public static Task Run(Options options, BackupDatabase database, ITaskReader taskreader) { return(AutomationExtensions.RunTask( new { Input = Channels.StreamBlock.ForRead, ProgressChannel = Channels.ProgressEvents.ForWrite, BlockOutput = Channels.OutputBlocks.ForWrite }, async self => { var blocksize = options.Blocksize; var filehasher = Duplicati.Library.Utility.HashAlgorithmHelper.Create(options.FileHashAlgorithm); var blockhasher = Duplicati.Library.Utility.HashAlgorithmHelper.Create(options.BlockHashAlgorithm); var emptymetadata = Utility.WrapMetadata(new Dictionary <string, string>(), options); var maxmetadatasize = (options.Blocksize / (long)options.BlockhashSize) * options.Blocksize; if (blockhasher == null) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidHashAlgorithm(options.BlockHashAlgorithm), "BlockHashAlgorithmNotSupported"); } if (filehasher == null) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidHashAlgorithm(options.FileHashAlgorithm), "FileHashAlgorithmNotSupported"); } if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidCryptoSystem(options.BlockHashAlgorithm), "BlockHashAlgorithmNotSupported"); } if (!filehasher.CanReuseTransform) { throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidCryptoSystem(options.FileHashAlgorithm), "FileHashAlgorithmNotSupported"); } using (var empty_metadata_stream = new MemoryStream(emptymetadata.Blob)) while (await taskreader.ProgressAsync) { var send_close = false; var filesize = 0L; var filename = string.Empty; var e = await self.Input.ReadAsync(); var cur = e.Result; try { var stream = e.Stream; using (var blocklisthashes = new Library.Utility.FileBackedStringList()) using (var hashcollector = new Library.Utility.FileBackedStringList()) { var blocklistbuffer = new byte[blocksize]; var blocklistoffset = 0L; long fslen = -1; try { fslen = stream.Length; } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log.WriteWarningMessage(FILELOGTAG, "FileLengthFailure", ex, "Failed to read file length for file {0}", e.Path); } if (e.IsMetadata && fslen > maxmetadatasize) { //TODO: To fix this, the "WriteFileset" method in BackupHandler needs to // be updated such that it can select sets even when there are multiple // blocklist hashes for the metadata. // This could be done such that an extra query is made if the metadata // spans multiple blocklist hashes, as it is not expected to be common Logging.Log.WriteWarningMessage(LOGTAG, "TooLargeMetadata", null, "Metadata size is {0}, but the largest accepted size is {1}, recording empty metadata for {2}", fslen, maxmetadatasize, e.Path); empty_metadata_stream.Position = 0; stream = empty_metadata_stream; fslen = stream.Length; } await self.ProgressChannel.WriteAsync(new ProgressEvent() { Filepath = e.Path, Length = fslen, Type = EventType.FileStarted }); send_close = true; filehasher.Initialize(); var lastread = 0; var buf = new byte[blocksize]; var lastupdate = DateTime.Now; // Core processing loop, read blocks of data and hash individually while (((lastread = await stream.ForceStreamReadAsync(buf, blocksize)) != 0)) { // Run file hashing concurrently to squeeze a little extra concurrency out of it var pftask = Task.Run(() => filehasher.TransformBlock(buf, 0, lastread, buf, 0)); var hashdata = blockhasher.ComputeHash(buf, 0, lastread); var hashkey = Convert.ToBase64String(hashdata); // If we have too many hashes, flush the blocklist if (blocklistbuffer.Length - blocklistoffset < hashdata.Length) { var blkey = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blocklistbuffer, 0, (int)blocklistoffset)); blocklisthashes.Add(blkey); await DataBlock.AddBlockToOutputAsync(self.BlockOutput, blkey, blocklistbuffer, 0, blocklistoffset, CompressionHint.Noncompressible, true); blocklistoffset = 0; blocklistbuffer = new byte[blocksize]; } // Store the current hash in the blocklist Array.Copy(hashdata, 0, blocklistbuffer, blocklistoffset, hashdata.Length); blocklistoffset += hashdata.Length; hashcollector.Add(hashkey); filesize += lastread; // Don't spam updates if ((DateTime.Now - lastupdate).TotalSeconds > 10) { await self.ProgressChannel.WriteAsync(new ProgressEvent() { Filepath = e.Path, Length = filesize, Type = EventType.FileProgressUpdate }); lastupdate = DateTime.Now; } // Make sure the filehasher is done with the buf instance before we pass it on await pftask; await DataBlock.AddBlockToOutputAsync(self.BlockOutput, hashkey, buf, 0, lastread, e.Hint, true); buf = new byte[blocksize]; } // If we have more than a single block of data, output the (trailing) blocklist if (hashcollector.Count > 1) { var blkey = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blocklistbuffer, 0, (int)blocklistoffset)); blocklisthashes.Add(blkey); await DataBlock.AddBlockToOutputAsync(self.BlockOutput, blkey, blocklistbuffer, 0, blocklistoffset, CompressionHint.Noncompressible, true); } filehasher.TransformFinalBlock(new byte[0], 0, 0); var filehash = Convert.ToBase64String(filehasher.Hash); var blocksetid = await database.AddBlocksetAsync(filehash, filesize, blocksize, hashcollector, blocklisthashes); cur.SetResult(new StreamProcessResult() { Streamlength = filesize, Streamhash = filehash, Blocksetid = blocksetid }); cur = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (cur != null) { cur.TrySetException(ex); } } catch { } // Rethrow if (ex.IsRetiredException()) { throw; } } finally { if (cur != null) { try { cur.TrySetCanceled(); } catch { } cur = null; } if (send_close) { await self.ProgressChannel.WriteAsync(new ProgressEvent() { Filepath = e.Path, Length = filesize, Type = EventType.FileClosed }); } send_close = false; } } })); }