.Format("Database file does not exist: {0}", m_options.Dbpath)); m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress(0); using(var db = new LocalRepairDatabase(m_options.Dbpath)) using(var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db)) { m_result.SetDatabase(db); Utility.VerifyParameters(db, m_options); var tp = FilelistProcessor.RemoteListAnalysis(backend, m_options, db, m_result.BackendWriter); var buffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize]; var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm); var hashsize = blockhasher.HashSize / 8; if (blockhasher == null) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm)); if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform) throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm)); var progress = 0; var targetProgess = tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() + tp.MissingVolumes.Count() + tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count(); if (tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.MissingVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count() > 0) { if (m_options.Dryrun) { if (!tp.BackupPrefixes.Contains(m_options.Prefix) && tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() > 0) { if (tp.BackupPrefixes.Length == 1) throw new Exception(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefix {1}, did you forget to set the backup-prefix?", m_options.Prefix, tp.BackupPrefixes[0])); else throw new Exception(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefixes {1}, did you forget to set the backup-prefix?", m_options.Prefix, string.Join(", ", tp.BackupPrefixes))); } else if (tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() == 0 && tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("No files were missing, but {0} remote files were, found, did you mean to run recreate-database?", tp.ExtraVolumes.Count())); } } if (tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Any()) { using(var testdb = new LocalTestDatabase(db)) { foreach(var n in tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes) try { if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop) { backend.WaitForComplete(db, null); return; } progress++; m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess); long size; string hash; KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>>> res; using (var tf = backend.GetWithInfo(n.Name, out size, out hash)) res = TestHandler.TestVolumeInternals(testdb, n, tf, m_options, m_result, 1); if (res.Value.Any()) throw new Exception(string.Format("Remote verification failure: {0}", res.Value.First())); if (!m_options.Dryrun) { m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Sucessfully captured hash for {0}, updating database", n.Name)); db.UpdateRemoteVolume(n.Name, RemoteVolumeState.Verified, size, hash); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform verification for file: {0}, please run verify; message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message), ex); if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) throw; } } } // TODO: It is actually possible to use the extra files if we parse them foreach(var n in tp.ExtraVolumes) try { if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop) { backend.WaitForComplete(db, null); return; } progress++; m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess); if (!m_options.Dryrun) { db.RegisterRemoteVolume(n.File.Name, n.FileType, RemoteVolumeState.Deleting); backend.Delete(n.File.Name, n.File.Size); } else m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would delete file {0}", n.File.Name)); } catch (Exception ex) { m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform cleanup for extra file: {0}, message: {1}", n.File.Name, ex.Message), ex); if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) throw; } foreach(var n in tp.MissingVolumes) { IDisposable newEntry = null; try { if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop) { backend.WaitForComplete(db, null); return; } progress++; m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess); if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Files) { var filesetId = db.GetFilesetIdFromRemotename(n.Name); var w = new FilesetVolumeWriter(m_options, DateTime.UtcNow); newEntry = w; w.SetRemoteFilename(n.Name); db.WriteFileset(w, null, filesetId); w.Close(); if (m_options.Dryrun) m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload fileset {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size))); else { db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null); backend.Put(w); } } else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Index) { var w = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options); newEntry = w; w.SetRemoteFilename(n.Name); foreach(var blockvolume in db.GetBlockVolumesFromIndexName(n.Name)) { w.StartVolume(blockvolume.Name); var volumeid = db.GetRemoteVolumeID(blockvolume.Name); foreach(var b in db.GetBlocks(volumeid)) w.AddBlock(b.Hash, b.Size); w.FinishVolume(blockvolume.Hash, blockvolume.Size); if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full) foreach(var b in db.GetBlocklists(volumeid, m_options.Blocksize, hashsize)) w.WriteBlocklist(b.Item1, b.Item2, 0, b.Item3); } w.Close(); if (m_options.Dryrun) m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload index file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size))); else { db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null); backend.Put(w); } } else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks) { var w = new BlockVolumeWriter(m_options); newEntry = w; w.SetRemoteFilename(n.Name); using(var mbl = db.CreateBlockList(n.Name)) { //First we grab all known blocks from local files foreach(var block in mbl.GetSourceFilesWithBlocks(m_options.Blocksize)) { var hash = block.Hash; var size = (int)block.Size; foreach(var source in block.Sources) { var file = source.File; var offset = source.Offset; try { if (System.IO.File.Exists(file)) using(var f = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file)) { f.Position = offset; if (size == Library.Utility.Utility.ForceStreamRead(f, buffer, size)) { var newhash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(buffer, 0, size)); if (newhash == hash) { if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(hash, size)) w.AddBlock(hash, buffer, 0, size, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to access file: {0}", file), ex); } } } //Then we grab all remote volumes that have the missing blocks foreach(var vol in new AsyncDownloader(mbl.GetMissingBlockSources().ToList(), backend)) { try { using(var tmpfile = vol.TempFile) using(var f = new BlockVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(vol.Name), tmpfile, m_options)) foreach(var b in f.Blocks) if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(b.Key, b.Value)) if (f.ReadBlock(b.Key, buffer) == b.Value) w.AddBlock(b.Key, buffer, 0, (int)b.Value, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default); } catch (Exception ex) { m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to access remote file: {0}", vol.Name), ex); } } // If we managed to recover all blocks, NICE! var missingBlocks = mbl.GetMissingBlocks().Count(); if (missingBlocks > 0) { //TODO: How do we handle this situation? m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Repair cannot acquire {0} required blocks for volume {1}, which are required by the following filesets: ", missingBlocks, n.Name)); foreach(var f in mbl.GetFilesetsUsingMissingBlocks()) m_result.AddMessage(f.Name); if (!m_options.Dryrun) { m_result.AddMessage("This may be fixed by deleting the filesets and running repair again"); throw new Exception(string.Format("Repair not possible, missing {0} blocks!!!", missingBlocks)); } } else { if (m_options.Dryrun) m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload block file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size))); else { db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null); backend.Put(w); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (newEntry != null) try { newEntry.Dispose(); } catch { } finally { newEntry = null; } m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform cleanup for missing file: {0}, message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message), ex); if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) throw; } } } else { m_result.AddMessage("Destination and database are synchronized, not making any changes"); } m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress(1); backend.WaitForComplete(db, null); db.WriteResults(); } }
private void UploadSyntheticFilelist() { var incompleteFilesets = m_database.GetIncompleteFilesets(null).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToArray(); if (incompleteFilesets.Length != 0) { m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdatePhase(OperationPhase.Backup_PreviousBackupFinalize); m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Uploading filelist from previous interrupted backup")); using(var trn = m_database.BeginTransaction()) { var incompleteSet = incompleteFilesets.Last(); var badIds = from n in incompleteFilesets select n.Key; var prevs = (from n in m_database.FilesetTimes where n.Key < incompleteSet.Key && !badIds.Contains(n.Key) orderby n.Key select n.Key).ToArray(); var prevId = prevs.Length == 0 ? -1 : prevs.Last(); FilesetVolumeWriter fsw = null; try { var s = 1; var fileTime = incompleteSet.Value + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(s); var oldFilesetID = incompleteSet.Key; // Probe for an unused filename while (s < 60) { var id = m_database.GetRemoteVolumeID(VolumeBase.GenerateFilename(RemoteVolumeType.Files, m_options, null, fileTime)); if (id < 0) break; fileTime = incompleteSet.Value + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(++s); } fsw = new FilesetVolumeWriter(m_options, fileTime); fsw.VolumeID = m_database.RegisterRemoteVolume(fsw.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Files, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, m_transaction); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_options.ControlFiles)) foreach(var p in m_options.ControlFiles.Split(new char[] { System.IO.Path.PathSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) m_filesetvolume.AddControlFile(p, m_options.GetCompressionHintFromFilename(p)); var newFilesetID = m_database.CreateFileset(fsw.VolumeID, fileTime, trn); m_database.LinkFilesetToVolume(newFilesetID, fsw.VolumeID, trn); m_database.AppendFilesFromPreviousSet(trn, null, newFilesetID, prevId, fileTime); m_database.WriteFileset(fsw, trn, newFilesetID); if (m_options.Dryrun) { m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("Would upload fileset: {0}, size: {1}", fsw.RemoteFilename, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new FileInfo(fsw.LocalFilename).Length))); } else { m_database.UpdateRemoteVolume(fsw.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, trn); using(new Logging.Timer("CommitUpdateFilelistVolume")) trn.Commit(); m_backend.Put(fsw); fsw = null; } } finally { if (fsw != null) try { fsw.Dispose(); } catch { fsw = null; } } } } if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy != Options.IndexFileStrategy.None) { var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm); var hashsize = blockhasher.HashSize / 8; foreach(var blockfile in m_database.GetMissingIndexFiles()) { m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Re-creating missing index file for {0}", blockfile)); var w = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options); w.VolumeID = m_database.RegisterRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Index, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, null); var blockvolume = m_database.GetRemoteVolumeFromName(blockfile); w.StartVolume(blockvolume.Name); var volumeid = m_database.GetRemoteVolumeID(blockvolume.Name); foreach(var b in m_database.GetBlocks(volumeid)) w.AddBlock(b.Hash, b.Size); w.FinishVolume(blockvolume.Hash, blockvolume.Size); if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full) foreach(var b in m_database.GetBlocklists(volumeid, m_options.Blocksize, hashsize)) w.WriteBlocklist(b.Item1, b.Item2, 0, b.Item3); w.Close(); m_database.AddIndexBlockLink(w.VolumeID, volumeid, null); if (m_options.Dryrun) m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would upload new index file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", w.RemoteFilename, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(w.Filesize))); else { m_database.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null); m_backend.Put(w); } } } }